Saih MoiintamccrJ Ibaxo F. Bloch, ' San Francisco. C. 8. MttLM, Dalles. Money MnVrlret. "New York Gold Quotations. .1.-1 Siui Francisco Legal Tender ratea r--a-- 138 70 Epitome of Telegraphic News. COMPILID FROM TUX ORtOONIAH. DATES TO MARCH It. Qalvtston, March 8. Tlie convention Intd do the tAUlo a motion to make white Inliabii nuts Ibe basis of lenresteiaiiun. A motion to strike out tbe word " white " was tost 26 against 44. A motion to leave it optional with the legislature to fix tbe basis ot repre lentatinn was lost 26 to 38. An ordiounce establishing a quarnaline of 20 days for all Texas ports was passt4 as a (xeTeotative ngainBt cholera. Chicago, March 10. Tbe Secretary of War transmitted to the Senate, ou Wednesday, 7 b inst., inforinatioa relative to tbe construction of a telegraph from New Orleans to San Fran cisco, and from St. Paul to 1'orllnnd, Oregon. The applicants ask that protection with sub sistence and transportation, as lar as possjole be supplied by military commanders at posts on tbe route, iu compensation for which they propose to trausroit Government messages free. The Secretary' snys the application were referred to Gen. Grant, wlioTecomme'nds protection but not subsistence or transporta tion. Tbe Secretafy fuithrr eays tire War Department does not assume the authority to 'grant the right or title to construct linee, and 'contemplates nothing more than to Ivrnisb -such protection as may be nithont prejudice 10 tbe service, leaving pirties to obtain char ters from competent authority. Wathington, March 10 Tlie House to-day ' went into committee of tbe whore for general debate. Aootber Instance of thetestimony talten be fore tbe reconstruction committee will be re ported to Congress next week, including tbe testimony of Gen. (Lee, who suysjie never took an oath to support the (Joofeteracy, , having always purposely avoided it. Tbe Attorney General, who is making a list of pardons, in answer to an inquiry of tbe House, will show about l!i,000 pardons, mostly under the $20,000 clause. . Wathinton, March 11. 4a 'tbe Senate, Mr. Grimes offered the memorial-el tbe Iowa Legislature, asking for tbe speedy trial of Jeff. Davis, which was referred to tbe Judi ciary Committee. Washington, March 12. The Joint Com mittee of cases between tbe United States and New Grenada will resume their labors lo-day, when they will consider the import ant interest of connection with the Panama llailroaft. Tbe House Judiciary Committee will be ready on Tuesday to again report the civil rights bill. A proviso will be added which -will make tbe bill explicit on the subject of suffrage. , 1 Secretary Seward officially assrares the iiritish Minister 4bat any attempt by Fenians . to invade Canada or violate neutrality law will be promptly puai.-bed. Sir Frederick Bruce replied that he bad no apprehensions -of any trouble, believing tbe movement a scheme to enrich certain leaders at the ex pense of a few dupes, who may tret them selves, into trouble by too much fjMh inthe -bond professions. Chicago, March 12; The Columbia, Georgia, Enquirer, publishes tbe following dispatch -from ex-Governor Johnson, dated Washing ton,. March io ; Uear Sin I have had a -shaft interview - with the President, Secretary of War and General G ant, relative to the removal -of colored troops. I was assured by Gen. Grat that as soon as be could substitute other troops they should be removed, and that in fact such an order had already been issued. Yours Truly, J. J. JOHNSON. 'Chicago, March .12th. The New York Leg islature voted down tbe "resolution favoring he eight hour movement. The same body dopts resolutions by a strict party vote that Congress baa full power to determine the mode of re admission of Southern States and ' to fix tbe qualifications of members, and that, whatsoever differeoae may exist between Kxecutive and Legislative powers In .meas ures necessary to attain the grwsU ion da, which peace should yield, we are of opinion that there should such diversity either on general, results or methods of attaining file same,. a should produce -bosliliLy -on evert :politicali -relations. The New York Herald says these resolutions are not to be Attributed, to eiiber tbe Weed or Greeley taction, but an independent movement. San. Eranciico, March. 