DA-T.JL.f3S, OUF.GON, THUIISOAY, MA11CH 3, 1806. NO. SO. vol.. r. V auntoneer, PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING, (MONDAVI tZOKPTID,) BY E. G. COWKE &. J. II A Ei LOR AST t ED1T0B8 AND PROPRIETORS. Terks Twenty -Hvecentt per week, payable to thecarrier per month, by mail, SI; three months, (4 60; lis months, $5 ; one year, $8, Advertisement Inserted at low rates. Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe nted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country. Puymentjor Job Print ing mint be made on delivery oj work. XV. B. DOUGLASS, Practical Watchmaker, And Dealer In -gfc FI.tE WATCHES Jit. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. listulllslieU 1857. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORN mi OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN ni21-tf P. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEItLAM te WENTZ, -.OWNlTUa; GLOBE IIOTF.L BUILDING, upw nHu m t i ; ..... Household Furniture, .embracing Tables, Ohalrs, Bureau! Ueds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpels eic, etc., all of which will be sold at low rates, furniture Repaired, and upholstering done to order. aiso,ou nana Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. aulU WJ. ICOABUB. 0. B. KOEQIb, WM. MOABUS 4CO., CITY BAKERY, and TR0VIS10N STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and family GROCERIES. ttj0rdere from a distance carefully filled aodprompty Ispatcued. - i-ti JOSEPH ELFELT, WB0ISS1LE AND UTAH. DEALER lit Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CL THINQ, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS,, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court troeta. oos-w IIllTl JM fc OUCLL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PHA0TI0H IN TUB 8UPRBMB AND CIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o w asiitogton Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. UU MASON Dalles, Ogn. J. A.ODBLL, irurtisisiiiaD BOOMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE II0USJ3. m2tf MRS. SPRENGER. K. H. GATES. HAT. GATES Sc IIA.FT, Atiorneys & Counsellors at Law, PALLE3, OREGON. 13 It. II. STEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, U. 8. A. . omcs ai WALDR N BROS. DRUG STORE 74. 4. WM. BROWN WARNER, M. D. OFFICE 71 SECOND BTRBKT, between Washington and Court. ' OrncE Uoom 8 toW A.. 2to4 p t.;andtoin,p.ii C. 13. BROOKS, M. t. Office A-t Dr. Crais'sj Dra Store! DALLES, 0REQ0N7 Dlt. 13. W. MITCHELI Office WALDEON'S BUILDING. Residence Corner of Third and Washington Btrents . COAL OIL! COAL OIL! WAI.DKON BROS, hare just received a Urge In voice of COAL OIL, aLiclj tboy offer at greatly Jaood rates. JuJu t'tt IIIUACII At UlLJIAil, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOO'JUlillilW, Miners' Goods, Uoat Mores, &c, HAVE REMOVED TO TUI1R NW STONE BUILDING, ' CORNER OP Second and Washington Streets. DAL ES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. v sf Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York ami San Francisco, we nre uute aud williUK to sell ftt ft very small 4vance on San Kranclsca prices. Tliey hope by adopting a utrictly orrct aud prompt method ol doing busiuesH, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. BelO-tf UMATILLA HOUSED DALLES, ORECON. IIAKDLEY Atsi.worr, I'rop'rs. THIS POPULAR HOUSE, OeHTRALLT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Has been recently enlarged and improved, aud will now accommodate 300 GUENTS. IT WILL BK CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOU.HB, and the patronage of the traveling public Is respectfully sollclte t. T" Uagftage Ukeu to the llouse free of charge. House open all night. LARGE FIRE-PR30F SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. , ' . EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, DALLES, OREGON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-GLASS HOUSE. IN THE CENTRE OP BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landing 8nperior Accommodations for Fuuiilies-and can Ao commodate One Hundred aud Jfilty Guests. Heals 60 cat. Lodging..... Mots Fire Proof Safe for depositee! valuables. Kg. House open all night. Baggage taken to the House tree ol charge. tiijmab smith, nih8-tf . , Proprietor, FOR UOISE MINUS DIRECT. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. 'jl.h: booth, WHITE BL0FI3, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER IN , . MERCHANDISE AND jtuneks' supplies. PACK AND SADDLE BOSSES FOB SALE. FREIGHTS 00N3IQNFD to ray care for Oolvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re celve prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oot. 1st, 18M. oc.2tf NEW FllIIT, CllOCEllY . AND ' PROVISION STORE. rpHB CNDER8IQNKD INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and I the public generally, that be baa Just established on slain street, next aoor to J. J uKer, ToDaccomst, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly en hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholcs utevv stilus, rKUViamnx, v t.ut. iaulh..i, ao. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED P11ICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself, aeia-tf JOHN 8P0SIT0. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRTJ1T STORE Washington Street, opposite Frencli k Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand ft large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Frosh nutter Jic "Eggs, Received daily. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUll'8 of all kinds. FKKSII VEGETABLES every morning. All articlos warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody! PRlCKSl LOW. aul8:tf F. LIEBE. M. BROWN & BROT., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE , DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0. Mr. M. DROWN, being a residont of San Francisco, w. are enabled to oiler great Indcements to purchasers. W. respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock befor purchasing eisewnere. nuo-ii T Stous Store, north side Main strsot, Dalles. i THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells Fargo & o.