0itutainccL THURSDAY MORNING, HA11CH 2, 1SCO. '' The attention of those desirous of investing in real estate, is directed to the advertisement -of Mr. VilVia.ms,, Auctioneer, in this morning'B paper. Six months residence in the State, three months in the county, and fifteen days in tba precinct qualifies a citizen of tho United, States to vote at our lections. A touno, tan named Dimmick, liv. ing in Bonton county, was last week lost for throe dayajn the Coast M jun tains. Ho walked constantly the whola time, and finally arrived at the house ot a settler, in a state of great exhaustion. Grant County Delegation. Tho following gontlemen compose the Union delegation from Grant county to tho State Convention : M. A. Berry, V. Adams, II C. Grogory, T. II. Brendt and J F. Wolfinger. The county con vention meets on the 1st of May for the nomination of county officers. Canyon City. Sheriff Berry, who arrived from Canyon City yosterday informs us that high water in the Canyon had done considerable dam ago to the miners by filling up their .claims; but that they had now got fairly to work, and tho prospects wore that they would reap a rich harvest the present season. Indian depreda- tions Btill continue on tho road ho- . u j r, i. w evil uero uuu canyon, uniy a lew days Binco, the Indians drove a band of horses they had stolen, so close to . ... ' 1 uamp watson that the Bentinol could distinctly recognizo them. In fact, rn hnnnmin o i,m .1.0 0 -& WUI V..L.&I j.a . ; . .. rtU; ZZZ TSIZZ person, who owns a cow or a horse r. , , . , , UI" uhAlit Ho ntv.-,rt rt ia 11.J a I vuu,pOll0U iu guard thera; and miners aro confined to tho limits ot the town, in order that they may not loose their hair, thus etfiectoally rotardmg tho development f il,. ;,.l.oi t : ... v,uOD. ....uoiui rcgiou eusioi me ascaue mountains. How loyg is this to last ? How long before our military authorities wake nn nr.d tbe necBHSil.v ni Rpnairvcr mo inuum ..j s v.vo to- proteot the- hies- and1 property of these- peoplo who aro the bone and uinew of the government f This mil, itarv department was.o,, c.,rBrf tha preBence ot an old- granny who commanded it fop thr vfinr- nnA ht. inose rea aevus wouia nave Doen long hinae exterminated. rJBt t.h n.L(ni.. of the Dalles and Canyon City follow the example of those of Boisa and Raby cities, and we will vouch for the result. ' tfaoai Canyon City Sad News. We hare received from Mr. James A. Henderson Agent of Wells, Fargo & Co., Canyon City, the following noto addressed to him, conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Benj. Powera : ' EIinoLS Foc Road, 16 Muss took Camtos; Citt. Mtmntuin Houtt, March 12, I860, Mb. HrifDBRSOK Agtnl Well; Fargo Co., Canyon City: I bare sad news to communi cate. Benjamin Powers is dead be froze to death last night. We had got within five miles of the Mountain Houie when Bb. guv out.' One otber of tbe party- tbrew away hii blankets. When Bea. and myself came up be (Bear) concluded to stop and build a (Ire, and re, and then coma on. If not, be world ailjj Ml stay tbera all night and come on in tbe morn ing Be bad plenty of matches with him, o I did not leel aneasjc about bin. Tbe bal ance of us came on, and wben within mile of the bouse, John Johns, tbe blacksmith, gave out. As I could render bim bo assist ance, I came on to. tbe boose. We made the facts known, and one of tbe men belonging to tbe bense went baek and brought bim in . . to about 10 o'clock, with hie feet badly frofcen. if As for Ben., we felt no uneasiness about bim. we ieiv aim wuu two pairs oi Dianxete ana plenty ol matches. As be did not come in tbat night, we despatched a man early this morning with food to bim. When be found bim he was two miles tbis side of where we Kim tnat altna Tha man fminl ha nnU ' ' I do nothing by himself, SO he built a fire and , ,. . . . . i i , i out, but Ben. was dead. F. MoBean. Mr. Powers will be romembered as the man who assisted in raising dipt. Roland's company of volunteers, in this city, about eighteen months since, and who refused to bo commissioned owing to some misunderstanding be tween himself and Got. Gibbs. At the time of his death ho was on liis way to attend the Union State Con VOntion. as One Of tllO delegates fl'Om n Grant county. Mr. Powcra was a . gontleman of more than ordinary in t1i:..nn,i ..Jvf Ann n,.i.,l siii.iliiino telligence and of nno social qualities. Yaquina Bay. Tho Corvallis Ga , .. , , , .1 Zeiie puOIIHIies long IUllr jrum uie t- . t ,t,:..U l, i cently been cut off from the coast res- orvation and thrown opon for sottle- ment - A lown 8,16 nas Deon ,a,a 0Ul at lD0 hcad of the by forty-two miles Ironi vervains, over wnicn aiBiance a