1&. The following dispatch, dated Fort Churchill, Mtircb 12th,. - has just been received :: To Gen. R. O. Drum. A. A. G : Major S. P. Smith, 2d Cavalry Cal ifornia 'Volunteer, reports the result of a successful expedition from Smoke Creek Sta tion, Nevada, to the relief of tbe settlers in Surprise Valley, California. A iuooeseful en gagement with, the Jndians occurred on -the 15th ult.;,ll5of the eoemy were killed and 19 captured. A large amount of subsistence ttrai also captured andi destroyed. ' Sixty horses belonging to cilixeni of the valley wet e recovered. Our Ion wai one private killed, and ant officer and lis privates Bloch, Miller & ., Wholesale OR O O E. KS AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liqvxors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Hoots & Shoes, TT.... ...... illiHiinn. uiiuv.1 vivuiiH.. Blankets, etc., tc, etc. absa.yoffic:e. WE if AW AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our traalnem, under the entire supervision ei Mr. Miller. We maVe Tetnrna ta Herein six houre We guarantee all our Assays and pay tlie 111(111 KST CASH PKICH for Bare. We alao pay the lliglieel Cash Price (or Gold Dual. ' BLOCH, MILLER AO., my6tf Cor. Main and Waahlugtnn streets, Dalles. WALDRON BROS., " Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles,. Oregon. , WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8TORY FIRE nrnnf Sturm ixilldinir. nanoaite- lllucli, Millur A Co.. and offer to the public a full ami complete atock of I Drugs, Medlcioee and Chomtoele, consisting hi part or KEROSENE. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ' ACIDS, UNSHED, FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OFSECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, . JOHN KFP1NGKU proprietor- CA.-TOR AND NKATSF00T Oil, LAMP WICK3 A CUI1I.NEYS HUt8, 8A0TC ' . fcBBCllES, - COHK!, Tint UNDERSIGNED having fitted tip the above Market in the 1IE-T STYLE, will Keep constant- St INDIGO AND LANPULACK Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. IIOIXIDAY, Proprietor, CONCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKPOOT, Salt Lake City, DenveT City, MISSOURI 'fllVER, Connecting at 'SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Kuuning to Virginia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. Oolee City to PaltLrfke City $100 00 " " Virginia City, Montana lio OU jitaaourl litvor, a,egai lender auu, edld.tlOO -..... 400 0 For further Information apply s OVERLAND STAGE LINE OTFTCB, Dedse City, I. T., mh(W3m J. N. TODD, Agent. SELLING OFF AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELl THE REMAIN der or their atock at SAN FRANCISCO COST, without reaerve. in order to cloao out business in tills tnwa. Our stoik constats of the following" goods: All kind, or CLOTHING! BDCU AS COATS, PANTS, soots & shoes, bats csrs, And a full assortment of . Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also, a fine lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARSI. TOD ACC PIPES, ft YANKEE NOTIONS. The whole atock must be cloeed out In FORTY-FIVE DAYS, without fall. fe All persons Indebted to the firm muu nay up within THIRTY DAYS, or legal proceedings will be had. TRUSSES, . SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTfRS. AND . PATENT MEmCINES. Our stock of FANCY GOOBSle ef the finest and beat quality ; new atyli-a oud large .amuetuMtits, Micb bUItia'a I'KltlUNKKI, 11A1K, LUBIN'S TOILET BuAP, Fl.EStt, COS.MKTIOS, . lfA"D, IIAIHOII.S, CLOTHfS, C01,0NM. rooTir AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES s TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE' WINES AND LIQUORS, Vnr Mmltcttml nurnnRei. ' Our