Money market. New York Gold Quotations....;.. . 8uu Francisco Legal Tender rates..,-.,.. ......121 JH Isaac F. Block, Baa Francisco. C. 9. Millie, i . Dalles. Block, Miller & Co., ' WHOLESALE O R O O E It S , WALDROS BROS.. ? Wholesale & Relail Druggists, Epitome or Telegraphic Nws. COMPUKS IROH Till OR KIOKlAJI, J ' ' - DATES TO MARCH 1. Washington, March 14. Tho Hons passed the Senate bill in relation to tie U. S. Su- JirenSe "Court, with amendment that after;' each term l the court a certified copy of the decisions thereof shall be furnished' ta ' heads of departments ... v Mr. Spaaliiing, of Otolo, explained t.Qat the joint resolution offered by himself j'or uxa-. -tton of national currency, havidg been char cterized as funic repudiation, Ue wished to fiav that noihiee was further from his mind . tliau lo'irrjune cue national credit, which he regarded as the apple of his ere. The object of, the proposition was simply to peimit .greenoaKS to oe taxed in. bis State just as State bank notes have heretofore bran taxed. die did not intend' the. resolution to apply to interest bearing bonds. " ' Air. Stevens confessed that when he made "the remark-complaining of it he was not fully aware of the object, and his remark was inapplicable. ' '"" - The House proceeded to consider the bill to protect military officers from civil prose' ; cation for acts done during the rebellion by virtue of military authority jjr necessity. Mr. Cook, of Illinois, advocated the bill, saying it was similar to the act of 1863. an proved by President Lincoln, and that the Government is bound to protect these officers. Mr. Harding, of Kentucky, opposed It, and made a speech to show how the act could be used to protect the most despotic and out rageous abuses. ' Further consideration of the bill was postponed till to-morrow.. The Speaker presented the resolution of Uregon Legislature regarding the-tax on . mining claims, it was referred to the com mtitoe on mines and mining. The Speaker also presented a resolution of ibe Oregon Legislature relating to the annexation of Walla Walla county, Washington Territory, to that State. Referred to the committee on Territories. Y ( , v Mr Saulsbury, of Deleware, appeared on the floor of the Senate to-day in such an of fensive condition of drunkenness that he had to be removed. jue committee on puonc lanas repunea that the proposed equalization of soldiers' bounties by the issue uf landwarrants would secure one-'ourth of Hie publjo adomaiu for that purpose the effect of which would be to reduce tne value or tana wai rants, stimu late speculation to a most alarming extent, check emigration nd practically defeat the purpose ot tne Homestead law. The com raittee therefore auk a reference of the whole matter to the Military committee, with the recommendation that the committee report . a Dill tor tne equalization of bounties in money or the issue of bonds. The army bill, as it finally passed the Sea ate to day, provides for ten white and two colored 'regiments of cavalry, forty two wutte ana eigat colored regiments of infan try, and one tbonsand Indian scouts for fron tier service: all companies, in time of peace to be minimum ; one-third artillery reel mentg remain unchanged, and officers above the grade of lieutenant are to be from West Point, the remainder, volunteers who have creditably served two years. . The veteran reserve corps ia thrown overboard.. . The bill goes to the House, where another is pending more iavorarjin to volunteers. Boston, March 14. Jared Sparks, the his torian, and ex-President of Harvard College died at Cambridge this morning, of pneu ; San Franritco, March 15. Just before the Montana sailed this morning, the men .were engaged in taking freight, when a box con tainlng some kind of chemicals, suddenly ex ploded as it was being lowered into the shiD's hold, with a loud noise, and volumes of flame shot out in every direction, threaten jog to set the ship on fire. The flame