company with a capital of $20,000 is mnlrlno-n wno-nn road. It is r-lnimnd o o for the Bay that thero is good and Bnte entrance there lor vcbsoIs draw : . AnAn i Q AM oo rAA . it. n it B iU " UV3"i " luav. l j8 80 sitUtttcd that mu8t become an important Bhipping point. The writer savs : u, then, the problim i. solved. u,J r , T '"""-J navigable for large ocean steamers for . C.. P 25 miles. The harbor is safe, and 1,000 vessels can be anchored in it in porlect safety. Its entrance from tho ocean U 8aPerior t0 any inlot from , trnm nnrvAu-ia thn unw ia . . . ' .: . " r. . fectly aaupted 10 a railroad; of this there can be no question. Here, then a matter oi vast National, as well as local importance, one wnicu nas oeen I Airanlnnv nl havaliFAna tttA hnv kn . . ... " .. . , Bor ana ana wnoie country on this slope having been included in two In. dian Koservations. In fact, a has been get,erally supposed that the coast weswny was an iron oouna concern. r 1 T. -JJIi! I. it. .1 .1 Buumuu vw lU0 aoove inore 18 uite atl extensive oyster fishery in the r yster8 are load io eehooners and "n.t. t0 ,ar,0U9 Points on tho c?n8t '" " Ui r tue mie rior iradei LTD TEAMSTERS AND DAIMSIEN! FEED 1 FEED!! SHORTS AND OF ALL KINI13,.KR SAB BY R. H. LAW. 25 Front Street, Portland, Blt:tf. OpscriU O. 8. N. Warehouse. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO C0HN A B0HM must pay up by the 25th Inst., ur legnl proceedings will be had. This Is tha last notice. C0I1N A BOliM. Goods it Cost. We would call the attention of oar readers to the fact, that Mesars. Abrahamson A Kohlbsrg are Belling Roods at San Francisco cost. Parties desiring to buy Clothing, will do well to examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. Jnl8tf DENTAL NOTICE!. Being about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements np the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patron, who are in need of Dental Operation, of any char; .. , . , . , 2 . avail themaelve. of my services before my departure, so desired. I will leave about the 20tb of March, and lel?". 1 Place o resume my practice, about the lstnoi June. L'-'"J J, . uuiiLbi Wasco Lodge, No. 19, F. A. cfe A. SI. Ilold. it. stated Communication on the First and Third Monday, of each month, at their hall, In Dalles City. Brethren In good standing are invited to attend. bsto u. fort, sec y. uy order or tue w. at. . Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. P. Want, .verv Prlilnv evenln at T nVWIr f.i rjataa Hall, corner of Second and Court Street.. Brother, in gooa siitnuipff are inviieu loaiienu. ityoraer. n.u. DIED. In tlil. city, March 20th. Elizabeth, Infant daughter of Hubert and Martha Smith. Real Estate For Sale! rsnllATDKSIRAHI.K PIIOl'EUTY o-cupled by C. R. Jl M KM., Hun., situated on the COIlNElt of SECOND and FKHEltAT, streets, one of the pleasnntest location. in the city, is onereti tor ewe on reasonable terms. 1 he Dwlllng rontnlns FIVE ROOMS, bciiutlfully finished with PLASTERED WALLS, a portico iu front of the D el lug. aud water on the premises. Siso of Lot 4,1x60 The one and a half COTTAGE DWELLING HOUSE. Hhiniti'd nillnlninflr tho fihnva nrmiprtv. nn Vs.rtKlt'A I. street. This is one of the pWnntost Inratlnns. fora ron.llv In t Tlnlloa Rlunf W "UvfiO lt..na- - 14x20. ALSO: a cottage residence on the riiofr. in the vicinity of the Bi hool Mouse, commanding a lair view of the city. A 81,,elK,u, 0,in(. for party with email moans, size or Lot 25x100 feet. also: TWO LOTS of LAND, situated In BTOKLOW'S ADDI- TION, on the Bluff. In the rear of the Methodist Church oize oi Liois ouxiuo :eei. Tlie above described property I. commended to the at- Sftt.01 jvr,,.h I J? TJ 13 LIC AUCTION IP TTIK ABOVR DESQRinRD PTtOPHltT IS NOT disposed ot at privato cale on or before The 22d Way of March. 1866, The same will oesout at ruuuo Auction on tnst auy, at uo'cincn in tne tnreunon. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. ml3td 100 Alain Street. LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. mn22:d6m. AUCTION SALE I wilLsell at Publio Auction THIS IA.Y, -cVt IO o'clock, a. m. At my Store, No. 100 Main Street, a large aasostment of Iluuseliold Furniture, Consisting of Hair, Pulu and Straw Mattresses, Chairs, Table and Looking Glasses, Vases, Pictures. Cutlery, Plated Wars, Befldstoads, Sofas, Lounges, Csockery, Kitchen Utensils, Ac, Ac. Also, an IuAoioe ofr Hats, Caps, Shirts, Boots, Blankets, Cigars. Coffee, Pickles, Tomatoes, Can Fruit, Ac, Ac. - JOHN WILLIAMS, Ariel. ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED BY. WAY OF Wliito JBluflfe! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs .KK miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle 100 " " " 14 toColvllle. 