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerviile, (Boise Miues.) Through in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Lin. of Stages, and th Boats of the O. 8. N. Company. GEO. F. THOMAS A CO., ap37-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PlONEfiU STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS U31ATILLA, AFTER TUB FIILHT OF OCTOBKK, AT THE FOLLOW ING HEDUCUD RATES: To Bolae City IS Cents per pound Idaho City 40 Owyhee 0 " . For leia amounts than oil. hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per poaud will be charged. TIM tQ FROM UMATILLA) To Uolse i'lty 3 Days. To ItliUso City 3 l-i Days. TO Owyuee, 4 Days. JOSEPH PIN&I1AM, Aent. Umatilla, Oct, 1, 1865. oclfctf. SPHIN3 AN J SUMMER G0003. FUKHH H JL'OiJlCI I)lSL.HLItV Ac UlUtS., Dallea and Walla Walla, DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outfits, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Ilats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively in the San Francisco market, ana making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se 1 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalle ml-tf Dalles aud Walla Walla. MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. mfl'ISSO'IlOURKEDICSIRES TO INFORM the 1TJL Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, that she has just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and Ban Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfng. PINKING dene at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed in the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Beady-Marie Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Class Dress Maker, I am prepared to cnt and fit Ladles' and Children's DRESSES aud CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, on. squar. east of th. Cathollo Church. oc21:3m. NEW GOODS! HHTING JUST ARRIVED FROM THE FAN FRAN. Cisco Market, we would invite th. attention of our friends and the community at 1 irge, to onr well-selected siock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots & Shoes, &c, &c, Which we are selling at the most reasonable ratos. W. cannot sell our goods AT COST, but assur. the comma nity that it pleases as to sell goods at SMALL PROFITS. u9tf. H. HERMAN CO. aUAUTZ MILLS ! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at th. OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and ITU streets, PORTLAND. A.. 0. GIBBS A CO., . . Successors to Portland, Dee. flth '84. deStf X. L. Jonrs A Co. WAVTED. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE SECOND hand Vnpnltnr. Ila.l. U-.l 1 1 1 . . and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wishing to sell will da woll.to call. ds0:2. Jt lotf Main itictt, DallosJ Umatilla, B o i s o, AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. mUIS LINE 13 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING Jr. order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight aud Valuable Packages between these aud all intermediate poluls wlthcertamty and despatch. The Line Is Stocked with the Best Teams the country afforda arid entirely New Thorough-Brace -aiticsx CONCORD SSLISil WAG OJN S, Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmlsalnn of Freight, never before ottered to Idaho. We oner Supe rior indncouieiils for Shipping Goods Irom San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Uregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Uouds shipped by this Line will not be subject to tit. usual delays, but puss through as IT nut lTreijjlAt. Goods shtppvd from an Franrinco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Goods shipped to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. A C0 F. LINE, anil Shipping ilecelpts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line aud Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyuee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New aud Easy Riding ihoruub Brae. Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over eaoa night on the Road at Good and Couvenieut Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived ol regular rost. . AOKNTHl ' RICHARDS A McCRAKEN San Francisco KICK Rbi McOUAKkIN Portland JO.iKl'lL TbiAL Dalles POWKLL AO 'E Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON ........... Le Grand B. M. DuKKI.L t CO .Boise City B. M. DuHKLb A CO Idaho City MAJOR HPKKIt , Rocky Bar (South Boise) DuRELL A MOORE ..Ruby and Silver Cities B. HI. DvRBLL CO., n2Stf Proprietors. A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BA.DGER &LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Mercttaut, san Francisco, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. UNTIES NEW AND FRESH ST0CK WI WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In tlie Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslmer. and Wool HAT8 of any house In Ban Francisco, and our prl es for these Goods are less than thnee of any house, as w. receive them direct from th. manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer and Fall Goops Is particularly attract ive, and th. great feature to the country merchant Is th. unusually low prloes. Less Than the Cost or Importation! ' W. also keep the STAPLE ARTI0L8S In th. Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purohased In this market un der th. hammer, and are oderlng them at Mew Koi k Cost, and less. We publish this card In order that w. may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ns, to call and examine onr stock. Good Articles and Low Prices t Are th. greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merohants who buy of ns can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servants, BADGER A LINDENBRRGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos. ell. 413 and US Battery street, Son Francisco, February 0, 1899. . f-8inw. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Our. for all diseases of th. . 8 E X U A. L ORGANS, T1IIS prompt and efflcattons Remedy for the our. Ghonorroea, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of th. Urinary Organs, makes a -speedy cur. without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business) It will radically cur. any case which ctn b. produced. The disease It removes as speedily ss Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If th. SPE0IFI0 COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entirely vegetable, aud no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Price On. Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. UOSTETTEIt, SMITH A DEAN. Agents, ' AU1 and 103 Battery street, our Clay, -Jy22-8m. San Francisco. I. BALLAST . 0. W. ARUKS. 0. W. ARHt. ARMES & DALLAM, , Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BHUaUKS, TWINES, CORDAGE, 0. ' ' And Manufacturer! of ," ' ' California Palls, TuH Broom, lC 317 A 219 Sacramento Stroet, between Front and Davis, (ian Francisco. ocll'.Duidew.