B.lTUKD.iy JIORXIXG, MARCH 24, 1800. Sewing Machines for Sale. It will bo Boon by reference to our advert tilting columns tbat among other things to bo sold at auction to-day by Mr. Williams are throe sewing machines of different makers. We are indebted to B. J. Fengra, Esq., of Eugene City, foe a copy of the .Report of the Recent Surveys and Progress of Construction of the Oregon Central Military road. A hasty look, ing over is all we have yet boen able to give it, but we are convinced it is full of valuable and interesting infor mation. The City Election. We publish in another column, this morning, an advertisement calling a Democratic mass meeting, to nominate candidates for city offices. We had hoped that party politics would be thrown aside in selecting men to fill the few offices that our City Charter creates; but eome men cannot for a moment, nor upon the most trivial affair, depart from the " time honored principles" of Democracy. There are a great many voters of the city who with us had hoped that this state of politics would not be brought into the municipal eloction. We need good and true men to fill tho offices, and we are of the opinion that the best way to arrive at tbat result is to call a cilizon'u roeeU ing and nominate men who would be acceptable to our people, and who would discharge their duties faithfully. We owe it to ourselves to see that good men be chosen, and that the city government be conducted in such a manner as to insure both benefit to the city and citizens. We shall oppose all parly nominations in tho coming election, no matter by what party made, and will endeavor to see the besc men, no matter of what politics tbey are, elected to fill our city offices. A Bit of RuMAncs. Under this hoad the Oregonian publishes, from a Missouri paper, the particulars of the recovery of a white child by a Col. King, who,-on his arrival from the plains, advertised and described the child.- TiiO boy was at once claimed as being tho child of a Mr. Sylvester, who came to Oregon overland, in 1861, and who had a child stolen from him by the Indians, while camped on the Humboldt river. Tho claimant was Mr. Sylvester's brother, who resides e.t' Quincy, Illinois, and to whom the child has been given up. Thus much for the item from the Missouri paper Mr. Miller, of the firm of Bunnell Miller, of this city, yesterday received for Mr. Sylvester, who now resides at Albany, u letter containing a photo graph of the boy, which was instantly reoognized by his near relatives in this city, and places tbe question of identity beyond all doubt; though the child is also claimed by a Mr. 0 Cons roll, of New York city, who also lost a child of about tho same sge, and about the same time. The photograph and letter have been sent to Mr. Syl vaster, at Albany, and ho will doubt- less go East immediately and recover his child, as the parties who reclaimed the boy from his captivity desire him to' do so before they Bet aside tbe claim of Mr. O'Connell. This is truly a very ".j&antic and happy termination. Epitome or Telegraphic News. New York, March 19. jlanjr dry goods have been sold of late for currency at leas tban cost in gold. Several failures are re ported in tbe provision trade at Buffalo, and some excitement was occasioned here to-day by the disappearance of a Broad street pro duce dealer with $10", 000. Nev York, March 21. Tbe steamer New York sailed to-day for Aspiuirall. Among the passengers was Thomas W. Knox, lb well.known correspondent lately connected with the associated press agency, who will accompany the telegraph expedition through Siberia and Russia. " Washington, March 21. Dr. Ballatd, of Oregon, has been appointed Governor of Idaho, and it will doubtless be sanctioned by the Senate. In tbe Honse, Price, of Iowa, on the com mittee on the Pacific Railroad, reported a bill to secure the speedy construction of the Northern Pacifio Railroad. Julian intro duced a bill to equalize soldiers and sailors' bounty. Referred to committeo on military affairs. Henderson, of Oregon, presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of Oregon in regard to Oregon war claims. Ward, of New Jersey, said the friend of deceased sol diers buried at Arlington Cemetery were ap prehensive that it should reach the heirs of Gen. Lee, therefore he desired to read a let ter from the Secretary of War, which states tbat tbe Arlington property was bid in for the Government at $260,000, at a sale for unpaid taxes January 11th, 1866. Tbe cer tificate of sale would soon be placed on file in tbe treasury Department. Chicago, March 22. An order detailing Gen. Sheridan as a member of the special army board to meet bim in New Orleans just as he was preparing to go on important srr vice to Rio Grande frontier. Tbe troops there are said to be in a disordered state, and fears are entertained In consequence tbat new complications might arise between our Government and the French in Mexico. He deemed it necessary, therefore, to go there to regulate atttiirs in that Department, so as to maintain order. The Secretary of War, therefore, did not repeat tho order for Gen. Sheridan's presence in St. Louis. The board will doubtless proceed without him. Ges. Meagher's