ii Mountaineer. FACTS AKD FANCIES. In tbe report of a down oast agricul tnral fair occurs tlio following: ''Best bed comforter Miss Mary Hall." BanieI. Webster usod to Bay that the word " would in liufus (Jhoato a hand writing, resembles a sraull gridiron Btruck by lightning. Mr. Quibble, reading that "it hub been decided in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Dublin, tbat a clergyman of tho Church of England can legully marry himsolf." observed that that roigt be very well as a measure of econ omy, but that even in the hardest times he should prefer to marry a woman. Here is tho pithiest sermon ever proached. "Our ingress in lifo is naked and baro; our progresB through life is trouble and care; our egress out of it wo know not where but doing well hero we will do well thoro 1 could not toll more by preaching a year. Hard on Crinoline. A country chap, who jcontly visitod Sun Fran cisoO for tho first time, gavo his views of the ladies in the following wayi ' "Somewhars in every ciroumfer, cnceofsilk and velvet that wriggles ulong thoro is alius a woman, I'spose, but how mnoh of tbe holler in filled with moat, and hnw much is gammorij tho spectator dun no. Ef men is gay dooeivers, wot's to bo said of the female that drosses for a hundred and forty weight, but hasn't rocly us much fat as would groaso a griddle all tbe apa. rient plumpness consisting of cotton whalobone. A Puny Dialogue. Richardson, corrosdondont of the Tribune writing from California, alludes lo the new words and phrases in uso in the " far west," and by way of illustration be comes responsible for the following: There is a story of a burglar who at midnight climbed up to a chamber window aud cautiously opened it The occupant, happening to be awake, . n i . i, ... ,4 i :..,. ViUpij BUlbl til LUU WIIIUUW) UUUJUBt US tho robber's face appeared pressed against it tho cold, smooth muzzle of a revolver, with the iniunctions. "Yod gill" ", You bell" replied the robber, dropping to the ground and running for bis life. , SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire itook of STOVES AND TINWARE, ALSO, : . TINMAN'S TOOLS. riiiiJi wuula omDncinn none stock, everv article jb ai wniou wm ogium uuai, m i aesire to close out DiMlnees. Also, one URAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the UOUSK AND LOT, on Second Sheet, noxt to the corner of Washington. The Home is two storios, with a basement, and la well adapted to the hotel business. Alio a lot of BEDDING, comprising about twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. auv:3ra.. . ALIMSKX BKIXIKQEN. . - 8unimoiiH. Tn the Circuit Court of the State of OlraMn. Ihr the isiuii.j hi , mmj. u .hi n Jl, JUIMllllU. nilHUU. TLilOOD Ii. lleaderann. Defendant. ru JOHN L. HENDERSON, Defendant : Ton are M. hereby summoned and required to appear and an swer the complaint in the above entitled action, which ill u. in" v. i i r ui t,mcu cuwiiy. u.u nnil HUHI MIV UtHfc UUUIICSI10D OI U l IDD. mans, or If you Ml to do so, the plnlntlfl will take judg ment amtlliRt vnn lJha aom r luiu In. 1805, and for the costs and rilsbur. omenta of this ao klon. Dy order f Hon. J. 0. Wilson, Judge or the 6th (Judicial District. , . GATES HAFT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dated at Dalles City, Fob. 10, 186B. fe23-nw Summons.. In the Clronlt Court of the State of Onvnn. fc.p tha ounty of Waeoou O. W. Broback. Dlaldtilf. v.. Rmn.l rarmah and Mix, defendants. irmO SAMUEL FARM AN AND MIX, Defendants! I JL You are hereby summoned and required tn appear knrt answer the complaint in the above entitled action. I l.ut. v. - k a i i m ... n, ... . . ' wuiii pn vivu uim lu liiv uuiov OI ine ultMPHOI the 'ounty of Wasco,) within six weeks from the flrstsutbli- "mhmi iii mm iiuununs, orii you tail to uo so, meplallfr iff will take Judgment against you forthe in iff of Five lundred rnd Kluhiv Dollars and: seventv-flva cents, and ntorest thereon from the 3d dav of Ootoher. irail nrf lor the costs and dlsburrementa of this action. By order If 1. - IT n nri, , i ... . . . - vi ku uuu. . u. rrusun, j uuge oi me otn judicial llia Irict. - - OATHS 4 HAFT. mrMw Attorooys for PlaluUlT. Admlnhitrator Notice. , J-OTICB 18 H8RDY OIVEN THAT I HAVR, ON 11 this 8th day of February. 