latin Mountaineer. FACTS AND FANCIES. A swoet nut for llio gosnip: Anna pickirmon is soon to be married. to a Iv'ow York journaliHt and widowor, to whom eho has been privutoly ongaged for four-years, lie encouraged ber in her oratorical n epilations, and to him she ascribes all bur success. NeiL, Brothers & Co., prominent cotton brokers at Now Orleans, esti mate the amount of cotton still to como forward at 960,000 bales. The total of the eld and now crops they estimate at from two millions one hundred thousand bales. At Now York, the prices of buthors' meat, except pork, are. about 25 per cent higher than Inst j-ear at this time, fork, is ton per cent lower. Poultry 5s generaly lower; butter is fivo to ten per cent a pound less; fish are some cheaper, nnd potatoes and cabbages aro twontysfive por cent Iowor. William Conway, for more than 40 years an enlisted man in our navy, died recently at the naval hospital, New York. lie was the man who sturdily refused to lower tho United Stales flag at Ponsacola, Flu., whon ordered by the truitor, B. B. llenshaw, to do so, on the secession ol that stales, lie rocieved a gold meadal from tho Him Franciscans for his patriotism at that timo. The Commissioner of Internal Rov enuo announces that ho has made a contract with a Phidolphla firm for printing not only adhesive stamps, hut for imprinting revenue stamps upon variont instruments, such as are usually furnished by stationers and that it Is not doomed advisable by the Secretary of tho'freURUry to have rev enue stamps printed at more than a single place. The Now York Times hns been er larked to the sizo of tho London Times, Hnd is now the largest daily paper in t he United States. Thurlow Weed has become one of tho editors, nnd his po li ileal experionco and sagacity will be of much value to the paper, which is oditod with ability add discretion. Tho other papers now look small beside the Times, and they will not bo easy till they have expanded to tbe same dimensions, which is an ex pensive operation at tho present high prices of paper. Secretary Stanton hnB no great Jove for music, out secretory weiios, who is quite deaf, has a great fondness. for it. A professor ot musio in Wash ington, who was trying to got up a Hcries of subscription concerts in that city last winter, called upon Air. Stan ton to get him to subscribe, and men tioned as an inducement thereto that the Sacrotary of the navy had already put his name down. "Oh," replied the bluff head of tho war department, "if I Were as deaf as the Secretary of the navy, I would BUbsCribo too. The supreme court of New York is considering a singularly complicated divorco case. - Some time age, John L. Phelps was divorced from his wife on the crrnund of adultery with Armand F. PeugnCt, vied consul of France at Cincinnati. Aftorward, tho lady broke off her acnuaintanbo with Penghet nnd was ro marrlod to Phelps on promiso of good- bohavior. . Again Pontrnot seduced and drew her away, nnd again Mr. Phelps obtained a di vorced. Potlgnot then married he, but now demands a legal separation, on the ground that tho marriage was of no validity in law. Mrs. Phelps. Peuirnot must, bo rather porplexed as to ber identity, by this time. . " - Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND SJAGE LINE! BEX. IIOJLLIDAY, Proprietor. g C0XC0RD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTIIEn BAY FOR ULACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, v Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages minning tu Virginia. City, IVevntln, AND BACnAMKNTO, CALIFORNIA. FAltlSt Boise City to Fait Lake City $100 00 ' " Virginia City, Montana lib 01) " " " Missouri lllvor, Legal Tinder t300, . Hold, (100 100 00 For further Information apply at OVERLAND STAOK LINK OFFICE, " ' Bolae City, 1. T., mliC(13m J. N, TODD, Agent. II DENTIST1, A9 TiKMfwi'.n iris m.'fc'irii! min - . site Hloch, Miller A Co., wliure ho j&&j: ' tt rf i if n is prepnred to do all kin Ju of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnUlud manner. TKKTII Itiscrtec from one to an entire sut, on llulil ur Kubliur I'lato. Prices run ire lur lltiblier Plate, from $2b U Suft Pm Gold IMuie, trum 75 tu $125. i Pomona linvh. wurk done by me not proving flnt in fuc tor j will not be required to receive or pay for tin Biinio. nnlS-ti NEW HE AllSli! rgUU UXDBRSIflNED BEGS TO INFOItM THE CIT JL Ir.oriB of tho Dalles ami vicinity that lie lias received a NEW llHAKSB, mill will Funerals on short notice. Tills is the, anil at present, only uuarso in mu city. 1. M. EVANS Dulles, May 19, 1806. iny:20-tf. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street!, POUT LAND, OK KG ON. I-THST-TLAPS IIOTKL. LAltOKSX IX TUB 6TATB. ; Cliarm-tt Heiwunnble. AN OMMUUwill utteii'l all the Boat and convev PtuwenKern ami their biiiririiire to the Untnte Free ol Charge, or to any other IIouko in the Ciry tor 60 cenm. o. lurriA, rnipriptur. P.S IDT AND COLD DAT II 3 in the limine. All the Stettinent for Oreirutt Oitv. Vancouver. MontU cCllomtd Adturia laud at the Lincoln Uoutte Wharf. Bepl:3iu SELLING'OFF AT COST! My ontlrc stork of STOVIiS AND TINWARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. THE WIIOLR otntirneing aline stock, ever" article of which will be sold at COST, as I duslre to close out business; Also, one QHAND PIANO, In good order. Also, for sale, the 110USB AM) LOT, tin fecond et.eet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is two stories, with a basement, and lswell adapted to the hotel bustnessr Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising almiit twenty-five lleds. Tho whole will be cluseil out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. , au:3iu , . ALllEltT BEl'TIN'OEM. TOYS! TOYS IJOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Ilollilnys; we recommend all dealers In that Hue to the UABKEt AND TOY EMPORIUM or TIIUMACKIt F.UIN, 820 and 3ti Battery Street, n28:3m . Ban Francisco. Shcrlft'a Sale or Real Property. BY VIRTUS OF AN KXKCUTION I "sued by the Cloikof the Circuit Court in and for Claciamas County. State of Oregon, anil to me directed, In fa"orof A i F. Hedges, plnliitin, and against Dwlr-lit Muzty, de fendant, for ths sum of Four Hundred and one 44-100 ($401 41-100) dollars, principal, with interest, accruing costs and cost of this execution, 1 have levied upon and Will sell at publio auction belnre the Court House doOr, In Dalles City, on FHIDA the nth DAY OF APRIL, 1K00, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. at., and o'clock, P. t.. to tho hlichest bidder for cash in hand, all of the interest of tho defendant In ana to that certain lot or parcel of land fronting Union Street at the termination of Fifth Street: bounded uu the North, by Col date's re sidence; on the South, by W. 1'. Miller's lot; extending West. 120 feet, more or less, and known as "Muzay's" lot. in Dalles City. Yi ascv County, uregyn. CHARLES WHITE, Bhsriff. By II. W. Ciakbail, Deputy. Dalles City, March (Ith. mud. m"w4 Notice to Settlers. . j: TUB rUDLin SURVEYS nf Townships 4, North Uwk, 81 East, and 4 and S North Manna. M Rut Willamette Meridian, Oregon, have been approved by the Cnrr v,.r General of Oregon, and the plats thereof, baas lug O.ite, February 10, 1806, filed In this office. OWHN W ADE, Register. ' Land Offloa: Oregnn Rltr. ,'... 1 mnm . f ebiuary JIW, SherllT'M Sale of Real Property BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by tho Clerk of the County Court, In and for Orant Coun ty, State of Oregon; and to me directed, In favor of E. C. Ilinly, plslotitr, and against John S. Miller, defendant, fir the sum of Two Hundred and nine and 91-100 ($209 Vl-ltlU) dollars, principal, In uoiu vein, and Twenty six and 72-100 (fill 72-1001 dollars cost and disbursmenta. with Interest, accruing coats and costs of execution. I nave levied upon and will sell at publio auction before tht Court House door In Canyon City, on BATUHDAY. the 24th rtay of MAItCII, 1800. between the hours nf l'i and 2 o'clock, p. M., to -tho highest bidder for cash In hand, gold coin, all