en hi vol. r. DALLES, ORKGON, THtTlSDAYi MAltCU ift, 1806t no. &a. ailg Mountaineer, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, - (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY E. G. COW HE & J. UAL LOR AX, EDITORS AND PROPMKTORS. Te&ms Twenty-Jivtctnti per week, payable to the carrier per inontn, oy mull, tl ; three months, Vi 50 ; alz months, to; oue yeur, $8. Advertlsemeuts luserted at low rates. Job Printing, Every description of plain and' fancy Job Printing- exe nted with ueattiuss and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country. Fusaunt Jor Job lrint xng nun ce muue on delivery oj work. W. II. DOUftLASS, Practical Watchmaker, And Dealer In' .gggg FIXE WATCHES &. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. Established 1857. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. C. BALDWIN mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN, FURNITURE r FURNITURE 1DIEBLAM & WENTZ, ' ?ijwITp-m!4 L0BE hotei' building 'W v.-j, ...... wll uauun iniiubj RgSfJ llouschold Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus 9 Beds and Bedsteads. Beddimr. Garnets etc., etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. au!2 WM. 1I0ABUB. 0. B. KOCOBli, WM. MOABUS &CO., OITY BAKERY, AH PROVISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACK.ER8and Family GROCERIES. t3.0rders from a distance carefully filled and prompty ispatcbed. 1-tf JOSEPH ELFELT, WH0IEIJALE AND BIT AIL D1ALKE III Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CL THING, BOOTS AND SHOES, ; ' BATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing; Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court streets. - ....... - . oc-tt UILTIASOJV & ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB SUPREME AND GIB cuit Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o ' Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. O. flUMASON . Dalles, Ogn. . 1. A. ODELL. furnished rooms " to let, -;.,;;.' By the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. , m2tf .. MBS. 8PR18NGER. : n. O. DATES. ' I. 1. BAFT. , 'i :'GATES'& HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, -- DALLES, OREGON.' 1 ;lit. A. II. STEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, C. 8. A. , , ... ornoiAT WALDR ' N BROS. . DRUG STORE 74. WM BROITW WAnHTERriH. D. OFFICE "74 SECOND STREET, between Washington Jnd Court. , . , , ..... . . , Orrio! Hocm 9 tol2, A.B.; Sto4? .;andtolO,. H. o, it. BROQKSj L,.p;; 'OfflceAt'Dr: tfraite'ej Drag Store. DALLE3V OREGON' r . r K. XI. W. MITCHELL, " 6rFioii WALDR0NJ8 BUILDING. ' -Risisknoi Coriier of ittiii and Washington Streets COAL OILt COAL OIL! WALDRON BROS.' have inst received a large In voice of COAL OIL. which they offor at greatly uoedjrates,'-' joJW tt if.,.w 7f ' - IHP0RT1R8 AMD WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors: GliOCKUIKS, Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, BAVE BEHOVED TO THEUl NtW STONE BUILDING, CORNER or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITT. "J0W IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS jl aortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of - GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS T Constantly receiving oor supplies direct from New loik and San Francisco, we are able and Willing to sell at a very small advance on Sun Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and nromut method nl doing business, thoy will receive the patronage of the pub- lie. selu-tl UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y &SL.OTT, I'rop'rs. TUIS POPULAR HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED. Hear the Steamboat Landing; & Railroad Depot, Has beou receutly enlarged and Improved, and will now aucomwouaie 300 GUESTS, IT WILL BB CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSK, and the patronage of the traveling public Is respectfully solicited. , 4tr Baggago takou to the House free of charge. House upou nil uiglll. . LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. ' - EMPIRE HOTEL, MAID STREET, DALLES, OREO OH, . THOMAS SMITH, . Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THE 0EHTR1 Of BU9INKS8, Near the Steamboat and Railroad landinari Superior Accommodations for Families and can AO commodate One Hundred and: 1 iqy Quests. Meals ........CO est. Lodging....-......... 50 cts. , -. Fire Proof Safe for deposlteof valuables. ' 49. House open all night. Baggage taken to the Itouse tree oi cnarge, TtiuuAa SMITH, mh8-tf Proprietor, CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. ;. A. B O OTH, WUITB BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER III MERCHANDISE ' AND MINE IIS' S UP PLIES. FACE AND. SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. FREIGHTS CONSIONFD to my care for Cotvllte Kooteual, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re uuive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. ' oc.2tf NEW FItUIT, OUOCEUY .'"',. 'AND , , . PROVISION SxbltE. fpHB TJNDERSIQNED INFORMS HIS FRIRNDS and I the public generally, that he lifts Just established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FKU1T. Also, In store a complete stock ofchoice QROCEUIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, to. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RB DUCUD PRICES. Come aud see and satisfy yourself. : e!3-tf . JOHN SPOSITO. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY. PROVISION; .. . ' ..