SVXDAT MOR.WXG, JURCII 18, 1808. - Canton . City Items. To Mr. Abra iiamsorj, who arrived at : IbV Dalles yesterday, from Cunytm City, wo are indebted for the following: Tbo Indians have commenced tbeir depredations again on the Canyon City rdadr they have stolen eieht horses from the Mountain House, and H lot of harness from Hock Crock. - Mr. Abrubamson eome down in four days in company with Mr. Page, of ' Wells, Fargo & Cos. Tbey saw fre quent ipdi;ations of tbo recent pres ence of Indians on the road, and in one instance, saw an Indian just abend of them in the road. Not knowing how many more might bo in the vi cinity, they took a cireuitotrs route and avoided discovery, A parly of about thirty soldiers un. tier command of Lieut. Dicbtl, have jgono from Camp Watson in pursuit. They took several duys' rations, in tending to stay out some time if nee cssary. Tbo people at the Canyon aro din. posed to censure Gapt. Small, the post commander at Camp WatBOrr.ehnrging hirrtwithindifference 10 their Interests, and inactivity. In this we think thoy err. Capl. Small's command w en tirely inadequate to the proper pro tection "of the Canyon City road. If that road is to- bo kept open the com ing summer, 83 ihut it may bo travi cled with safety, more troops must be placed upon it and disposed of in such u. manner as to-bo accessible to more . than one locality. The people of both tho Dalles and Canyon City ought to movo in tbis matter, and eao if the military authorities cannot be pre vailed upon to adopt some moro effi cient plan than any yet put in force. It id aerying shame, and one for which Homebody in j,o blume, that svneo tho discovery of the rich gold mirves at Canyon City some four years since a distance of scarcely 200 miles fron, the Dalles, over a good road, thbre tiever has been one dy in which that road could bo traveled in perfect safety. When Mr. Abrahamson left, times "were lively at the Canyon plenty of water ana the miners all at work and doing well ; though fears were ex pressed of a freshet. . - News had just been received from Olivo Creek and" tho Middle Fork, to the effect that additional diinnnsrs had been discovered, and that miners were waking vory good wages. Democratic I'rEcrNCT MEETrxas. Tbo Domocrocy hold tbeir precinct meetings yesterday; tho one lor West Dalles at Clinpin'u Hall, designated as delegates to the county convention John Williams, B. II. (Jalee, J. V JJUkcny, A. W. Buchanan, E. E. Huft Vic. Trevitt, Thos. Calloway, James outbno, w. l". Junior, F. A. O. .Payne, V. M. Hunt, Win. Moabus. Tho East Dalles meeting waa held j-n ine aiternoQB, at LOr. JNeyee's ware house; wo have not been able to pro' euro tho names of the delegates ap pointca. W"e have roeeived lrom the pntlish r S. J, McComiick, Etxj., a copy of .", the Portland Direetory, for tho year Commencing January, 18GG,errbracing a.Gei eral Dircotory of Residents, and ' .Business Directory together with tte charter and codified ordinances of the city, and other Htatwtieal inform ation relative to the progresi an brcsent condition of Portland." As its title indioutes, the book is full of iitx'tiil information, and is exceedingly Tttfu gotten up. LETTEn FROM SUSAN V1LL.E. ' oubanvillb, ubeooh, rco. Z4, uu. iv,.,t0 i.iousTAisBi.B :-in mycoromunicu- lion of jHnunry 5th, I intimated that I might Venture to write? itnother letter, and if I should, I would devote some- attention to what I regarded n ultimately to become tl.e leading Interest and great resource of wealth of th id peculiar section of country. I am not as well prepared to pnrtleu'nrizo in regard to the name, locality, bearing, size, amount of work done, &c, of different fudges as I expected to be at this time ; but such inform ation as I cannot giTe now will be given from time to time as I became posses-ed of it. I should, however, remark right here, tnat the limited amonntof work done on the quartz lodes in this vicinity, is not attribut able to any want of enterprise on the part of miners, or want of confidence In the richness of the lodes discovered', but to the want of means to carry on the woilt ; for irre-ti mast not only have powder and fuse, and tools to Work with, but thej UlUSt have something to eat and' wear also, and all these necessary u.wcieB cosv inuney, uuu 10 uuin.u ium nee- ennry precedeni they must delve in the placer to extract tho gohf, or Irtre to Work for those !, n Tn,A , .mnl Tint hn w ...... . ."