trni FACTS AND FAJfCIKS. A lawyer, who prided himself ulpcm hia Bkill in cross-examining a witness h&i once an odd-looking genius whom to operate. 'Yoa say that tho jjrieonor is a thief?' "Yes, Sir, because she confessed it." "And do you swear that she bound shoes for you subse quent to tho confusion?" "I do, Sir." "Tnen," giviving a stigcious look 10 the Court, "are wo to understand that you employ dishonest persons to work tor you, oven after their ruscalites uro kaown?" " Of course; how olao, pray, could i got assistauco from a lawycrl" The wilnoBS was preemptorily ordered to stand down. Abd-EI Kador, whilo rocently pas-. ing through Bloia, received a deputa tion of tho Freemasons of that city, joined by one of Tours and one of Juntos. The Freomasons compliment ud him on his ucts of humanity and charity during tho massacres in Syria. Tho amir thus replied: "I thank tho present Committee for fre'omasouary in general. I regard Freomasonry us thefirst institution of tho world; and, in my opinion, any man who does not prefer to bo a Froemason is an incom plete man. I hope the day will come when tho principles of the order shall prevail in all the world, and then all its people will be at peace We hear that West point engineer' ing has come to griff. Tho labor of fifty soldiers has been employed for a year past in building a dock of stone, some two hundred yards further down the river than tho old one. Along tho water's edge, too, with groat labor u road ot cut stone hue been built, and the whole undertaking wanted only a a fow weeks of completion. It has bsen the abhorrence of tho soldiers, for it has been a kind of "galley work," imposod upon them as punishment. It has been to tho superintendent, Gen. Callom, as" the apple of bis eye," and 'he has personally superintended it. Having finished the stone wall, earth was put behind it, and tho foundation wus shelving rock, when the earth be came moist, it acted like a wedgo, and every one was amazod and not a little pleased, one day recntly, to find the whole affair non est, gone down tho river, and scarcely a tracq loft of a year's labor and twenty thousand dollars. Hartfrrl Press. ' UNION CONVENTION. The voters of the several preclurts within the County 'of Wasco, who have been, and are in favor of maintain- In? the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Integrity of tho Union, are re quested to meet in tneir several precincts uu the lOtli Day of March, to choose delegates to attond a COUNTY CONVENTION to be Held lu Dalles Uty, on the ltli Xny or March, At 1 o'clock, P. M., to nominate candidates tor County umcers, ana to elect aeicgntos to attend the Btate Con vontlon, on the 2tlth day ol March, 1HM. The several Products are entitled to the following Dumber of Delegates t . John Day's ,....... 8 Fifteen Mile Creek.....' ,.., 4 Hood Rlvor i, , 3 Pes ChntM..MM..... Full 3 Jygb .-. .... , 8 West Dulles .'. ....13 taat balles.......t. J.1 C. R. MKIUS, -. t-rX . - I. 8. McFAKLAND ' 1U MAYS, v , ; " ' Cou-ity Committee. SELLING OFF AT COST! .. My entire stock of STOVES AND twware, i a " - '- ' ALSO, " '- - TINMAN'S TOOLS. riVIE WHOLE embracing a flue atock, everr article JL of which will 16 sold at COST, us I desire to closs out business. Also. ou GRAND PIANO, lu good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT. on Second Btieet. next to tbe-corner Of Wasltiniiton;. The Hottse Is two stories, yltli a basemeut, and Is well adapted to the hotel Imsinoss: Also a lot of UEDDINO. comprlslni; aiout twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out choup. cor lurinur parucuiur. apply on me premises. au9:3m ALBERT BKATINOBN 8UIUI110II8. ' In the Circuit Court of the Btate or Oregon, for. tiie comity of WWo. John B. Mesplie, Plain tiff, vsi Johll JJ. llvuuoinuii, W'lCllllllUi. , fflO aOIIN L. I1ENDKR80N, Defendantr Ton aHt JL . nereuy summoned and required to appear and trt- mver the complaint in th aliuVe entitled action, which lias oei n nieu m me umce 01 llie i;ierK 01 vt asco oonnty, Ttithln six wookt from the drat nubllcatlon of tlx. ,um. roorie, or lf-yAu (Kit to do to, the 'plaintiff will take Judg ment against you fur the sum Of Eight Hundred Dollars, no inierewxuereoB iroin tne mm nay ot September, A. D. 1806, and foe the costs aud ilinbur.emenU of this ac tio. : By ardor Pf Hon, J, 0., Wilson, Judge of th 6th Judicial District.'