Inilg JPttahuer, SATVRDAT HORSING, MARCH 17, 1800. A large number of horses came op on the stock-boat yesterday afternoon. Wo should think seventy or eighty. Our glorious spring weather conti nues, and the trade in garden seeds and implements is brisk. .: Wasco County Union Convention. As previously announce!! this con. vcotion meets to-day at 1 o'clock, r. t , at the Court House. Too principal business likely to corao before tho convention will be the selective of dolegates to the State Convention, which meets at Corvatlis on tbo 29th inst. It is also possible that the ticket for County officers will be nominated,' though we understand (omp of the delegates come instructed to defer the county nominations for the present. We trust that perfect harmony will prevail and none bat good men" be solected. From Camp Watson. Mr. West who arrived at the Dalles yesterday from Camp Watson, informs us that tho Indians are cutting up some of their usual capers abos Camp Curry, and in south of the Canyon City road, though he has not heard of any recent depredations upon the line of travel to John Day. Some six or seven soldiers belongs " ing to Camp Curry, who were guard ing a government bay -stack, were fired upon and drivon into camp, leaving their blankets, provisions, and one of their guns for tho Indians, Mr. W. represents the road as bei ing almost impassable from mud, but that this weather is rapidly changing that.. There was a foot of now snow on the mountain. Tub White Bluffs Route. We give below, without comment, the res port of tho committee appointed by a meeting of the citizens of the Dalles to make inquiries regarding the prac ticability and expediency of the White Bluffs route : The committee appointed to eanvass tho route traveled to the Upper Co lumbia River and Blackfoot mines beg leave to submit the following re port: From the Dalles via White Bluffs, overland to- Colville, we find the dia tance to be 275 miles; water and grass at' convenient distances for camping the entire way. From the Dalles via White Bluffs to Pen d'Oreille Lake,2G5 miles; water and grass as above, on lbs route. Ibe committee would further state that between the Dalles and White Bluffy the trait is settled the entire distance, and miners cannot go astray beyond White Bluff, parties are now out staking off the course between that point an Mullan'a Eoad. Between White Bluffs and tbe Upper Colombia there is a plain wagon road. Some of the committee have trave ed over tbe different routes to tbe Upper 3 Columbia river' and Pen d'Oreille Lake,' and bave no hesitation in saying that they regard tbe Dalles and White Bluffs route as far more expeditious,' and 'attended with less cOBt than any other route; at tbe same time being in distance from 75 to 100 piles shorter. - W. D. Bioelow, THE CITT (RADB. Dalles, March 16, 1866. JJUBIUOBB Uli IUO Jjaiies UUrinC Hie naRL weok has hnnn nnitn hriuli- Onirl r . . larger jobbing houses have dono a fair v I businoss, and the retail trade has been more act ve. .The Reason inr nnlivn trade is now at hand, and our mer- . i... isj u I unuiiio uuiD iuiu iu voi r uuuvy BlUUKB, All ll,n owinloa trade are now kept here in full supply, and offered flt a vorv small nrtvnnp.n I mu "u "' ' 1 1 V . "u nf nnr mArnhnntn is n un unrl lot livn " oi our mercnamsis live ana let, nvo, and in order to build un a trade, thev r ' I are prepared to, and do, sell - their goods at very low rates. During the week, soveral pack trains have'boen fitted ont for tho John Dav conntrv : ' ! ana we nonce a largo amount on freight beinc shiDned to Wallula for . . . , , . tho Montana marKet. Should tho