0-1 FRIDAY MOUSING, MARCH 23, 1860. Tub population of Montana is esti mated at over 30,000. Queen Emma, of; the Sandwich Islands, baa arrived at Florouce, Italy, with a largo number of attendants Tue Democracy of Idaho City bad a largo and enthusiastic meeting on hearing of the President's Veto. They endorse. Reprieved. Acting Gov. Mcaghor of Montana has reprieved James B. Daniols, convicted of manslaughter, and ordered him released from cutody. The Idaho World of the 10th inst, Buys that the snow is rapidly disap pointing, the water beginning to run, and miners are at work with fine prospects. Caught Again. "iloosier Dan" and Williams, the Orloana Hotel rob bers, who recently escaped from the Umatilla county jail, have been re. captured. Tbey were discovered se creted under an old log house, not over a mile from their former place of confinement. Tub soiree of the Dalle? Social Club, which took place on Wednesday evoning last, was ono of the most pleasant affairs of that nature ever bad at the Dallos. With good music, merry dancing and social chit chat, the happy party glided intotho morn ing hours ere they dieporsed. . A fart of tho expedition that went from Owyhoe after tho Indians, roi turned to Ruby Cityion the 4th inst., and they were all expected to return soon. They have learned,' alter try ing it, what everybody knew before, that nothing can bo accomplished in fighting Indians unless the men are woll mounted. J. II. D. IIendeuson, our member in Congress, annouuees himself in the State Journal as a candidate for re nomination. The peoplo of this sec tion have had enough of Mr. Hender son, and propose to substitute a man from this-side of the mountains who will bo more compete Jt to represent tboir interests. Mr. H. has been to Congress once too often. City Election. Next Monday week is our city election. We do- not op prohond that it will .be made a party test, nor do we think that the best ends would bo subserved by making it one; still we are of the opinion that some oftbo present officers have, by . their attendance to their duties, do served a re-election. and shall consider it much- to be regretted if tbey are sc riously opposed simpfy on account of tboir political opinions. Democratic Convention. The De mocratio Connty Convention met yes torday at tbo Court House, in this eity and oleoted the following gentlemen delegates to the Democratic State Con , Tention : Col. N. H. Gates, J. Teal, M J. Allphin, J. Fulton, C. Goldbaum W. P. Miller, F. S. Holland, J. VVil liams, and J. H. Blakney. The dele gates were instruoted to vote for Col N. H. Gates for the nomination for Congress. Tht convention adjourned to meet oa the 7th day of May, when tbo nominations for county officers ' till be mado. diaw Atrocities in Idaho. Wo gather from the Idaho Statesman, the following Indian items : Six or eight head of cattle were run off from near Camp Reed, soventeon miles beyond Bock Creek station on the Overland Stage line, on the 23d of February. About the sumo time eight head of horses were stolen from Brigns & Clark's Ferry on Snake Eiver. The campof BtiB.'oIs & Mnjors, which is about 00 miles from Boise City, lost 27 head of cattle. Those latter were drivon to Snake Eiver, but tho Indians failing to get thorn across, they killed six, and the remain der were recovered by tho. owners. A letter from Euby city, dated tho 5th inst., says: More sad news was brought np from Jordon Valley this afternoon. LaBt Friday evening about dusk, the In dians chased Mr. Osborn- horse and all into Dr. Inskip's house and kept np a furious attack on tho premises all night, completely riddling the board part with bulls fortunately not hurt' ing any ono. During the night they killed a horso within sight of tho house, bailtaflre, cooked and eat him up. Mr. 0born got out the back side of the house and went to tho camp for help. Thirty soldiers were sont out, but unfortunately they lost their way and did not succeed in intercept ing tbo savages, who continued their firing on the houtie until after daylight, and until about tight o'clock, when they lolt down tho road towards the Owyhoo. Some hours afterwards par- los passing down tbo road found tho bodies of two men, Messrs. Lockwood, and Brown, who had been murdered by tho sa?ugostand one of them hor ribly