1806. been dnlr annolnted 'Imlnistrator of the estate oY S. O. Cowne, deceased. harafura tall wuMnna I J a- J . . u to miika immomKte pft'ymint t nd all porsoni liiiv- ' " " saasniiiav tvtiu a. 1.1,11 r iKilintKl M prfWIK iivui to m at my offlc. in Dalles City, Wtwco eiHintv. roRoii. within sis vionthi ftom the (fete hernnf. for ur- a (ills.. "t . ' I IK v-l s u rail Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND SJAGE LINE! BE, IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COMORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOt, Salt take City, Denve City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKH CITY with Concord Stages jiumung ip Virfjiniii City, Nevada, ; ' .AND BAC11AMENT0, CALIFORNIA. ' ' FAKEi Boise City to Fnlt Lake City J100 00 ' " Virginia City, Montana ...125 00 " " " Missouri Itlvor, Legal Tender 100. , : Uold, $100 400 00 For further informntlon apply at OVERLAND 8TA0B LINK OFFICR, Belts City, I. T., mhOdSm . J. N. TODD, Agent. 1. D. Vni.'iJi;ASO. DENTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICB OPl'O- , sito llloch. Miller A Co.. wheru he is prcpareu 10 uo ail K1IIU8 OI . DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnUtud manner. TKKTII insertoc from one to un entire set, on Uohl or Itublier 1'lnte. Prices raniro for Rubber Pluto, from si tn ss ffm Gold Plate, from $75 tu $m. 4Mr Persons having work clone by me not proving sat isfactory will not bo required to receive or pay for tin same. aul3ti NEW H 12 A. I S 13 ! rtUB UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT M. ir.om of tlie Dalles and viciuitv that he has ieraim.1 a NEW 11ISAUSU, aud will .zVtieml Iunerals on short notice. This is tho nrt, and at presout, only Hearse in the city. 1. 01. EVANS tulles, May 19, 1S6S. ,' uiyiifO-tf. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AiD BILLIAUD ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court Streets, apSl'tr- Dalles, Oregon. MANTUA MAKER. MRS. MATT1K I10LRROOK would respectfully In form the Ladles of the Dalles and viclnilv. that she lias opened a shop in connociion with Minn O'Kourke, wnero sue is prepared tn uo all Kinds or work with neat ness and diiiimtch. llavlnir iutit arrived from the Kant. she hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashiou Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TURKU DOORS West ol the; Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. nc21;m3 Slierifl's Sale of Ileal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Isnued-by the Clerk of tbe Count v Court, In and for Grant Coun ty, State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of E. u. naruy, piainun, ana against John S. Miller, F. It. Ashtou, L. Ii. Ward, J. R. Shakely. and A. 0. Hall, de fendants, for the sum of Three Hundred and Forty-seven aud 64-100 (34T 64-100) dollars, principal, in Gold Coin, enu sevoniy-six ana eo-iuu lata BO-ioo) dollars, cost and disbnrsments, with interest, accruing costs and costs of elocution, i nave levied upon ana will sell at public auction before the Court llou.se door, in Canyon City, ON SATURDAY, the 24th day of MARCH, 1806, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. t. .. to the hMmit lii.l. der tor cash In hand, gold cdln, all of the interest of the defendant in and to the following described property, to wit: That certain piece of real property known as the Pioneer Ditch, commencing at a point On Big Creek, thence running In a somberly direction atiout eight miles, and iutorsftctillff Elk Crek at a nnlnt nnar Kllr fiat, said ditch lying aud being in Ofant Connty, State of uregon, M. r. Dtttux , Blierlir. By B. Wnmtif, Deputy. Canyon City, January Ul, 1808. f23w4 Sheriff's Sale or Real Property; BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by the Clerk of the County Court, In and for (Irani Coun ty, State of Oregon; and to me directed, in favor of E. C. Hardy, plaintiff, and against John 8. Miller, -defendant, for the snm of Two Hundred and nine aud 01-100 ($J09 01-100) dollars, principal, in Oold Coin, and Twenty six and 72-100 ($J6 72-100) dollars cost and dlsbursments, with