Money' market. New York Gold Quotations nil Prtuiclitco Legal Tender rated 12 Epitome of Tclexraplilc News. fOOUFILKD KOM THE OtttOOMAM. DATG8 TO HARCU HI, New York, March 20 Tho Herald's epeciul Toronto dispute!) IVom OUawa, Bays Ihut a batlory lolt lliero tor tho frontier on Saturday, and other do' luetitnonla of Irooim for tho front nro reported at four diflercnt points. Tho organization ol new companies was noinj;. forward with great activity "i'ho alarm seems to bo unabalod. Everybody now beliovos that ttio FoniuhM mean lo make ti desperate utiompt to obtain Canada as a baBO. very little dependence is placed on tho American Governments protos sions of neutrality. Tho authorities foel.that they can expect no sympathy from tho United States, and must help ihomselves if they would maintain peace. Tho published statements show that 10.000 regulars and l.OOii volunteers aro under arms, and 1,500 more men are drilled and aimed but not under ? i,uy- Tho Herald's Toronto special dis patch saj B : A plot is reported to have been discovered to blow up tho drill Hhed and volunteors while uniting. larijo city sewer runs under tho drill shed, with its entranco one hundred yards off. The report says that barrel tl powttor wore to oe roneu up in sower, and when tho volunteers nie for drill in tho shod, tho whole wer to be blown up. Ine sewer ia now iruarded day and night. . New .York, March .20.7-Advices. per steamer Marietta from Vera Cruz show that confirmation is furnished regard intr tho critical position of the lmpe rialists at Chimpec. The Republicans aro threatening tho town, bringing the - force within Borne thirty miles of it. In tho Pacific Slates tho Imperialists . woro'slill confined to a few poBts, the .Republicans holding all tho country. The latter had boldly attacked the garrison ou three occasions in five weeks. Lieutenant Maury, Maximilian's minister of colonization, had loft lor England. A strong fooling in favor of the an noxatiou of tho Island of Jamaica to the United Suites, is manifesting itself among tho people ot that Island. New York, March 20 Tho Herald's Jiio Janeiro correspondent gives lur tber advices regarding tho Jiio Platte war. lmmonso preparations were making for tho batlie which was immi nent at tho date of last advices. The allied army of Brazilians and Uruguu' ' yans, numbering about 50,000, and supported by a considerable and etli oiont naval fleet, are on tho banks ot tho Paraguay rivor. in the vicinity of Paso do la Platte, con t roll td on tho north Bide by the Paraguayans, esli mated at only 22,000 men. Works of groat strength, however, are held, by, tho latter, which neutralizes the num ber and advantages possessed, by tbo allies. The latt r,- it is- reported, dc wign, to cross the river.- A desperate Htruggle was anticipated. They had a so in contemplation-a flank move- . ment and an attack on the Paraguay mi's rear.- Parlies- of Paraguayans had. orossed in boats over the river, Skirmishing badoccurred. The allies however, had repulsed the Paraguay aos with small loss. New York, Maroh 20. M. Saillard special envoy from Napoleon, bad left on his return to France.. One of. the Belgian envops was oaugbt by gucr onillas-en route to Vera Cruz. A con contrated effort will be made by the Imperial troops to clear the Rio Grande ot guerrillas, and re. establish commu nication with toe interior.. Providence, March 20. Gen. Burn C.8. Miu.. Dalles. Blocli, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN1 "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jolliers or CLOTHING' Roots & Shoe, Under Clothing, ISlankets, etc., etc., etc. A8SA.Y OFFICE. Tarn TliVH AN ASSAY OFFICE IN tXWK KUTlll.l V wli'i offr lirmlneM, under the entire supervision nflr Vlllop. We make returns In liars In six hours We guarantee, all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PluCli for Burs, we also pay ine mgiiosi Cosh Price for Gold Dust. . - . ' jiijiujii, luuji.r.u. si-a, myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dulles, DEALERS IN HARDYARE,, IRON Sl STEEL. BY TUB PACKAGE. "FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. CDMMINO A GRANT, Dalles, Oregon. ml3tf AV. 13. DOUGLASS, .rVs (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DEALVR IN A.1NT) JEWELRY, INVITES THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND L tho Public to bis choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respoctfnlly soliciting their patronage. Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired ond WAIIHANTED. niQtf Keit Door to tne roit omce. last chance: FOR TWO WEEKS I.OSGEKI! Goods at San Francisco Cost!! "TB WILL CONTINUE TO SELL OUll STOCK OF T T COATS, PANTS, HOOTS $ SUOES, H ATS $ CAPS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing: Goods. AT COST! , Until the 31st day of Murch, when we mall close onr store, mmuuT faiu 49 Parties indebted to us will Dloase call at onr store veiure tuo auovs uate. flStf ABIIAUAMSON ft KOHLDERO. BALDWIN &L BRO., OFFER FOR BALE IN CONNECTION WITH A plete stock of . Staple Groceries, ALL KINDS OF FEED". TsiAO K. BLocn, San Francisco. "Jfrls'i WALDKON BROS., "Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. VSrRNOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0Y FlHK .,, r st,,i, hnlliiinir. omioslte llloch. Mlllor A Co.. and offer to the piihlfc a full and ooiuflte stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting m pare or KEROSENE. LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, AC1IW. LINSKED, HOI'S, , SAUK, SPONGES, LEECHES, LARD, COItKS, CA.-TW AND N KATSFOOT Oil, I.D100 AND LANPULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SyPPORTERS. AND PATENT MKDICINKS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS i of the finest and.bost quality; new styles ond large axxortuients, such as LUlllN'S PEIIPUEEIIY. 11 Alii. LUlilN'STull.liTSuAP, FLESH, POMADES Bit A VINO, cosmetics, hat, IlAIlt 011.3, CLOTHES, L'OI.OUNK. ' TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND . KA1L1IUUSHES TOOTH POWDEKS, AND COMUS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mnrilrinal nnrnospfl. . " " " Our lufillilt'H tor lmylng (roods nro second to none In the Ptttto, anil wo 8tii.ll m uii t lines ecu at a smaii uu- vance from coat. Ketuiy aalua and small profits. ruvsiciANS' ruKscRiriioNS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlfcht Dalles, Kept, u, lb'K). '-" "Ji'lS'M O V AL, . GATES .fc CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DjRIJGGISTS, IIhvo Hcmoveu to RlDIO'S S rOAC IHJlLDrVG, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, . TfXTHUHE we will continue, to sell articles nsnally V V kent in a Flrt-Chuw Drnit Store, at 20 per oent LESS THAN ANY BIOUK IN THE CITY. Our stock cunsists In part ot Patent Modlclucs, Pure Win' s and Tlranily, Fancy 3t Conimoa Soup, Heir llruslies Corks, Acids, Toolh Powder, . Alch.d, Hops, . ' i'.xtmcts, bpoiues, Trinwen, Braces, Paints, Varnishes, Uin llohomlan Toilet Pets, Supporters, Ac, PHYSinAXS' PRESCKIl'TIOXS Carefully Compounded. Give us a call and satisfy your selves bulnru purchasing elsownero. U. li. CllAl'ia,. IllUtlJ . JIBI I.1 UATKa. V 1Z It Y IMPOltXAMT to :. .. ,' tr .1. , ti..uiia 1TAJAln n .1 lUcrciKiius, luiuiuts, uuit'ia uiiu UA11.UOOMH. rULlUS KRAEMBK HAVING I10UQIIT THE EN- W tire ttwk of Mcrchaudiie and Uonk Accouuts of the late firm ot M. Seller A Co.. In this city, tn.whlrh lie has added of his own importation (while doing liufliness in Portland) an Immenso ctocK ol the best maumnciureu Crockery, GUvsNwaic, : Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery L.ooklng-GlaftNCM and All Kinds of Oils, ' All of which ho offers at reduced ratos. Persons wish ing to buy any of tho above-mentioned articles, will-do well to give me a call neiore purchasing elsewhere. Ordera from the- interior promptly attended to, and goods pocked to go secure. Don t Inil to call on me. Huuiu's atone uuuuiug, nosuiugion siren, nanes. JULIUS KRAEMER, Dalles. March 17th, 1805. mhl7tf Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENTP : ON AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl further notice, - - - XIio Patssenjyoi Train to connect with stoamors - ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the. R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, c Mondays. Weilneidayt, and Fridays, at a &. in. THE STEAMERS "ONEONT A" or "IDAHO,?' CAPT. J. MoNULTY ;.....w.Commai)def, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (8nnday exoeptedlat o'clock, A. K.,couiiectiU by the CASCADE HMI. ROAD, with tuo steamer "NEW WORLD" or4iCASCADESs" CAPT. J. WOLF, Commander, Portland. AV. S: BRADFORD, Dalles, Not. 13, 1805. fi.l2tf f Agent 0. 8. N. Co. P. D-E.IIM, Watchiuakcr and Jeweler MAIN STREET, DALLES, TYEALFR IN FINK WATfilTES, JEWELRY, tr ui,ui;iis, uoia rens.aii-rerana f la'ea ware. Bpectacles, Cutlery, Ac. arrarticuiar attention nam to repairing fine "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. 