fiu ilitR'M fur buvfntE ewxta lire w)Td to none l the St ute, and we nball at all times sell at iuM U-1 Tame from coat. Heady sales and smnll profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of tfee y and-idntit. Dulles, sept. , 101.0. eoiu-ii Tt E M O V A Li , GATES &CHAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRU GGISTS, TInTC Removed to , RUDIO'S STOAE Kl'ILDIiVG, WA31H.NQT0N STUEOT, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to sell articles usually kenl in a rirHt-Rliiaa Dniz Store, at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY B'iOUH IN TUB 'Ulllt. UUr SluCK coualata in part o( Patent Medicines, Pure M'lnci and Brandy, ; Extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, Bnonuea. nun uruanea Trnaaea, Braces, Ccrka, Aolda, Valuta. Tooth l'owdur, Varnhfl'ea, Alo.hol, Olla, Hope, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PUISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Oive ns a call and satisfy y ur- selvea berore purcuatuuglaewnere. II. it. CHAPIN, - flOtf JUSTIN GATES. VERY IMPORTANT ' TO , Slerckants, Families, Hotels, and BA1MIOOMM. JULIUS KRAKMEIt IIAVINO BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accouuts of the lute Ann ot M . Seller A Co., in tills city, to wbicli be has added of his own importation (wliilo doing buaiuesa In Portland) an inimeuae stock of the beat manufactured Crockery, Glassware, l'lated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Iiooklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils, , AH of whloh-lie oflora at reduced rates. Persona wish- inc'to-buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to utve me a call before DurchnXnt elaewhere. Ordera from the Interior promptly attended to, and gooda packed to fro aecure. Don't Ian to call on me. Budio'a Stone .Building, Washington atrceti Dalles. Dalles, March Trtli)1865.mlil'Tt ly on hand all sorts of . Fresh and Cared Meals, ' Of the beat quality furnished at the LOWEST RATS" My motto Is to " PLEASE ALi.." -nARTIES nATING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BAJk SL win do well to call at the Franklin Market. Duties, February 19th, 1805. JOHN EPl'lNGXR. WASHINGTON MARKLT CORItSR OF COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WIll. KEEP constantly on hand all the varle- i .ties that the market caa posaibly anoru, oi FRESH Sc CTJRKD MKATH. and always of the bi at quality. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS. supplied on reasonable twms.. Tbe nnderalgneq la alwaya prcpawd to pay the liih est cash price fur FAT CATTLE. Pm-tiee having aturis In good condition, are requested to full, on him befiiM going eiaewnere. juu uiuukuuauiu Dallea, March 31at,1866. mliSltf ilEMOVAL. J.G0ETZ, Dalles. Jf. ICOENIGSBERGER, fiixa VranciscOn J. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT.. matr. ABRAUAMSON A KOHLBFRG. W. 33, DOUGLASS, 7 -"r 1 (8ucccaaorto William .Blrdbanm.ji PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Iiixo "Wiatclies. .ISTD JEWELRY, INTITKS THE ATTENTION.' OF HIS FRIENDS AND the Public to bis choice selection of ' New and Fashionable Goods, i Bespectfnlly soliciting tbelr patronag.. ! WaoMes PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired anil WA41HAMTED. ' intf Kaxt Door te) the Post Offltna. NOTICE. rnm STOCKHOLDERS of the Dalles and Boise Waaoa JL Hoad'Oompany, are hereby notined to meet at it office of' Col. N. HlKlktrfc en WEDNESDAY the Slat day of MARCH, at 1 o'clock, Mi, te-eieet' seven Dlree-I tore, to serve on year, and to transact aun oilier tiusl- neaa aa may corns before the meeting. A full attendance It requested. F..M. BTOCKINa,"Bc; Danes, March 10th lMt- . ml3tl0 " " ! . &OTICE. '. ' '.. ' WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC to Ttba;facti thatws havs concluded. to give up bus iness parties indebted to us MUST PAY I UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings Willi as nad. ' u. suuwn unu. Dallea, Uirch 10, 1W4. Blltf ON AND AF1KK MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th nntl further notice, Tlio Passencrer "Train ' to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from tlie It. R. DEPOT1 WADLES CITY, on aiondftys, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 5 A. JUl ... THE STEAM BUS . - "0NK0NT A" or "IDAHO," 0APT. J. MoNULTY,.. ...Commander, Will leavs DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. connecting .by the CASCADE RAILROAD, eviuine steamer "NEW WOULD orJClSCADES," CAPT.J. WOLF. .Commandbr, Dalles, Nov; IS, 186. (liMlTI ' Agent 0. 