; gen M jailir jgonntakcr. Money Market. ' New York Oold Quotations , . Sun granclwo Legal Tender ratos ." f J? PROM MOSTASA. Wk compilo tho following nows items from tho Montana Post of the 24th ult. . vmaisu OITT 1THMS. An exceedingly rich ledge of auriferous qm.ru has been discovered, near what T8 known ag Qorman A,do; n other named the Erebua has been found, at Hot fcprings, in which gold can be dis' covered ecattered through the quartz. wOX?' ,n f00t' selIs in this P of the U '. ? 'efy eTod price, and, as the Item snot quoted in our market report, we give - mv. w uur inenas in me States. K" ,' .t,h! Prcin.t"be, wl.h but ....... r.OUH, lu grunuoe, Bells at S30- iii.ih.tfl 11 t . " nas suffered tbe i Is that flesh is heir to till full grown, if of the femininn ironHo- ! ... . ' " ul Two men. J. R. Hawlnir nf nu mir w. n.,t . u . ' ,rom Missouri, went out on a hunting expedition in the Yellow, stone country in i-. n .. f,L . v,i -v'viuuoi ms,. rortions ' n . .-r 8adi leS' and a rifl0 with th brass mounting taken out, were found, undor cir. , murde, The bodies" V" :Zhl XU iho' "i1!6 thev were U.!".:.- "','"lu' 0a wmcl1 o,,?',' G" F.F,pe' who rana 15-stamp steam ul"uo B mass o rctoited o i ;r.kPll,l,g f2,767' bein8 th9 Product of oue week s tmUmi f r.. .. .. n.i . . -6 iroio tne fonv 'o e: 1 h,s the Ingest lump of mill gold rV?' Se! ia this Territory. gThe m; 1 distant from this ci-y abouf thirty miles, by the trail, and lies nearly due nor h of us. Besides the Pony lode, there has tin T CThei out f the' veins men. ' no, to h 1 S -' figUreS iQdi"ting the yield Sin n' tyrrl1arymiU Process: Cotonaxi. S30 Sebastopol. $25; Buena Vista, $35 Poco Hempo, $35; Cleopatra, $30, Mark Anthony, $35; Muy Rica. 825: MLtw7.? WU,- Brooklyn, $4. This is 'very encourag ing, consider nir thttnnn. " i" J , Rimlf nnnn ... ,UM iuues are r nrn? , 8Uy Bre8t dePlh i of the re urns are fronrmere surface quart! HELENA ITEMS. Alot tweniy five feet front, on Main street On tho trail from Uncle Johnny's Gulch ZlTni Cit7, an unfrtote Tan, whose name is unknown, was found frozen to death a few days since. u There re in (ho tii rt. .. . . . " ""cu iiospitai. ten na. tients. verv on nf v, ' eu Pa bLrnbeodfy or i1- -a '-opet rx; uu' crippiea tor life. 1 nro m.n Vr;i.nnt it . - I-...! I ' ""v,,,"' "itionnei and Thomas , r ivi t,Y icei. Had at A din. nft-n t. . V , 8 ln'r work. On y ertPtln fty"fUr hUrs 0f fea6cle" "d en ergetio labor. wr f i.t.i... t covered. 8 ooaies re- On Sunday, February 18 h, the bodv of a man wa, brought into iown, and roUL as Phillip Farley, of Silver Creek. Tb I one cheek and n .a. .ue P?89! ad' rt'Ce' i W 7 ed" ff bis bodv. it i. .al0U maa " "- w fj'wocu, mice. TO TEA3ISTERSJLND DAIRYMEN! 'ilED! PEEDI1 BRA1V, SHORTS, ' "V. 0-R.liv,- ... AND : "".."Feed' Of A-LL KINDS, FOR SAB BY - .. . R, U, LAW, Vi.. a! & .... nlS:tf. . ..,u. D1reet rortisnd, Opposite O.B.N.War.bou... FURS, WOOL and HIDES. JHK HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID I0B ' ' rrCJRS, WOOL, AND HIDBi... .. .. 