TIHIKSDAY MORSIXCMARChTs, 1860. Freights from- the Dulles to Black- foot are rating at from 5-to 4$ cents per pound. Oregon State Treasury. We are DENTAL NOTICE Uetug about to make n tt foautiMial tniip tn fA inani nnA at 1 1 o nwin r a tin tritt under obligations to bis Excellency Colombia, I respectfully call the attention of time of my the Governor Of Oregon for a COpy Of PtronswboanrnneedofDentalOporatlonsofau.vchar- t.tii. i o m r actor, to the fact, so that they nny have an opportunity BO exhibit Of the btate lreaSUry from to avail thenwelve. of my services before ray departure, the iOth Of September, 1863, tO the If so desired. I will loare Bbodt the 20tb of March, and i..,, r tn i tona i i i. e return to this place to rWsBmelny practice, about the 28th of February, 1866, inclusive of 18tl uf Juno. twtq Wqurlky. both dates. ' From' which we learn , . ... , , . . . Holds its stated Communication' on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, In Dalles City. Brethren In good standing are lnTlted to attend. Beth L. Popi, Sec'y. By order of tlrii W, M; that the balances then on band with Tnt officers Of thotfew York Custom Lbo recofpia np to date in the State House have withdrawn the rowards Treasury amount to J296.280 62, of offered for-' the recovery of fho body which there has, been paid on war of the lato Hon. Preston King. ranl8 $197141 61. leaving a balanco m t r. . -1 l MMi- tin ftiA Ti'AnanrTr nn fhn 9ft t h nf fiVhrn. AHEAIKUIRA UOMilEMOEir .a pai tjr - j-- - i X will soli on tf 12-or 14 persons left the Dalles yes- ary, ieoo, ot wv,in ua, 01 wuicn soy,- THIS lerduy morning- for Dlackfootf over mUo Utf is general iunoana tne re. Af j0 o'clock, t my Store, no. 100 main street 10,000 Pound of Oats. AUCTION SALE. jand, fmainder too aggregate ot tne Mill' Uk-fiifr Ja, the gentlemanly t7. Penitentiary, University, Es- cneau nnu ouuooi runus. There are still due the State Treas ury in addiiion'to the above, an ag. gregate of $11,750 42, for taxes from agent of tlio O: S. N. Co. at Wallula, has resigned; with the intention we bolievo of going to Blaokfoot. SO Dragoon saddles. SOLD TO PAY ADVANCES, JOHN WILLIAMS, AUCT. BALDWIN & BRO., KFKU FOR BALK IN CONNECTION WITH A COM- plott stock of O The P: B. in Iaho. If arry .Cooper Lan(( Dbng,B8 and Josephine counties thallenges Pateey Foy in the Idaho for tbe year 1861, and an aggregate WorWfor $500- to $1,000 a side, the , 033454 03 for tflXe8 from Bake- fight to bo governed by the new rules 0urry Coo8i Grant) JackR0Dt J08e. iev f the London Prize Ring. -hino Tjnion and Umatilla counties Some partios have started at Oregon for tbe year 1865, making a total of City an extensive establishment for taxes still due the Mate of $4d,11U 45 the making of Oregon cloths into clothing. AUVj put jfvuv uvm gvvuj honest work, and we wish thorn suc cess; Sheriff Seitel arrived here on the cars yesterday from Walla Walla having in custody the escaped cattlei thief. Jas. 13. Buchanan. We extract Ma. j; Joke called upon us yester. t.he f0uowine particulars regarding day and requested ns to stale that he him from lho Walla Walk Stateman had quite a number of cuttings from Qf e 9th lost: ins ane weeping wihow tree, to wnicn previ0u8 to coming here he had ally parties desiring to plant the same nvd in Wasco county Bomo 15 miles wereweloome. Tbey should be carlea distant from tbe DuIIob, where he had Tor soon. 1 ionowea me occupation 01 a iarmer. . . 1 in ine eariy pan 01 1003 ne was in. We learn by an advertisement in dieted on the charge of stealing cattle. the Washington Standard; published' and- his case came up for trial at the it Olvmoia, W. T.. that Maior G. June terra of tne Uiruuit (Jonrt. Two ' ' 1 J . . - L J t A J . O. Ilaller, well known at the Dalles, is inoraimMM ueen nmns againsi engaged ) merchandimng at Pt tried and OODvioted. The second in.. 4.ownsend, V. diotmeat had boen set for trial, and Staple OroccHeN, ;all kinds op feed. Oats, Ground Barley, Bran Sc Sliorts, "Wlieat Sliort, Whlci propose to sell In quantities to suit at PORT LAND l'lUULa, adding freight. ml8tf isstssisatiMjMsMMsMf MD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAL STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDKRSIGNED