TUESDAY M08XIXG, MARCH 21, i860. 0)- NOTICE. During my absonce Mr. IUmiT Catlit will have chargo of this paper, and lie In authorized to trtmact nil Dullness pertaining tn tills office. March 25, 1860. JAMES 1IALL0RAN. The Sierra Nevada arrived at Port land last Saturday afternoon j she has . not a large passenger list. A valuable gold boarinff quartz " ledgo is reported as having been dis- nnnh A iiVinrn nn PAOTrtnr River. - In Oregon City Ihoy are agitating the necessity of purchasing a firo ens gine and laying water pipes through the streets. Refused Bail Gallagher, tho man arroslod in Portland, for tho killing of Buduo, has been refused tho privilege of giving bail. Up to Saturday, the O. S. K Co. hurl hi-nucht n n to the Dalles on their stock boat, this season, 910 horse, 253 beef cattle. 1.600 sheep, and 100 hogs. The Post Office Department has ordered printed stamped envelopes of all denominations which are divisi ble by -i, the present rate, from six cents to forty-two cents. The Walla Walla Statesman has private advices, which induce tho be- lief that the proposed annexation of the Walla Walla district to Oregon will certainly take place. Herring, the man who shot Eeltog at tho Snake River ferry about a squaw which both of them claimed, escaped before tho offioers who went up from Walla Walla reached-there. Duly Appbeciated. According to a letter from Washington in the San TfVnnAiBiiA TiulJflfin I Via 1 At raia nf Rnnlaa lirosa and Richardson, who visited cur coast wiih Speaker Colfax, and the lecture of that distinguished gen tleman himself, repeated and re ported in many of the principal cities, have latterly done much to en lighten the Eastern publio concerning the extent, resources, achievements and truo condition of the Pacific States; and the persons thus named have thus handsomely repaid the generous welcome accorded thorn in the extreme West. Y Plant Tbes. Tbero is an item going the rounds of the papers with this suggestive title. It should rreed no elaboration or argument toenforce it. There is not a village or ham tot in the country which would not be made "a thing of beauty" and "a joy fori ever' it it etreeis of "sudden sprang to aisles of vordureous green." But , the people of the Dulles ought not to be behind other places in this mat ter; at Salom, Vancouver Jackson ville and Walla Walla, the inhabitants nave commenced a system of street ornamentation which will render those places ten fold more attractive to the stranger looking-for a home. Th Dalles is not going to dio. It will ttlways be an important point. Why should we not' beautify it as much as we can, destroying entirely, as can be done, the dreary look which strangers attribute to it, and making it a plaoe in which even the traveler would feel ' tempted to fltsy a while f Epitome of Telegraphic News. compiled raoM Tin orcooxiav. DATES TO W AIICM 24. W'atliinalon, Milfoil' 22. Tho Pro-idont transmitted to tbo House to-dny over 11,000 pngesot manuscript correspondeucr on the resources and condition of Mux co. It dates back from tbts inontb two or tbree years. Most of it has been published. ' During tbe diijr's proceedings in the IIouso tlaymond of New York, asked Minirhnm of Ohio, what had become of tbo resolution for tbe admission of Tennessee, and if it would bo brought up again for reconsideration. Bingham of Ohio, replied that tbe gentleman wus mistaken as to tho nanire of the propo sition. Ho had hoped that it miuht be brought up next week,, but it would not be right to vote on it to soon. Raymond rc marked that he bad supposed ibe object of the measure was to proride for tlxjiidniission of members from Tennessee on this floor. There were some errors in the publica ion of tho vote on the passage of tbo bill. Hutchinson appears as voting aye. Ho was not present and did not vote. Washburn, of ins., ana uonltlin ot Ncty lor, do not np pear as voting at nil They both voted ore Watlungton, March 23. In the House. Kas- son, ot lowa, presented a memorial from tbe Iowa Legislature, for Government aid for tbe construction of the Iowa branch of the Union Pacific Railroad. The House proceeded to consider trc joint resolution to amend tbe Agricultural Col lege.. Bidwcll, of California, submitted some remarks, and advocated the measure. After discussion, tbe resolution was com mitted to the Committee on Agriculture. A largo number ot bills for various appro priations, were acted tipou. Chicago, March 23. An item was telo graphed which says that Treasurer Spinner had published a letter maintaining tbe cor rectness of Controller Clark's statement The fact is precisely the reverse. Treasurer Spinner's letter explains th .t the books in bis office are tbe only authority on the treasury finances, and that the Con'roller does not and cannros know from bis own books the exact cnrreatcondltion of accosnts with national