pails P onntaiuccr. Money Market. "New York Gold Quotations A 124 San Francisco Legal Tender rates Vi . Epitome of Telegraphic. News. f COMPILED tlOH f HI OBKOOKIalf . DATES TO MARCH 17. Ghica , March 19. Gen. Pupa hag written to to th Wur Uepartmeut concerning the plan of establishing military posts from Minnesota, to Mnoluna. Ho Says that be intends to place a largo garrison at Wadsworlh, and also at ort KHcy. Military posts will 16 re-e.Ub' liahed at Fort Burlhold and Fort Union at the mouth ot Yellowstooe river. There will also be a post at the uroasing of Powder river, nearly due west of Powder bills, and two other posts between there and Virginia City, Montana. This arrangement will give a di rect and trood ronte from boitbweat Mtnne ota to Montana via Sioux Falls, Fort It i lev Black Hills, and the valley of the Yellowstone river. ' The posts thus established, will be in ttructed to furnish all assistance in their liower to emigrants. Reports Irora all parts of Canada and along ' oar borders represent that bt. Patrick s day pissed off without any disturbance, and the Canadians breathe freer. Nevertheless, it is proposed to keep the volunteers nnder arm soiiie tune longer, and even organize a Horn Uuard tor a reserve corps. The expense the present miliiary establishment is filed a ' $50,000 a day in gold, making a total of five hundred and fifty thousand already. '; Ifew York, March 19. the Bteamship (?er ' mania, from Southampton, 7ib, arrived last evening, Gladstone announced In the Boose of Com mons that the reform bill would be rend on the 12ih. It would only apply to Kng'and and Wales. He hoped then to stale ti e course iben to be taken in regard to Scotland. The Lord Chancellor's bill to u ke parties to a divorce suit complaints to answer any questions as to whether they bave not corn emitted adultery, was vetoed. The London Timet says: Tbe courage and decision exhibited by President Johnson in refusing bis assont to the Freedmen's Bureau " Bill, confirms the respect-in which his policy has been beld in Koglaad, and will entitle , him to credit as one of the ablest statesman who have ever conducted a great Dation sue- cesbfully through a crisis, by firmness, mod' erntion and wisdom. , The p: bspectus of a new company bas been Issued. It is culled the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, with -090,000 rnpital lor laying a new cable and raising tbe old one, introduced by Morgan & Co , with Mr. reaooar on the board ot directors. Camp .Lincoln, Arizona, Feb. 15th, via San Francisco, March 19th A party of Company A, Arizona volunteers, under Lieut. Galcgos, which left here on the 11th inst., returned, ' reporting great slaughter of Apaches. After traveling two nights and resting by day, they found Apache signs, and scouts were sent out from tbe main bo ly to ascertain tbe exact position of tbe enemy.. When found, they returned and tbe whole body moved within sight ot tbe Apache tires, but occu pied a secluded position until two o'clock in ; i hi morn ng- when the command was formed into three divisions, and moved in front of certain caves where the savages were sleep tng. iney were arranged one above nn- . other something like Cocuna Coves, and . when tbe attack was begun nt drfybreak, tbo tight becume desperate. The Apaches were taken by surprise., their dog not even bear ing tbe approach ot the troops, so stealthy was their march. The Indians declared that ' they would not surrender, and one who calls himself Cnpt. Constantly, defied tbe troops from an elevated and secure position whence ; they could not dModgo him. All of tho oaves that were accessible were filled with dead nud wonnded, Some tbiny were be. lieved to have been killed outright. Thir teen scalps were brought into camp, and twelve prisoners, two squaws and ten chil dren were captured. . One of the latter has since died. Seven of the volunteers wire wounded, buttiot dangerously. The steady full in the price of flour during the last two weeks, indicates that there ia a more plentiful supply of that article in tho tnnrkot than has been generally supposed'. This is partly accounted for in the fact that By fir tho greater portion of frei;ht that has been brought up from the the west during tbe winter,. bas been hour. Ulher articles have been riotr- lected while more than usuul attention was paid to this, as witness tho extra ordinary high price of coal oilrcandlee, tobacco, butter, etc. We mention the laot for tho benefit-of freighters from : doiow, as indioatiDg that mixed car goes will be more likely to bring re mtinerativo pritss than flour which is isualry the first thing1 brouorht mlo the market in the spring. Idaho statesman. C.8. Ilium, Dalles.. Bloch, Miller & WHOLESALE v O 15, O O EJ TL , ' AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liqixcwrs And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, . Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OIICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFIOB IN CONNECTION with our business, under tliw entire supervision of Mr. Uliller. We make returns-lir Bare In six hours- We (ruarantee all our Assnva and pay the 111(111 KST CASH PIUCIS for Burs. We- also pay the Highest Cash trice for Oold DuBt. . . BUOeiT, MILLER ft CD., myStf Cor. Main and Washington atreeta, Dallee. DEALERS IN. HARDWARE, IRON fit STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE. FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. CUMMING k GRANT, Dalles, Oregon. mlStf W. T3. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JUID DEALER IS ITiiio Watches A1STD JEWELRY, INVITES THE ATTENTION 0? HIS FRIENDS AND L the Public to hi, choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfnlly soliciting their patronage. Wa'chea PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and AIUlAMtU. uiStf Next Door to the Post Office. LAST CHANCE I FOR TTTO WEEKS LONGER!! Goods at San Francisco Cost!! lyE WILL C0NTINUBT0 SELL OUR STOCK OP COATS, PAIVTS SOOTS $ SHOES, II ATS CJFS, And a full assortment of Cents' Furnishing Goods. A.T COST! Until the ait ilny of Mircli. when we mail close our StiTO, WITHOUT FAIL. 49-Pnrtles tndohted to as will oleosa call at onr store before tbo above dnte. fl3tf AUKAIIAMSON k KOHLBKRQ. BALDWIN & BRO.f kFFER FOR 8ALB IN CONNECTION WITH A COM W plote stock of Staplo Groceries, ;all kinls of feed. 33arloy & Onts, Ground Barley, Bran &c Slior ts, "Wlicat, Which we pmnosa to sell In quantities to lull at PORT LAND PRlCtS, adding freight. - niUtt lsub F. Block, ' Ban Francisco. waldros Bros., . Wholesale & Retail Drueeists. Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCDPY Ollll NEW TWO STOUT FIRE proof gttme buildlnir, onuoeite llloch. Miller k Co., and offer to the public a full and complete stock of urugs, uomcioes ana uiomlcali, consisting In part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS GUIMNEYS TURPENTINE, 110P9, ALCOHOL, BAOE, ACIDS, SPOT (IKS, LINSEED, lXKCHNS, LAUD, COKKS, CAfTOR ANT I.MI0r) AND NKAT3FOOT Oil, ' LANPHLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT MKDICITVEIS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I of the finsat and boat quality; new styles ond large ansoriiiMitts, saab a LUUIN'S PERFUKKHY, 1IAIK, - LUBIN'8 TOILET 3UAP, FLESH, POMADES, BHAVINO, COSMETICS, 1IAT, UAIKOII.S, CLOTHKS, COLOGNE. TOOTH-AND FANCV SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal surpoaea. ' Our facilities rr buying Broods are second te none in the state, amy we snail at all tunes sell at a saauii ad vance from coat. Jteady sales and smaltprollta. fUISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Cnrefully componnrled at all houra of the day and night. DniieHeut. V. 180. seiu-ci it e ist o v .a. iu . GATES &CIIA.3?IN, W IIOLBSALB k RETAIL 3D II TJ GGISTS, nave ucwoTea to RVDIO'S STONE BlIIDIiG, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. YVTIIERE we will continue to sell articles nsnally V V kept In a Fint-Ulass llr store, nt 2u per oent. LESS THAN ANY STOKE IN THE G1T1. Our stock couslsts iu part of Patent Medicines, Pnre Wlo"s and Brandy, Extracts, Fancy A Common Soup, gponges, iiuir Krnsnes Trtinses, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints, Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Ala bolj V Oils. Hons. Bohemian Toilet Bota, Supporters, to, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give na a call aud satisfy yur- selves butnre pnrcliaalng elsewhere. U. LuUllAl'IN, IllUtlJ JUST1.1 UAICH, V lil 11 Y IMPOBTAT TO I Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.UOOMS, JULIUS KRAKMEK nAVING BOUGHT TIIE EN-. tire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounta of the late firm ol M. tieller A Co., in thU city, to which ho has added of hla own Importation (while doing bualiiuH lu Portland) an Immense stock ol the best mauuractured Crockery,;. Glassware, . . Plated Ware, Lamps, , Chandelier!, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaascs and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he oflora at reduced ratei. Persons wish- i lnp to buy any of the above-mentioned article, will do well to sive me a can Deiore purcnaainir emewnere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and ; kqo(1s iMcKed to (to secure. lun't lull to call on me, itnuiu atone uunuiuir, nasninirion sireec imiies. JULIUS IvKAKMKH. Dalle. Manh Kth, 18G5. mhUtf Oregon StcaniRaiigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl further notice, . Tlio l'tisscne;01 Train - to connect with steamers ' POIl UMATILLA & WALLTTLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 5 A JU. TIJK STEAMERS "0NE0NT A" or "ID