H3w vol. r. DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH lWO(K NO.33. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS KXOHPTID,) BV J. G. COWNE & J. IIALLORAX, KDIT0K9 AND PROPRIETOR?. TsBMa Tuj'nty-Jlvtcmti por week, pnynble to the carrier pur month, by mall, $1; three montha, J2 60; aix months, to; outs your, $3, Advertisements Inserted at low rates. Job Printing. Every description of plHln nnd fancy Job Printing exe- meu wim neatness and uospatcu, and forwarded aa per rder toutiy part of the couufy. liymmtJorJub Print tng muil be made on dtlivtry oy work. XV. II. IMJUttLASS', -Practical Watclimtilcor, And Dealer in gggfr frltE WATCHES &. JEWELHT, DALLES, OREO ON. Established ISO"?. BALDAV1N I3TCO., , DEALERS IN GRO c iExtxn: S ! CORNER OF Main nnd Union Streets, Dalles. ). C.BALDWIN . mti21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE DIEULAM Sc WENTZ, -ttfANITUfj,. GLOBE HOTEL BUILDINO. Household Furniture, .embracing Tablea, Cliaira, Bureaus Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpots c, etc., all of which will be told at low rates. Furniture Repaired, nnd upholatering done to order, a no, on nana Uattrcaaeaaudl'illowa. Spring Beda made to order. aul2 VM. kOABCS. 0. B. KusQBL. WM. MOABOS & CO., CITY BAKERY, AND TR0VIS1ON STORE, ' Corner of First and B Streeta. WHOLESALE AND RKTAlLDEALBRSln BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GK0CKU1K3. rn,0rdersfrom a diatance carefully filled and prompty lapatoued. 1H JOSEPH ELFELT, WH0IESALE AND BIT AIL DEALER IN Fancy '& Staple Dry Goods, CL THINQ, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court treeta. oc-tt HUUV0 & ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR cult Conrte bf Oregon, and the Diatrlot Courta o Waahington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of clalma. 0. UUMA80N Bailee, Ogn. J. A. ODELL. iFUHNISIIED ROOMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. ro2tf - MRS. 8PRENQER. . -If. B. OATES. . 1. 1. BAIT. GATES v& IIAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON; IX&. .A.. II. STEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, U. 8. A. orriciAT WALDR N BROS. DRUG STORE V4. " T-L. WM. BROWN WARNER. M. D. OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Waahington and Court. - OrnoB Uodm 9 toll A. st.j 2 to 4 T .; and 0 to 10, T. O. 13. BROOKS, M. T. Office At Dr. Craia;' Drus Store. DALLES, OREGON. 111. 13. W. ' MITCHELL. OrrioK WALDRON'S. BUILDINO. Riarpwoi Corner of Third and Waahington Btrehta v CO 41, OIL! COAL OIL,! YVTAl.DRON BROS, have Jnat received a Urge Jn f rolce of COAL OIL, which they offer at greatly 'tfuccd rate. -Jditl fttf . I ' ' ' n e x c ii & i l .11 a n', mrORTIIU AND WH0LK8AL1 Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, . . Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c.. RATI EUIOTID TO Tllllg NtW STONE BUILDING, coax ea or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CUT. TJ0W IN STORK A LARUE AND COMPLETE AS Jl aortmcnt of the very beat branda of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full auortuient of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. W Constantly receiving onr anppllea direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able aud willing to aell at a very emull advance on San Franciaco nricea. Tliev hope by adopting a atrictly aorrect and prompt method ol doing buaineaa, they will receive the patronage cf the pub- aeiu-if UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIANDLEV &SIMSOTT, ITop'rs. TUia popuua hodsb, ouiteaut located, Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot. Hua been recently enlarged and Improved, and will now accommoante MO O GUESTS.' TT WILL BE CONDUCTBD aa heretofore, aa a FIRST . CLASS U0U8E, and the patrouage or the traveling public ia roapectfully aollclto f. Kj" llaggnito takeu to the Ilonae free of charge. Ilonae opou an nigiu. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalloa, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, , MAIN 8TEEET, DALIES, 0REO0N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THE OENTBE Or BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao wmmodiite One Hundred and Fifty Queeta. Moala 60 est. Lodnlng..........60cta. . Fire Proof Safe for depoalte of valuables. . t. House open all night. Baggage taken to the nonae t.ee of charge. THOMAS SMITH, inh8-tf . . ... ; Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. TL. 13 O OTH, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND SSNEBAL DEALEE IV , MEHCIIANDI8E AND MINERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE HOUSES FOB SALE. FREIGHTS C0N8IGNFD to my eare for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. White Blurs, Oot. let, 1864. oc.2tf NEW Fill IT, GROCERY .. AND PROVISION STORE. fPHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIKND8 and X the public generally, that he has Just eatnbllsbei on Main street, next door to J . J uker, Tobacoonlet, . A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholcs GHOCES1ES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, ate. