Montr Market. Now York Gold Quotations .'...12 Sose Kmiicljco Legal Tender rules 7b j Kpltorae of Telegraphic News. f COMPILED rtlOX tnB OREOOmAX. DATES TO MARCH 17. Washington, .Mutch 16. Rout. Dale. 0ft appeared tie fore the (Louse committee' on for tiirn Hlfairs j-esterday, twvd nrgiie4 in tavir of the new proposition to pWantee the $50 000 - 000 to tbe Republic of Mexico. He.' believed ii was the duly of tbe United States to assist tie'fp'iborinx Republic, struelintr ngaitict the muchiniWriMis ol hnpptinl despotism. Ulie Secretary of Arizona Im-i been appoint d Governor of Ilnho, vice Ca'eb Lyon. The Conatitu'iotinl Amendment, which wn tunde the especial order for yesterday in the Benate,"tvill b taken np' early next week, -having been postpone! bv general consent. A'l itnpoiUnt case is before the Supreme Court, involung tbe t'oiictiti:Wnality of the Wat onth imposed on the cleipy, lawyers ntvi other prolesM ins, bv the new btnte Uonsuui , lion of Mi sourl. There ii also before tbe Wourl the ctse of Bowles and Millinn, -knights of the liolrten Circle, convicted at ' laiianapolis by a Military Commission, sen fenced to death, and subsequently pardoned. Tlfis involves tbe legality ot military trials in ' Slates where the courts are: in full operation. , rlnlbrook, delegate, from Iilnho, introduced bill to establish a post route from Idaho (Jity to lVcky Bar, and to ereate the oilice ol ' Surveyor General for that Territory. T ' .Henderson, ol Oregon, presumed a juint re ralutjon from tbe State of Oregon for the es tablishment of a port of entry at Foriluxl, ami also fr a daily mail from Portland to Juaho Referred. ' ' ' Poland, of -Vermont, introduced a bill fix ing the salary of S'. S. District Judges, which -gives $5,000 each ti the Judges of Missachu setts, southern New. York, cistern FVnno'Wa n'a, Maryland, East Virginia, eastern LouU 'ia, northern California, Oregon and Nevuda, ' and all others $4 000 each. Waihington, March IT. Tbe Pres:dent bs3 directed thai forty thousand colored troops b mustered out ol service during, Ilia nei ""rnooth. The Sena' e Is not in session to day, and tbe House is ouly open for geueral de bates. ' : J ,. : ('.; ' The Nashville papers contain A letter from , Rov. Brownlow, to Wm. D- Kelly, member of Congress, dated the 8 b, wherein he siys when Richmond fell and surrendered, tbe re- he's, and many who sympathized wwh them, .. weio very respectful to Union men, and olten - wbieqtiious Guilty culprits, tbey, evidently (eared arrest and punishment, on-1 felt that to be let alone ni allowed to live, was all tbey lin) ft right to expect; but since the-pardons hid b?en so multiplied and no man been pun- ished, tbey have everywhere become unpu rlei.t and defiant, until, in some counties in Middle and West Tennessee, it Is disreputable lu have been a Union man, or, as ft southern win to have served in the Uuiou army,, and matters are growing worse. Reconstructed traitors are openly cursing loyal men; threat ening them wiib shooting or banging, boast- i-njr tbftt they b ire tbe President ori their side, while we all leil that tbe President Dilicy in ruinous to us-, Tbe most popular men in tbe largest portion of Tennessee, to-day, are men most