170 Travelers by land for either of. tha above Gold fields will save Save Time, Distance and Money By taking the WWte Bluff Road. Wood, "Water aud Grass - Aro found on this Road within easy drives The road is now open, and possesses advantages over any other land route from. the Dalles. Published hy order of ., TP CMIKN8 OF MB DALLES. Dalit., March, 20, I860. m20:2m. lUItS, WOOL and IIIDUS. JplIE IHGII'EST CAiStt PRICE PAID FOR IVORS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at MoCRARKN MERRILL A CO.'S 1C Korth Front Street, I'ortlaad. nhlS3m jittiom an iiLViiun aim tuiiiiii HOTJSEI No. ICO MAIN STREET, DALLES. nnHB UNDERSIGNED mnl! UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the cltliens of the Jl Bjjlsj, " the public generally, that be continue, t. PUBLIC AUCTION OU PRIVATB salk, Real Entatc, Cieneral merchandise, Giocei icj, HorsieN, Jlluleia, Furniture, Mocks, &.C. &.c. KE0ULAH BALK DAIS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. . Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN made or sales. Out door aud Special Sale, attended to In any part t the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anctloneer. J. JUKER, Main Street. Dalles, WBOUSAII ADS RETAIL SHALES lit CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUIT, PIPES , Sco. A1WATS IS STORS Till DEBT BKAMRB OF Clears,' Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS. 1'OCKKT CUTLERY, POUT MONIES. COM IIS and I1HCSIIE9, rr' nil kinds, PEIIFl'MKRY. ol every description, - CHINA OKNAMENTS TOYS. DOLLS, etc. rim HOOKS and PIPHIKO TACKLE, MUSICAL INMTKUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot. Lead, Powder Flasks, Tlasketa, and many ether articles too numerous to iiientiun. " Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. etc at lesB than Portlaud prices, with freight aiUled. oc-S jr. V. FORUES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision. Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON A SKC0ND STIIEETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest article, of FKHSIl UUTTKR, EUOS.aud every variety of FAMILY fillOCElilES, NUTS, CANDIES, $c , $c, Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Price F0U CASH. Also, dealer in GRAIIV, FLOUR A'D FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No fhnrgei for flturrtRe on Qooilf boU on Commifi-ioa, Proceeds of BnWn rein. tied promptly. ' Jnl6tf. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES I A. n. BOOTH...... . HAHr.T MF.VI80H. BOOTH &c NEVISON, Forwarding aavd Cmslskton Merchants AND DELKllS IN OGNEUAT MEKCIIAKDI8R, Wliito UluflH, V. X, ITnmonT for colvillk, rrPF.R Columbia, : KOUTKNAI and BLACKF0OT MINKS uromntlv torwardrd. ilark OoodsB. A N., VI ite Bluffs, W. T, StS'SKKCSSt- Fostuss Richard. A McCraken, Allea A Lewis, and ;iludge A Calef. DiLirs Bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. J. W. G U RLE Y, DENTIST, . JUalu St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RK8rBCT?DLLY INFOHM tho citizen, of this phico and vi. citiitr that having returned from a pro- lessiouni tour tnroiiKii the miris.lie line again resumed tho practice ur jKNTISTIIY, In the roon formerly occunied hy him, in the building occupied hr Wood A Butler, l'hjtograph Artists, and ailjuhiing WaU dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes tills method of ex tending thanks, fur the liberal patronage heretolore ex- leuueu to uiui, ana solicits a oonunuauce of the same. LIST OK PRICKS. Entire Denture on Gold Base i ....$180 to $226 ' Upper Denture, Gold Base , B0" i iq " Denture. Vulcanite Base 70" 1V6 ,l- Umier Denture, Vulcanite Bobs 35 " 05 Gold Fillings inerrtcd from one dollar upward. Children' Teeth extracted free af charge. -el3-tf NEW SALOON. NEW BT0NK STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. THE UNDEKS(1NED would respectfully announce tluit he will open a ftrsbolRs. Saloon in Ktciich A Oilman's New Stotio Building, THIS EVliMKU, und is prepared to serve cuitomers alth the best of, Wines, Liquors and Cigars.. -ALSO, As - EB E E LXJIVeil Every day and Evening. or8tf. JOHN BHVPLAFn. Notice to 8eltlcrs. TnB Pl-niJO SURVEYS of Township, i, Kmth. Range, 82 East, and 4 and 6 North llaiige 3U K.i.t Wlllametto Meridian, Oregon, have been appruved hv Hi. SnrvMur General or Oregon, and the pint, theroofbe.,,!. a j uir-i in .inn niuce. OWEN WADE, Register. Land Offlce, Oregon City, 1, February 27. lBBO. mOwl, K OTIl WK.n3.JaI',T.IIKT,TI0N 0F THE POBMC nn. sn i th ll,nt.,we included to give up bns. UPWl? H i IK ."itSv P,?"' lnU,!'"d to u. MUST PAT Le luut hl-NtTV DAVS or legnl proceeding, win lD&,U.hlO,,6. "OWNABHO. .