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retaU, at KB DUOED PRICES. Come and aee and satisfy yourself. seia-tf . JOHN SP081TO. FRED. XalEjSE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND lT'RTJlf STORE, Waahington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dulles. . Has on hand a large and Well-asserted atock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter &c Egrgrs, Received dally. A large lot of CHICK EN B always on hand. FRUITS of all kinda. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give- Me a' Call, Everybody ' 'fcul8:tr F. LTEBB. M. BROWN & BRO., WBOLESAU AND EETAU DEALEES IN A.N-6'Y AND ' STAPLE D3RY.GOQD8! GROCERIES, FROVISaONS, &o. - Mr. M. BROWN, balni a resident of Ban FraiMtliM. are enabled to oiler great Indcementa to porciiaaera. We reapectrully Invite the publio to examine oar stock be (or purchasing elsewhere. ml6-ti sT Stoue Stofe, north side Main street, Dallas. -f FORIIOISE MINES DIRECT. THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYINQ THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Welli, Fargo & Co.'s Express, la now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to I'l cerville, (Boise Miues.) Through In Two ana a Half Days Connecting with the Walluln, Line of Sfagoa, aud tu Boateof the 0.8. N. Company. ObO. F. THOMAS CO., ap2T-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM XJ 1S1 A,TI L, Ta J!k. , AFTER THE FIRST 6f OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW 1NG REDUCED RATES: , To Dolae City IS Cent! per pound Idaho City...... jiU . u " Owyhee HO For leaa amounts than one hundred pounds sin addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. , TIME PKOM UMATILLA i To Boise City 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. lo owj uee, 4 Days. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 186S. IJOSEPH PINKUAM, Atont, oc!8:tf. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. DIISENRERIT tSc BROS.,' DaUee and Walla Walla, DEALEES IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outfits, - Boots and Shoes, ' Clothing, llats and Caps, - Groceries, And a fnll aaaortment of General Merchandise." Bnvina our Goods exclusively In the San Francisco market, and making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to ae.l 20 per cent. Cheaper than any other House at the Dalle I miUL.MUL.UV M. II I M 1 inl-tf Dallee and Walla Walla. MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. Tf 188 O'ROUR K E D ESI RKS TO INFORM the J.VS1 uadlea or Da Ilea and vicinity, that ).. has just received a frosh supply of Fashionable Goods, Ti Tatn., P..I. vaM. v1. .-A a.. o.lvl . . . . . . " Au.n aim omit .imuiBCU niVICB Of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS. FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Ready-made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! - dune at .hnrt nn,l. nnHMvra Dli..j..j ,, j In the latest atyle. A large aaaortment of Children's BeaaMa4e Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Class Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and nt ladies' and Children's DRES8ES and CLOAKS. THIRD BTRBET, one square east of the Catholic Church. . oc21:3m. . new goods: MfTONQ JUST ARRIVED FROM THE FAN FRAN oiaco Market, we wonld Invite the attention of onr friends and the community at large, to our well-selected stock of Dry Goods, . Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Which we are selling at the most reasonable rates.' We cahnot sell our goods AT 008'f, hut assure the commu nit that it pleases us to sell goods at SMALL PROFITS de9tfc H. HERMAN CO. dUAUTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the "' OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and TTH streets, ' , PORTLAND. " . A.. 0. GIBBS CO., , , ., ..... J Sucseaaors to Portland, Deo. 6th 'M. defltf B. L. Jones 4 Co. WAITED. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE SECOND hand Furniture, Beds, Bedding. Carpets, Stbvea, anil Household Furniture of every description. 'Partiea wishing to sell will uo wellXcall. JOHN WILLIAMS, . XIW Main Uscl,Ml Umatilla, 'Boise ' AND IDAHO ; Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE WINNING order from Umatilla y Iduho Cfty, via Boise City , and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable l'arkattes between these aud all Intermediate poiuta with certainty and despatch. The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the cbuntry affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD AVAGOINS,: Which eneores Bpeed and Safety In the transmlasion of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Bupe rlor Inducements fur Shipping Uooda from San Francicu and Portland to Idaho, aa our arrangements vilh the Ocean Stenuiahip Comimny and the Oregon Bfoam Navl gatlon are such that all Uooda shipped by title Line will not be subject to the usual delays, hut pass through aa fast Frolfflit. Goods shipped from San Francisco to onr car at Port land, Charges will be paid and Uooda shipped to destina tion. . ' . GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at Portland uud Umatilla. , Advance Charges for Transportation Paid Cy the Line and Collected at Destination, Goods will bo forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee and South Boise, PASSENGERS CXllRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodation, rn New and Easy Hiding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Moat Liberal Terma, We lay over eacn night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGHC-NXHt RI0HARD9 k McCllAKKN Ban Francisco B1CUAHDS McCRAKEN Portland J08KPH TEAL - .........'....Dalles POWELL- C'K i........ ....Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON........,..,, ., .......Lerand B. M. DuKKLL AC0......-.v JBoise City B. M. DuRELL CO..1.1....... IdntioCity MAJOR SPEHIt... ....Jtocky Bar (South Boise) DuRELL 4 MOORE Kuby and BHverOIUel D. 91. DuREI.li Ifc CO., nMtf Proprietors. A CARD FOR T1IE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, No. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENfl&E NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our liauallv larM Stock Of Uooda. Onr stock ooiu prises every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casaimer and Wool HATS of any house In Ban Francisco, and our pri. ee for these Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive tnem airect irom tne mauuiacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer aud Fall Goops ia particularly attract ive, and tin great feature to the country merchant la the unusually low prices. . , ... 1 less Than the Cost of Importation! We alao keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in -the Dry Goods line, which Uooda we have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at New Yoik Cost, and leaa. We publiah this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock, - -. - Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest inducements to fell who nurchaae la aell again. Merchants who buy Of as can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W remain, respectfully, our Obedient servants, BADGER .TXDENBKRGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos. ill, 18 and 416 Battery street, Bon Francisco, February 9, 1800. re-Snjw. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Cure, for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and efflcatlons Remedy for the cure tthonorraa. Gleet, Btrlotures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least ' restriction to diet, Exposure Or change In application -buaineaa ; it Will radically cure any case which can be produced. Thdlsmse it removes as speedily as Is con sistent wtfh 'the -production of a thorough and permanent cure. 'Ftirther, the disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, . , , Its Ingredients areentlrelf vegetable, and nd Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Filly cents per bottle. Bent by Express carefully packed. HOSTETTKlt. SMITH a SEAN. Agents ( 401 and 103 Battery street, cor Clay, . ' Jy22-6m. . - . .M San Frenclsoo. . ' 1 0. W. AKME. . I. W. ASMS, ' AR.MES & DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. , BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, to. ' . And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, c. S17 a lit SacramentoBtreaL between Front and Davis . 6,m Francisco. ocll:3indw