.. ' .... UATES HAW, . ' "'':'".' ' Attorueyi for PIslntlfT. Dated at Dalles CI ty, Feb. l9,160o., ., ., , ftM . SELLING OFF AT COST 4 TM. Wunsch & Co., WILL CLOSR OUT TnETR STOCK 0? MERCII AN DISK, at tlltfr place of bueinoas, at the Dalles, lu order to go the Minos. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be mid at COST, for CASH only. 4t All who know themselves indebted to our firm at the Dalles will pleiinecall and settle as soon as-posalblc. Those who have been accdnunudated we trust wilt not delay us Unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts. Call uud see us, all aud everybody 1 aull-tf M. WUNSCH 4 CO. I). 1. STI2lHEi$ON rI3NTIST, OAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO Hlte llluch, Miller A Co., where he , is prepared to do all Kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlnlud manner. TEETH tnsertcc troiii uuo to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices raugo lor Rubber l'lato, from Slid to $S5 j Foi Sold l'lato, Iroin fii to illio. ny-Persons having work done by me not proving sat Islactory will not be required to receive or pay for tin "'"' uulli-ti NEW IIEAKSE! rBMIE UNDERSIGNED BHOSTO INFORM THE CIT Jl toons of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received a NEW HEARSE, aud will A.ttentl Funerals on short notice. This Is the flrat, and at present, only Hearse lu tho city. I. II. EVANS tulles, May 19, 1805. my:20-tf. . notice:. IIIEREDY WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting oruying anything whatever from F. M. KUNT55, whereby I will have been thought by the public respoii sible, as I am not, nor will I hold mys If responsible for any of said F. M. Kunts's acts. W.F. JIOFFAT. biisauville, Grant Co., Nov. 28, 1805. OlNNoliitlon Notice. ITOTICE IS 1IEUEIIY GIVEN that the co-partnership JAMES 0. WALKER, under tho name of II. J. W'aldron m .ma unj uiwiuircu uy uiuuiai consent. It. J. Waluron wttlp ay all iudebteduess and collect all debts. H. J. WAIjDMON. J.O. WALKER. Dalles, Shirch 5, 1868. m6wl MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND UILLIAltD ROOM, F. SI, HINT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main, nuil Court Streets, p21-tf Dalles, Oregon. . MANTUA MAKER. MUS. MATTIE UOLDROOK would respectfully In form the Ladles of the Dalles and viclnltv. that the has poued a shop in connection with Miss O'Rourke, wncre sue is prepareu to uo all anius ot work with neat ness and dispatch. Haviug Just arrived from the East, she hopes to be able to please till as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS West ot the. Corner of Timtn n,.H UNION Streets. . nc21:m8 Sherlflt'8 Sale of lleul Property. BY VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTION" Issuod by tho Clerk of the County Court, lu and for timot rtnnn. y, State of Orogon, and to me dlreoted, In favor of E. v. iiuiuy, miuiiun, aim against John B. Millor. F. It. Aslitou, L. H. Ward, J. It. Sliokely. and A. C. Hall, do lendauts, for the sum of Three Hundred and Forty-seven ond 64-100 ($3 04-100) dollars, principal, lu Gold Coin, end Sevoiitv-six and 86-100 i7B KiUlmil ,inii.P. ....i disbursineuts, with Intorest, accruing costs and oosts of eiecuuou, i nave levieu upon and will sell at publio auction bofore the Court House door, In Canyon Cltv. ON SATURDAY, the 24lh day of MARCH, 1806, betweon the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, p. ., to the highest bid der lor cash in band, gold coin, all of the interest of the defendauU in and to the following described property, to witi . That certain piece of real property known as the Pioneer Dltoh, commencing at a point on Big Creek, iMtimuK lu euiiiiieny uirection nuout eicht miles, and intersectinsr Elk Creek at a mlm wit fl it, said ditch lying and bolng In Grant County, State of Oregon. M. P. BERRY, Sheriff. uy u. WHiTTiif, Deputy. Canyon City, January 31, 1800. f23w4 Sheriff's Sale of Heal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by tho Clerk or the County Court, in and for Grant Coun ty, btate of Oregon: and to me directed. In favor nfu n Uunly, plaiutiir, aud against John 8. Miller, defendant, for the sum of Two Hundred and nine und 01-100 iiW Bl-100) dollars, principal, in Gold Coin, and Twenty six aud 72-100 (iJ6 73-100) dollars cost ami dlsbursments, with interest, accruing costs nnd costs of execution, I have levied upon aud will sell at public auction before the Court Uonso door lu Canyon City, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of MARCH, 1800. between the hours rir 12 and 2 o'clock, p. u., to the highest biddor for cash lu hand, gold