banks. He says tbe deposits in national banks are returned weekly as certificates and reports are received balanc ing as cash in tbo treasury. ' The discrep ancy between the bank report and tbe treas ury statement arises from tbe fact that the banks are charged weekly with the amounts deposited with them by revenue officers and others and are corrected daily with checks drawn on them; hence it occurs that tbe amount due the department, and tbe books of the banks will differ materially from tbe balances ; according to the books of the de partment. For instance, the treasury may draw to-day on different deposits. The banks of course should be accredited with tbe amount of checks drawn upon them while they cannot charge the Government until tbe checks are presented, which may not happen for days or weeks after. The bill to quiet , land titles in the State of California, was introduced in the Senate on the 19th by Mr. Conness, read twice and referred to tbe Committee on Public Lands. This bill has been in part but not wholly approved by the Goneral Land office, and Conness hopes to secure Its passage without material amendment. Nbwb Items. Wo condense from yesterday's Oregonian the following dows items: W. B. Carter, a practical printer, late of Portland, has purchased a joint interest in the Corvallis Gazette. That paper under tbe new auspices presents an improved appearance. New quartz mines have been dis covered on Allbouse Creek, Josephine County. Tbo College at Corvallis has started nndor very promising circumstances. ; Mr. G. N. Donnel, just down from Aubnrn, gives it as his opinion that the coming summer will develop in that district, vast quartz mines as rich as any others now known. j Thoy claim to havo discovered a ledge oF well defined gold bearipg quartz, filteen miles from Vancouver W. T. Great excitement prevailed there in consequence of the alleged discovery. . The Falkirtburg brought tho greater portion of a large new locomotive for the O. S. N. Co. The remainder is coming on another vessel. The Methodists are about to build a now church fn Portland. Please notice the new advertise ments in tO'daj's isBue. Wasco Lodge, No. 10 F. A. A A. M . Holds Hi stilted Communication on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, In Dalles City. Brethren In (rood standing are invited to attend. Both L. Pont, 8ecy. - By order of tins W. M. Colombia Lodge, No. O, I. O. O. F. Moots every Friday evening at 7 . o'clock, lu Gates Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited tnnttend. Bynrder. N.Q. 'Goods at Cost. We would call the attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Abrahameon A Kohlberg are selling goods at San Francisco coat. Parties desiring to buy Clothing, will do v eil to examine their stuck be fore purchasing eUewhovs. inlStf DENTAL. NOTICE.. Being about to make professional tour to the towns and settlements up the Columbia. I respectfully call the attention of those of my piitroiiswhoaroinueed of Denial Operations of nny char acter, to the fort, so that they nny have nn opportunity to wvall themselves' of hiy services before my departure, If so desired. 1 will leave nliollt the 20 th of March, and return to thfs place to retumo my proetice. nbont the 18lh of June. tf J. W. UURLfcY. PAIR WARNING ! AM, PERSONS INDEBTED TO DUSEN BURY TiltO. are hereby notified to call and set tie before the 1st of April ; otherwise, legal proceedings will ho had. Dalles, March 2Jlli, 1800. mr27td A. CARD. MADAME IK TELLIElt WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladies nf Hie Dalles and vlrlnil v. that she is now prepared to do all lilnds.uf LllE."!?, CLOAK, and PALE IOT makinit. Also, CUTTING and FITTING in a new and Improved style, never before Introduced in this place. She w ill warrant to give satisfaction, and would most rospectfully solicit a liberal patronage. lu the Kooms lareiy occupied by Mr. lilte, over Degener's Store, on Washington: street, between Second and Third. Dalles, March 27th, IS 08. mrSttf AUCTION SALE 1 will sell at l'ublio Auction THIS DAY, J.t lO o'clock, a. m. At the Store lately occupied by S. Frank, neit to the Kinpiro Hotel, on Main Street, an assortment nf GRO CER IKS and PROVISIONS, such lis aro generally lonud ii n rnmiiv urocery more. Also, the MIKLYIIH and STORE FIXTURES and FURNITURE, will bo sold with out reserve, FOll CAH. JUI1 1V1L.L.1 AillS, AUCt. SULLlRtt OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE 1IUH.DING, WASHINGTON STRKKT, DAI.I.KS, Offor their well-seloctcd stuck of TOBACCO, SEGAR8, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND 8TATIONEEY. AT SA3V FRANCISCO COST. ' ' - mrZTtf H.IIEBMAJV&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, If AVE JUST DECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF JaJt SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, Uools & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Which they offer to self at S STALK PROFITS. DaHes, March 27th, I860. mrZ7tf FOR CITY MARSHAL. fClOU THE BENEFIT OF ALL MY FKIKNDS AND A aV1 few of ruy enemtes. I bjiiiouiicv mvself ns a Candl date r City Marshal at the cowiug election. rain-tie j. m. v. CvUst. NOTICE. ALL PEItSONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED are requestsd tn "come and eeo me' before the am Inst,, at the llanK Exchange Saloon. in. is si. itK.Mit FOR CITYMARSHAL. A 1 THE BEQUEST OF MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE XR mysoir as a candidate Jur Ke-electlon. u23te CHARLES KEELER. ONE HUNDREDJILES SAVED BLACKFQOT&MG BEND MIXES BY WAY OF. White 331nfls! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Dfatanc from Dalles to White Bran's ..100 Bitci ', Whit BlufT, to Pen d'Oicllle..,...10O toColville 170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the While Bluff RoacL Wood, Water afed Grass Are found on tbfe Road wlthia easy drives The Yoad Is now open, and possesses advantages over any other land rente iron the Halloa. Published by order of THE CITIZENS Of TUB DALLES. Dalles, March, 30, 1800. Bi30:2m. AUCTION IP HOUSE! So. ICO MAIN STREET, DALLES. TIIR UN I) EH PIG NED THANKFUL FOR Tttl Favnra. renpec.t full In forms tbe citleens of th Dulles, and the public guiierally, that bo contiuuvn ( soil at PUBLIC AUCTION OR ritlVATE SALE, Real ENfate, . General merchandise, Gioceileg, ISOI'NCN, MlllON, FuriiKurc, Stocks, 4.C. tic. . EEGtJLAR SALE AYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETUHN mede of salea. Out-door aud Snerinl Sales attended to In any part o I the cilv. JOHN WILLI A SIS, Auctioneer. J . JUKEE, Main Street. Dalles, WHOUHALX AND RETAIL DEALER IS CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, & o . ALWAYS IV STORI TBI BEST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &t. 1LAVlNO CAUDS. POCKET CUTLERY. PORT MONIES. COM US and (MUSHES, o' all klmU, PERFUMERY, ot .rv description, CHINA OHNAMENTS TOY8. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY OOODS. Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Load. Powder Flasks, Baskets, an many other articles too nutnerons to mention. Interlordealers sunnlied with Cigars. Tobarre.ete. at less than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-S J. .A... FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AXD I'rovision Store, CORNER OP WASHINGTON A SKCOND ETUEKTJ. CONSTANTLY (KN HAND tho cholcost articles f FIIKSI1 BUTTER, EGOS, aud every variety uf FAMILY GllOCElUES. NUTS, CANDIES, ,jc , $e., Wholesale an Retail, -nt Reduced Pilces i'OIt CASH. Also, dealer In GRAI.Y, FLOim AXD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No charges for fitonmo on Ooods sold on Coniniiiriir Proceeds of Sales remitted promptly. Jnl6tf. COLUMBIA ElVER MINES! A. a. Boom BARIIT Xl.VISO.. BOOTH &, Forivnrdlng aud CouimUkton MercIiaBt AND DEL KltS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, Wliito I31nnM, W. T, F RErenT FOR C0LV1LLK, UPPER COLOMBIA! KOOTENAI and BLACKEOOT MINES l,r.,ii,LL. li.rwaided. Alulk Goods D. t N., Wl Ite BlufTd, W. T, BmnEtccEs: POKILIXD Richards A McCrnken, Allei A Lewis, ns Illudgo Calef. Daii.hs Bloeh, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM . i the cltiiHiis of this ulace and vl- Bi?5tfti' cliilty, tlnvt liavluir returned from n pro- ffiin lesslonal tour thron(li the ink-is. lie has I IL-JLT aualn resumed the prnctlee of JENTISTRY, In tho room inriueriy uccuiieu uy mm, in uie Dunning occupied l,y WoolA Untie, Pkitogruph Artists, end ailjolning Wni rtron Bros.1 Drup; Store. He takes this method of n, tenilinir thanks, for the lihernl pntronnge heretofore e teuded to him, and solicits a coutlnnauce of the same. MHT OT PRICKS. Entire Dentnre on Oold Biwo. $180 to tS2 " upper ueniure, uold llasc 90 11 rB Dentnre. Vuiranfte Dose 70 lia " Upper Dentnre, Tnlcanlte Base 3o Gold Filllnm inserted from ono dollar upward. Chlldrcns' Teeth extracted free af charne. selS-lf IVESW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rilTIE UNDERSI1NEB would respectfully announc JL Hint he w ill open ft first class Saloon In FrvucU A Oilman's New Stone Itnllilinfc, TI1I8 EVENING, and la prepared to serve customers ith the best af Wines, Liquors and Cigars, ALSO, A LUNCH JOHN RINDLAIIR. Xvery day and Evening. oc28f. - AiOTICE. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF TIIR PUBLIC t the fact, that we have concluded to siive up lnis- h)P WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings w ue naa. ' j. jjkoW N A BKOi Dalles. Maroh 10. 1868. mlltf NOTING. A IX PERSONS INDEBTED TOCMIN A ItnnM jrm. poy up ny the Xnth Inst., or legal proceedings wHI be had. This b the last notice. COllN A llOIltt. Coal Oil! Coal Oil! JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE ky fJulUll GATES A CJUriNJI