pro-1 . ., .. .1 sent fine weather continue, wo expect With another Week the roads Will be i . i; . j ; . ; . u I in itAnn t .a i?o I , n n, finnflilion I nd tnA I 6 , v I business Of the COming Week Will fur exceed that ot the one just closed. .The following are our quotations corrected to dato : Floor. Standard, plain, $10; self-rising, $12; country ranus, tnigiTV. Baco. Sides, 24c; Hams, 26o. . llnyos, 7c; piuk and red. fie. Butter. Isthmus, 45c; Oregon, 40c. Cobk Mkal. Oregon, 5c. CnEB8B. California, 28c. -CorrEi. Kio, 29c; Costa Rica, Mc: Java, 33c. 8uar. Saadwldi Island, 1216c; t-.I. refined, 10c. powdered, 21c; crushed, in bb's., 19c. Tea. Comet, 0fc; Pow Chong, 6ic; Japan, 05c; Basket, $1; Imperial and Gunpowder, 8uc. Syrup. E. 1)., In i gal. kegs, $1 ; S. F, In 6 gal, kegs, Dried fruit. Eastern apples, 18c; Oreeon rdd es. I4c; uamornia iwacnes, loo. i . . w . .1 ... W . I ,'n qm. n. .. ' 1111 LiQo8.-Monongahola, $:; common whLkles, $3; American brandies, $3 ; mixed, $4. Lard. J. A II. brand, 27c. Nail kes. t'Jfeia 60. Soap. Castile. 2uc; California brands. $2 2 box: UlgglUS', i uu. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Sulphate Copper, 2&c Sulp. Ac, 86c Bait retr, gal SuAls, Salphuc, za nit AC, ft Mur. Ac . 11 Cltr. Ac, 30 Tartar. Ac, Minis akd oiu. tl 12 Jewell's Lead, . 4 60 Atlantic Lead, DUO Kidgewood Lead, 185 Fi'e-proof ft., I 60 Vermillion, n&'VniM.inu., 400 Lubricating On, 160 60 40 tl 00 1 00 Hoi ax, Boilod Linseed, 18c Castor Oil, 18 Lara uu, 14 6 40 eat8 root, erosenev arpentine-, Spts,. 60 Alcohol. Pular Oil, $3 00 It is Well. The California dailies have got a big thing on items and they are pressing it. When every thing else lUllS, tbey tall back OH W OllS, a las I7onald Mclonald, the Sacramento murderer, ibe present condition of i tbe items market stands thus: The man arrested in Idaho has arrived at r, . J,. , ... bucramento, and is being daily oxbib ted to wowds ot hherins, constables, i: ! i , j. puucumoD, jaiiurs ana divers uisrepn - table Characters for identification. Some think him Wells and some think him not Wells: vjohiln Dnnnld ' no id iisriuvi f i ciia uur an j iciatiuii vi Wells, and leels verv nnwe at be ne ihni mioi.kon f u m-ao. Ti o tuut. .tvunvu iui uiuiusisi, jl ii c maioritV Of examining witnesses are . , tIP . , one day pretty sure that he is Wells, lA.J, o....ii.. : Wll then the crowd shoot "'tis well' but tbe next day tho preponderance ot opinion goes tbe other way jind then Wells thinks 'tis well. Tbe Avveal of - . - lha Kfrt mat. Qbkd , . .uu .... ;. . v . xois auornoon ine progress 01 men- . mi. tlUCallOn BO goes Oa luai QOdDC Ot niS being tb real Wells is evaporating. Overseers of the chain-gang, wardens of the county jail, and persons most UW.l- . U-n.lJf Tr t. is Wells. Oreaonian. , ..... v I : I ySHOT BY TBI INDIANS A BOldier named Mackey, belonging to Co. G 1st Oregon Cavalry, 'was shot recently at I Camp Wright, Oregon, by the indian8. At the. time he was fired upon he was kaSnM aalAiTAft 4m nn MitoMi) - I w.uK wus .,........ . - , A telegram received at Portland,! MVS that. Mnna Pat lnvr V7..i J v.... 1 j .....v, end Henderson are commissioned in tbe regular army of the United States. Their respective ranks are not known. Thanks 10 Wells, Fargo & Co., for express favors. MARRIED. r .v- mi. t . . .1.- .1 .... r) i .... -i. - oyKev.j. f. urlver. 