lailg Hlouiitaiiiccr. Horn and Fiianals. . there's a power to make each hoot - Aseweet at Heaven designed it; Kor heed wb roam to bring It horn, Tliougb few there be that Sod It. ' We nek too high tor tilings close by, And lose what nature1 found us; tor life liath here no chotnis eo dear As home and friends aroand aa. . Hfe oft destroy th present joy For future hope and praise them; Whilst flowers ae ewoet eioow at our feet. If we'd but stoop to rahntheml Tor things afar atill sweeter are When youth's bright apell hath bound as; But aoon we're taught: earth hath naught Like home aud friends ardttud Ms. VlG ft AND FANCIES. Simon Pure The origin of tbis well known term is given as follows: "A very popular old play contained two characters, named Simon, ono of which insisted on culling himself the bimon Pure t. e.. the real Simon, in contradisiinotion to his rival. Uonco s genuine article is said to be ''Simon Puroj" in contradistinction from one not gensine. The Cap of Liberty originated as follows: After tbo death of Camr, the Roman Emperor, conspirators who bad secured bis. doath marched out with a cap as an ensign of liberty carried before them on a spear the cap without a head indicating that the tyrant had lost his power. From that fact, and for this reason, it "has ever since boon recieved as an emblem of liberty." T ub First Known Sale or Land, of which wo havo any record, is thus re corded in tbo Biblo: " Ephron, the eon of Zohar, made euro nnto Abra ham, for a possession, hia field which was in Macbpelah, which was before Mamro, the field and cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about." Our young readers may find it a useful exoroiso to hunt up the book, chapter and vorse where it occurs. A beautiful girl stepped into a ebpp to buy a pair of mitts. "How much are they. "Why," said the gallant but impu. dent clork, lo6t in gaeing upon her sparkling eyes and ruby lips, "You shall have them for a kiss." "Agreed,1 said tho young lady, pocketing the mitts, while her eyes epoke daggers, "and as I see yor give credit hore charge it on your books and collectjt tbo best way you can." So saying she hastily tripped out. Anecdote ot Ma. Fields. Mr .J. T, . fields, of the firm of Ticknor& FieldB, publishers in Boston, is reputed to have a wonderful memory and knowl edge ot English literature, lbe Lion don Review tells ibis anecdote of bim One day, at a dinner party, a would-be wit, thinking to puizlo Air. r lolds, and make sport tor tho company, annouoc cd prior to Mr. Fiolds' arrival that be bad bimsolf written some poetry, and intended to submit it to Mr. Fields as Southey's.' At tbo proper moment, thorefore, after 'the guosts were Beated be began, "Friend Fields, I bave boen a good deal exercised of luto, trying to and oat in oouthey s pooms bis well known lines running thus (repeating the linos he had composed.) Can you tell us about when ho wrote them?" "I do not remember to have mot them be fore," replied Mr. Fiolds, "and thore wore only two periods in Southey s life when such lines could possibly bavo been written by him." "Whon were those?" gleeftilly asked the witty Questioner. "Somewhere, said Mr Fields, "about that early period of bis existence when he was having the measels and cutting his first: teoth , or near the close of his life, when bis bruin bad softonod and be bad fallen iulo Idiocy. ' The versification bolongs to the measels period,' but tho 'expres sion clearly' betrays the idiotio one." The questioner smiled faintly, but the company ruureu v,. I. ...Witt - DOLTIIITT. " ATTORNEY -A.T LAWj V BANNOCK CITT, Idaho Territory. ' -f ttoular etlsmUt f ill CoUeotlBg Debt; 1 yi mo vsw .t. v '" Virginia City, MManafc BlackfotA OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. IIOIXIDAY, Woprletor. g coxebnb stages LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOX ULACKFOOT, Salt Lake city, Denver uity, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Juiuntug to Virginia, City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. JJ AH K 1 Boise City to fait Lake City ....1100 0 " Virginia City, Montana 120 (W Missouri idvcr. Lemil Tender KUU. elold, $1U0 400 00 For farther Information apply at OVERLAND STAGE LINK OFFICE, llolie City, 1. T., - ehM3m J. N. TODD, Agent. i. i. srvriiuftsorii DENTIST, HAS REMOVED IIIS OFFICE OPt'O- . 11 site Much, Mtller A Co.. where he iJZd:V--V H fftVUICU w Ug MI kl1H Ul DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and veil aniaht d manner. TEETH Insert from one to aa atlre set, on Gold or Hubler Plate. Prices rancw fa Rubber Plate, from 25 to 85 : Fei Gold Pluto, from $74 to $126. jr Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will aot he required to receive or pay fur rh Minie. aul3-ti IV E W H E A. It E ! fUMlK UNDERSIGNED 11 HQ 8 TO INFORM THE C1T JL isona of the JJallee and vicinity that he haa received NEW UUA11SK, aud will yVttentl Funerals on short notice. This Is the first, and at present, only Uearse ia the city. ' , I. 31. ICV ANS tulles, May 19, I860. niy:Mf. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND UILLIAKD KOOM, F. 31. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court Streets ap21-tf Dalles, Oregbhi MANTUA MAKER. MRS. SI ATT IK HOLBKOOK would respectfully In form the Indies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a aliop in connection with Miss O'Rourke, where sue is prepared to do all Kinds or work witn neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East. she hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order THREE DOORS West ot the: Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. oc21',m3 Snerlfl's Sale or Ileal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by the Clerk of the County Court. In and for Grant Coun ty, State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of E. u. uurdy, planum, and against Jonu B. Miller, F. K, Ashtoo, L. H. Ward, J. It. Shakely, and A. C. Hall, de fendants, for the sutn of Three Hundred and Forty-auveu and 01-100 ($347 M-100) dollars, principal, in Quid Coin, and Seventy-aix aud 86100 (70 86-100) dollars, cost and dUbursments, with interest, accruing costs and costs of exocutiou, I have levied Uon and will sell at publio auction before the Court House door, in Canyon City, ON SATURDAY, the 24th day of MAIlCil, I860, between the noura ot li and i o cluck, v. v., to the highest Did der lor cash in bund, gold coin, all of the interest of the defendant lu and to the following described property, to wit: That certain piece of real property known aa the Pioneer Ditch, commencing at a point on Bis; Creek. theuce running in a aoutherly direction abuut eight miles, and intersecting Klk Creek at a point near Elk B it, s.iiJ ditch lying and being in Unuit County, State of Oregon. Al. p. DlSitlix, Sheriff. By B. WMTTlK, Deputy. Canyon City, January 81, 1806. fflSw4 Slici-llT's Sale of Real Property. T)Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of Hie County Court, in and for Grant Coun. ty, State of Oregon; and to me directed, in favor of E. O. Hardy, plalntlfT, aud against John S. Miller,. defendant, for the sum of Two Hundred aud nine aud 81-100 (M 91-100) dollars, principal, In Uold Coin, and Twenty six and 72-100 (lib 72-lou) dollars cost and oisuursments. witn interest, aocrutnir costs and costs or execution. J have levied upon and will sell at public auction before the Court House door in Canyon City, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of MARCH, I860, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, r. u., to the highest bidder for cash In hand, gold culn, all of the Interest of the defondant iu antl to the following described property, to witl 'inat certain piece 01 real property Known as tne Pio neer Ditch, commencing at a point on Big Creek, theuce runniug In A southerly direction about eight miles, aud lnte'sectiug a point near Elk Flat, said Ditch lying aud neing in urant uonnty, state 01 uregon. M. P. BERRY, Sheriff. 1 By B. Whitwh, Deputy. Canyon pity, January 31, 1866. , f23w4 SberlO's Sale of Real Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Isancd by the Clerk of the Clronlt Court in and for Claotamaa County. State of Oregon, and to me directed, In favor of A. F. Hedges, plaintiff, and against Dwlght Muzzy, de fendant, for the sum of Fuur Hundred and one 43-100 ($401 43-100) dollars, principal, with Interest, accruing costs and oost of this exeontlon, I have levied upon and will sell at publio auction before the Court House door, In Dalles City, on FRIDAY, the 6th DAY OF APRIL, 1860, between the hours of 0 o'clock, A. at., and 4 o'clock, .-, to Jtha highest bidder for bash In band, all, of the Interest of the defepdant In and to that certain lot or parcel of land fronting Union Street at the termination of Fifth Street; bounded on the North, by Col. Gate's re sidence; on the South, by W, P. Miller's lot; extehdlng West, ISO feet, nkora or leas, and known a " Muizy'a" lot, In Dalles City. Wasou County, Orogyn. BVB. W. CalKnxlL, Deputy. ; Dalles CUy, Moron 6th, lbOo;-' ,! 1 HI H 1 W.'. :t nfTtt '. JIALLEX CITY UKUG STORE. P. CBAIG, -WBOLIBALI AND K7Alfc DEALER IN DRUGS MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICMB3, As. Mr DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES It S. LEMON, WaoLUAU AMD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Vashington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALL.ES, OREGON. CJ I.EMON la nhlo to supply parties In want of Drags, a Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Aciilti. Perfumery. overy other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, it the lowest market rates. 43 Physicians and Merchants intending to purchase 'for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 fei great variety. 8. LEMON. ap.S&f. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND I OHM) III AND ; . . MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. team Englnea "5 Offroin4to4ijhorse. . o- . twWer.titherPortatileor fzW" lier Portable or SfSP' ffrlk SiX- y. aiso, ciii- .flarars saw mills Yi j&rm&k-ft rK, constantly G.M a4S2d(a -'JAJjfr llso, Hay Pres. M.mMMiW &w1?:k liaraf Stoilonary. Also, Clll- J.(B&. 1UiiAIV SAW COMPLETE, oalfaftd. Also, I ses of alt ; I Machines, (V pattern,) Wrought and Cant Iron work for Vor tical Sawand Grist mills; -sJeLaeSr Brass and Iron Coatings . . - 'ajaV and WROUGHT IRON WORK of OVry description. I am also prepared to famish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any nart of the mines aa the weiiiht of the entire machinery will not exceed i. 000Kumls. Kofse Powers ft Aerioultnrn.1 Tmnlnmonta manurnctured to order nt the very LOWEST CASH PRICE a. jj. rarticuior attention paid to KKPAIK8. fe20-tf A. HEHIES OF Literary and Scientific Lectures iriIlCII has been in contemplation for some time, is now offered to the penple of the Dalles. The flrat Lecture of the Series will be given Monday Evening, and one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the eeries 01 jugnt Lectures, tub proceeds will De divided tietwoeu tho Congregational and Methodist Sabbath Schools. Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cnt8. This lecture will be delivered by REV. DR. ATKIN SON, in the Conuregutional Church lecture will com mence at 7 o'clock. Subject: 80URATES IIIS TIME. The following gentlemen are expected to deliver each one Lecture: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland) Ju'lge Wilson, Dalles; Ruv. Mr. Driver, " Prof. Roland, " J. A. Odell, Hro,., " Rev. T. Condon, " jtev. ir. AtKinson, " Rev. Mr. Catfrey, Judge 11111, Canyon City; - MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, ' Washington Street. HATING NEWLY FITTED UP TUB GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully auuouuce to all those wishing Photographs, Carts de Vlsltc, fcc, that they will do well to give hor a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladlosand Cui'dren's Pctures. oc21:tf. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON . . FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Chargos Reasonable. 1 AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Paitsengera and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Uiry for 60 corns. , - ' 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. ' P. 8 -HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver Monti cello and Astoria land at the Liucolu House Whart sepl:3m Furs ! Xnrs I TUB niQIIEST MARKET PRIC PAID IN CASH fob Beaver, Otter Mink- and Coon Skins, By RICUARDS t MoOKAKEN. Portland Sept. 27, I860. oc4:3m , TOYS! T0YSJJ0YS! TOYS I FOR. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommond' nil dnnlers In that une 10 me u&Bfti' and mi fjimuiuMot , 1 ' TIICMAUBIl A ZUIN, "' ; ' " ' ' 820 and 322 Battery Street, : : n28!8m '- '' ' " ' San Franclaco. ! v Washington Wa'gon Road. TirU UNDERSIGNED WOULD' INFORM THE Traveling Public that the WMhlngton Wagon Road irom rortiand aud Vancouver to the upper. Cascadea is well being kept in good'travellngorder for wagons and stock. !... KCBARDT,1 ' Dullea Jan. 11th lfiflg nHtl' HnU Dmi,ri,wi!" DAILY MOUNT AINEEE IjO WKR PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B -DALLES... OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY J&zecuteu Willi neenrncy unu aispatcn. ISA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AB THE CHEAPEST to omn: Cards and II i I MI ends. CHECKS, DRAFTS, JiECBIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS Cc ' etc., dc rniNTsn in b host attbactiti tiaiiNut. also, WAY-BILLS, . DILLS OF FARE, ' LETTER HEADS, RECEIPT BOOKS, . BILLS LAD1XQ, Rriefs and Pamphlets, VISITINGI, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS Druggists' Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest siie and most showy Posting: Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to Insure entire-satisfaction. OUB FACILITIES FOB tMS lXICSTION OF " DECORATIVE PRINTING . In the most beautiful Colors, Bhades andTiuts. Such as Taney Posting Bills f From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. PURFVMERS LABELS, rfc Are nnsumaesed by those of any other establishment in Oregon We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and ore continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. c 0?C Aim Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Oar stock p. FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, Are of the finest Quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State. The principle upon which business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that oflice In which tlislr money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Priuting, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, al we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Ktate ofOregon! : Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlg-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSOIN SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS,. DALLES, OREGON. , THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINO BEMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New Kuildlne,, : Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their cuatomers With the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AVFOUD3. .' ALSO, A - Free Lxmcli I Every day and evening. deoMf EMIL. 8C111TZ, Proprietor. Hard Wood Lumber.. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BBQ TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Man. - -ufactureraund Dealers to the Large and rConr plete assortment of CARBI AGE mid WAUON MATUKI ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, ' ickorv. and Second Growth Asb I'lank, Hickory Axles, agon Voles, Hubs, Spokes, Folloes, Uims, Sbalts, Ac Ac. -which we offor at the lowest Cash Prices. : , ' sT Orders addressed to our honse will receive pronip . attention. ' N. W. BRAGG A CO., JoUi3ui. 29 A 31 Battery Street, San Francisco, , and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. ' 0. Watirhouss, II. W. Brags A Co., .' J. W. Lsoti San Franclauo. Sacramento. New York ; F- TILLMaV, sou aqikt tit oautorkia roa TILTON &' MoFARLAND'S ; Fire Sc Burglar Proof Safes.' I ft mi: STEEL-LINED ' VAULTS',' ' Combination Loclr.- I -Co'DStantly ,; blind Afnll aaaortment of SAP8bU: ! 318 BATTERY STREET, ill-Ma , n j. oi;..V mfMIso7, L .I'.iii" ', MMMi .1. U ; ' :) Ji l Mio.'t.m .mu..() ji. ,Hf.t 'l .'i vl ..InUVlc.jlJlitU'J i ;i.'S ,ia l .at; w aa5i;i