Speech. Gen. Mencrber, Acting Governor of Montana, made a speech at Helena, on February 7th, which we find published in the Montana Pott, in which he 'dennes bis position. Ho commenced by statiirg tbat" when he came to tbo Territory no leu into tne nanus ot some political ras cals who advised him Against convening tho Legislature: but upon consultation with some lawyers he was convinced that ho was in error, and bis Irish heart could not stomach the influence, and, since tbat time, he had been opposed by tbe political rascals into who;e bands be tell, when ho first enme ere. That he gloried in being a Democrat, and in occupying the high position in which his political opponent had placed him and that now, when be was satisfied be had tbe power to do so, was the time to caU tbe Legislature and tbe Convention, and not to wait until more Republicans came to the Territory be fore doing so, as he had been advised to by political rascals. Tbat complaints had been made of bis appointments of men to office, and be had been told tbat be bad appointed rebels and bushwhackers, and that he gloried in having done so. That it was time to heal alt difficulties, and the way to do so. That, be bad bis Instructions from the Lieutenant General. That these epithets were not known at the scene of conflict ; but originated thou sands ot miles away, among those who were safe in the mountains. That he had fought bravely for four years, and many times, after a battle, ne had seen tbe brave, noble and heroic Southern soldier lying on bis back wttn bis frozen band in bis knapsack grasp ing the last morsel of parched corn; thtt tbey were true soldiers and heroes, and the noblest of men. That when the great and noble Lee and Johns'on honorably sheathed tbuir swords, the nets of no one should, be remembered against him ; but that all should act and feel ns brothers, and that discrimin ation should not b. exercised against ibem That some political rascal bad been report ing stories abont him, and he would like to grasp him by the throat and choke it out o bim. Salmon Fiuhing. We notice as the season for taking salmon arrives that there is considerable preparation made for fishing this season. From 2,000 to 4,000 barrels will probably be taken in this vicinity the ensuing spring and summer. At the usual value ot sal mon in this market, that will be from 820,000 to 840,000 worth, and three fourths of the whole amount, at least will be clear gain, or the net result of the labor expended in the business. Tbe fisheries are extensive and th flsb abundant . enough to yield an an nual product $250,000 per annum, just as well as $za,uiu ah it wants is en torprising fishermen and a good mar ket for the product. No gold mine is any better or 6arer, or more lasting. Astoria uazetie. Tmt nnmn nf Wm. TI Rnrironnt.. in the telegra pliio nowa this morning, as eing confr.ned Superintendent of ndian Affairs in Washington Terri tory, should probably bo Wm. II. Barnhart. Goods at Cost. We would cull the attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Abrahamsoif A Kohlberg are Belting goods at Sun Francisco cost, rartios desiring to buy Clothing, wilt do well to examine their atock be fore purchasing elsewhore. m!8tf DENTAL NOT1CB, lining ahont to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements lip the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are inueed of Dental Ope rations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they nny have an oppnrtnolty to avail themselves of -my services before my departure, if so desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return to tide place to resume my practice, about the 18th of June. KTtfl J, W. GUllLhY. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, F. A. & A. 11 . Holds Its stated Communicntions on the Firet and Third Mondays of ouch month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brethren in pood standing are invited to attend. beth h. i'opi, sec y. uy order or uie vr. a. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every. Friday eveuiug at 7 o'clock, la Gates Hall, corner nf Seeond and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are invitod to attend. Byorder. N.G. AUCTION SALE I will sell at Publlo Auction THIS DAY, At lO o'clock, a. m. At my Store, No. 100 Main Street, 1 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine (a superior ar ar'.lcle.) rSinger's Lurpe Sizo Sewing Machlno, 1 New England Sewing Machine, 10,000 Cigars, and an assortment of Household Furniture, Consisting of ITalr, Tnln and draw Mattresses, Chairs. Table and Looking Glasses, Vases, Pictures. Cu'lery, Plated Ware, BeodstuadH, Sofas, Lounges, Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, Ac, Ac. Clocks, Watches, Accordeons, Ac, Ac, One Violin, Ac. JOHN WILLI Alls, Anet. A OTIC 13. ALLPB1ISONS1NDE11TED TO THE UNDERSIGNED are reouestoil to "come and see me" before the Qlrtt inst., at the llauk Exchange Saloon. niZHll ' M. KKJN1U. Democratic Alass Meeting. THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF DALLES CITY are reipitecl to meet In Muh, Convention at the Court llouso, ON SATURDAY EVENIMU, March 24th. 1866. at 7 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of select ing candidates rcny unicera. jiari uni,ts;3. FOR CITY MARSHAL. 