distinguished for tbeir hostility to , the Nortb, and what tbey are pleased to term radical Congress, and. tb jt, -tbe class of men selected to nil offices, as the late county et o lons show. Tbe-same is true of tbe en tire South, only to a greater eatept.f Many of them are expecting tbe President to disperse Congress with bayonets, as Uromwejl diapers ed tbe long Parliament. Tile southern heart is be'njt rapidly fired to deedi of war, Mid all t lis and more, as I believe, has been caused by tbe mistakes of tbe President. His plan of trusting the rebels , will) Stats Governments bad had an effect exactly oonosite o.wbat b intended, and has ruined the prospects of tb Union 'men, and they feel there is no safety for tbem, uolers Congress protests them. 'The mill service in tbe Pacifiu Sta'es for the next four yean, tbe contracts for wnic were closed last Wednesday, the 14lb : num ber in California, 09 routes ; in Nevada. 10 in Oregon, 21;. in VfiasbJngton Tsrcitory, 19; In Idabo, 7 : In Utah, lax Jn Colorado, 21 : i Arizona, 1 1 : and In New Mexico, 8. ; Tbe competition throughout was greater than a nay former period, and tbe prices are reduced n those now pain. Chicago, March 17. Governor Oox, of Obio, bavins issued a warrant for tbe arrest of t citizens of Clinton county, Ohio, upon lLe-re qaisitlon ol tbe Governor of Louisiana, a-writ of habta) eorput bas been invoked,, nd tb - oiestion will be taken to tbe courts whether Louisiana Is a State iu tbe Union, wbose ie quisuton shall bo-bonorea. ioe pottles ar rested are charged with larceny in working an abandoned plantation. , . Stewart, of Nevada, offered tbe, folrowtng preamble and resolutions, wbicb .wero re ferred to the Joint Commiltee. , Whereas, In consideration of tbe present distracted condition of tbe country, it Is emi nently proper that all legal and constitutional meant should be employed for tbe removal of unreasonable prejudices aud the obliteration pf all hostile feelings grow lug out of . tbe late unhnrpy civil war; and',, Whuikai, of the most prolific sources of unfriendly sentiments is a enhfTict of opin ion on the subject of negro suffrage ; and Wiihiiar, Ii is .now evMent there Is no probability whatever that Senators and Rep resentatives from Slates laielv in rebellion will be permitted to occupy seals until sucb S cs have complied with certain fundamen tal conditions, a part uf which are bere re cited : and , Wiikkr'B, I is unreasonable to expect the re-establishment of burtnniiy and good feel ing ns long as the people uf eleven States are prevented Irum r'siiminj their full relations to the Uoverrr'iient, therefore ' - ' Jst it raoleed, Thnt the people of said States shall be reeugniz?d as having ful y resumed their relations when tliev shall have amend' d their eonatitrttions so ns to do away with all distinction nl civil rights on account of race or color, nr.d provide for tie extension of snf- frago on conditions nppl. cable to all Inbab itantp, and ' Rtsohtd, That with the acceptance of these conditions geueral - amnesty shall be pro claimed. . Jitiolved, That nil otber States not above specified, bi respetfjlly invited to incorpo rate similar principles in their State Const!. tUtl'MlS. ' ' Stewart m