ay Tatto luoraiaiuccr Money Market...1 New York Ootil Quotations.... ............. .'.121 San Francisco Legal Tender rates 77 Epitome or Telegraphic News. COVPILKD FROM TBI O&IOONIAIC. DATES TO MARCH 10. Washington, March 19. In the Itouse, Mr. Kasson, of Iowa, intro-. duoed a bill to nmond the Act of July 18ih, 18G2, to aid the construction of n ruilroad and telegraph from the Amoor river to the Pucifio. Referred to oonnnitteo on Pacific Urilroad, Air..' Bid well, of Cal., introduced hill to enable the Stuto of California to reclaim lunda within, the. limits ot the State. Referred. Mr. Dawson, of Penn., offered a resolution reciting that the United State cannot guarantee bonds of tho Mexican Republic or any other gov. ornn.ont without .impnifing its own credit, und impohirif.' now burdens on 'the j)' ople. Tho House refused to second the demand for the previous question, nud tho resolution went over. Mr. Windom, of Minn., introduced a joint resolution authorizing tho " Secretary of tho Interior to pay cer tain ciaims out of tho appropriation for expenses for Indian affairs. Re 1 erred. . Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, offored a resoi lution, which was voted down, direct ing the committee on printing, to in quire into the expediency of publish ing accounts of exploration across the great basin of Utah to San Fran ciseo, in 1859, by Uapt. Simpson, of the Jljiigineer (Jorps. . Mr. Garfield's motion to reconsider the vote by which the. loan bill was lost on Friday, came up. and a motion to lay that motion on tho table, was defeated. Ayes 2: noes 79. Tho bill subsequently passed, by a vote of 81 to IH A concurrent resolution was offered that Congress adjourn on Tuesday, blank dny of May. Mr. Washburn, of Illinois, risked if I it wus in order to nil tho blank wiili llio lust Thursday in Muy. ; : bpoaucr sum only by unanimous consent. r . Mr. Morrill, of Vt., remarkod that f4ucu a resolution wao preuiature, until Vho appropriation bill passed, und culled . lor the ayes and noes, which resulted, ayes, 80: noes CI. So iko resolution passed. Mr. uottroih, ot ronn., ortjrod a resolution, wni.cn. was adopted, in Htrucling tho military committee to report at un. earlj' day, a bill for eq.ul. izing bounties for all Boldiors und Bailoi-4 duriiifr the late war. Washington, March 18 In the Senate Wilson reported IIouso. bill appointing tweko trustees for tho feoldiors' and Siulors' Homo, to obviate llio difficulty, of getting n quorum, ot" the one hundred corporators together, nnd it was passed. Too bill now goes iq ino rresiuent. Fessonden,. of Maine, made expla nation about the published letters of win A. uraham, saying that Joint Committee could not allow ins(Grai nam s) request to cross examine wit iiossos. Tdey desired the investi-ga lion to bo lull and impartial, and were ready to hoar any witnesses who could throw any light on the Hubjoct. Graham was. of tho belief tluit thetostimony had closed becauso live evidence was stringent; it had not closed except in. tho case of Ten nossce, and u Graham wished tc- in troduce further testimony in the case ot-JNorln (Carolina, he could do so. Williams, of Oregon, introduced a bill for equalizing bounties on tho oasis of $13 per month, tho bounties heretofore paid to be deducted and tbo procoods in common, to bo sno ciutly assigned for this purpose, lie terreu to the military committee. Tho House, concurrent resolution providing lor the adjournment of OongresB, was roferccd to tho com mittee on finance Isaac F. Bloch, Ban Francisco. 0.8 MUAIK, - Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GB O O EJ I S , AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINGr Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., . etc., etc. .ASSA.Y OFFICE nrr have AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION W i,k n..r i,iiin. nndnr the entire sooervislon ol Mr. Miller. We make rcturniln Bars In tlx hours We murantea all our Assavs and pay the IUOIIKST CASH 1'RICIS for Bars. V6 also pay the Highest n..ak Orifa fi.r fllilll DllHt. " . ItLOOH, MILLER A 05., my8tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. G-ROCERIES. BY THE PACKAQE. fimm-i S A C1TT 95 At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO k GRANT, Dalles, o"gon . ml3tf AV. 33. