v nmitaiiucrJ W KU xKaDAT Humane., Ja A Kt a 21, law. This TJmatilTa Advertiser has re J earned publication. THE Pacific is advertised to leave On this evening at 6 o'clock ; the More tana Will aUo Bail this evening at 8 o'clock -; eompiisn, all or wmcii, tiiey maae luree aii- OfrEOON IlKRALD "please X'T We Uerent visits to the camp. Capt. Williams have been- sending the Mountaineer to your address for some time, but do not gut the Herald. . - i Tfftf Walla Walla Statesman com- plahlB that teams, which had come to that town With faoility, Stall in the main Btroot I Daniels, alius "Jloosier Dan," confined at Umatilla, on the charge of being the Orleans Hotel robbers, broke jail, by cutting through the floor, on Mon day lust, and effected their escape. The Oregonian is of the opinion that the opposition on tbe Willamette river ij probably over. The facts have not eome to light as yet, but a change of eotno kind has evidently taken place in affairs, by which the companies tin. rmtinrnminAd.nr t.h Willnmnt.tfl r , - Company have sold out to tho People's Line. YESTERDAY two of the Bloody Four- toenth first becamo drunk, and aftor- wrrlb nr. ma nrl HUnrHa.lw th ir i tt. i ,l v jiuiauui scoter luutgub uosb w re- move them from the Btreets to the city lockup. To this they so strongly ni.ifictfid' that ii vnlnntfinr nnsao ho. camo necossary, and they were taken iy main force to strong quarters, where, afterwards, ono of thorn bad to be handcuffed. The Rush. The steamer Oneonta brought up, yesterday, 273 passengers, the most of them minors. Advices from California give assurance that wo may calculate upon a largo immi gration from that quarter. From the northern partol that State large nam- t.ia' ui1l nnnt in fitrrti.ln.frs nnii tntlnn 1 1 c IUCBU "n, we may expect a largo accession to our popu- 1 ition east of the mountains tho com ing summer. ' Of all' tho miners that camo up cast of (Be mountains it ie estimated' that fully two-thirds of them are on their way to Montana; while the remainder is distributed among tho John Day and" Idaho mines. A CoMfncAnoN. The last Legis . laluro of Washington Territory passed a'uforo stringent marriitgo law than the ono formerly on their fetatuto boolf with tho intention of arresting Bsible, the frequent marriages It ' pOBS taking ph.ee in that Territory, with' cut law or liconse, arid among tho rest, the numerous runaway matches from tuis State. Under tho apprehension that this law did not gn into effect un til sometimo benco, Vancouver has of late become a perfect "Gretna Groen' and overybody was gotting married there who could not do so elsewLoro. It now turns out that the law took effoct "from and after its passage," berlco all of thesd marriages aro null and void, in law. This ret 'minds us of the two old maids who worked late one Saturday night, until one' of them looking up at tho clock, ' saw it was Sunday morning, and cx claimed, "Ln, mo! wo buvu commit ted adultery." From tub Habnet Lake Country. We have beerr kindly permitted to make the following extracts from a private lotter to a gentleman of this Place from Mr- John Darrugh, dated Camp Carrey, March 5th : Tha? Indiana rrnvrr heen earrvinir on II livelT campaign tins winter, having captured from Gamp Wright eight bend of beef cattle, the arne number of- cavalry horses and one tent artrcies oi nine vaiue. xo ac- bus been scouting around the most of the winter, but has not been able to get a fight out of ,he Indians. On one scout, made in reuruary, d oau a rutin uy me uuuie ui ua. McKay shot and killed by the Indians, on the south side of Harney Lake. The cir- cumstances were those: On a dark night, he WRS B'n8 0,lt t0 relieve the guard placed over tue animnls, ue received an arrow in his arm, from an Indian but a few feet from him, and when be turned to 6re, which he did be received another arrow his side, which caused his death in a few hours. The First Sergeant of Mnjor Perry's com pany was frozen to death while returning from a scout during tlie roost eovere weather of tbe winter. The command at this post has been very energetic in scouting for In dians f but like that of Ciimp Wright, has met with little success. Whilo tho Major was on a scout to Stein's Mountain, a few days ago, with a party of fifty-five men of his command, a party of Indians came to wllum lwulve ol Kau,P Buu and drove in the guard that was placed over tbe bay. The expressman, Mr. Reed, was attacked and chased for about five m'les, nn(1 narrowly escaped with bis hair, when 0D bis t0 Can'P WrlBht- Lieu'- Hbart immediately sent out a small detachment, but they were unable to overtake the rascals u hftS been ft milJ wintcr in thig countrv; snow about Uarney Lake was not more than a few inches deep, and Jay on the ground but a short time. Ahout this camp the snow was deeper; but tbe weather through the month of February has been really de lightful We find the following noto from Lieut. Pepoon, dated at Camp Lyon March 2d, to Cupt. Walker, command ing Fort 13oiso, in the Idaho Statesman of tho 2d inst. I