15 Mortu 8tret, Portland. C. S. MlLLIR. bad rrauciflco. iiaiies. Bloch, Miller & Co., Dalles. WHOLESALE XX O C E R S , AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors,. And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots Ac Shoes, Under Clothing, ilia ii kefs, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFTrn WB.L4VB fN .ASSAY ofr in connection nf fr vn iv- , unaer tne ent,re supervision Si? yli'r- mnke. "". In Bars in six hours. &K?GfoirdgS. W8 11180 W th8 n'fc ... BLOCri, MILI.KR 4 01 mv6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalies. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TIIlTPACKAOB. "OR CASH." At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. ODMMIXQ OUANT, Dalles, Oregon. m!3tf W. 13. DOUGLASS, niniam uirnbanm .) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND JEWELRY, rNVIIBS TIIK ATTKVTTnv nu tf, . ? New and Fashionable (inAa BeBDectfnllT ..Tiuir... ... WAANTEDMmY ttnd PE01,Ji"" "paired and IUUII StIlDm.l..i..n . . run LP III C e . LAST CHANCE FOR TWO WEEKS LOIVGER ! ( Goods at San Francisco Cost 1 1 W"EWILI- CONTINUE TO SELL OUR STOCK OP COATS, PANTS, f suvEs, hats cjw, And a loll assortment of Gents' Furnlshlogr CJoodg. p.M.... . ... Bt-re, WmmUL W ",tt " JR I)..tl... i. j.. ... stoT. brthoXv. fl e " r"1 "IeMe "nr ' ' IHUllTluanu . WA Jayj auULUBRO. BALDWIN & BRO., rpRP WAll aim... - plete stock of Staple Groceries, ,o.uu tttuiis OP FEED. Barley -8c Oats, Oround Barlev. Bran Sc Sliorts, Whon WALDROIV itnne VFk5j Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main st.t. n.n W?.? TWO 8TOKTFIRR Co.. aniofferTo heZb? " SJICan.8 o ""V1. MI""I Drugs. Medicine, , andCml'L"!? ""H "' vvuDiaiiug iu jiars or tSuSnb h An!,PpSWICK8 OHIMNKYB LINSFHn Bl'ONORS. ' . LAUD, B . NfcATsPOQT Oil, LAN l'ltl.ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AND TPA.TlSK'T TVT ICT-Ht.tT. . qUIU Tne.ndT'e8 ' ' . tht - i.UUIN-8 momv, '""'"''ts, snch a. tOMADKS ' ' ' i'L,SIIt CoSMKTiCS, BIIAATIN,, HAIIIOII.S, CLOTHRH COLOGNK. TfTHAlT "I Anv UUJ1DS. PXTRE WINES A-Nrn T.TrTTrtr. V -M (wo, .... .....iiini purposes. t. Tunte trom cost. Rea.lv .r-T FIIYSiniAH PrsAsi.ii.'i, .... .vniij!iB xc 1 31 O V A L . " OAXES & CHAPIN, WUOLESALB k RETAIL DBUGGI8TS Have Removed to ' HUDIO'S STOME IU IHHAG, WASHINGTON BTRKET. nu r.vi .BPt In a First-Class Dni Htn on THAU A M V Mm. T. mi u.r Cent. oon.i.t;in prruf D1U" . Our stock Patent Medicines, Pnre Win,, and Br.nv. c A Vnrni.i... Tooth Powder, "it t. J"1""nlan Tu""t Set"' porters, 4C, MUVUU1 IIU.1N uareftilly Compounded. Olve us a oall and uti.rw -elvosbure purchasing aDd "ttol '""f iClfAPIN, . niotfl JCRTIvni.,. VKKY IMPOIITANT Merchants, Families, Hotels and ..I"!1 OA VINO BOCQIIT TM . lte ir MSUS Acooant. 0f & n.i,u.i r i.t. . : 7 . " "T m wnicn inhu uuuHK:tarea Glassware, unare. LafflM. ChandAiivra Tnl,l Lnnblnv-rin. '"b-uiuqi; UUa AIlKlndiinrnii. - oi wnicb he offers at reduced rat.. t S1S?FW3aS ... . . . r.rr V secure. Di.n't fil t n nuojo-s atone Buildinir. l.l,i,,. . " " .IUCL, IMIIFU. Dalles. March 17th. 186..n,n1J7.U,UU8 "AJSMKR. UrPirnil Kfnom J nlil. I- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ' 0NfuZAnS M0NDA1f. NOVKMBBB 18th The Passengrer Train 10 connect with steamers U FOR TJMATIT.T. A ATrATTtTT TUJfl BTEAMKRg " 0 F n V T i . VilBVlUA Or " I D A IT AM CAPT. J. MONOLTY...; . WU l-T. DALLK3, DAILY 7g' n7 Wmmmaw- A-.