1). All orders from the unoer nountrv. bv Exnress vr uiiierwisv, promptly airenaeu to. PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOM (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE,) MAIltf STREET,. DALLES CITT I will attend to sales of Real Estate. General Merchandise, Furniture, FRANKLIN MARKET, v v eORNKB 01 SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON,. JOHN KEP1NGKR Ppprleto i TTIK UNDEHSIONHD liavlun fitted up the ahore Market in the BU T BTYKK,will keep constant ly on hand all torts of t resu ana turcii iticnis. Of the best quality funilshed nt the UIWIST RATS My motto Is to ' PLEAS K ALL." TnARTIKS HAVING SUPKHinil STOCK FOR SAllf B will do well to call at the Fran Klin Market, JOHN KPPINGKll.. Dalles, February 10th, 1SG5. WASHINGTON niAliKUl. con en or , COURT AND BT.COND STREETS, DALLE8, OREGON-, JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. (SPA ' VV II. Ij KKEr constantly oS'haml all the varle- ( Istlet that the uiarKet can-poiuuuiy. atford, of FKBSH & CURKD MEATS, and always of the bst quality, i .... FAMILIES, HOTELS, AUQ STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. The nndoreinuen is always nninared to pay the lilsM est cash orlce lor FAT CATTLE. "Parties hnvluic vtm lt In good condition, are requested to rail on him btfor going elHewnere. Dalles,' March 31st, 1805. JOHN M1CHI.LBAOH. nihSltf si m ivx o v a. jl. . J.GOETZ, Dalles. r. KOKNiaSBERQEir, San Fiuncisco J. GOET5S & CO., TOBACCONISTS, ' ' Have rrmovodto- I Rtidio's New Stone Building;,' Washington Stroet, near French A Oilman's, end luif opened a well-assorted stock of HAVAN AUUU lXJMr,MlU DI'.UAUDf .i V i VllldlNIA and WKSTEItN TOBACCO, FHKNC1I and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM andotlior PIPES,, " .. . PLAYING CAUDS, . . , , , SPORTING UiXIDS. ' ... ' INDIAN and FA CY GOODS. Ac. C The trade Bilppllnl at LOWEST MARKET PRIOEf. FRENCH MILLINERY STOSE AND :; ; . 1 .... Dress Making Establishment. ; Opposite Colin A. Bohra's, i WOULD CALL THE TTUNTION o the Ladies 4 . the Dulles to my lur, e and line stuck of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, 1 nOiMVKTS, SI ITS, FKATIIEItS, ' Dress . Trlminiiigs, &v..i Havlnsr securedllio sorvices of MRS, FRARY. In the Dress Halting npa tineiit, wc will do all work In that llu and gnamnltx) perfect satisfaction. . . 'i i DYING done, Iu all colors. Give ine an early Call and I' will enileaTOr to suit- everybodyrln TAS'l'B aud at REASONABLE PRICES. .- Particular attention paiu to , . . Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, , NO Tf FC ET 6 FAR M E R" STf 1HB DALLES LDMDER AND MANUFACTUU1NH.. . COMPANY has roceutly attached' a, r FLOURING MILL I. to their Ettnm Sash and Door Factory. In this City, ond' are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIUND WHEAT ard CORN, and warrant t give the best satisfaction. On, band constantly and for sals i . i ,; 1. 1 -j 1 m , FXTKA FAMILY FLOUR, , . I . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS. .. BRAN AND SHOUTS.. V .....i CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED",'. Also, a Superior article f CORN MEAL, from new Corn. 1 n - i ' I ''-.! The highest market price pal for WnEAT, CORN a . BARLEY. ' 11. A. HOGUE, Agent. Dalles, Not. 2.1005". ........ n3tt I AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN; WILLIAMS, lTJ-OTION ETCTt, ri, iuv, xiiuin street, uaiies -iiy. WIM, ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ot. Gonerul '51erchaudise, Heal Estate, Grocerl-s-. ' Jlorsesew and Second Haud Furniture, Stocks, Ac. ,1c.-. . Regular Sales Day Saturday. ' Out-door anil Special Sales attended to In any part vf ' ha ri, liberal Advances made. on. Consignment nl0:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. ' A. Gr. BRADFORDj IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF - i FRONT STREET. Portland . - - Oregon... OFFERS FOR: 8ALB A., VERY. LARGE. ASSOM'Jt ment of Brandies, . Wfnes,. Liquors, Case Goods . &e, ' '. ' .; itc, '' Ac.' : , tV The Tnule Is particularly Iwritedr to uomlne mf stock before purehasingalsewher... ' an24 tf BO(WS!liOOKS;: - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OCHOOL BOOKS. STATION KRT Btanaardana Miscellaneous WUHKB, side was- to day nominated' by acola. Jat