AII0," CAPT. J. McNULTY, .....CommnnJcr, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. YSun.lavs ejcepted) at 6 o'clock. A. M.,coniiectiiu by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF Commander, O' Portland. W. D. BRADFORD, Dalles, Not. 13, 1885. n!2lf Agent O. 8. N. Co, F". DEIIM, Wa tcli maker anil Jeweler, MAIM STREET, DALLES, rEALER IN FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY. I CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Sliver and I'la'ed Ware, Dpecinciee, iiuiery, arc, ATaT-Particnlar attention paid to repairing flne Watches, Clocks, Jowelry, etc. Ail W atnhes repaired by me warranted for twolve months. N. II. All orders from the upper nouhtry, by Express ur (iiiinrwii,,,, prnnipiiy niieutipii in. PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOSI! (ONE DOOR A BOTE THE POST-OFFICE,). MAIM STREET, DALLES CITY. I will attend to sale of' Real Estate, t General merchandise. Furniture, And Stocks. REGULAR SALE DATS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special Sales any day, Sundays excepted. 'Jlte V. A. 0. PAYNd, Auctioneer FRANKLIN M ARKET. corner of second and Washington streets x"o, JOHN EPPINGEB Froprieto THR UNDERSIGNED haTinK fitted tip ttha above Wmikot In the BK.U STY LI, wH keey eeBfttfta U ou hand all sort, of ne till ana cured meal. Of the beat quality furnished at tile LOWEST RATB My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR 8TOOK T OR SAL will do well to ob.II at the franklin Market. .1011 N iiPPINGER, Dalles, Febniary 10(h, WS.. AVASIIIAXO MARKET- oowim o ' COURT, AND SECOND STREETS, DALLB8, 0REG0K JOHN. MXCHELBACH, Ftoprietor. -rr-i "Willi. KEEP fVJri constantly on band all the Tarie-1 , ii" " that the market oan possibly auoru, oi FBKSH & CURED MEATS, and always of the bi st quality. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS anppile oa reasonable terms. Tbe nnderalenea ts alava nwnared to nar the I.IJfc ; est cash price fur VAT CATTI.ft. Parties harins; stockt t In good condition, are requested to ralt on klra befora- goinr eisewnere. JOUN MICIUILBACII. IialK illes, March 31st, 1865. mhSltf ItEMOVAL. J.GOETZ, Sallei F. EOSNIGSBERGER', , San t'ranciKot J. GOETZ te CO.i TOBACCONISTS. Have remoTsd to . Rudio's New Stone Building Washington Streot, near French k Ollmau's, end huv opened a well-assorted etock of . iiav an Aand DOMESTIC SEGARS;. , VIBGINIA and WESTERN TOUACCOi PKENCII and 8C0TCU SNUKK, , MKEHSCUAUM mil other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FACT GOODS. Ac, Ac. The trade aupplled at LOWJSST MARKET I1RICK3; MltS. LICESER'S ' TRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND ' Dress Making Establishment,. Opposite Colin dp Bobm'a, ' I WOULD CALL TIIE TTENTION of the Ladici o. thaDallos to my lur.e and fine stock of . . : FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, ' llO!VETS, II ITS, FIUTIICRW, Drest Trlmmlng-s, See ' navlng secured (he servicss vt MRS. FRARF, In tlie Dnws miklngapaitment, wo will do all work in that Hue and guarantee perfect satlsraotloBw . DYING done ill all color. Give me on early call, nnd I will endeavor to'iulk everybody in TAST8 and t REASONABLE P1I1CKS. ' Particular attentlop paid to . , , . EpbroJder3rand Braiding Stamping,- NOTICE TO F A R.M E RTS." ffIIB DALLES LUMDKll AND MANUFACTURING A. COMPANY haa recently attached a , FLOURING MILL to their Steam Fanh and Door Fnctorv. In this CAtv. m.,h are now proparid to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT ni oV CORN,, ami warrant t i give the best satisfaction.. Oan iiwuh i.uiia, nun nu iur nitie ' . , FXTHA FAMILY FLdrn, 5 . . SLCONDS OR .MIDDLINGS, .... " BRAN AND 8HOHT.V ' ' ' ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Alio, a Sunorlor article of CORN Curn.. . . The highest market price paid for WtlEAT, CORN a BARLEY. H. A. UOGUE. Affont. Dalles, Nov. 3, 1B05. . . . , nStt. "auction and commission. JOHN WILLI am s jTJCTIONETCR, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THK SELLING AT AUCTIC.f id General Merchandise. Real Eatata. riminri Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, 4c, tci Regular Sales DaySaturday. Out-ihior and Euerinl Sales attended to in n.r the City. .J. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl9:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A. BRADFOltl), IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ' TVincs Ac Liquors FRONT 8TREET, Portland, - - . Oregon, OFFERS FOR SALB A YERY LARGE ASSOlil ment of Ilrandles, Winer, Liquors, Case Goods, ' &c, &c, &c. 5 The Trade Is partlrularly Invited to exawln mm st ck before porcliasiug elsewhere. a.l BOOKS! books; WHOLESALE! AKD RETAIL. Cl IIUUL DOOKIi 8TAT10NKRT, 3 Standard and Xllsrellanwaa WORKS, . Late NOVELS, MAdAH.NKS, FAPKH.i ke kt.. by every Simmer, INMt-OMn Dooaatora, uain street, Uallet, Garden Seeds rr the MlUkiiiC 'f n. j. auh