of the Interest of the defendant Ib and to the following described proporty, to wit: That certain niece of real oronorlv knowii as the Pin' neer Dltcli, cointnonctng at a point on Big Creek, thence running In a southerly direction aboilt eight triiles, and lnte-ectlng a point near Elk Flat, said Ditch" lyrngalld belug m uraot uouuty, elate oi Oregon. .: 11 HUItY, Sheriff. By B. Whittpn, Deputy. Canyon City, Jnnuary 31, 1868, I23w4 ' MlSGkLLA.HEOUS.FARaVORA.PHS. i n.ivn noiiTiiiTT, ATTOBNEYAT LA.VT, 1 BAITHOCK CITY, Idaho Territorr. SSTFartlcalarattentlvn paid 10 Collecting Debt. . DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHULIBALR AND RRTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, ' Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. . 1-tf 4 - DJIUOS AND PATENT MEDlUlNESH DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUQS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLF.BAlt 4SD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Vasiilngion Street, betweoh Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. LEMON Is able to supply pnrties In want of Drugs, Patent Meilicines. Chotnicnls. Acid. Perfumerv. uuu every nuitir ariicie onuinerateu wun i lie WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. !f Physicians anil Merchants Intending to nurchaae for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great varloty. 8. LEMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St.; between Main adn Second. PORTLAND I OUAimY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, bctwoen Yamhill and Morrison. 1 team Knglnea Jo of from 4 to4u horse- . &JGF 9,' i power.tither Portable or w' Stnilonary. Also. CI It- yJ'S '-'Hi IXjsk' CULAR SAW mUM jr,$ii-S I'JYli COMPLKTK, constantly fig 'Am'to on hand. Also, Hay lreaT S!mii3tKS3f&'s f t.JrS- bbb (if hII,; IManinitt M ac-1 1 i n 6B. ( ooil wo mis put tern,) Wrought iiml Ciigt Iron work fur Ver- ticHt ShwiuhI (JrUt millfi; HirtHH and Iron Cuutings ana WROUGHT IROIV WORK or every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will uot exceed 3, 000 pounds. Mono rowera et Affricultnral imPlomenta manulaitiireil Wurderat the very l,l)VKSTJASII PRICE ft. u. rarttcuior attention paid to KEl'AIRS. fe'o-tr Literary and Scientific Lectures VVrIIICH has been la contemplation fur some time, V w is now offered to the peoplo of the Dalles. The first Lecture of the Berlts will be given Monday Evening, nnd one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the reriesor Unlit Lectures. Tho proceeds will be divided between the Congregatioual and Molhodist Sabbath Schools. . Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cents. Tills lecture will be delivered by REV. DR ATKIN SON, in the Congregational Cliurchlecturo will coin uience at 7 o'clock, fuhject: SOOItATES HIS TIME. The following guntlotueti are expected to deliviir eaoh one Lecture : Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; All Ige Wilson, Dalles; lev. Dr. Atkinson, Jtev. Mr. Driver, Kev. Mr. Coffrey. ' l'rof. Kohind, " Judge Uill, Canyon City; lit A. Oilell, Est,, ' Itev, T. Condon, MRS. L. WHITE'S 1NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY F1TTBD UP TIIR GALLERY ovor Deirnar's Store, would respectfully duUounce to all those wishiug . r riiotographs, Carts do Ylsltc, Ac. that tliey will do woll to give her a call . Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies and Chl'dren's 1'ctures. ucztttl. MANTUA MAIJaK. MRS. MATTIE llOLBItOOK would respectfully In form the Lailies of the Dallus and vicinity, that she has opeued a shop Inconnocilon with MissU'Kourke, where site is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, she hopes to be able to please nil as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DUOJ13 West ot thel Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. pclll;ni8 TUB HiailBST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, fly RICHARDS A McCRAKKN. Portland Sopt. 27, lbud. nc4.3in WaNlilngton Wagon Road. riUIB TJNDERSIQNED WOULD I-FORM TUB J