coin, all of the interest of the defendant ill and to the following described property, to wit: jiuat certain piece ot real property known as the PIo neer Ditch, commencing at a cuint on Big Creek, thence running lu a southerly direction about eight miles, and iute'sectiiig a point near Elk Flat, said Ditch lying aud being in Grant County, State of Oregon. . . M. P. BKUIIY, Sheriff. By B. Vhitkk, Deputy. - Canyon City, January 31, 1860. f23wi ; Sherltl'a Sale of Real Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION iKeuod by' the Clerk of the Circuit Court In and for Clactaraas County. State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of A. V. Hedges, plaintiff, and against Dwlght Muzzy, de fendant, for tin sum of Four Hundred and one 43-100 (W01 43-100) dollars, principal, with Interest, accruing costsand cost of this execution, I have levied upon and wlll.ssllat imblic auction before the Court Hons door, lit Dalles City, on1 FRIDAY, the 6th DAY OF APRIL, I860, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. ., and 4 o'clock, P. , to the highest bidder for cash iq hand, all Of the interest of the defendant in 'and to that cortaln lot or parcel of land fronting Union Street at the termination of Fifth Street; bounded on the North, by Col. Gate's re sldencei on the South, by W, 1', Mlllor's lot; extending West, 1 (bet, more 'of less, and known as Muuy's" lot, in Dalles City,. Wasco County, Oregyn. , . , ' , CHARLES M1UTB, Sheriff. . By ttr W. CbAkbaIi, Tlonnty. x varies yny, jmrcn 01U, 10OO1 .''! It"! 3 feaTw '.-.v:-; :-to 1 A iles city diiug stoke P. CRAIG, VrBOHSlLI AMD RETAIL OEAIER N DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! Vf U01E8ALS AltD BET AIL DRUGGIST, Washington S'trest, between Main and Second Streets IIAI.LES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want ofDrugs, Patent Medlclhes. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other Article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Jr; Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOfJLDFiR BRACE 3 In great variety. t S. LEMON, ap,S:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. POItTLAttI FOUNDRY AND MACIIINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and MorrlBon. 5 of from 4 to4o horse- Vwt'tlk t power.eltnor I'ortableor irTrHiSor 4?F,'"'Bi Statlnnarv. Alan. CI It. AifT. & V i . i3 CULAR SAW MIliL: on hand. Also, Hay Pres ses of all sizes ; Planing Machines,! Wooilworth's pattern,) Wrought arid uast iron worn lor vcr- -itX 8J'-3fiiBsb' tlcalSawnnd Grist mills; 'eV"ajg Brass and Iron Castings - Vial and IVROVGIIT IRON WORK of every description. I nm also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & ' most Improved Patterns. These Mills can bofofwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pouuds. Horse Powers ft Aerioultural Implements manufactured to order at llievery LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B.l'artictilor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf Literary and Scientific Lectures WinilCH has been in iontcmplatlon for some time, ww Is now offered to th peoplo of the Dalles. The first Lecturoof the Series will be given Monday. Evening,' and one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the Series of Mtlit Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational , and Methodist Sabbath Schools. i Tickets for the Course ! : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cints. Tills lecture will be delivered by KEV. DR. ATKIN SON, in the Couaregutional Chnfch-lccti'ire will com mence at 7 o'clock. Subject: SOORATES-HIS TIME. The folio v. lug gentlemen are expected to deliver each oneLocturo: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Judge Wlhion, Dalles; Rev. Dr. Atkinson. " ltov. Mr. Driter. " Rev. Mr. Caffi oy, " Prof. Roland, . Judge Hill, Canyon City; J. A. Odell, Hsq., " ltov. T. Condon, " MRS. L. YHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Vaslilngton Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP TIIE GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully annouuee to all those wishing Photographs, Carts do TIslto, Ac., that they will do well to give her a call. " Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Chl'dren's returns. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street!, PORTLAND, 0RE00N. IIRST-CLASS IIOTEL. LARGEST IN TUB STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Froe or Charge, or to any other House In the 01 ry for 60 cents. S. COFFIN, Propriotor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In the House. All the Steamers for Orogon City, Vancouvor, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. . sepl:3in . i , . lvirs ! Furs I : TUB illQlisST MARKET PRICB PAID IN .CASH Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Bklus, ' ' ' '"' ' ' By RICHARDS McORAKEN. Portland Sept. 27, 18B6, . ., oc4:8m' TOYS ! TOYS !T0YS ! TOYS I - FOU TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that till. .A tlltt II A fiU V1 1VI, IPItV M . , ., . THUMAUKR ZUIN, - v . . . 820 and Mi Battery Street, n28:3m . , ; : , Ban Franclsoo.- IVashlngton Wagon Road. . . TIIH UNDERSIGNED ".WOULD IVFORM TUB Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Roiu) from Portland and Vaneonver to the Upper Cascades la well being kept In good traveling order for Wagons and stock. .- . , ;B. 0. IIAKDY. Dalles Jan, 11th 1861.. janlltf Bole Proprietor. , I i..f- J : i -...u ... , , ' " 1-tf mm DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PRESH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE First Street, between Main and B DALLES. OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with neenracy aud dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the .very best, and I AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to obdee: Cards and It i 1 1-51 cads. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEWTS, POSTERS AND PKOGRAMME& FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ifc, tcn dc, PEIKTED IN Till K0BT ATTRACTIVE HANKLU. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS, . RECEll'T BOOKS, BILLS LADING, Uriels and Pamplilcls, riSITIXfO, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS' Uruseists' X-mbels, In short, evory thing that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Cald or Circular, to the largest site and most showy posting. Bill and which will be turnea eui in a style tuut cannot fail to insure eutire satisfaction. OUB FAC1UTIKS FOH Till IIICUTION 01 DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beantlful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such, as Fancy Posting Bills ! From a fllnele Sheet to the Largest Mammoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rURFUMERS' LABELS, a t. Are unsorptuwed by thoBe of auy other establishment in Oregon. W e devote special attention to this branch of tl;e business, ami are continually adding to our already ezteii" live aud well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tfc, cc.. c Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color an 4 durability, cannot be equaled in the State. - xne principle upon winch business is asKea ror tme es tablishment Is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the Interior may rely npon having their orders filled promptly, as we- HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon ! Address: . . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf . Balles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, XJ-A.LL1CH, OREOON. THE UNDEn8IQNRD, HAVINO REMOVED FRO TUB "BULLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now J3uilllngr Beg to inform the public that they ure prepared to serve their customers with the best t Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I ,; Every day end evening. decMf ' EMIL. SCHTJTZ, Proprietor. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BBO TO CALL ATTENTION of 6arrlage Man ufacturers rnd Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment of CAltKIAUE and WAUON MATEUI ALS we are constantly receiving from the Knst, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak. Hickory, and Second Orowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, VYairon Poles. Unbs. Suokes. Felloes. Kims. Shalts. Aa. Ac.i which we olfer nt the lowest Cash Prices. jbt Orders addressed to our house will receive Tiromp attention. . M.W. lilt AUU 4 CO., '. Jol6:3m. ' 29 k SI Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A 19 Sevouth Street Sacramento. . 0. WAiranonsi, II. W. Uraoo A Co., - J. W. Lester San Francisco. Sacraineuto. , Mew Yorls F. TILLMAN, ' '0L 40IIIT IM CAlirOKHU FOB TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire k Burglar Proof Sal es : m i, STEEL-LINED - VAULTS, ' ' 11 ' k ,,. - I" i..'. ;;u; -Jjy :, Combination Locli.1 ! -Ooostantly . hand a roll assortment of SATR8, ... .1 ti Uta 31 8 .BATTERY STREET, ., J JyMm'i Ben Jranclsodi ' lys'-.T" .! : ' .m 4sA ,!.r IllX- .1 '1; 1 .,;l,ilttfr'i