Mb Money Market. Now Vcirk flold Quotations Hull Francisco Legal Tender rat us ...124 ..7K Epitome of Telcsraphlc News. fOOMMLED IROJt TBI ORIUOKIAX. DATES TO MARCH 1. Ken York, Mfttch 15. The New York 7W snys : Efforts are beinir rrmdo by Henry J. Raymond, E mi D. Campbell, and others, to organize a political party in support of the President, and Raymond, being Chair man of the Natioual Republican Executive Committee, an attempt will, be made to con trol the machinery of that organization. WatHngtartj March 15. The Postollice Be pnrtment has closed the mail lettings for the Pacific States. The competition was great, and the prices were t educed from last year. The following are the more prominent con tracts: San Francisco td Sacrameuto, $18, 000 reduction $2,000 ; San Fruncisco to Stojuon, $16,0u0 reduction $5,0u0j San Juan to Los Angeles, $18,000-r-dmtion $6,000. The great route from Lincoln to Portland, Oregon (C24 miles) was let to Henry W. Corbctt, at $170,000 present pay ment $i25,000. ', ll.Lottii, March 15. The upper river trade with Montana and Idaho opens briskly. The chief feature of the spring business is, that the advertisements of boats fill two columns of the daily papers, and Immense quantities of coods are being purchased for shipment. .Several bonts have already left, and not les than seventy-five boats are now receiving freight and passengers.- The emigration thitherward resembles tha' of the Califonia fever of 1842. All the boats loading draw three feet of water, and hope to get through before low water. j Ken York, March 15. The steamer San Jacinto, of the Savannah line, was burned at the dosk this morning with 510 bales of cot ton an) 20U barrels of fluur. " Havana advices of March 10th, say that a Spunish war steamer had trought in a cap tured slave schooner, which was reported to liave 1,674 slaves on board. The Indiana Democratic Stato Convention met on the 14th inst , at Indianapolis, and a'ter nominating a State t'eket, adopted res olutions eudorsing the President's veto. ITjIlOX CODNTY COCNTY CoSVESTlOS. The AVasco County Union Convention met at the Court House, in this city, yesterday, Nerly all the precincts In tho county were fully re presented, and quite an Interest was mani fested in the proceedings. Hon. J. G.Wil son was elected chairman, and 0. N. Denny, was chosen secretary. . The following named gentlemen were elect ed delegates to the Sta-e Convention : II. A. Hogue, C. B. Koegle, C. Coe, M. Kuntz, J1. It. Condon, R. Mays, J. Balloran, 0. N. Denny, C. R. Meigs, Z, Donnell and J. G. Wilson. No other business was trahsncied", And the Convention' adjourned to meet again on the 6th day of May next, when the noouantions lor County officers will be made. , A Ciianob. The steamer Idaho arrived at an early hour yesterday afternoon-, bringing about forty passengers and a good freight. Tho fine steamer Oneonta will tafee the place of the Idaho on the- line on- Monday morning, the latter being -hauled off for repairs. The Oneonta was built in 18G3, since which time he has done-considerable service. She is 158 feet in length; breath of beam, 28 feet; depth of hold 8 feet. She has three fire flwo toilers and has two eighteen inch' cylinders with six feet stroke. Her carrying capacity 5s about 500 toTvs, aird she has ample room for three hundred passengers. She has been thoroughly overhauled1 this winter, and is now one of the finest boats- n the- Colum bia river. . NiV Papers. We are in receipt ef two' new paperB : The Eugene Cl'y Newt and the I Oregon Herald; the former, as Ms name indi cates, published at ETogeoe City, by J. B. Atcxand'er, Is ovfy i ten Jed as at campaign paper, and" is rabid encrrrgh in Uj political etitiment to please Jo 2". Davis himself Tb latter is published at Portland, tiy Messrs. Abbott & Bailer, and intends to lire as long as it can. Though Tike the former, demo- ratio in politics, it is ranch more respecta- ... ble ia tone and appecravce. Tub Dalles Social Club propose holding a soiree next Wednesday evening, which is, we understand, to be a very select affair. A limited number of tickets will be issued. . v Thanks to Wells, Fargo & Co., for ipress favors. C. 8, Mills., . ' , j Dalles. Bloch, Miller &Co., WHOLESALE , , Cr RO c e r s , ',- AND DEALERS IX "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobber! or CLOTHING- Boots fc Shoes, . Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., ' etc. ASSAY- OFFICE TK IUVR AS ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION we with our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Ban In si honrs We ironrantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH 1'IUCIl for Bars. . We alao pay tlie Ulgheat Caah Price for Uuld Dust. BLOCH, MILLER t C., myOtf ' Oor. Main and Washington streets, Dallos. DEALERS IX HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE, "FOBOASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO 4 GRANT, Dalles) Oregon. m!3tf ' AV. U. DOUGLASS, (Snccessor to William Dtrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DEALS IS" U'ino "Watclies AND JEWEL RY, VNVITESTIIE ATTENTION OK HIS FRIENDS AND M. the Publlo to Ills choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their pAtronage. ' Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and W AitKANTJw. ni9tt Next Dee to the Post Office. -t TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN J FEED! FEEDII SHORTS, AND , OF AHA KINDS, ?0R SAB BY XI. M. LAW, 25 Front Street, Portland, nl:tf. OuposlU O. 8. N. vTarehouss. NOTICE. nnTTK BTTinit HOt.DRRS of the Dalles and Boise vTacon JL Uoad Comntfliy, an hereby notified to meet at tb office of Col. N. H. Ontea, on WEDNESDAY, th 21at day of MARCH, at o'clock, M., to elect seven Dlreo (am tn aarra one Year, and to Isausact sush other busi ness as ssav com be for tbe meetinE. A fall attendance la rannestei uBts w. j. vvA;aiinu, m, Dulles, MorCB lutn ioes-. Dissolution Notice, . HVrOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN tint Hwieepartnershlp 1 hrtoforrxlstlnsetween Freaenca Denser win in,.ri rv,,i.r l.4falitullssolvdr nwusal consent. Frederick Btnnr win pay ail inaeoieuoj "'' all debt. FREDERICK BKN7.ER. DailM, tUrcB 10, 1500. VUABUM irjllMM. aw Isaao F. Block, Sau iranclico. WALDROSi BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Mart Street, Dall, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY TIRE nmiir Stone buildlnz. nnnuslte Blorr Miller Co., afltf offer to the public a fell and complete stock of innics, Medicines an Chcmlmls, consisting in part of KBItOSRNK. LAMP WICKS CU1MNEY8 HOP?, 8AOR. 8PONGE9. LEKCIIKSv IUKPKNTINB, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. LINSKGDj . LAnD. CAfTOU ANT) NEATSFOOT OH, UOItKSV INDIGO A'ND LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER GRACES. SUPPORTERS, AMU PATBNT . Mttl10IM'15S. Onr stock of FANCY O-OOUS 1 s of the Hues and bee quality; new stylrs oncl large assortaienta, such as . LUUIN'BTOlLtTSDAP. i'l.KSU, l'OMADKS. 8llAVINr,. OilSMKTICS, II AT,- 11 AIR 011,3, clothes; COUXINK, TOOTH AND- fANCV 80 APS AND N AIL UltUSMES TOOTH POWDIill) AND COMbS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS). For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities tor buying goods an second to nnna In the State, ami wo shall at all times sell at a smalt ad ranee from cost., llewly. salemd small profits. rUYSICLm' rUKSCBlPT10N3 CaveAilly compoundodat oil bouraof the day and night. Danes, acpt.u, io-iO. aom-M REM O V A. L . GATES Ac. OIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, nave KemoTea lo RVDIO'S STOKE ItllLWIXG, . . WASUINQTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will cnntlnne to sell articles usually kept in a Flrxt-Clnaa Drue; Store, at '20 per omit. LESS THAN ANY BTOKE IN THE CITY., Our stock consists In part of - Patent Medicines, ' Furo Wln"l and Drandy, Fancy A Conimon Soup, Hair Drushes Corks, Ackls, Tooth Powder. . Alc.liol, , i lions. - extracts, epontccs, Trusses. Braces, l'aluta, Yarnlsl'es, Oil", Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, to, PHYSICIANS' PRESCUIPIIOXS Carefully Compounded. Oivo tis a call and satisfy your selves before nurchasluft- elsewhere. VKUY.IMPOllTANT Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAIMIOOIM. JULIUS KKAEMKK ITAVINd I10UGHT TUB EN tire Stotk.of Morcliandise and Hook Acconuts of the late Arm ot VI. Seller A-Co., in this city, t which he lias added of his own importation (while doing busiiss In I'ouuann) an.luiineiMt etock ot the best inauulaotured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, C'liandcllerH, Table Cutlery Look! ng-GIassctr and. . All Kinds of Oils, . , All of which tie offers at reduced rates.' Tenons will ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, witi do wuri to give me a caw neiore purchasing olsewhere. uraers irons iim interior promptly attended to, ana goods packed to go secure. Don't fail to call on me. umilo's stone umidlug, Yt aalitiiglon street. Dalles. Dalles. March 17th, 1806. mhlTtf Orcsoii Steam Navigation Co. LgUU UlVUsst llUllgt WINTER ABRANCEMENT. KJaMnrv A- BbsllGLiGsS ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl furthor notice, The Passentjcr Xraltx to connect with steacneri ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the K. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on ' Mondays, Wednesdays, snd Friday, at (V A. SI. TDK STEAMERS "ONEONTA" or "IDA1I0," CAl'T. J. MoNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at t o'clock, A. ..connoctlat by the CASCADB KAILKOAD, Willi l lie steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," OA FT. J. WOLF ......Xomvawloe, Portland. . BKADFOnBy Dalles. Not. U, 1861, nRrtl A-itent Q-. S. K. Co. F . 