..". ... rnnitnl hpn-ina tn seek mi invRtmpnt. hpre. a I , . . , m-wr impciua win uu g.veu .u .imiK... v r tuu- fldenco Will be Strengthened, and mea of limited means Will be able to accomplish more in the development of their discoveries than thev can without such eo-courasrement. I f the manv discoveries and locations mnde, l ean only refer in this letter to the lollowing.: Elk Crock, National, Wabash, Sweep Stakes, Last Chance, Mammoth, Apollo, General Grant, Home Stake, Father Abraham, Nondescript, Gray Eiglo, Lilly White aud Camp Creek. All of these except the latter, are on ttm north side of, and in close proximity to Elk Creek, where the first placer mines were discovered. Notwith- tanding the embarrassments met With, the owners of the Elk Creek and National lodes ave exhibited considerable perseverance ia work to develop their lodes ; the former is enctratcd by a shaft and a tunnel, and on the latter, a shaft has been sunk twenty- seven feet in depth, at which point the ledge is four feet wide fand a tunnel is also being ran, which, when completed, will sti ike the ledgo about a hundred feet below the sur face.. The rock of both the.-e lodes has by all' tests to which it has been submitted. prove 1 its great richness, and all that is ie- quired to- bring into active circulation the hidden treasure is money to erect mil's ; and this, unfortunately for themselves nod the oountry, the present proprietors have not got in sufficient quantities. The other ledges named above, and many others to which I cannot refer ia this 'letter, hare given from their croppings equally as fluttering: prospects as the Elk Creek or National, and will doubtless prove, upon- further develop- ment, some ot tnem at least, equally val Oable. Tho proprietors of the Elk Creek ledge,. Utte in the fall, determined to run another runnel1, aud. Cor the purpose oi making an opening' in the side of the lull where the tunnel was to be started, thoy turned a stream of water to run off the dirt and rock, having first ascertained that tho color could be got in the pan. This rubbish- they sluiced off through boxes, and upon cleaning tip, found the yioldriu fine flour geld, to be at most) fnbtlloas i: they were- prevented by the , , , , . . . , . freezing vatbcr from knowing what is in the irround sluice. I will reserve further re. " - marks on the subject of quartz for another letier This camp ji not SO remotely Situated as been over the crround confidently assert ihnt w ia not more than one hundred and fifty miles from, here to Dalles. City, and one hun- dred and ten to UmalilT. end no doutot com muaieaUon wl'l he hud with vnnr rfv tbo muvicauoa Wl.l oe naa Wlllt yotir City the comiocr season, over the route indicated, and w thin the distance named a fnilnwa-1 ineaoove aescnooa properiy is commenaen totheat w.ium tuo uiswoce namea,. as louows tentlon of capitalists-who desira to Invest, psrtfcM From bare to Olive Creek, twentv miles I wlio maf wish to secure desirable residences. from th,nP In th. I,.. f R.,. Pi... .' w ------ - Wuu vi dia to eight miles. There are rich mining re irioRSs bow juet ope nine ut. and' from which v. ui i. . a .. , Ihop to be able to giveyow some flattering reports the eoming atasoo. There are ronton of rich discoveries uoro, wuitu ecia iw mars lull place, as