8. N.Co. m M-li XT' WW SK'- JLl JLJL XV-S. f Watchmaker and Jeu-elcr, MAIN STREET, DALl.E'8, DEASJER IN FINE WATCHES, 7EWELRY, . CLOCK 8, Gold Pens, Silver aaUiPlated Wan, npecwciea, uutirry, c jir-e em TPaSftoulaFtteotiaoHHaddoirspaMng (Inetkkuiea Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stc KU Watnhss npslred.Uy me warranted for twelve mentlia. N. B. All orders from tk.UDier aeontrv. bHxireae or otherwise, promptly atteudeliUo. PAYNE'S mmm ROOM! (ONI DOOR A BOTE T41B0ST-0FF1CH,) BIAIff STREET, DAIXES CiaTY. I will attend toelef 'Itoat EntJde. General Merchasidlse, Fstrnltare, And Stocks.: REGULAR SALB DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and 8peclal Sales any day, Sundays sxceptsd. 'Jlte I. A. 0. PAYNd, Aictltaeer Rudio's New Stone Building, Waahlngton Street, near French A Oilman's, sad Law opened a welbaaaorted stock of HAVANAand DOMESTIC SEOARS, VIBOINIA and WESTERN TOBACOOf. FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUI'P, MEERSCHAUM aud other PIPES. PLAYING CAUDA, . HfOHTINU UOOSWi INDIAN and FANCTOOODSi 4c, 4e. The trade supplledist L0SS1MARKBTPRICEBJ.' MRS,LEj8R'8 - " FRENCH MILLINERY STORE; AND ' . Dress MnUlnar Establishment,. Opposite) Cohn &, Ilohm's, I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of ths Ladles S tln Dalles to my lar, e nad ftae stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, DOMVETS, 1I ATS. IFEATUERS, Dross Tri ' Having secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In tli Dresa Hakiiig aim tmcut, wo will do all work in that Hue and guarantee perfect satisfaction. , DYING doue in all colors. .' , Give me an early cull, and I will endeavor to tuit everybody in TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES. . Particular attention paid to - " - . Embroidery and Braiding atamptog, 1 NOTICE'TO FARMERS? ffHE DAU.KS LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING FLOURING MILL ! ' to their Steam Saah and Door Factory, In this City, ans are now prepared to CHOP FEED, U KIND WHEAT and.. CORN, and warrant to give ths beat satisfaction, 0n. hand constantly and for aale FXTOA FASIILY FLOUR, &LGONDS OR Mine LINOS, BRA-N AND SnOKTS, .'',. VUUV FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, -a Suyiesler Article of CORN 11EAL, from new Com. The hlntwst market pries paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEK.. II. A. UOOUE, Agent. Dalles, Not. 2, 186S. n3IT. ' AUCTION AND COMMISSION. No. TOO, Itlaln Street, Dalles City, WILVATTEND TOTHB SELLING AT AUCTION otTleneral Merchandise, Ileal ICetate, Orocerl' a, Horaes,New and Second Hand FurnitUMrStooks, Acc Regular Sales Day Saturday. Out-door and Special Sales attended to In any part os the City. Iibecal Advances made on Consignments.' v nltktm. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. A.. Gr. 0BIiAIFOIir, - aBlPORTBR AND JOBBER OF .' ' "Wines Sc Liquors FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - - Org;atv ' OFFKRB FOR BALK A 7BZ LiOtM ASSOR ment of Brandies, - Wines. Uanaea . . as G4oav - Ths IWi Is particularly Invite scamlne SM at ek before purehaslng elaewhere. mSs-M BOOKS! BOO ICS IT . wWO'LXSA'LS AND JLETAJL, awgsmuvji. BUUKS, 8TATIOH rTKT, rj Btanoara at Lata tlOWELSi Ac Ae.. thr- wvsrr Staames. Bookstore, atain street. Dalles. Garden Seeds for tbe nilllost. "T-t II. . WALDBM and Mlscellaneons WORKS, 7f Si MAGAZINES, PAPERS, FostMBti am iikiisf