13 13 II M , Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALRH IN FINS WATCHES, JEWELItT. aa CLOCKS, Obrd"Pens.Snvi and Plated Wan. zh. Spectacles, Cntlery, Atr, JC-s 49Partioulaf attention patd t repairing llnewilstla Watches, Olooks, Jewelry, eto. All YYatahes repslred by me warranted Tor twelve months. N. B. AIT orders from th upper oountry, by Express or otherwise, promptly Attended to. . PAWS AUCTION ROOU! (ONB DOOR AB0YB TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY. I will ttnd tt aalas'af .":-! Real Eiitate,' General Merchandise, Furniture, - ' . ,;- And Stocks. , BIOOLAS BALI SAYS, MONDAYS AN FRIDAYS Stock and Special Sales any day.Aandayi excepted, 'lit 1. A. 0.TAYNI, Aactitasar FRANKLIN M ARKET.' corner of second and Washington streets JOHNEFPIUGKB Proprietor tHK TJNDBRSIGNED havlna- fitted o tli aHova MaoRt in the-BK-T SIYLK,will keep constunt- ly ou hand all soatsof Fresh and Cured meats. Of the best quality rimrished at lit LOWEST BATS " My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL."' DAHTI1C8HAVIKQ HIl'EltlOIl 8TOCK FOR SALS will'do well to catPat tb Frnnkliti Markrt. JOHN El'PINOER. Dalles, February 19th, 1869. ooniin on .. COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLE9, 0BEO0N. JOHN MXCHBLBACH, Propriatoc WILL KKTSP constantly on hand all the rnrte-1 itles that the niarkutcan possibly auoru(t BRICSH Se CURED MEATS, : ' and always of the bi at-quality. 1 FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND. STEAMBOATS . supplied on reasonable terms, ' Tbe underslaneq Is always prepared' to pay the hgli est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock in gooa conuuion, ore requested to rail on !iim neftir going ebiewliere. JOHN M1CUELBACU. Dallee, March 31at.l88. mh81tf itEMOVAJL. J.QOETZ, Dulles! r.KOXNIQSDERQER. Van FrauclMO. J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, . i Have removed to- ; ' Eudio'a New Stone Bnilrlin? ' . Washington Street, near French A (Ulman's, and huve- opened a well-assorted stock of HAVANAaud DOMESTIC SEOAnS", ' 1 VIBOINIA and WK8TKKN TOBACCO,. . i -I : . FRENCH and SCOTCH BNUFF, , MKEHBCIIAUM and other 1'IPKS, ' : PLAYINU CAItDS,. .. i . , t 8PORTINO OUODS, ' ' ' , ' ; INDIAN and KAA C Y OOODS. c, e. ! i - The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PltlCKSV MKS. LEESER'S TRENCH MILLINERY STORE; :' - 1 AND ' Dress Naklnar Establishment, - ' Opposite Cohn A. Bohm's, IWOOBD 6 ALL Ttm TTENTION of the Ladles i the Dalles tomy lar, a and line stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, DOIVAETS, II ITS, FEATHERS, Dress Tr I mm &. Having secured the services of MRS. FRAKY, In the Dress smklngnpaitmeut, wo will do all wuik in that Una ami etinranlee perfect satlsfactioa ...... DYING done In all solon. . Oivs nie an early till I, and I will endeavor to suit everybody ITASVE and At KEASJNAW.K PRICKS. . Particular attention paid to s Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, . NOTICE TO FARMER'S." fUyVV. DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING X COMPANY has rsceutly attached a . FLOURING MILL . to their Steam Sash and Door Faotory, In this City, sn.f are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltIND WHEAT at.O. CORN, and warrant t kIv tli bast llsnuUloa. On hand constantly and for sal FXTRA FAMILY FL0TJR, 1 . . .... SKCONDS OR MIDDLINGS', . BRAN AND SHORT, CUOP FEED, CUICKBN FEED. Alto, a Superior article or CORN MEAL, from now ' Cora. . . The llifhst market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a DAIILEY. U. A. UOOUB, Agent, Dalles, Not. HRItt. Tiiltf. AUCTIOxV AND CttMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS,; ..AUCTION ETCH, No. 100, Slain Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTIO. ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, Orucerh Horses, New and Second Usnd Fainlture, Stocks, Ac, fcc- Ont-door and 8pcial Sal attended to th any part of thCtty. . . Liberal Advances node & CoBslgnmcnts. nl9:0m. JOUN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. A., Grm BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - 0ref am ATkiT iFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARQS ASSOitT P nient of Brandies, ' IVlnes, ' 1 , ' Lfqnors, ' -J ; :r" ' Case Goodr, Th Trad fs partlcnlsrry fawtM to examine rs stick bsfor farcliaslug slsewhere. , . u24-u BOOKS! books; BTirir.TOir.i! a urn npmerr OCHOOt imOKBrnAnoNiniY, k3 Btaadnsd and MlsoeUaneoa WORKS. Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES. PAPEK8 AcH A., tnr aver flteaaser. Poat-Offlo Buok.tors, Mass strtet. Dalles. " ' Garden SeedS for tne Million. BaT-tt H. I. WAl.DAf