8. A. now, or Umatilla, to My, ' 0n the ilt)) int-,,t th6 ffnidenre of A. Cj Phelps, UM, H,v"r' w" County, by itor. t. m. Ramsiieii, UKANri.Iff I nWPERTttWAtTK tn ftllOlt Vli UAIOJ! UMTMIIOJ. Ing the auuieniaiy of the Constitution and. laws of the United Stales, mid tlie integrity of the Uulon, are re- quested to meet iu their several precinct. on the t0 chnoM deieg,,. to attend a county convention neld Dl,"e City, on tlie -lrtH Day ofMarch, at 1 o'clock, r. M to nominate candidates tr.r Connty I tralrs, una to elect delegates to attend the slate Uon- Uention. on ihc Mth day f March, ism T,,. several irccincte are entitled to the following nuniher or Delegates:. USfa J),""i,Kitv'r ! - -- wi Dalles. .13 East Dalle ,. Jl c. it. mkigs, . X it. mays. County Committee. J DENTAL NOTICE. -Being about to make a profcM,OBa, t01ir town, ,,, BCtti.ment. P the ttolnintda. I respectfully call the nttcntlon of those of my pa.rouswuoareiniieeu ui ueuiaiupentiiunsoi RDyciiar- ' acter. to the lUct, so that they miy hare an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, if ao desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return to this place to renme my practice, about the isinoijuue. I'"") j, n. uunj.ti. Wsisco Lodge, No. 15, F. A. & A. M. Holds Its stated Communication" on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brethron tn good standing nre Invited to attend. Smi L. Pops, Sec'y. By order of the W. M. Columbia, Lodgn, No. S, I. O. O. F Moots every Friday evening at f oVlock. In Gates Hall, corner or Mecond ana t;ourt gireeta. Brothers in good standing are invited to attend. By order. N.G. BALDWIN 8l BRO., o ,VPEU F0U 8 A LB IN CONNECTION VIT1I A COM- plete stock of tailG VrrOCeneS. ;all Kixrs or feed. Barley Sc Oats, Grroimcl Barley, Br air Sc Sliorts, "Wlieat Sliorts, Wlilch we propose to sell In quantities to salt at PORT LAND PIllCKS, adding freight. mI3tl Real Estate For Sale! nmiATDESinABLH PROPERTY occupied bv O. K. M. MKia?, Eni., situated on the CORNER of SECOND and FEDERAL streets, one nf the pleasantest locations Intlie rltv. fs offered for sale on rpaitnnfttilft tArmR. Thn Dw.lllnir contains FIVE ROOMS, beaatirullr ffnlsfied nweiiinc. and water on the m-erniees. site of Lot- ALSO: The one and a half COTTAGE DWELLING IIOtJSE, I situated adjoining tn above property, on federal I street. This is one of tho pleasantest locations, for a smaii family, in thDiies. sue of lot niw. iionse I . i A COTTAGE RESIDENCE on the BlnfT. In the vicinity .of the School House, commanding a lair view of the city. a niiinuiiiM i-nniice lur a party wiiu small means, cite ot iioi ziaiuu leet. ALSO:' I irwo Tim nrf lun i mnDinina TION, on the Blnir. in the rear of the Methodist Church, B,M 01 T" described property Is eomntndfl to the at- lfnt on ofcail ta Its who dM ro to hM .. who majr wish to secure deslml.leroslilei.ces. . Terms, which will be lll.eral, made known on applies Aunna. which win w tion to tk undonigned PUBLIC AUCTION f F TUB ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS NOT" I -B- uiBuvnro v vinniv uiiv uu ui irauur JL disposed or at private cale on or before- Ti,, oj r n . I J The samiwm be sold at Pnbllo Auction on thst day. 11 oemm y;. 1, Auctioneer. I ml3td - lOO Main Street, jr. -a..' FORBES FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT : AND Provisi6n Store, I CORNER OF WASHINGTON k SE00N STREETS. (INSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest article of-1 ruaoii bUT-iisu, ana every variety of FAMILY 6BOCEBIE& tfUTS, CAITDIES, &e.r &e.r 1 Wholesale and Botall, at Reduced Prlcoa FOB CASff. 