preseniing the Above, said he wanted the people of the South to have an opportunity to act on this subject before Con gress nnder'akei to settle it for them. He said the proposition accorded wilb tbe Presi dent's letter to Gov. Sharker, last Augosf, and lie bad no reason to believe tha' the President WALITOOS DROS., Wholesale S Eetail Druggists, - - Main 8trefr Dulles, Oregon. ' vrv now occupy oun kkw two stoky firk II Proof 8tull lllllliHnir. nimualtn lllm-li. MIIIkf A Co and offer to tlit public a full anil comnleta atuck of r 1 . . .. . . ----- i uK, iMcuiuiuoB auu vuomicaii, conaisTing lu purt or KKR09FNH. LAMP WICKS k CU1MNBY3 XUIIPRNTTN'B, IMPS, . ALCOHOL, 8AOR. ACIDS, BPON'OKS. . MNSKEDl hKKCHKS, LARD, COIIKH. CAtTOR Art TV lNDinO AND KKAISVOOT Oil, LANP111.ACK TRUSSES, FRANKLIN MARKET. COHNEH OF 8KCOXD AND IVASI1IN0T0N ETRKET8 , , , ,; DALLES, CXEGOX, i . ' JOHN EPP1NGER Proprietpa T' Mm UNTKItSHJNED ItnvtiiK. nitott up the above Miirkot in the B1S-T t-TPLE, will Veep oonstaot- Hlocli, MilleiV&; Co., : wholesale ; ,.: Cr 3 O O E Tt S , u." 'AXD DEALERS IN'V ' ' . ; "Wines Sc Liquors, l ' i V And Importers and Jobbers of C X . GLOTHINa Boots & Shoes, ' ' . Under Clothing, etc., etc., ' etc. ASSAY VOFJIOK. TirK ttiVK AN ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECTION VT witti our lin!lneia, under' the entire anpcrvialon of .Mr. Miller. We mftlftr rutiirna In Bar In nix honra- We junrnnteo all our Asmiy and par tli IHGIIHST CASH VHWX for , Harn. W e ,alao yay, tlie- Ulglietl 1)LU('(I, MILI.KK t CJ., myfltf Cor. iluln and Washington atreeta, Dulles. ad changed bis vievfs since, that time. Isaao F. Dtocn; San Kniuclaco. C..S. MlLLXB, ... . .. . , Pallet. & DEALERS IN 9 HARDWARE, . c ( Z ; ; ! IRON, & STEEL. SHOULDER' BRACES, SUPPORTERS. 'I AND PATKNT MttDlCINES. Our atock of FANCT GOODS I a of the finest and boat quality; new styh-i ond large Msotliueutai jucli aa LUIIl.N'S PKItFUKKItY, HAIR,' . LlilllN'STOlLKISOABy FLESH, POMADHS, . . BHAVINQ. OSMETICS, HAT, I1ATH Ol CLOTH'S, COLOONE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL UllUSHES TOOTH POWMiKS, AND COMltS. PURE WIHE3 AND LIQUORS, Fur Medicinal pmpoew. ' ' Our tncllUlea ftr laiylng-gvoda are aecond to none In tlio State, and we aliall at all times aell at smull1 ad vancejrom coat, lteudy tales and small proftls. - PHYSICIANS' ritKSCMPTIOXS CareMIy conyponnded at all hour! of the day and nlirlit. 12 TS1 O VSA. 1 .. .GATES Sc CIIA.PIIV, WHOLESALE RETAU. DRUGGISTS, RVDIO'S STOKE HIILDICJ, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. '' WHERE we will enntlnus to sell articles usually kept In a FlrxChus Drug Storo, at 20 per cent. LKS8 THAN ANY STOHJi IN T11K CITY. Our stock consltti in part of . ,!.,,,. : u fatent Medicines, Pure Wlnft and Brandy, '- , jixiroois, . tancy A Common Soap, ; tponget, ' i i ; Hair Brustiet j- Truasea, Braces, Corkt, Adda, Tlnta- . :': Tooth Powden, Taraiabes, Alar.hol, " '' Oila, , - Hops. Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded: Give tis call and satisfr viur- eelvet befott purchasing elsewheraj i 1 ' ' "-.,"., ii. ii. wiiAi'in, inivuj juqtin UATKa. ; VKRY IMPOBTAMT TO ... : . i ; Mcrciiants, Families, not els ana BAR.ROOM8, ... JULIUS KRAKMEK HAVING BOUGHT THE F.N tire Stock of Mercliaallaaud Book Aoowinti or the late Arm ot M . Seller Co., In this city, to tvlileh lie hat added of lilt own Importation- (while doing dullness In Portland) an Immenae ttock of the belt mannfacMrad Crockery, '.; ; GlaNswarc . . Plated Ware, Lamps Chandeliers,; Table Cutlery Looklng-Gla&gcs and - 1 Kinds of Olla ' - All of which he offers at reduced rates, reraona (tail ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elaewliere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to no secure. Don't tall to call on me. . uuwu a stone liuauiug, aanlngton atreet. Dalles. ) JULIUS KHAEUKR. Dalles. March 17th, 1866, mlilVtf . . Oregon Steam Navigation Co WINTER ARR ANCEryiENT. j' , I ly uu liand all tortt of Frcsli and Cured Meals, ' Of the best quality turirrshed at lh LOWEST RATE . My motto It to '-W.EASK ALL." . .... PARTIES nAVIXG SUPK11IOR STOCK.FOR 8 A LB will do well tu call ut tbe Frankllu Mnrkrt. , JOHN KPPINGERv. Dalles, February Itth, 1665. . ...... . -, . U AS 11 IJX T1 A1AMU JSTL consiB or COURT AKD SECOXD STREETS, DALIES, 0RKG0JI JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. JT5 Wlbli KEEP ww fl-ai''rtmstantly on hand all tha varle lUMriLaMlus that the niaiket can possibly ffStyf FHESH Sc CURED' MKATSJ. ' ' ' " 'and always of the bist quality.' ' ' FAMItlES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' . s " Jsnjipiled on reasonable terms. Tbe ntiflcrslgnoq. Is always prepared to- pay the high estcaah price for FAT. CATTLE. Parties Wing stock. In good eondltloD, re roquosted to rail on him beft.rt going eisewiiere. w , jyuM WICHKLBACUj Dalles, March 31at,1865. . , nh81tf U13MOYAL. J.GOETZ, : , : . , Dulles. F. KOENIGSnERQER.1 ' , . , Fan FrmjcUvc rr T't - x : i BY THE PACKAGE. FO.B;CASII9s; At San Francisco Prices, Addiug.cost of Transportation. ttiStf CU1I.MLNQ k ORAXT, . i: ' ' . 'biilloa,' rjrego'n. W- B. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER; ............ AKD DIALU 1H Fin' "Watclics -v - - . ....... .ISTD JEWELRY, f NVITES THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND jtviiuoBiuic topis qnoieeiojeciieiiorj . ;, New, and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting tbelr patronage. Wa'choa PROMPTLT and PROPERLY repaired and Maaaajuw,, r x ' ui r t.'f f.l-...: . .i . rndtt , ,. . ,. Stxt Door to the Poet Office. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13tli nnU further notice, - . , i Tho l?ai88onjer Train 1 1 - to connect with teamen , ... FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R: DEPOT DALLES ClTY. on, Tills STEAMERS .."PNfOJTT A'' or i DA HO," . CAPT. J. MoNDLTY,.'.,......T. Commiitider, Will leave DALLES, DA4LY, (Sundays excepted) at ft o'clock. A. .,eonneetiu. by theCASOADB RAILROAD. with the steamer. iw.' i . v,-, i " NEW WORLD " (CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF ..................Commonder, O' Portland. ' " W. D. RRADF0RD, ', Dalles. Nov. 1J, 1805. fniatfl Agent 0. 