TttAK'feFUt FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the eititens of the Ilnlles, ud the public generally, Unit lie coDtjbues ta sell at v PUBLIC AtTCJTION or private sale, Real Estate, " , . General Mcrcuandlsef Ciioccrles, llormeM, Irlules, Furniture, StOCkN, &c. iitv BSOtLAR SALE DAVS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN mnde of sales. Ont-door and Special Sales attended to In any part ol the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Atectlemter. J . JUKEE, Main Street, Dalles, WBOUSAU AND RETAtl BEXLIR IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNTTFF, PIPES, &,s. ALWAYS IN STORE THI B1BT BRANDS OF , Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO CARDS. . POCKKT CUTLERY. POIII MONIE8. COMD8 and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, . PEIlFUhKRY, ol every description, CFllNA OHNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. F1SII UOOKKand FISUINQ TACKLE, MUSICAL IHSTKUMtNTS, FANCY GOODS, ftc. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Ptfwdor Flasks, Baskets, an many other articles too numerous to meution. JtST Interior dealers snpplicd with Cigars. Tobacco, etc at less man rortiana prices, wan ireiicm aaaea. oc-o DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON El STEEL. it GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH," The Wjeathee. The peoplo of the a"ed JS large Dallos are at prosent enjoying glorious . . 1VnoHnm h. mHHo ,a OQfa H s uiu AAWuwstua uw tuuiuw u iu vuiju trvy uiiu s Veathor. Clear sunshiny days, anfl fir8t, wont t0 California, liow be flf Can PrnnricPrt PnVoa in the mattorof climate wo are highly cotrntry,. we nave no means ot know- favored. Within the last few days lDS- -"" " w a8.,ver loolT r .. . , . - . Beiiie uown wnnin a mueor iwo 01 tue the snow has almost disappeared from Oregon lino For several months tire tho bills, and-everything begin? to .Orojron authorities have beon eoani. WeftV the obnearttnee of snrinff: I sant of his whereabouts. A week or " . . two since, oneriff wnrie was no bore 1 fsTiHATDESiRABLK property occupied by 0. r. MaubhAD JLeeleu arrested a cottple ,00kin aftw hi but lU woner ,--S?-J?-3 J?-2f !LS!iL2 of shopslifters yesterday, and has them toot oat of the way. On Wednesday tt';iy.t f"r ' on reasonable terms. The . 1 iiurt iiiniF CfiTiTRiun run iuki.hp. nniMitiiiiiiv nniiiiiMi now lodged in the city jail, from Fort- last be came to town for the purpose iri PLXSt itkkd Walks, a tiovrico h front of the r 1 m!3tf Adding cost of Transportation. tTOMtolNO A GRANT, Balles, Oregon. 0 TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! FEED!! SHORTS, AND 07 ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY li. II. IuA.V 26 Front Street, Portland, nl9:tf. Opposite 0. S. N. WarehouK. Eeal Estate For Sale! land, where their depredations were ..i & j m i 1 i . i rAmmitrnrl. ftnn t:iin fl n r,n wiinou, uiratiuny. a uireaay siaiea, r. ire has a wife aud children who keenly liA nlnnl. txnA V Aa.AM An n . ...... Idnhn. Rnmii vf tho ntnlnn crnnria nAM iin,. ink!..n.i. oZ.f. ' We leafn from Mr. Morritt Kelly of ... ' ' ..?. . South Boise tbat-iimes wore never so tntngs, a-silk aress pattern,-naaen in ql 46x60 feet. ALSO) Tlie owrand a hatf C01T AGE DWELLING TIOTJSR. the stock boat, and the otter on the ,feel tho hu8DancJ and flilber.fl dia ' !mSSS& iSSSfgii I II f..ll.. I. tl,a nalU (rtar.nrit Qi.RA IF..... una 1 1 iniuiij, iu v aiiiwi aisv vi aivt snwi uvun laxIW. AL80: A COTTAGE RESTDtftCS oa the Bleff. in the TWItiK lourishioir. 8Bd erosoeotfl so ffatterine f th.4 Bf'l0Oi llum f.,,"nM'iin,?t 'alr T,iew of "' iueir uiuuKtnu. wne oi iaem is uameu i as at tne presont time. Ury a letter I of Lot- axioo feet. Ol. L. C 1 1 ... I JJ K..K..t tin kin. l0o4 na Oft k ..! I AbBU. wtrtujoo mo uuiuo ui tuo oiuer wouiu i "J uv TWO LOTS of'LAND, situated In BIGELOW'S ADDI. Ot bncoeed in flN.ninioir I W6 'learn that tbe Wide West, in ten TlON, on the Ml h(T, IntherearofthaHethodiatChnKb. 0. t ll . . A Siae of Lota 60x100 feet, LEAV1N9 the STATE."