7. tt ovn 'n n bf ... Vnai . ,nd v,m AV,. ....... ' General Commission Business. !0 clrgM for Htorage on Goods sold on Comml'slon j rToceeoaoi Bales reniltied promptly JnlOtf. Notice to Settlers. THE PUBLIC SURVEYS of Townships 4, North Kanse. Si East, and A and a North Knn iH.itut n maniei.e nenaiao, uregon. nave tcea approved by the Ewrveyur General of Oregon, and the plats thereof, bear ,ugd,'eb10'1 owen'dTk V ADE, Uegister. : Land Office, Oregon Pity, February ACCTION 1ND COMMISSION H o tj S IE3 1 No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. THItUNDKR81QNKD TnANKFUL FOtt TAPT FavoVa, repectfully Informs the cftitena of the Dalles, and the public generally, that he continues to soli at , . : ' PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General merchandise, Giocerles, llorNCM, Mules, . . ; ' Furniture, - , Stocks, 4iC. &.C. BEOCLAR SALE DAYS, . Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments,' And PROMPT RETURN made of sales. Ont-door and Special Sales attended to Id any part ot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. J UK EH, Main Street, Dalies, Tf H0LI8AU iKD XTAIl U1IB CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNU1T, PIPES, &o. JLLWATS IB STORS TBI BIST BRANDS 0 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1LAYINO cahds. , POCKKT CUTLKRY, PORT MONIKS. COMBS and BHSHE8, o all kinds, PKI1FUMKKY. ot every description, CHINA OHNAMKNTS, . TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISH1NO TACKLE, MUSICAL 1N8THUMKNTS, vAvnvnnnnn Alan Powder.Shot. Lead. Powder riasks. Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. teg- lslerioTdealen supplied wit Cigars. Tobacco. etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added oc-8 TOEAMSTEKS AND D AIM MEN I FEED! FEED ! I BRAN, SHORTS, GRAIN, ' AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY It. H. LAW, 26 Front Street, Portland",' Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouse, t nl9;tr. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES f A. ft. BOOTH... ..-, HABRT MKTISOX. - BOOTH & NEVISON, . Forwarding sind Commliklon Merchant' AND DELERS IN GENERAT MEUCIIANDIBB, White UluiTH, W. T, FREIGHT FOR COLVILLE, UPPER OOLVMBIA', KOOTENAI and BLACKVOOf MINES promptly tvrwardrd. Mark Goods B. K., wuite iiiuns, n. i, ! . . mrtRiHcu: Pomuiid Ricbatr A- MeCrtkei Allea k Lewis, and ;Bodge k Calef. BAttn--BlocUi Mttftr k Co., French A Oilman. , J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, - Alain St., Dalltji, Uregoa. V0LD RESPECTFULLY INFORM w tlx' cltiwmr of tbis plane and vl- elutty, that having returned from a pro- i iMMinnai tonr inrouirn ina mip. ne uaa again resumed the practice of jENTIiTRT, in the roomy formerly occupied' By hiin, in the building occupied bit . uood a tfutier, rnoiograpn ariisia, anu aojoimug nnw dron Bros.' Drug Stor. lie takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore exa- tebdedto mm, and solicits a ooutinnann 01 ins aanw, Enti Denture oadoid Base. .'...;.....4i8o to $226 PPr Denture, Gold Base ? ! LIST Ol1 PRICES. Denlnre. Vnlcanlte Baae.....l 10" KtV ' Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base. 39 t OoHf rillings inserted f . one feihn upward. Cblldreaa'. Tatttn-eJNmctMlfreeaf chargo- sel8-tf NEW SALOON. . NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET.'. THE UNDERSIGNS wsald respectfnlly announce-, tftwt he will open' sr flret-elaas Saloon In Freuch k Gilman's New Stone Building. THIS 1WMN1NG, and w prepared to serve cuitomora ith the best o Wiiics, Liquors 'and Cigars. : "' . jilso, A , '; EREE JL. XJ IV O II Every day and Evening. - - 1 ' oc28tf. JOHIT RINDLAFIT. NOTICE. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PC BUG h the fact, that we have concluded to give np bna liwes and thernore. all parties indebted to us MU8T PAY - UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings will oenau. - U. BUUWN BKU. .Dalles, March 10,1804. i Billlf A