--,onec3iVbyffi "im mo BieamtT iu.vasV, " NEW WOItLTJ AMlncm .. vuunaoaer, I "iies, aor. ia. i8Qg. fnlStfl WniW I TTk IV TT -mm- '. ' '" .r A . . .....i.iniauer and Jeweler MA.N STREET. DALLea "n5or.?I? WAT0HE8, JEWULttr 8.,.r n'S""r?".8"and Plated W' . ""'"i vunory, (Sc. "i JPym wae;att,an.ptca me warranted fbr YwelVTmnn-.!.." wt repaired by r otherwise, promtryt.Ve5P,eo! nnDto3r' b' faP"- n i iriTlsan . .t .A T flN 'RAflllf 4 (ONE DOOR AROVR tu " V V l .ruolwIJ(;.. STREET, DALLES CITY. . win attend to sales of Haul &infaiv General Merchaadlse, 1 Furnlti.ro ' UtZifcZ& utSOTJb REOUIAR SAL, DATS, MONDAYS ArontlDATS ' i -it. " "NptL - C3J CORNEA OJ SKCOKD AND WA8IIINOTOR 8THEET3 DALLES, OREGON, of lmm m.2 nP"R undersigned -It. . iMaX T- 1 IDC 6T 6TYLE,.wii keep constant- Iv on lint.H .11 H fcp W ! .. .. . , srrcsu and Cured Ideal m . Of tb. best qnali,, hnUtui jgl My motto Is to PLEASK ALL." Dalle, febrnw, 19th. is. ,0ait WWNOICR. IV ASUlfVCTOiv MARKET. WBflM OF . .vaajl04 Proprietor. swat 1X711 T ' '' iSjsj'if ",lo,, ri ajfordTof " "' " possibly ' FUK8H & CUB1ID MEATS. anil a . . t me lHatqnalltj. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS suppled on reasonaW. terms. In good condition, Ire rewes 'ed' to uM V." i"0' Koli.g elsewhere. ' 4 jm?NC"i.,,2?, A"'" JJalles, March aist,186B "vihibwu, . nihBltf Dalles. . KOENIGSDERGEIt, C. J . ou jrrucmco. T. GOETz Mr TOBACCONIsifs, Have removed to . Kudio's New StonA Rnnji VI not Sri "uai'""8TI0 8EOAR8, Bl'ORTINO OOOD8 INDIAN and FANCY GOODS A . -Th.tr..,,pplllt WwSsT MARSr PRICES it'tct-c " FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Dress Making EstabllMLrucnf, Opposite Colin fe Bohmi.. " - " MUO BlOvK or FLOWERS rimonA.. i - w n; uijj erf T BOISJVETS, II ITS, FEATli..'DO iJX'Gmm Trimn.i ' Dre .t"Z.T..'0"'.c".?.f MRS- RARY, In ... and irimrantM Tu.;r.r.,:?." " ao work in that lin. jjkiku done in all colors. ' V MUBiiiciinn. Particular attention paid to , fiUOJiS. -loWejndBraldlnB Stamping, ' ' NOTICE TO ttRKTcrZh : now prepared to iuii warrant to viv. ,h. ... ..T. '" . On - v nniD YXTTt A viiiTfv uv...' .. BiTiia-r.il --.x BRAN AND 8H0RT8, ' ' ' ii . ' . iuu, UUICKKN TERD. CorVi? " oup,nor ' CORN MSAL, from new n a . . BARLEY " P"C4 CORN a Dalles, Not. 8, 188g. H. A.H0GUE, Agent., AUCTION Aivn rnfncTcomT O II IV WILLT.ah.0 ATJCT Tmso TT'TnTi ' in S,reet DaI,e t"y. VKTILL ATTKWT. PA tit '. JUL " SSE0?- " na hUtaii : Reirular Sales Day..s.. J.J n Li -wnj. tbVca,?' Md - T Par, of 10. .. ".v.s vuilsignmCll IS. ; "'"mama. Auction..!- "'""mD, Auctioneer. A. 13H, A TTT'rfcX3 IMPORTER AND mrnivu n -, Win -fr - . LllUOr ; PROMT ATDriT Portland, r - ., . ,.!,.' Brandies,;' "'.'?;J Wines. ' , :-" " ':; " ,j ' Liquors, . - . . . ! . . BOOKS I BOOKSr TJfT7T r vim m - . uvuaaUjB; AND RETAIL. . aJjCnoOI, BOOKS, STATIONRRV svtutea, .. r.,w' Beeas ror ln Million.