-Tjnder the dollars. Ada Elmore, in teo'dayB' ruiv, 3$S& ttSS VSSSSSvL m j . ) n . I n son nnfl Wnm ska Tlokv I who may wish to secure desirable residences. uvuvo tuyuuu xuusuuvb ureaomun i uiuuu uu v,v. uu a.uuv i ,h,h ,,.K. nh.i k.. .,u... wntaiBB at rticle, in WMch-a lato 1,110 mo.u"' u Fu,l"ui uu oitin of tbe Dallas te an exJ ""EriSZZZ PUBLIC ATJGfTTlOW tnnrlad notino with-ivn nit4.M.nH nnJ . A "r.. o.- tj.i, Trr.-u . TF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS HOT "f-i vdo UOUIOUBTUIO oiur. juuau irwiu. isj. disposed of at priraucaleun or before The 23d Day of March. 1S66 The same will be sold at Public Auction on that day, jportunity of ven'tilating his opinions on Oregon maUers and things iwgen eral. with the Oregoniait regret hra depart Vfe. The weather af Helona, ia warn and the rapid melting -of the snow I at u o"oiocd in the forenoon, Wo arA- anir fknf. wa vi.enM Z.B . JOHN WlLLMUSi Aneiloneer J " " i culHIUB quue a Btroaiu D wsvtir WTim tniatd VO MxiHtrtet, through the streets-, which so Hooded That his estimate of tfae value the business houses that it required he bas'bee-n to this cominiunity.fe in an tho ntroost exertions of the inhabitants i.fm.rtd.t. the facvi.eieed ,ot JXlV 0 J. A.. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, PRTJIT Iroviision Store, CORTfIR Of WASHINGTON SECOND STREETS. "iON8TANTLY ON HAND th choicest articles of bsotC. WblTe enternrisiDci. nnMia fi tlfr AiAAjtasfl wfl Ana am. I tiENEHAii j. U. Uox. Uovornor eloot ffUUItVV VisiBVUV W U VVUUU tUU VDOQUI I a I i .DualUillTrLll uuia ... j , , . " - " I A m.. . . a a . . ... ., I fOWUU llBlw MIUOiWIU'lTSTl TBriBlT' Ol Hal to every prosper0wo'mwfty,for n'0. wraei to la War I ipillSK GROCERIESv cannot class as rfuch those men wepartmen -DreTesfgnairon as Major-1 . NUTSr CANMBS.. to-. Iro come among ts for tbe purtose' General df Volunteers, o Ufco effect' woi 4 B.uii, at Reduce P.iees ior cash, - . . . " . . . I -r t MA 1 0 0" or making a stake and then leaving January i, xooo. cnAtW, FLOirft ASB fEXlD. "wHboatagooa wora in meir moainei Tbrs frteamer Idaho came trp 'last I of n kinds, and win do Tor the bridge that has carried them night with a large number of pasaon. General Commission Business. --J - '- S " joTowrap oa uooas sow M Uonmlwioa -mf . rriK-ni uiriit, r.nmiM promptly, lalutL COLUMBIA RIVER MINES 1 A.m. B0OTII BiKKI HIT180K. BOOTH & NEV1SON, Forwarding and Commlaalon MercUantl AND DEL8RS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, "White lllnlls, W. T, FREKIT1T 01l COLV1LLB, UPrKR COLOMBIA, KOOTENAI aud 'BLACJKFObT MINES prompt! turwardrd. Mark Goods B. c N., Wi lts Blufls, W. T, miuumcu:' Mmruns lUcliards A McCraken, Alloa A Lewis, ana" ;iIodga t Calef. Dauh Blocb, Miller A Co., Vreinh i-flllman. T. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. 1rintfL"irraSPBCTFCi7Ll'INFORM . - W the cHlaens of this place and 1- KSt'S clultjr, ftntt liuylnn returned from a pro- CQtI t t T T lessionai tour tnrongu tne mires, lie lias ' ' again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, In the room hrrrrrerljr occupied by him, in the building occupied ? Wood Butlew, Phitografh AMIsts, and ailjolnlng Wal. dron Bros.' Drag Store. He takes this method of e tendiug tltanMs, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to umi, anu solicits a contmuaMe ol the same. LIRT OP niOM: Entire Denture on'061lTe.... 180 to tVa M' upper Denture, Gold Base... 0 " 12 ' Denture, Vulcanite Ban .7 " li4 Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base S4 " 04- Oold Killings inserted from oue dollar upward. tWildreHs'VeetWntractedfreeaf dkarga.. lelS-tf NEW gkflLLOQIV. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. THE tNHKltSrilNIJD -mDld'riipeitruny annonaa that ha will open a flrst-class Saloon in Freach i GHnsan'a New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, and a prepared to serve customers a ilh the beat of Wines,, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EK"EE "XXJ 1VOH Irerj day and lYenlba. Mit -sTOHJI RIKOLATB. Dlssolutloa Notice. TJ0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the copartners!) heretofore eilMlng between Frederick Beuaet aad Charles Dotter, is this day dissolr. d by mutual coaeent. leuonca Beuaer win pay ail inarotednena and coi:tt fn.ui va ti in.mn t all debt. vunns.no -w ABA