were extinguished, however, before any consider- . aoie damage was done. Tne steamer pro ceeded to sea. ' -it? The steamer Surra Nevada, 65 hours from Portland, arrived here to-day noon;'' She brings if bo ooo in treasure.' By the steamer Golden Age we have Cen tral American dales to March 1st.' The Pan ama Herald says the engineer entrusted with the survey of the passage supposed to exist Detween tne 'xagui and the Uttroto rivers. with a view to opening an Inter oceanic communication, has returned and been quite successful. The line of steamers between Panama and Australia will commence. run ning in June next.. Three hundred persons, : mostly Californians, left Panama on Febru ary 13th for the New Grenada mines. Pan ama has been considerably excited over' the alleged fitting out ot the steamer Unci Sam as a supply ship for the Spanish fleet. The vessel was recently sold by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to J. S. Herman & Co., who loaded fer with provisions eto. Her application for clearance was denied Sub lequently an armed force-took possession of her by order of the President of the State. AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, r . And Importers end Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots, fc Shoes, - Under Clothing, Blankets, etc.,' . ; etc., ! etc. A.SSYOIPFICE. wwr HAVE an assay office in connection vV with our bnslnees. under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars In six houre- We guarantee all onr Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH rKICK for Kara. . we also pay tl)e Highest uasn rrice mr uoia vusi. BLOCH, MILLER ft 0 J., y6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dulles, DEALERS IN ', . J- HARDWARE, : IRON a STEEL. CrROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. " "FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO A GItANT, ml3tf . Dalles, Oregon. Main Street, Dallee, Oregoi TB NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0RTFTBE w w proor ftone aulldlng, opposite Bloch, Millar Co;, and offer to the public a full and complete atk of "lug., iueuimnea km viieuucais, consisting in part or KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CUIMNKYS XUKPENTINB, . HOPS, . ALCOHOL, , BAQB. , ACIDS, SPONGES, LINSKED, LEECHES, . . ... LARD, ," . CORKS, . , CAfTOR AND I.NDIOO AN NEAT8F00T OIL, ' LANl'BLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS.' - 1 AND ' Our stock of FANOY GOODS la.of the finest and best quality; new stylesond large assortmenta. aweb as LUBIN'S PERFUEEKY, 11 A I It. l.lJUIIVBTlJlLE'i'SOAP, iLKSII, POMADKS, BIIAVINO, . ' C0SMKTIC8, HAT, 11AIK 011,8, CLOTII'S, ' COLOGNE, ' ' TOOTH AND . J-ANCY S0AP8 AND NAILBRUSHES XUU1U POWDERS, , AND COMBS. PURB WniES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpoeea. . - . Our lacllitles for liuvins aroods are second te-aoaa in the State, and we shall at all times sell atasamUaaV Tame from cast. . Ready soles and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PBESCRIPTIONS. Carefully compounded at all hours of the day anAafcht mules, oepi. u, xeoo. aeiw-tr SELLING OFF AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIONF.D tVlLL SELL TnE REMAIN der. ofTheTr stock ot SAN FRANCISCO COSTS without reserve, in order to close out business In tiiia town. Our stock consists of the following goods: All kinds or CLOTHING! SUCH AS COATS, PANTS, BOOTS $ SHOES, II ATS $ CAPS, ; , And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing; Goods.' i Also, a fine lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARSl - TOBACO), PIPES, A YANKEE NOTIONS., ' The whole stock mnst be closed out In FORTY-FIVB DAYS, without fail. ... Jfjf All persons Indebted to the firm must pay up within THIRTY DAYS, or legal proceedings will be had. liatr. AUttAUAMSU.X K.U11MIITRU, W. B. DOUGLASS, rRANKLIN M ARKET. CORNER OF BECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREOON, . JOHN EPP1NGKR Xroprfetcr THE UNDER8I0NED having fitted up the above Market in the BE T STYLE, will kasp eonatant- : (Successor to William Birnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND PIALES IN ' JEWEL RY, INVITES TnE ATTENTION OF IDS FRIENDS AND the Public to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, 1 RespgctfnTiy soliciting their patronage. i,-; -f: . 