es flned soon to become quite a centre, from which will rdlftte a ,rge trnde , ,he B,n. ple, to ba consumed. and which must oil, except to a' Very limited extent, be drawn from the valleys below. ... Tho soft weather in the latter part of Jan uary enabled many of the mine I to make the necessary preparations for mining; but the severe freezing weather that set I rt two weeks since, put a stop to all such preten sions. Building, which scarcely slackened during the winter, continues to progress, and grading lots for new houses is daily com menced ; and the faces of alt are Wreathed wltto bright and hopeful Btniles, in anticipa tion of a lively and prosperous season. I1KRM.T. Goods at Cost. Vf o would cull tlis attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Alrrnhatnson A Kohlberg are Boiling goods at Ban Francisco cost. Parting desiring to buy Clothing, will do well tn examine tlielr stock be fore purchasing olsnwhero. Inl8tf DENTAL NOTICE.-Being about to mnke a Professional tour to the towns anil settlements up the Columbia, t respectfully call the attention of those of my nntrntiH wlin am in ial n rtniLtnl OnnrarlnnH nf nnv Mull. lct(. t0 the fact) B0 iat ,hoy nnv have oppnrtlln,y to-until themselves of my services before my departure, iliMfftd. .1 will leare about the 20th of March, and "!,!'rn. 1 tMt " I"'"8 P'M"' "I" -.Bin ur Juno. ir-ftr j, n . uuiuhi, Waico Lodge, No. IS, P. A. St A. M. old, u, ,tated Comrannicatlo Mondays of each month, at tlielr hall, In Dalles City. Brothron In good standing aro invited to attend, Beth l- Poi-.8ec'y. By order of the W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F. eT "my evening at 8J4 o'clock, lu Gates Uall, comer of Second and Court Sti-eots. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. 1 1 US, WOOL and HIDES. T II U HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ;PURS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at McCRAKKN". MURIUM, & CO.'S mht83m IS North Front Struct, Portland. last ciiatntce: ron two weeks loxgerii Goods at San Francisco Cost!! aj7"E WILL CONTINUE TO SELL CUR STOCK OF COATS, PANTS, HOOTS & SriOES, HATS $ c.irs, And a full assortment of " Gents9 Furnishing Goods. A.T COST! Until tl 31st ilay of Mi.rch, when we snail close our co re, nniiuur rAiu a-Prlt Indebted to ns will- oloase call at onr store bofuro tuo above dntt1. naif ABHAUAMSON It K0I1LDKRQ BALDWIN & BRO., OFFKR FOR RALE IN CONNECTION WITH A COM. plete stuck of Staple Groceries, ALL KINDS OF FEED. Barley OatS, Ground Barley, Bran & Sliorts, "Wlieatt Sliorts, Which we propose to sell in quantities to suit at PORT- ijahu rnjur.B, aiming ireinr. nu3tt Real Estate For Sale! rMMIATDKSIRAM.K PIIOPKRTT wcnnled Bv f! n A MKIQ.-i, Esq., situated on tho COIINKR of SKCOND - 1 In tlie city. Is nfOred for side on reasonable terms. The I Dwtinno; contains FIVE ROOMS, beautifully finished wtrh. PLASTEltKD Walls, portico lu. front "f tSe and PKhKltAI. RtreRtii. nnn nf th nlanan.i,a, ?.w?'Jln nd wter on pr"Ii. Siw of Lot- I luxou ioei ALSO:- ' ' the one and' at hnlf COTTAGE DWELLING- rfODSK, I bi.u. myuiiiiiig .uo nini.D pruiirrij, tn, re.UHHA street. This is one of the pleasanteat Incatlous. for .m. 1 hn In tl.A n.1 u . . . n I - T AL80r la nrurm k in i no titnt.ia ... . ... .... ofth. School ii..,com.nwd 0Vtw,feet0a,rt, Ua ,ua11 n" 8iM - 1 , ' ALSO-- TWO LOTS of IAND, slumtd in BIGKLOW8 ADD! TION, on theBlnff, In tharear of the MethodisrChttroh I Sirs ornots Mxioo feet. ...... ..l""!"1'". lnownm .ppllc. i iiuu w tun uuMuragueu PUBLIC AUCTION T THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PR0PERTT 13 NOT J. disposed of .t private caie on or Befurr - " Tlf 23d Day of March. 1866 of I The same will be sold at Pnbllo Anctlon on Out day, I al3t4 ... 