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William. Birnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DIALER IN AND JEWEL RY, INVITK8 THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND L the Public to Ills choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Rofpoctfiilljl soliciting their patronngo. Wa-ches PIIOML'TLY and PROPERLY rapaired and W A Kll ANTED. mtUf Door to the Post Office. LAST CHANCE! FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER!! Goods at San Francisco Cost ! I E WILL CONTINUE TO SELL OUR STOCK OP COATS, JPANTS, hoots shoes, hats Sf- cirs, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A.T COST! Until the .llst-i'sT nf Mt.rcli, niton w mail close our Stcro, WI1HOUT KAIL. AS Parlies Indebted to ni will nlease call nt onr store before tho above itnte. I13tf AitltAHAMSON A UOUI.BUItO.. BALDWIN & BRO., OVFKR FOR SALE IX CONNECTION WITH. A COM plete stock it JALL KINDS OP FEED. 33srlcy Sc Oats, Ccioiiiil Barley, Bran Ac Sliorts, Which w propose to sell in quantities to lull at PORT LAND PlUCaS, adding freight. nilatl WALDROlt BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. ' TB NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY TIRE V ,.,r Rt..n Inilliiinir. ntiuutlte lllooh. Miller A Co.. and offer tethe public a Ml and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and cuomicaia, consisting in pan u. KEROSENE, " . LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS TVRFfiNTlNE, ALCOHOL, ACins, LINSEED, HOPS. 8AGR. 8P0N0F.S. LEECHES, LAKU, COKKC, CAi-TOR AND NEAT8F00T Oil;, INDIGO AND LANPULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND ' PATENT MKI3ICITSKH. " Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and boat quality; new styles ond large assortments, sucu as LUHIN'8 1'KIIMJKKHX, - 11AIU, LUBIN'S Till LET SOAP, iLKSll, POMADES. SHAVING, COSMETICS, .-, ' . 11 AT. HAIIlOlt.S, .CLOTHES, I'llljlllNK. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAlLBHUSTfE! . TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE ,WINES AND LIQUORS, Pai Mndtrliml nnmnRPN. Our facilities fur buying poods are second to none in tho State, and we slum at all nines son ataaniauuu' vame from cost. ' ltetuly sales and small proms. , PHYSICIANS' PUESCUU'TIOXS Carefnllv comnounded at all hours of the day and nleli Dulles, Sept. 9, 18'i6. sellMI IiT JESi OVA L. . GATES & CHAPIN, . WHOLESALE A RETAIL DHU GGISTS, Hnvo Removed to RUDIO'S STONE Ul'ILDLYG WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will (tontlono to sell articles usually kept In a Klr-t-CliiHH Drug Store nt HO per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. Our slock consists lu part of . . Patent Medicines, Fnro Wlns and Brandy, extracts, rnncy common soup, Sponges, Unir Brushes Trusses. Braces, Corks, Acids. Paints. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alcrliol, Oils, ' Hons. Bohemian Toilet Sots, ' Supporters, 4c, MYSICIANS' PUESCKITTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy y ut selves buforo purchasing elsewncro u. l.ciiaim(, Luiutt j JUSTIN GATES;. VKltY IJ1POHXAMT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IJAK-ItOOMH. 1ULIUS KK.UCMKll UAVINO noHdHT THE EN- P tire Stock of Morchanillze and Rook Accounts of the late ttrin.or M. Seller A Co.. in this city, to which he has adilwt of his awn inniortiitlou (while ilultiK bubKSS in Portland) an Immense Mock ut tho best innnufucturcd Crocltery, .. GlaNSivare, Plated Warei Lamps, Chandeliers, . Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and All Kinds or Oils, All of which he offers at redncod rates. Tenons wish ing tn buy any of the above-mentioued nrtlr.lCK, will do welt to iclye nie a call betore purchnslriK eUeuiiore. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and, goods packed to t.o securo. ' llon't fail to call on ma. Rndio's Stone Duilding, Washinntun street, I)a1l ea. - JULIUS KRAKMEU. Dalles. March 17th, 186S. tnhlitf I Oregon Steam . Kavigatioiu Co. .QUI! UtUIIU - WINTER ARRANCEMENT. ' ON AND AF1KR MONDAY, NOVEMDUlt 13tl nntl further notice, Tlio Passongfcr Train ; ' tccoonoct with steamers ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start rrom tlx R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Jlondsyi, Wednesday!, and Friday, at 0 A AA, THE STEAMERS "ONEONT A" CAPT.J. MoNULTY or "IDAHO," Commandor, Will leave DALLES, DAH.Y. (Snnrlavs ficeptodl at 5 o'clock. A. H.. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, witn the steamwr "NJEW WQRtDor " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, . Portland. W. B. BRADFORD. Dalles. No. 13, 18CS. nKrft Agent 0. 