5lOR TUB BENEFIT OF ALL MY FIUKNDS AND A few of my eneniius, I announce myself aaa Ottudl d ute fir City Marshal at the coming election. mux-tie j. m. . lAMJtt.. TO LET. mnZDESIR ABLE RESIDENCE sltuited on the Bluff, B formerly occuuied by T. 1). KELLY, is for rent. There are five rooms, partly furnished: also out houses: a good spring of cool water, together with one acre of rich garden ground, will: a secure fence around the seme. Terms reasonable. Apply to KELLY ft DENNY. FOR CITYJVIARSHAL. A T THE REQUEST OF MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE :3k. myself as a candidate for Re-election. m'-Bte CHARLES HEELER NliTVV YORK BAKEIIY AND GROCERY STORE, Main Mreet Dalles. mh23tf FREDERICK BENZER LAN6LEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ' DRUGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts SAN FRANCISCO. mh22:d0m. ' . ONE HUNDREDJMILES SAVED BLACKF00T&BIG BEND MINES BY WAY OF White Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 Biles ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oieille 160 M ' , " to Colvllle 170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, wilt save Save Time, Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffi Road. . IWood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drive. The 'road Is now open, and possesses advantage! over any omer lann route rrom ine Danes. Published by order of THE CITIZENS OF TUB DALLES, , Dalles, March, 20 :?". ni2(h2ia. AUCTION AND COMMISSION H O XT S IE I No. 100 MAIM STREET, DALLES. TIIR UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully informs the citixene of the IikIIps, and the public generally, that he continue! te sell at PUBLIC AUCTION OK PRIVATE BALK, - Real Estate, General merchandise, CiiocerleH, liorNCN, Mules, Furniture, Stocks, &.c. &.C. BBOCI.AH SALE DATS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN made of sales. Out-door and Soeclal Sales attended to In any cart at the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JUKEE, Slain Street, Dalles, WH0U8ALI Ain a st ail nulla in CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWAYS III STOM TBI BI8T BEARDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYING CARDS, . POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FI8II HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder.Bhot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets', and many other articles too numerous to mention. sT" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-8 J. A.. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision. Store, CORNER OP WASHINGTON k SECOND STREKT. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, and every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, -NUTS, CANDIES, $c , $c, Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. Also, dealer in GRAIN, FLOtm A.D FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Easiness. Ko charge for Storage on Goods sold on Comm.) .! Proceeds of Bales remitted promptly. JnlOtf. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. . BOOTH BABBT SIVISOH. BOOTH .Sc. NEViSON, Forwarding and Commlsbion Merchants. AND DELEHS IN GBNKRAT MERCHANDISE, White Slum, W. X, FREIGHT FOB COLVILLE, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKFOGT MINES oronintlv lurwarded. Mark Goods B. A N., White Bluffs, W. T, Mrsutiets : FoHUltB Richards k McCrakea, Allea k Lewis, an Hudge k Calef. Dtum Bloch, Miller k Co., French k Oilman, J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Jllala St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tbe eltiiens of this place and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro- , leesionai lour mrouim me mire, ne nas again resumed the practice of VENTI8TRY, In the room, formerly occupied by him, in the building occupied by Wood k Batler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wal- urun uruo. lira ft eiore. tie leaes inis metnoa or ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. LIST OF PRICES. . Entire Denture on Gold Baae.. .........$180 to M " Upper Denture, Gold Base..... .. go " 120 " Denture, Vulcanite Bane.. 70 12 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86 ofr Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Ohlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge, selg-tf NEW SALOON. . NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET, rf UNDERSIGNED wonld respectfully announce that he will open a flrst-elaaa Saloon In French k Oilman's New Stone Bnildlrrs, THIS EVENING, and prepared to serve customers ilk the beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A ' EIIEE Every day and Evening, oetttf. LUNCH JOHN RINDLATJB. NOTICE. WI CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC t the fact, that we have coneltded to give up bus iness and there ore. all parlies Indebted to us MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings will be had. - M. BltOWN A BKQj Bailee, Marsh 10. 1M. NOTICE. ALL nUtSORB INDEBTED TO OOHN k BOHM mnst pay up by tbe 2ith Inst., or legal proceedings will be bad. This la tbe last aotle. OOIIN A BOHM. Coal Oil I Coal OH! JUST BECmiD AND FOB BALE Uolvtl 8ATBS AcaArX'.-V