have the honor to report that in formation reached hero ut 10 o'clock a. m., yestcrduy, that Indiana to th number ot thirty or forty had mad tboir appearance on Jordan creek turantTv.ifra milim fi.rWY, ll.ta rnmt A uUack wafJ raado on U)0 ,)0ug0 of D Inskip, bis hay burned, nnd nil hi stock driven oh. Cupt. White, with twcnly-cigbt men, started immediate ly for tho eceno of depredation, an intends to follow tho marauders to their hiding place. The attack was made on tho 28th ult. Habeas Conrus Cases.' On Wed nesdny last lion. J. G. Wilson, Judge of tho Cirouit Court, refused to allow a writ of habeas corpus to issuo in the case of Jasper Smith, Wm. Itodford, George Greer, William J. Jones, and James Evans, who wero held to np. pear ns witnesses in the sum of ?5,000 each, in the case of tho Stale of Ore gon vs. Dr. Eli Alderman, charged will) participating in tho hanging ot William Stoughton. On. the question of onerous bail, tho Judge docided that tho magistrates had tho power to placa. them under any bonds which they thought would insure their at tendance as witnesses. He, however, reduced the bonds to $1,000.-Umatilla Advertiser The BaowNsviLLK Murder. Tho most horrid murder in tbe annals oi ciimo on thin coast, wad committed near Brownsville, In this county, on rastJbriday. J. he first report cneu lated regarding the inhuman crime was that Mr. Sidney Smith, an old resident of this county, bad killed his wife and then committed suicide. An inquost was held over the bodies nnd evidenco there elicited charging the I crime upon Thomas Smi.h, a brother of the murdered man. Thos. Smith I was immediately arrested, and. upon preliminary examination, committed to await trial beloro the District Court. Ue is now in irons and closely guard, ed in a room in tno uourt llouse. in .. . ... - . this place. Albany Journal. Goons At Cost. We would call the attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Abrahamson ft Kohlberg are selling goods at San Francisco coat. Parties desiring bay Clothing, will do well to examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. nil8tf DENTIL NOTICE. -lining about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are in need of Dental Operations of any char acter, to the bet, so that they m ly have an opportunity avail themselves of my services beforo my departure, so desired. I will leav about the 20th of March, and return to this place to rerume uiy practice, abont the lHinoijuue. - i rati 1 j, n.uuKiifci. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, P. A. & A. M. ITolds its stated Communication on the Ftret and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, In Dalles City Brethren In good standing are invited to attend. dkth I., fori, Bocy. jsy order oi tue w. si. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 614 o'clock. In Gates Uall, corner of Second and Court btreets. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend. By order. N. G. AUCTION SALE I will sell at Pnbllc Auction THIS DAY, A.t lO o'clock, a. m. At my Store, No. 100 Main Street, a large aaaostment of Household Furniture, Consisting of Hair, Pulu and Straw Mattresses, Chairs, Table and Uxiklng UlaweA, Vos, Pictures. CuMery, I'luiod Ware, HeadBtend-, HofaH, Lounges, Crockerj, Kitcheu Utensils, Ac, ke. Also, an IhaoIco of Hats, Caps, Slilrts, Roots, Blankets, ClKars. Coffee, Vickies, Tonmtues, Cuu frnit, Ac, Ac. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auct. ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BL1CKF00T&BIG BEWMWES BY WAY OP Wliito 331nlTs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to Wlilte Dlnlfs..... .....100 miles ', White Bluffs to Pen d,Oiellle......l(H) " " to Colvillo...' ...170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, wm savo Sayc Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff, Road. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Bond within oasy drives The road Is now open, and poooesses advantages over I any oilier uinii roiie irom me mines. . PublMicd hv order of THE CITIZENS OF THE DALLES. Dnlles. March. 2U. 1800. in2U:ni. Oregonian copy two months, and send bill to this oftlco. Heal Estate For Sale! fWllIAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY ocnnied l,v C. B. Jl MKIO, Ei.,aitrmtedon the CORNER of SECOND and FKDEKAI. streets, ono of the pleasantest locntiom in tlie City, is oiu-rcn lor sale on rcasonahio terms. Tho Dw.lllnn roiitnim FIVE ROOMS. U'aatlfullv Anlshed vtiin I'iiAMKiti.u nai.i., a portico la front or tlie Dwel Inn. and water on tlie premises. Sizu of Lot 40x&0 leet. ALSOr The one and a half COTTAGE DWELLING HOUSE. sltnated adjoining the ahove property, tin FEDERAL street. Tins Is one of tlie piearantest locations, for a small family, in ti e Dalles. Size of Lot 24x60. Ilonse 14x20. ALSO: A COTTAGE RESIDENCE on the Bluff, in the vlclnltv of tlie School House comniandinK a lair view of tlie city. A splendid chance lor u party with sinnll means." Site oflioo-lJWMUU loot. ALSOr TWO LOTg of LAND, situated in BIOELOW'ft ADDI TION, mi rlwllluir. in the rear of tho Methodist Church. Siaa of Lots oOxlOO feet. . The abovo descrlhed property Is commended to tho at tention of capitalists who des:ro to invest, and to parties Who may wihii 10 sernre oeiiruoie reHHloi.ccs, Terms, which will be lll erul, made known on appliea- (lun w ly" umiuiaisueur PUBLIC AUCTION f F TnE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY! IS NOT M. disposed ol at private cale on op before The 22d Day of March. 