8. N. Co, Watchmakci' and Jeweler, MAIN-STREET, DALLES, DEALER. IN FINR WATCHES. JEWELRY, . CLOCKS, Gold Pens,SUer and Plated Ware, I DpactaciBB, uutiery, Ac rParMcnlar attention paid to repairing flne1 Tatches, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches roialred by me warranted tor twelve nioniiis. N. B. All orders from the upper muntry, by Express or otherwise, promptly attemied-tn. PAYNE'S UITIM lilllllf! (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE.) 91AIX STKECT, DALLES CITY I will attend to sales of ReaJ Estate. facneral Merchandise, Furniture, And Stocks. REGULAR BALE DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Stock and Special Sales any day. Sundays excepted, 'ylte 1. 1. 0. l'AYNa, Auctbussr FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREUUJS, JOHN KPPlNGKn Proprietor TUB UNDERSIGNED having ritte np the above Market In the BE T STYLE, wiH keep constant ly on hand all sorts of i rcsii ana fjurea jtieais. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATH, My motto is to " PLEASE ALL." WIARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SAL I a will do well to call at Ik Franklin Market. JOHN EPPINGER. Dalles, February 16th, 1868. WASlIIIWrttN llIARItUrJ coastRo? COURT AND SF.COND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON. ' JOHN MICHELDACH, Pioprietor. WILL KEEP constantly on hand all the varle- tLri Hi V.l (titles that the market can possibly allord, of . . . ., . ' ITI1ICSII & CURED MEATS, and always of tlio but quality. . , FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS . uppiird on reauonnble termi. Tbe umltTBlpneq in al ayn pr.'pnrcil to yy the lilfiV eHtcauli price for i'AT OA IT I. K. Parti ei lmving trlt In good coinJltlon, aro rcquvsU'd to call on liim befDr gomnflevTllt;rP. . JOHN MIClIia.lMCU. jUHiies, niarcn omr. lotto, - nuiaiti 11EMOVAL, J.QOETZ, . Dalles.' . KOKNIQSBEROER. fan Fraudwo J. GOETZ &. CO., TOBACCONISTS, iiiive rripovcd to Eudio's New Stone Euilding, Washington Street, noar Fronrh A Gilmnn's, rnj hay opened a well-iissorti'd stock of HAVANA and DOMl'.yillO Sl'G.VRS, VlBOINlAni.d WKSTKKN TOBACCO, ' FHKNCII unil SCOTCH SNUrF, MKKIIt-CIIAUM and other. PI PESi PLAYINU CARPS, "PORTING OiMlltS; INDIAN and FA C GOODS. Ac. Ac The tradq supplU'd at LOWEST MARKET. PRICES, MRS. LEICSEIi'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE A.ND. , Dress Ma kins Establishment Opposite Colin & Dohm'i, 5 WOULD CALL THE TTENTION of Iho LaJlcs o. the Dalles to my lar, e and duo stock of FLOWERS, EM3ROI0ERY, nOXXETS, II4TS, FEATHERS Havlnit secured the services of MRS. FRARY. In tltt Dri'ss Making npa tmeut. wc will do all work In that liu and iimirnntce perftxt satisfaction. JJl l.NU done In all colors. , Give mo an early call nnd. I will endonror to sulk everybody In TASTM nnd nt K KA3J.N AULK PRICKS. ravticulur attunttor paid to . . . Embroidery and Braiding Stampings NOTICE TO FARMEflS."' rnMIR DALI.KS LUMPER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY has recently attached a . FLOURINGMILL In Ihuir Steam ftifh anil Door Factory, In this City, auii are now lirepnred to CHOP VKKB, UltIND WHEAT ar'd' CORN, and warrant t give the best satisfaction. Oth nana constnntty anil ror sale . , KXTRA FAMILY VTiUR, ". , SLCUXDS OR .MIDDLINGS. - DRAN AND SHOUTS CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED-. Alto, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from : Corn, . -. :, ' The hlKbest market price paid for WHEAT. CORN a BAULKY II. A. HOG UK, Acent. Dulles. Nov, 2. 1BC5. naif. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLI A. M S . 1 AUCTION ETCR, - Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TOTnR 8ELLIN0 AT AUCTION -ol General Merchandise Heal Estate. Ororcri s. ' Horses, New and Second Haud Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. . Reryijjni- Sal.cs Day Saturday. , Ont-dtior and Suoclnl Sales attended to In anv narl i.t ,' the City. . Liberal Advances made on Consignments., ' nTOtBm. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A. O. BRADFORD. ' ' IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF "yincs &c Liquors . i- . FRONT STREET, Portland, . - Orrgan, OFFKRS FOR SALE A VERY LAROS ASSORV nieut of Brandies, ' Wines, Liquors, Case Coodsy &c, &c., ttc. Tho Trade Is particularly Invited' lo examine mil t ck before purehaslng elsewhere, au'24-lf BOOKS! books; wiijolesale and retail. OlIIUUL UUUKHi STATIONERY, Biannaru ana .liisceiianenus WORKS, Ute NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. Ac. ic. by every Steamer. PosM)fflce' uooKitore, statu street. Dalles. Garden ScedS ror the lUllltoa B. J. W1LDB04 r