lailg $0itntaintct FACTS AND FANCIES. ., TnE Omnibus relates the following fitory of a man, who, wilbin the last lew days, means to turn to account the popular apprehension " of .poisoners, wuieh has prevailed tbere since the np pearance of the cholera. The individ ual in question, being exceedingly liungry, and having only a single coin of the value of a sou, laid it out in the purchase ot powdered sugar, and, as lie passed by the stand ot one of those pponiair cooks who make a sort of pancake called frittak, be dropped, ap pttrently by accident, some of the biigarinto the fryingpan. He was in Htuntly seized by the bystanders as a poisoner, caught in the act. Ho do. niod the imputation, and, at last, to prove bis innocence, offered to oat the oontonts of the pan. This proposition was accepted, ond ho accordingly dispatched the pancake with great relish, and thon walked off, well satisfied with the success of his trick. Ma. Blaze. At Neva I am called off shortly af tor my arrival, by an athletic, scarlet-faced man, who polite 1 y says his name is Blazo. "I have a little bill ugainst you, 6ir," he observes. "A bill for what?" . "Drinks?" Yob, sir at my bar. 1 koop the well known and respected coffee house down street." ... ( But my dear sir, there is a mistake. I never drank at your bar in my life." "1 know it sir. That isn't the point. The point is this: 1 pay out my money for good liquors, and it's the poople'Bown fault if they don't drink them. There are the liqnors do as you please about drinking them, lut you must pay for them. Isn't that fair?" His enprmous body (around which Tnck wouldn't put a girdle for $10) hbook gleefully while I road this emi nently original bill. Years ago Mr. Blaze was agent of the California Stage Company. There was a formidable and well organized opposition to the California Stage Company at that time, and Mr. Blaze rendered them such signal service in liis capaoity of agent .hat they were vary sorry when be tendered his res. ignation. "You are some $1,600 behind in your accounts, Mr. Blaze," said tho president, "but in view of your faith' Jul and efficient services, we shall throw off $800 of the amonnt. Mr. Blaze seems touohed by his gen erosity. A teer stood in his eyes and his bosom throbbed audibly. "You will throw off $800 you will?" he cried at last, seizing the President's hand and pressing it passionately to .his lips. "I will," "returned the president. "Well, sir," said Mr. Blaze, "I'm a gontloman I am you bet 1 and I won't allow no stago company to sur pass me in politeness. Til throw off the other sjouu, ana we li call it square! No gratitude, sir no thanks it is my duty "-Artemus Ward. . Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Wasco. O. W. Broback, plaintiff, vs. Samuel farman ano 1 mix, nerenuajita. rail) SAMUEL BARMAN AND - MIX. Defendants I. YoU are hereby aummoned and required to appear nd answer the complaint in the above entitled action, (which has been filed In the ofBoe of the Clerk of the Countv of Wasoo.) within six weoka from the first nubll. cation of thia summons; or if yon fail to do so, Iheplalit tiff will take Judgment against you for the turn of Five Hundred rnd Eighty Dollar! and seventy-five cents, and interest thereon from the 2d day of October. I860, and for the costs and disbursements of thia action. By order of the Hon. J. O. Wilson, Judge of the 6th Judicial Dis trict. UA1B.0 11AFT, mrO-8w Attornoys for Plaintiff. Summons. la the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county' of Wasco. John D. Mesplia, Plaintiff, Vs. John It. ilonderson. Defondant. fWyO JOHN L. HENDERSON, Defendant: Ton are M. hereby summoned and required to appear and an awer the complaint In the above entitled action, which has bern filed In the office of the Clerk of Wasco county, within tlx weoka from the first publication of this sum none; or if you fail to do so, the plaintiff will take juds ment against -you for the sum of Eight Ilnndred Dollars, and Intereat thereon from the 18th day of September, A. J. 1865, and fur the costs and rflsbnr. amenta of this ac tion. By order of Hon. J. O. Wilson, Judge of the 6th Judicial District. . GATES i HAFT, Attorneys 10 r rimnua. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. IIOLXIDAY, Proprietor. fgjj C0XC0RD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITT EVERY OTHER DAY FOR , ULACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting nt SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages v ltuuiilng to "Vii'sinia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. FAllICi Boise City to fait Luke City f 100 00 " " Virginia City, Montana.; 125 UU h . Missouri River, Legal Xundor (300, Gold, $100 400 00 For further Information apply at OVERLAND STAOU LIN'E OfFTCB, JJoise City, I. T., mh6(13m J. N. TODD, Agent. 1TTJAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPI'O- site Rlocli, Miller & Co., where he DENTAL WORK, in a skillful ami well flnlshid manner. TEETH Inaertsc from one to an entire set, on Uold or ltubbur Plate. Prices rango for Rnlibor Plato, from $25 to ts6 : F01 Gold Pluto, from $76 to -J5. sf Poisons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to reculve or pay tor th wirue. aul3-ti NEW II 13 A. ItS 13 I rrinB undersioned begs to inform the oit- JL izons ot the Dalles anil vicinity that he has received a NEW HEARSE, and will .Attend. Funerals on short notice. Tills is tho flrjt, and at present, only Hearse in the city, I. M. EVAS tulles, May 19, 1866. ' n!y:20-tf. LINCOLN HOUSE, Curner lyaahlnglon and Front Street!, PORTLAND, OREOON. 1JIIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THB STATE. " Cliarges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the 'Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 nOT AND COLD BATHS In the House All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Mohtl eello and Astoria land at the Llncolu House Wharf. . sepl:3m SEALING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AND. TINWARE. ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. TnE WHOLE embracing a fine stock, evor- article of which will be sold at COST, aa I desire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PI ANO, In good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is two stories, with a basement, and (swell adapted to the hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising about twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. au0:3ra ALBERT BECTINORN. TOYS ! TOYSjJTOYS ! TOYS 1 FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend nil dealers In that line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of THUMAUBR ZU1N, M . 820 and 322 Battery Street, "28:3m - San Francisco. Notice to Settlers. nB PUBLIC SURVEYS of Townships 4, North Ranim fl'2 Kft.t. mnA A anA ft Mntl. it .. no v . WlllnmMtta MurMl.n ().-. 1 I u .1 .. - ...... .u...u, v. jgvu, iravii kiiuvc(i uj iue Surveyor General of Oregon, and the plats thereof, bear lug date, February 10, 1866, filed in this office. - ' OWEN WADE, Register. Land Office, Oregon City, 1 February af, 1866. J , . mw8 LANGLEY, CP.OWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRTJQGKESTS, Comer of Clay and Battery Sts., SAX FBANCISOO, mh22;d(hn. " ; '. . Dated at DaUos Git, Feb. 19, 1806. Staerlfl'a Sale of Ileal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for (!li,.. County. State of Oregon, and to me directed, In fa'or of at . neuges, piainun, anu against uwlglit Mussy, de fendant, for tha sum of Four Hundred and one 43-100 ($401 43-100) dollars, principal, with interest, accruing costs and cost or this execution, I have levied upon and will sell at ptibllo auction before the Court House door. In Dalles City, oft FKIDAY, the nth DAY OF APRIL! 1866, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M.. and 4 o'clock, r. at., to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the Interest of the defendant In and to that certain lot or parcel of land fronting Union Street at the termination of Firth Street; bounded on the North, by Col. Gate's re sidence; on the South, by W. P. Miller's lot; extending West, 120 feet, more or less, and known aa "Muaiy't" lot, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregyn. ' CIIABIJS8 WHITE, Sheriff. By R. W. CratoAU, Deputy. . . Dalles City, March 6th, 1800, rn74 tt. WITI DOUTHIITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BANNOCK CIT7, Idaho Territory, 49- PaxWoular attention paid to Collecting Debts. DALLES CITY DKtti STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLKBALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. ' . MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, - . . PATENT MEDICINES, 4c. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! x-. - - iv DAILY MOUNTAINEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, betwoen Main and Second Streots DALLES, OREGON. CJ LHMflN Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acliln, Perfumery, and overy other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. t'ty Physicians unci Morclmnts Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do M'ull to givo him a call. TRTJ33B3 & SHOULDEH BRACB3 In great variety. B. LEtOf, np.D:tf. Waslilngton St., between Main adn Second. AND MACHINE SHOP, ' FIRST STREET, betwoen Yamhill and MorrlBon. aTtenm Kiiirliies CJ ol rrom 4 to 4u horse' -. StfK-, 'Hi power.tlther Portabloor stationary. Also, iii CL'LAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, Hay Pres ses rr all sizes; Planing Machines,(Woodwortirs pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work Tor Vor ticnlSnwnndOi'ist mills; lhasB and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IROX WORK of every description. I am alno prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as flie weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, OOOpounds. Hone Power & Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST UASII PRICE N. B. Psrtlculor attention paid to HEP AIRS. fe20-tf A. SERIES OF Literary and Scientific Lectures YVTHICH has been In contemplation for some time, ww is now offered to the people of the Dalles. The first Lecture of the Series will be given Monday Evening-, and one each Tnesday Evening thereafter, through the Series of (.iglit Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational and Methodist Sabbath Schools. . Tickets for tbe Course : : OXB D0LIAR. Single Admission, Fifty cents. Tills lecture will be delivered by REV. DU. ATKIN SON, In the Congregational Church lecture will com mence at 7 o'clock. Subject: SOCRATES HIS TIME. The following gentlemen are expected to deliver each one Lecture: , . - Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Rev. Dr. Atkinson, " Rev. Mr. Caffroy, " Judge Hill, Canyon City; Judge Wilson, Dalles; Rov. Mr. Driver, " Prof. Roland, " J. A. (Moll, Esq., Rev. T.Condon, " MRS. L. WHITE'S MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Waslilngton Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THB GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully announce to all wishing Photographs, Carts de Visite, &t., that they will do well to give her call . Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Children's Pctures. oc21:tf. MANTUA. MAItKll. MRS. MATTIB HOLfTROOK would respectfully In form the Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop in connection with Miss O'Ronrke, where sho is prepared to do all klndsoT work with neat ness and dispatch, Having just arrived from the East, she hopes ta be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS West ot the! Corner -of THIRD and UNION Streets. , . . nc21;m8 Furs! Furs! THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICB PAID IN CASH fosi Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, Bf MCHARDS MoCRAKEN. Portland. Sept. 27, 180ft. . . . oo4:3nv Waslilngton Wagon Road. TnB UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept In gooddtravellng order for wagons and itock. B.C. HARDY, , Dalles Jan. 11th 1865. janlltf Sole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLlAnD BOOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, ' CORNER OF Main and Court Street, Htt-W . . . palles, Oregon; 3 duUB1Tiircaim'oTll)lil('UllalMl the principle upon which busineBB is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ollice in which their money can be expended to tho best advuntage. In this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the luterii i may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In. the (State of Oregonl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalloe. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER C0DRT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLEH, ORKGON. THB UNDERSIGNED, HAVINO REMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Grates NeW Building:, Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to sen their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. dec2-if . I'l npnvc Vijtlia BMIL, SCHl'TZ, Proprietor. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE B BO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUON MATERI ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, epecially selected for the California market, comprising, Ouki Hickory. andSecoud Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Shaits, te. tic. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. AsT Orders addressed tb 5ur house will receive pronip attention. N. W. BRAQU t CO., JeU:3ni. 29 k SI Battery Street, Ban Francisco. and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. C. WATIKH0U8B, H. W. BRAOO A Co,, J. W. l.tfiTEA San Francisco. Sacramento. New York F- TILLMAN, 80H AQEOT 111 cAtlFORNIA FOR TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire Sc Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination Locli. " 49Cons(antly ' band a full assortment of SAFEB; 818 BATTERY BTREET, Jy6-m : - . gK fraBclscth .