8. N. Co. J? a DE HM . . I Wat ch i a li er a utt Jeiv$ i ' MAIN STHTEET, DAttES, . rvEALER IN FINE WATeilKSt JEWELRY. U CLOCK 8, Gold Pens, Silver andMil Ware, Bpectaclea, Cutlery, Ar. ' o-.,:-. ., - AaT-Paitlcular attention niii&tn repairing line' Watches, GlotJm, Jewelry, etc. All Watohts repaired by me warranted fortwelvemontlie. N. B; Alt orders from the upper ooontry, by Express or otnerwine, promptiyiKinnaeo to. FEE'S ACTION. ROOM! ; (ONE DOOR ABOVE TJIB".PpS,T-OFJfC,BX, f , , I -wilPattend to ealet of ' Real'Estate. General lvlerchandlsei , , p""jf;sisci2;:;, REGCLAR BALI DAYg, JJONDY. fSD, FRIDAYS. Block and Speclo;! Salet any day, Sundays excepted. . fjrltt J. A.0.rAYNi, AicUaer T. GOErJE"3C & CO., . TO B AC G O N I ST S , ' ' ' Have .removed lo' " ' '- i Rudio's New jStone Building, WnUilngton Stroot, near French k Qilmonte, end ban opened a well-assorted stock of II A VAN A add DOMESTIC 8ROAR8,i: - '. VI11G1MA and WESTERN TOBACCO,. , , T , VMKNfMI mill fiftlTHH AVITW ' ' T i UEKKaCBAUM and other mS, l.T ..:- - TLAVINO CARDS, . . SPORTING OiWDS, ) INDIAN and FAICY GOODS. Aei. ie. . ' ' Tbe ttado supplied at LOWEST MARKiST PRICES.'. : i MllS. Ii.EESEIl'8 i. FRENCH MILLINERY STOREr. Dress Slaking Establishment, 1 ' '' Opposite Colm u Botam'e, ' . ' I WOULD CALL TUB TTENTION of the Ladles' o. Jbe Dulles to my.cte anil fine stock of 1-... , ' FLOWERSviEMSROIOEIlY, i BOXIVET8, II ITS, I i;ATIIEnSr Dross Trlmmlugiei; &e - Having secured the.rarrloat of MRS. VRART In the Dreas Haklng apattmeut. wc will do all work in (h.i n. iMguinntueprfcttatitfattlon. J. k . i ''. -i, '. uiiAU uone in all colon, ' Oura. ine an early call, and I will endeavor to lult verybody In TASTE and at B EASONABLK PRICES. - l'trUcular attention paidto " : JDmbroldery andBialdliig Stamping,. i NOT J C E ; T OK A R ME FIS. M. COMPAN Y hat recently attached a. . " . 1TI.OXJ11INO MILL to their Steam Caah.nnd Door Factory, In this City,' and are no,W,-proparcd tn.CU01t,KED, G BJND .WUEA1 and t CORN,' and warrant to give the best satisfaction,. On .band constantly and tbreato., ,llk : FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,' :i . . . . p - Bl'.CONDS OR MIDDLINGS;-." : J ' ' " ' BRAN AND SHORTS, " ' CHOP EED CHICKEN FEKD.1 Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new. Corn. ' p The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a - :.. ijuuuii, Agent. imuea, iot. a, jnoo., m . natr , ; AUCTION AND COMMISSION. j o ii if v i Tj XjXa. m s , -AUCTIONEER,, jNo. iuuinain aireet. Dalles City. WILL ATTEND' TO TITB BEttlNtf AT AUCTION ot General Morchandlo, Real Estate, Grocex.s HorS4Mi,Kew ano Second Uund Furniture, Stocks, kbtc, Ilce:uar Sales DaySaturdaj;:. -' Out-door and Special. Salea attended to In any nart of. Liberal idUnccinadfen Consignments.. PlMm. ,, ,' JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. ' ; ' IMPORTER AND JOBBER Of ; ' Wiiios Sc. Dt.iqiiors - FRONT,8TREET, : Portland, . . . . m Oregrn. OFFEtt8FOn 8ALB A .VBRY, IARG ASSORT. nient of . , '' ' ' Brandies, ,.; ; :;wiit)Bg,. LitiHerat Cage GoodHv. ; . ; &..'., &ci,, &ic. .4 The Trade It particularly Invited iowMmlae ns.' tt-ick, eefore pnircbaslug elnwhere..-.... .. au'2-tf CQPIJLS ? BOOKS,! ; vrnoEMAfMm retail. WSJTWWerK.B.gTltTIONERY,' isr Standard and Mlscellaneone WORKS, I I II It f. Ut NOVELS. MAOABiNKS. Papriib J Ac, A v. by ever Steamer. PaUlnletLsaBMa Bookstore, Main ttreaL Dallta.- ' Garden Seeds for, Umb-MIIUob. -v Dt I. W AXDROI .