interest, accruing costs and costs of execution, I hare levied upon and will sell at public auction before the Court House door In Cnnyon City, on SATURDAY, the 24th day or MARCH, 180D. between the hours of lit and 8 o'clock, p. m., to the highest bidder for cash lu hand, gold coin, all of the interest of the defendant In anil to the following described property, Id wlti That certain piece of real property known as the Pio neer Ditch, commencing at a point on Bid. Creek, thence running in a southerly direction about eight miles, and Inteiecting a point near Elk Flat, said Ditch lying aud being in Grant County, State of Oregon. M. P. BERRY, Sheriff. . By B. VfntTTiw, Deputy. 1 Canyon City, January 81, 1806, I23w4 Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. BY VtRTUH Olf AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court In and for Claoamaa Connty. State of Oregon, and to me directed. In favor of A. F. Hodges, plaintiff, and against Dwight Muuy. de fendant, for ths sum of Follr Hundred and one 43-100 (t401 43-100 dollars, principal, with Interest, accruing costs and cost of this execution, I have levied upon and VIII sell at1 public auction Uelore the Court House door, In Dalles City, on FRIDAY, tho Oth DAY OF APRIL, 1SGA, between the hours qf o'clock, a ., and 4 o'clock, p. M to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the interest of the defendant In and to that certain lot or parcel of land froutihg Union Street at the termination of Fifth Street; bonnded on the North, by Col Gate's ret idence; on the South,. by W. 1. Miller's lot; extending West, 120 feek more1 or less, and known as "Muscy's" lot, In Dalles City, Wasco Ominty, Oregyn. ...ii ,-,,. t C1IARLKS WHITE, Sheriff. By R. W. CRiHDALt,. Deputy. ,., , , , Dallea City, MarcliWll, 1890! 1 ' '' ' ' mTw '" "tr a. b DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WnOLISALl AMD BITAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MHDICINESH S. LEMON, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DRUGGIST,' Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Adds. Perfumery. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest markot rates. AsT Physicians and Merchants intending to nnrchaaa for the Mines, will do welt to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. 8. LEMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn 8econd. PORTLAND FOUNDRY - AND MA-CIiriVE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Jteam Knglnea offrom4to40horse- -Vp power.eitlier Purtabloor Stntlnnnry. Also, CIH CULAIt SAW MILLS COMl'IiETK. constantly ontiimd. A I ho, liny I'rua BeB of nil sizes; L'lanlnt? Slai'liines.fWooilwortli'fl patteru,) Wrought and Cast Iron work fur Vr tical SnwanJUriat niilln; Brass and Iron Castings aua WROUGHT IRON WORK . of every description. I am also propnred to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of tbe Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any Dart of the mines as the weight of the outlre machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse l'owors a AUricultural ImDlnmnnti nuuiuiucturcd tooiderat the very LOWEST CASH 1'itlCK n. ii. rarticuior attention paid to KKl'AIRS. fc20-tf A. SlRIICS OF Literary and Scientific Lectures 'lrillCII has been In contemplation for some time, v V .is now offered to the neonle of the Dalles. The first Lecture of the Series will be given Monday Evening-, and one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the Eeries of Unlit Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational and Methodist Sabbath Schools. Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cents. This loctnro will be delivorcd by RKV. DR. ATKIN SON, in the ConKregatlonal Church lecture will com nience at i uciock. ouujeci: BOUllATKS 1I1H T1MK. The followlug gentlemen arc expected to deliver each one Lecture: Rev, Dr. Benson, Portland; Rev. Dr. Atkinson, 11 Rev. Mr. Caffroy, " Judge Wilson, Dalles; Rev. Mr. Driver, " Pror. Roland, J. A. Odell, Esq., Rev. T. Condon, " Judge Ulll, Canyon City; MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully anuouuee to all those wishing .. , -' '-.,. - f botograptas,' .Carts de VIslte, tc, that they will do Well to give hem call . Particular at tenthmjaid to taking Ladies and Children's Pcturos. ' LlNCOUN HOUSE, Curher Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREOONi FIRST-CLA8S nOTEL. LARGEST IN TUB STATE. Charges Reasouable. AN 0MNI1IUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for 60 cents. , - 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. -epl:3in - . . . Xixrs I Furs! THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IS CASH ' ro Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Bkina, ' By RICHARDS ft MoCRAKBN. Portland Sept. 27, 180&. ... , , oc4:3m TOYS ! TOYSJJTOYS 1 TOYS ! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that m 4 ttJf line tO the BASliKT AND TOY KMPOIUCM of . . v . , TIIUMAUEll A ZUIN, . 820 and 322 Battery Street, n283m San Francleoo. vU Washington Wagon Road. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM' THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouvor to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept In goodtravellng order for wagons and stock. , , B.O.nARDY,r Dullei Jan. 11th 1865. .' Jaulltf Bole Proprietor- .:" i Hi:-;.v;-;i.:sj.i.:-:.i-rt ' DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PRESS 6C0K&JGB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, hetweon Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy aud dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the verv best, and AT RATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to order: Cards and It i 1 1-12 cads. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS rf.n t&p . .ft. PRINTED IN THE K0S ATTBACT1TK I1AKNU1. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, MILLS vr rABB, LETTER HEADS, hECEU'T BOOKS, BILLS LADIXO, flricfs and Pamphlets, riSITINQ, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drugeists' Labels In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill aud which will tie turneu out in a style that cannot fail to Insure entire satisfaction. 0UB FACILITIES FOH THS IXKCUTI0N OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, I VRFUMERS LABELS, cfo Aie unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the busiuess. and are continually adding to our already exten sive aud well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES. BORDERS. ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS," AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is asked for this ei tahlishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, tu call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. . - . Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends ftom the interior may rety upon naving meir oruers uueu promptly, um wo HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon I Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlS-tf ' Dalles, Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. OREGON. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINO REMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO , Gates' New Building;, Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A - Free Lunch X Every day and evening. EHIL SCHUTZ, Proprietor. dec2-lf Hard Wood Lxiixiber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS V7"IS BSO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man WW ufacturera and Dealers to the Larse and Oom plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON MATKRI ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hlckorv. and Second Growth Asb Plank, Hickory Axles. Wairnn Poles. Hubs. Snokes. Felloes. Rims. Shafts. Ao. Act which we offer at tbe lowest Cash Prices. J- Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attentlun. N. W. BRAGG CO., Jel6:3in. 29 31 Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A IV Seventh Street Sacramento. C. Watirhocss, II. W. Baioo A Co., J. W. Ltsria San Francisco. Sacramento. . - New York TILLMAN, - sots aoiht in cuiroainA roa TILTON & McPARLAND'S , Fire fc Burglar Proof Safes. . ' STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ''Combination i-locli.i i w O-Coostantly ' hand a Ml assortment of SAFKSi ' .1 . . . .. 818 BATTERY STREET.., Ban FranolsoOi -V ' ""vwi il, F" U H .1 ..I ft ll-fli l I I