mutilated being scalped and his heart cut out and stuck on a stake. Mr, Lockwood was well known hero and universally respccled,and this bru. al outrage causes intense (ocling hero abouts. I cannot cot full particulars, but this is the substance of this la mentable nffuir. Tho miners of Boise County are beginning to open their" claims for working, and the ditches are being cleaned and repaired for tho Spring work. The Blackfoot fovqr poars to be subsiding, the gpnoral news from there not being very favorablo, and quite a number of Boiseites are expected to return as soon us th Spring opens. v i . VMore op " Lo." -A letter written from Wurra Spring Reservation, under dato of March 12th, gives a few more items of " Lo" friendly visits to the cattle-herdors in that neighborhood We are permitted to publish the fol lowing extracts i Mr. Scott, of the oattle-rancb, from across tho river Des Chutes has just arrived, accompanied by a Mr. Sher wood, who is on the track of the horses stolen from the Canyon City road. He has tracked them to tbo head of Willow Creok, and they are gone on to the head-waters of Crook ed River. K Three nights ago, fifteen Snake In dians went into tho eamp of Evans & Hardisty, and drove off about six head of horses belonging to Messrs. Scott & Ritchie, and took everything they could find in oamp. They drove the horses of? to the beadof Willow Creek Mr. Scott and party followed them th day after, and found that the horsos were driven in the same direction as those stolen from tbe Canyon City road, bot eonoluded that there was no use in continuing the pursuit as the j - ' Capt. T.J. Eckerson, Ass't Quar.: Mast., U. S A., Came upon the steamer to the Dallos yesterday, on his way to Fort "Boise, whero he goes to take charge of the Quartermaster's Depart ment. Capt. J. W.Porter accompan ies him. as Clerk in that department. Goods at Cost. We would call the attention of our readers, to tlie fact, that Menu. Abrnliamson ft Kohlberg are selling goods at Snn Francisco Cimti Parties desiring to buy Clothing, Kill do well to examine their stock he- fore purchasing clsewhore. mlBtf DENTAL NOTICE. BHuk about to make a professional tour to the towns and Be ttlements up the Columbia. I respectfully cnll the attention of those of iny patrons who are in need of Denial Operutlous of any char acter, to the fact, so that they nriy have an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my depnrturo, If so desired. I will leav ahont the 20th of March, and turn to this place to resume iny pmrtlrp. itbout tiie 18th of Juno. Mtfl J, W. UURLtY. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, P. A. fc A. M. Holds Its stated Communication on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, In Dulles City Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. Betb L. Pope, Fec'y. By order of the W. M, Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F Moots every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, lu Gates Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. FOR CITYJV.AR3HALL. AT THE REQUEST OK MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE myself an a oundiuate for Ke-flection. Invito CHAKLKS KliKLDK, BAKEUY AND GROCERY STORE nialu street Dalles. FREDKr.ICK BUNZEH. mh23tf LAN0LEY, CRQWELL & CO,, IMPORTEUS AND WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., ' 8AN FBANCISCO. mhlidOm. ONE KL0nEDK1!LES SAVED ! BL1CKFG0T & BIG BEAD IIIMS BY WAY OF Wliite JBliiflk ! TIIE SHORTEST AND SAFEST H0AD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles i. ' ', White bluffs to Pen d'Oieille......loO " " toColville 170 Travelers by land for either of tbe above Gold Fields. win suvo Save Time, Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffi Road. .Wood, "Water and Grass Are found on tills Road within easy drives. The road la now open, and possesses advantages over nnwomer lanu route iroru me Danes. 1'ublir.hed by order of T1IK CmZBNS OF THE DALLES, . Dalles, March, 20, 1806. . . m2U:2m TO TEAMSTERS AftD DAIRYMEN FEED! FEED U BRAN, SHORTS OR.A.ITV, AND Of ALL KINDS, TOK SAB.BY Ii II.. LAW, 26 Front Street, Portland, nl9:tf. Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouse. lDItS, WOOL and I1IDES rjTJtHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID POtt tCRS. WOOL, AND HIDES, at WnTDlVVV UDDUTU Lnnt. mhl83ni 16 North ifiont Street, Portland. m LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COnN t BOHM most xs. pay up by the 26th instt, up legal proceedings will be su. this is tue last none. uuun a uoum Coal Ollt Coal Oil! f iITffi-iAiT ilin rniUlMlM jiuuiiuu juiu iuiMiinouiuii HOUSE! to. 1C0 MAIS STREET, DALLES. 'VjttV, tlNtJEHBlONtSD THANKFUL FOH PAST JL Fit tors, rubpectlully intormn lite citixctm of tiilles, ami the public generally, thnt he coutiuutrc to ell at jpuulxc jytjotiois" ' Oil PRIVATE SALE, Heal Efttale, licneial Merchandise, Ciioceriett, Mult1 Furniture, Mock, &c. &.c. KKGH1AR SALE DAYS, - Tuesdays and Saturdays. ash Advances made on Consignments, nd PROMPT RETURN mde of sales. Out-door and Special Sales attended to Id any part ot the city. JOI1M TVILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J . J U K E JEl, .llaln streets Danes, WUOtESAlI AND RtTAlt BEAIER IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &,s. ALWAYS IN BTORI THI BKBT BRANK8 OP tears, Tobacco, Matches; &c. MLAYTNG CARDS. . . K. POCKET CUTLKRY, POUT MONIES. COM lis and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PKUFUMKKY. ol eviiry description, CHINA OUNAMKST8. , TOYS, DULLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS and F1SU1NO TACKLE, MUSICAL IXSTHUMBM'S, FANCY GOODS. 4c. Also Powder.Slrot. Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and- many o iter articles too numerous to mention. f Interior dealers mi null od with Cluars. Tobacco, etc. at Iohs tlian Portland prices, with frciRht added. ' oc-8 .J. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision Store, CORNER OP WASHINGTON A SECOND BTRKETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles vt. r'RESH UUTTKlt, EGGS.and every variety of lTA-BXILY GltOCEIUES, NUTS, CANDIES, $c , $c Wholosale and Retail, at Reducod Prices FOR CASH. Also, duller In , GRAIX, FI.OHU A.D FGED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No charges for Hturntce on Ouoilft sold on Coramifk)!K Frocfrilr) of BiiicH remlt ed prtmiptly. JiilGtr. COLUMBIA RIViR MINES I A. B. BOOTH BARRT HLTUOIf. . BOOMI & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlulen Merchant AND DGLKhS IN OUNERAT MERCHANDISE, White UlullH, W. X. IREIOITT FOR COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMBIA, ? KOOTENAI and ULAt:KJfOOX. MINta .rumptlys I'wai ui-d. . . Mark Ooods B. AN.., Wl ite Bluffs, W. T, KErtBENCES: Poxtund Richards k MeCroken, Allen A Lewis, and; ' IHodge Calef. Ditirs Bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Alalia. St.. Uallea, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citiieus of this nlnco and vi cinity, that having retttrued from a pro fessional tour throtiah the mlfis, he has aicaln-resumed the practico of JENTlS'i'It Y, In the room tormeny oocupieu uy mm, in rue uulldtng occupied fy. Wood A Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takea this luetliod of ex. tending thanks, lor the liberal patronage heretolore ex teudod to hiui, aud seliclts a continuauce of the same. LIST or PVICKS. Entire Dentnre on Quid Base .$180 to 225 " Upper Dentnre, Gold Baset 90 ' 120 " Denture. Vulcanite Base , 70 " -126 " Upper Venture. Vulcanite Baee. 35 oi ,- Gold Fillings inxerted from one dollar upward.. Childrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. Sel3-tf NEW SALOON.. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. riUE UNDERSI4NED would respectfully announce JL thut'lre will open a first class Saloon, in Freuck Gllmon's New Stone Building, TMIB EVKN1NU, and la. propared to serve customers with the best of Wines,: Liquors and Cigars.. ALSO, A- , s E It TS US UTJNOH! Every day and Evening. . oc28tf. JOHW KIMPLAI B Notice to Settlerr.. TnB PUBLIC SURVEYS of Townships 4 Nortk. ". 32 t. and 4 and 6 North Hanne, 33 East Willamette- Meridian, Oregon, have been approved bv th. Surveyor General of Oregun. and the plats thereof, bear, lug date, February 10, Moo, tiled in this offloe. , OWUM WADE, Register Sand Office, Oregon City,) - s reoruary it, ibob. j roticeT we call mih. abtentiojl of, th i psbijow. the 6ct,. Uiatwe have concluded to give un bas Ineea and thereore.all parties Indebted to as MUST PAY ' IIP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or lersjj TnL V