'Si Wa'cbes PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WARRANTED. mOtr Next Door to the Post Office. . w.. KOTICE.'. ... THE STOCKHOLDERS of fheDalles and Boise Wapon ltiwil Company, are hereby notilied to meet at the office of Col. N. II. Gates, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of MARCH, at 2 o'clock, r u., to elect seven Direc tors, to serve one year, and to transact sush other busk ness aa may coma before the meeting. A hill attendance la requested. . F. M. STOCKING, Seo. Dalles, March 10th 186t. , , mUtlO : Dlsielntlon Notice, r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the copartnership heretofore existing between Frederick Renter and Charles Dotter, is thia day dlsaolv d by mutual consent. Frederick Denier will pay all Indebtedness and collect Ml debts. -1 VKHDKKICK BKNSKR, ; Dalles, March 10, 16t ' CUARLES HOTTER, lw ly ou hand all sorts of rresn and cured lueais, - .Of the best quality furnished at the L0WE8T KATE My motto Is So " PLEASE AW, , j , PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOK SALS will do well to call at the Franklin Market. - . ' JOHN KPPINGER. 1 Dallea, February 19th, 1865. l ASlllJWrblV MARKET., coaitik or COURT AND SECOND 8TREET8, DAI.LSg, OREGON 1 JOHN MXCHEIJBACH, Proprietor. ' KEEP constantly on hand all the varie ities that the market can noaalkl afford, el FBK8H &; CURED MK1A.XS,; , , 1 ways of the btat quality. . .. . ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' auppiied oaneaaienabla terms. TkeaaiderslKnea is always DreoairiHl to na the hi irk. set casK price for FAT CA'ITLK. Parties Laving stock In good oondltion, are raewaeted to. call on him before JUUH A11CUKLHAU1I, niliSltf , REM O V A L. . GATES Sc CHAPIN, ' : i WHOLESALE A RETAIL D RTJ GGI STS, HftTO RemoTOtl to RADIO'S STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to sell articles nsnally kept in a Pint-Class Drug Store; at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY STOKE IN TUB CITY. Our stock consists in part of . - Patent Medicines, Pare Wlnea and Brandy, Extracts, ' Fancy A Common Soap, Sponges, Iluir Brushes' Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, - Paints. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alcohol, . ' Oils, Hops, ' ' i Bohemian Toilet Seta, Supporter, Ao, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded . Give na a call and satisfy your selves bet re parcliasing elsewhere. U. L. CHAPIN, nlfttf . JUSTIN 0A1ES. "VISRY IMPORTANT I ... TO -, " Merchants, Families, Hotels and ' IIAII.ROOMH. . - TULIUS KRAKMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN. 9 tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Arm ot M . Seller A Co., In Ihbeity, to which he has uaueooi in own importance, (wnue doing business in roruanuj an immense eiocat i tne beat manufactured Crockery, Glansware, " Plated Ware, Lamps, . Ckandcllers, Table Cutlery Looklngr-Glaft8es and All Kinds of Oils, All. of which he offers at reduced rates. ' Psmnns wl.K. Ing to buy any of tbe above-mentioned articles,, will do wen to give me a call Deinre parchasing elsewhere. , . Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and gvw. HwiiDu iu k Bpunrt. uon'i lati to call on me. , Rudlo'a Stone Building, Waahington atrect, Dalles.' ' JULIUS KRABMER, Dalles. March lTth, 186&. mh17tf Oregon Steam Navigation Co WINTER ARRANGEMENT. -N AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th unti mriner notice, ....... The PaHsentrer Train, ' ' to connect with steamers . :! ' ,,: FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will aUrt from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, oe Mondays, Wednesday, and Frldara. su 5 A. AI, .' .. . los STEAMERS ' " 41 0 N E 0 N T A "J OP " I D A H 0," CAPT. J. MijNULTY, .....Commander, Will leave DALLES. DAILY. fSunrtava . o'clock, a. ., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer " NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF,... Commander, 01 roruana. W. B. BUADFORD, Dalle. Nor. 13, 1865. n!2tf Agent 0. S.N. Co.' f. x eh m:. Wntcliinnker and Jeweler MAIN STREET. DALLES. rKAf.KR TV VTK1D WlTirrvd lDirornw U CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and' Plated Ware! Spectacles, Cutlery, Ae. r: ; ' ' ' ' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired by uiu .-... 1 1 tun mm i weno mouina. N;B- All orders from the upper country, by Express PAYJSE'rS AUCTION ROOM ;:l tUHJS DOOR ABOVE TUB POST-OFFICE,) . MAIM STREET, 11.4 LLLS CITF - "' V I will attend to sale of ' ; ' Ileal Estate. ;!T :. General Merchandise. , - Furniture, .,,1 -V.--M :uii - ..-And Stocks.. REGULAR 8ALE DAYS, MONDAYS AND ?DAYS. Stock and Special Soles any day, Sundays excepted. J11 F. A. O.PAYNjt, Auctioneer going elsewhere, uuues, march aut, ISO J.aOETZ, DaUs. F. KOKNIQSBKRGKrt, . - - . ,, Saa FrauclacOk i J. GOETZ &, CO., : : TOBACCONISTS. . Unit removed to Eudio's New Stone Building. Washington fttrent. flAMP VMn.h a Cilln,.nr- oveued n well-aasorted stock of . iiAvaNAundlH)MKTI0 8EGARS, , . VIBtUNIA aud WESTERN TOBACCO. FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, ' : MEEKSCilAVM aud other PIPES. ; PLAYING CARDS. SPORTING GOODS, , . ' ' INDIAN and FA.CY GOODS. Aa., Ac. The trade auppiied at LOWEST MARKET PRICE!1. MRS, LIS 148 Klt'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, "'. AND Dress Making Establishment, 1 Opposite Colin eV Dohm's, I WOULD CALL THE ZTTENTION of the Ladies o the Dalles i my lar(e and fine stock of ' FLOWERS. EMBROIDERY. BOKHJETS, H ATS, . FEATIIEItS, JDresa ' Trimmings, &o. llavinir seenred the servlM. .,f SfUH HIDV l .L. and gunruutee perfect satisfuctioa. . , . tfiina uuuviu all cuiura. ..... -r i . . . Give-me au aarlv cull .n.l T win .nriu.... .n everybody In TAS'l'B and at REASONABLE PRICES. xumroiaeryjina atuamg Btamplnp, i ivt i j r a rt, ivi c. n. o rajHR DALLES T.nvnmt mn uivhvimnmvi : T'T.rtTTTIT'Vn. Uf TT T to their Steam Suh and Door Fnctory, In this City! and) are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and CORN, aa4 warrant t i give the best satUtsctloa, On'I hbibh vuiiDiniini aauu gut nolo - FXTRA FAMILY !PL0UR,' : ' 1 SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' ( ". BBAS AND SHORTS, ' " , ' r. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEET. 1 r Also, s Superior article of CORN MEAL, from now. Cora. ' ' The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a ', BARLEY. II. A.HOGUie. i,n . iiuies. nov. a, inoo. 11 naif. 1 .air......' . -mm mr w Am i . A.TJCTIONE3HII no. ioo, inalnSlreet, Dalles City, WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ot General Merchandise, Real Estate, Grocarb a, Iloraes, New and eecond Hand Furniture, Blocks, Ac, Ac. .' Regular Sales Day Saturday. ,; , OuMoor and Special Bala attended to ta any part ot the City. . i Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nlO."m ..... TAtiU sn w a ..... A..G-. 13H,IirtOIviD, . .r, ' IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF , , VViries Ac Liqixors, f ! FRONT STREET, j ! j;,' Portland, ' , Oregesa. OFFERS FOR BALI A VERY LARGS ASSORT ment of:. ., , , -. Brandies,"'"'' '; 1' V tick before purchasing Case Goods, &C, Ac. A9 The Trade Is particularly Invited to examine taslng elsewhere. . ,, aulii-tf. BOOKS! BOOKS.: ' ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, '1' I. SMaMsaBsSer Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, A' Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPSKS., Ac Ad., by every Steamer. IHiet-Olllee Hopkstore, Main street. Dalle. . , Garden Seeds for the Million. B. J. WALDKO