1S66, The snme will be sold at Public Auction on thst day, at 11 o'clocd In tlie forenoon. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anoitonccr, m!3td JOU Main Street. FU11S, VCM)I, aud HIDES. rjIIE HtOnEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR' ' ' , iPUHS, WOOL, AND IlIDB8, at McCRAKEN, MERRILL A CO.'B mhl83ro 16 North Fiont Street, Portland. aoti;e. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COIIN A BOTIM mnst xA pay up by the 35th Inst., or legal roceedings will lit bad. Tkls Is tbe lust notice. C0U.N ft 1KJU11. lIlfWIAlVT Mill ..rni1110(iTAV tt tt cj U1 J i-; W Kj) C7 iJ 1 10. ICO MAIN STREET, DALLES. rim r'riEiiRTriKKi THANKvnr. vein. PART A Favors, respectfully informs tle citizen of tha Dalles, and the publft generally, that he continues tet seuai PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, liiocerlett, , , IIotncn, Mules, Furniture, MockN, &.C. &.C. REGULAR SALE SAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays, v Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN mnde of wiles. Outdoor and Spocial Sales attended to in anr part ol the city. - JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. J IX .T EH, .71 a in street, nuiies, WH0USAU AND KIT AIL DEALER IN T CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUTF, PIPES, See. ALWAYS IN ST0R1 Till BEAT BKAND8 OT Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LATINO CARDS. . ; i . POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERKUMEKY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISH1NO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY OOODS. c Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder FlaBks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. 4v liiteriordealers supplied with Cixurs. Tobacco. etc. at less than Portluud prices, with freight added, oc-8 J. jrV. FOJMJES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FRESH BUTTER, EUUS.aud every variety of FAMILY GBOCEBIE8, NUTS, CANDIES, $c , p., Wholesalo and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. Also, dealer in . ' GIIAIA, FLOirR AD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Bnslncss. No charges for 8tornj;a on Qoodti aoty ou Coinmniott I'rocpedB of Bale renntied prumptly, . jnlbtr. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES t A. H. BOOTH HABRT NITI80N. BOOTH 8 NEVJSON, Forwartllng anil Commission Ilercbnntav . AND DULKltS IN OENERAT JlERCUANDISK, Wliito Bliifl's, XV. X,. f FREIGHT FOR COLV1LLK. UPPER' COLUMBIA; -5 KOoTENAI and llLACKFOOT MINES promptly.. iwaidrd. Murk Goods B. t N, Wl Ite Bluffs, W. T, ,i RE'iMXCU: : roaTUSD Jllcliards & McCraken, AUea Lewis, anil 1 lodge A Calef. Dallis Bloch, Miller A Ce., Trenek A Oilman. ' J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Uallei, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the' cMiAena of tliis placo add vi. cinity, that huvint; returned from a pro leesionai tour tiirouuii tlie mira. ne nas. aenlu rcsnmed the practice of lENTlSTKY, in the room -formerly occupied by him. In the building occupied hy ' wood liimeTi I'lritoprapn Artists, ana adjoining viai dron Bru.' Drnir Store. Ho takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, and solicits a continuauce of. the-sumo. ' - I.18T (ir: PttlUIS. . . . ' Entire Dentnro nn Gold Base $1S0 to t2 - " Upper Denture, (lold Base , 90 ' 120 ' 11 Denture, Vuhaullo Base...- 70 11 Via- " Upper llentiire. Vulcanite Vkko. 36 " Uu Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Ohihlrntis Teeth extraoted free af charge. ' sel3.tf NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. T1HE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announce that he will open a first class Saloon in Freuch ft. Oilman's New Stons'Bnildliig, THIS KVEN1NG, and m propared to serve cuitumets a 1th the'best of Mines, Liquors and Cigars.. . - AsWOVf ... KRK E r, u Ncir Every day and Evening. oc'28tf. JOHN niNDLAl'lt; IVollce to Settlers. THE rURLIO SURVEYS of Townships 4, North Range, Hi East, ann 4-and 6 North llanire. S3 East Willamette Meridian, Oregon, have been approved by the Sirrv'eyor General of Oregon and the plats thereof, bear ing dte, February 10, lkiB, filed in this office. urri WADE, Register: Band Oftlce, Oregun City, V February gf, 1S6H. ' ' ' niOvtij NOTICE, WE CALL TUB ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC the fact, that we have concluded to give np bits- -tnesa and there oro. all parties indebted to us MUST PAY UP WI'AlllN MNETY DAYS or legal proceedings wlU Uliad. . , 11. 1I110WN ft 11KO. Daiita, Match 10, 18C6. mills'