0 iialn Street,' UCTION AND HOUSE! No. 100 MAO STREET, DALLES. rfV'B UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL Otl PAST A Favors, respectfully Informs tin, citizens of tho Dulles, ami the publii Kuaerally, that be continues u sell at t . . PUBLICAUCTION On PRIVATE SALV Real ENtate, General Merchandise Ciocerles, llorNef, FurnUure. Mocks, &.c. &o BHGCLAK BALK DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. ash Advances made on Consignments, And PttOMPT llETCBN IHnde of sales. Ont-dnor and Sooclal Sales attended to In nnv Dart of the city. JOHN -WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J . JUKEE, nam street, iauo, WH0LI8AU ADD BlfllL SKALIB Ilf CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFP, PIPES, . & o. ALWATS W STORS TRI IIHT BKAVSB 0 Iars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLATINO CARPS. POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMRS and BRU8IIE8, n' all klnd, PRKFUMKRY. ot every doscriptlou, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powdor.Shot. Load, Powder Flasks, Baskets, anoV many other articles too numerous to mention. . tT Interior dealers supplied with Cliiara. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freit-ht added. oc-K .T. A.. FORUJES' FAMILY GROCERY, TRUIT - . AND" . Provision Store,; CORNER OF WASHINGTON A SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the- choicest articles of FRESH, KUOS.and every variety of AMILY GllOCEBIES, NUTS, CANDIES, $c , $e., Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH., Also, dealor In GRAIx, FLOUR AD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No rharges for StontK on Ooods sold on Proceeds of Sales remitted promptly. jnl6lf. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. B. BOOTH UABBT NKVIW. BOOTH te NEViSON, Forwarding and Commlsklon Merchant AND DELKltS IN QENERAT MERCHANDISE, Wliito Blufls, W. T, RF.IGHT FOR COLVILLK, BPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI aud ilLAUKFOOT MINES croniiitlr lorwarded. Mark Goods B. A Nw Wl lie Bluffs, W. T, BEF-EISOCS: Pobtuxd Richards A McCrnken, Alloa A Lewis, ami ;nudge A Calef. , Bloch, Miller ACo., French A Oilman. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dallea,.Orca;on. WOULD RKSPECTFULIAMNEOltM i, the cltlMiia'of this nlnce- and vl- EiiP-K clnity, that having returned from a pro- ClTf T'Vt lessioual tour through the mli-s. he has I I T I J anain resumed the practice of JENTISTRY, tn the room. formerly occupied by mm. In the building occupied by, Wood h Butler, Photograph Ai tints, and adjoining Wul dron Bros.' Drug Store He takes this raHhod ofu. tending thauks, fur tWa- llberak-pntronnge heretofore ex- teuueato mm, auu solicits a coutiltuanva or the euuie. I.I8T OF PRICES. Entire Denture on Quid Base ..IB0 to t'22S ' Uppor Denture, Gold Base 90 " 1!M Deuture. Vulniuite Base 70 " lis " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 3d " Hi v3bid Fllifngs Inserted from one dollar upward. Chlhlrena' Teeth tracte frea-af charge. sel3-tf NEW SALOON. KEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET.. THE UNDERS10NED wooM rasnoctfully annnuwa that he will open a first-class Saloon In Freuch A Gilmaa'a New Stona Bnlldlug, THIS KVEN1NU, and propnreu ,u aervv mwosn niiu lue uesi 01 TTincs Liquors and Cigars - ALSO, A Eli TCI ES LUNC II ; Every day luS ETeilfbgs oc2gtf.. JOHJI RIXDLAi: D.. - Notice to Settlers.. TrTE PDBLIO SURVEYS of Townships 4," North Esaige, 82 East, and and S North Range, 33 Kaaf V lllamette Meridian, Oregon, have been approved by the Burveyur General of Oregon, and the plats thereof, bear ing date, February 10, 1800, Died In this office. V V.' ' OWEN WADE, RegiHer: ranriiary ilT, 1866. 9ml - .-. .AIOTICE. .-. WR CALL TUB ATTENTION OF TTIK PUBLIC th tWct, that Vf liave ooncluded to give sp ba. Inesa and there. or, all parties indebted to os MUST PAT' TIP WITHIN MNAIJf DAYS or legal proceeding IM KIV'-.. i ll. BROWN A BRO. . Dsffe, Itareh 10, ISO. Btlaf