Traveliu Putdic that the Washington Wsgoq Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascailos is well being kept in goodtraveling order for wagons and stock. K. C. HARDY, . Dalles Jan. 11th 1865. Jaulltf Sole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ILLIA.Ttr ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court StrootH, ap21-tf ' ' ' iDalles, Oregon. DAILY MOUNTAINEEE BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE First Street, between Main and B DALLES ... OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecuteil wun accuracy auu uispaccn. iHi STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beBt. and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to o it lira: Cards ft ml 15 i 1 1-H end. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, . P0STEKS AND Pit 0 GRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS" d?C o7c., d-c, PRINTED IX Tilt HOST ATTKACTIVI KANItlB. AL80, WAY-BILLS, BILLS Of fAHE, LETTER HEADS. KECEU'TB OOKS, BILLS LADING, EfricA) nnd Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDDING AND u AT HOME" CARDS f n short, everything that can be done in a Bonk and Job Prititintr Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the laraest siae and most. showy Posting Dili and which will be turned out In a style that cannot fall to Insure entire satisfaction. oua yaciUTiaa roa tiii uicuTioa or UECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Bhados and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest mammoth, ORNAMENT-AL SHOW CARDS, J'VREIMERS' LABELS, dt A,, nnsnrnassed v those oi any other establishment n Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of tl.u buBiuess, and are continually adding to our already extek sive aud well appointed assortment of uiaterliil, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, c. rfc d?!.'.. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC, ArAof the finest oualltv. and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the Btate. The principle npon wuicn imsiueos is oii iwr mm ur,w.,.t la. that neraous will consult their own inteii ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money enn be expenaea wiinuvinwimiwiir. jw this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, atveiy reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. Orders from tue upper couniry Wlllhave our special care, and friends from the Intern f may rely upon having tneiroruers mieu prouipnj, HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESI In the State of Oregon I MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m18-tr Dalles. Oregon, JACKSON SALOON I CORNER COCRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLKH, OREGON. TlfR UNDEllSIONKDi 11AVINO REMOVED flion THE "UELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now Build! tag IteR to Inform the public that they are prepared to scrva tlielr customers wnu ma udb. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Ivuncll I Every day and evening. decWf KMIli BCHLTZ, Proprietof. Ilard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS! WE BBO TO CALL ATTKNTlua 01 uarnago ainn ufacturers and Dealers to the Large aud Com plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUOJt Jiareai A 1,8 we are constantly receiving from the East, special jr selected for the California market, comprising, Oak II16korv. and Second Qrowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles,. Wagon Voles, Hubs, Upokea, Felloes, Rims, Shaita, to. tc. which wo offor at the lowest Cash Prices. a-Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention. . W. BRAOtl S CO., JBIS-Din. 29 81 Battery Stroet, San Francisco, and 17 19 Seventh Street BAcrnmento. 0. Wattnooosit, U. W. Uaoo Co., 4. W. Lxiit Ban Francisco. Sacramento New Yur F.TILLMAN, ioti ioiTt n OAitroRftU roa TILTON & MoPARLAND'3 Fire & Burglar Proof Sales. STEEL LINED VAULTS, j a-WITH Combination Lock ' att-Cohstantly : hand a full aaaortment of BAFE8. , . . " . i . 1 8 BATTERY STREET. . j7a,0D1 Ban FraticlsOD!