- -AND ' -i . " : FBTriT'STOKE,3 Washington Street, opposite French t Oilman's;' Dalles. Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of , GROCERIES. & PROVISIONS, Fresh Uutter &. Efftjs, . Received dally.; A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. ' FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. -..All articles warranted. K I A .i Give Me a Call, Everybody, . . raicictjii low.- ! aulB:tf .'..,.'. ' ; , F.LIEBH. i 1VT . ; R"R.flWM ; A- "RP.nl . . m w w A v w s 9 ! ' WioLESAli AND RETAfl DEaWi IB ' J ' ' FANCY AND HTAPLB vrnwxiAUfiO, r JtiW V IB IMN B, Q. ' r TtnnnrM a. t "i . i ' '' . ' are nat)led taoirrrMtiiideii.ebtB to partbMertu We fMftectnUIy invite the public to examine our stock befor FOU UOISE MIKES PIRECT. s&g T II E tja WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE .OF . CONCORD STA6KS, CAUUYINO I THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND - Wells, Fargo & Go.'g Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to Ft cervillo, (Boise Mines.) . Through In Two and a Ilalf Days Connecting with the Wallula Llue of Stages, and tb Boats of the 0. S. N. Company. (i HO. I. THOMAS ft CO., p2T-tf . Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY . ' " Will carry FAST FEEIGHTS FROM TJ !LI A. TILL .A. , AFTER TUB FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW . 1NU REDUCED HATES: , To Bolie City 15 Cent! per pouxtd Idaho City.... 0 f Owyhee , MO . n For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per poand will be charged. TIME PHOM UMATILLAi To Boise City 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. TOOivyliee, 4 Ways. . " tJOSEPU PINKUAM, Asont. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1856. ' oclS.lf. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FRESH STOCK! DI8E.IIER1 Ac II II OS., Dalle and Walla Walla, ' ' DEALEU IN . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' Outfits, . - -Boots and Shoes. Clotblns;, , i Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of.General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclosively In the San Francisco market, and maklnir none but cash nurchasea. we are enahlnrf tn I SO per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalle ' ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. 1f IBS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the XiX Ladles or Dalles and vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of ' Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Ac. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, Fashionable assortment of PRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfng. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed in the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Ready-Ma4e Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Class Dress Maker, I am prepared to cnt and fit Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one souare oast of tha rWhnllit Church." oc21:8m. NEW; GOODS! HHYINO JUST ARRIVED FROM TITE SAN FRAN Cisco Market, we would Invite the attention of our friends and the communitv at l-irira. to nr wAiiAiu.ta4 stock of ' :' Dry Goods,-' u' !t ' Clothing:, '''v ' ' ' . , ; 1 1 Boots & Shoes, 1 Which we are selling at the most reasonable rates. We cannot sell onr goods AT COST, but assure the oommti. nlty that It pleases us to toll goods at SMALL PROFITS. uo.ru... . , u. UKRJIAN. -CO. QUARTZ MILLS! auu uii Kinai oi macuiaery i Manafkatnred At th - - i OREGON IRON WORKS II SAJuatsnur. muukisoN and TTH streets, . ' till :'t !'. II JrUHTJLiA.il D ,,;ni l ;.' a I : A.. V. GIBBS CO., Portland, Dec. 8th 'M. dedtf , 1. L. Jgtits A Co. WASTED. TIIB UNDERSIGN BD WILt PURCHASE ' SECOND hnrl Vsifnl.,-- TtAm !... 11 n Uui iHoasehold Furniture of every description. Parties wismng to sell wulytlo woll.to call. ,t . . . Umatilla, Boise, . AND IDAUU I Express aud Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and propared to carry Freight and Vuluable Packages betwueu theae and all intermediate poiute with certaiuty and desputcli. - The Line Is Stocked with the Beat Teams' the Country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD Which ensures Speed and C ' .he transmission of Freight, never before offered ,uo. We olfer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Uoods from San FrunciecQ and Portland to Idaho, as onr arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon 8rcain Navi gation are such that all Uoods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as ; East Freljjltt. Goods shipped Trora San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Goods shipped to destlua ttoD. ' t ' . ; i ' ( .- ' . GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED :-CARH B. M. D. CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sont to cur Agents at Portland and Umatilla. . , . , Advance Charges for Transportation FalrX by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee aud South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ao commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorouich Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over each night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. ' ; AGlCNTHi - ' RICHARDS k IcCRAKKN......M.M.....8an Francisco RICHARDS A McCUAKEN.....v.. Portland JOSEPH TEAL ........a.....-.. .....M-....Dalles POWELL A 0 ....-.... Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON Le Grand B. M. DuRELL A CO .Boino City B. M. DuRKLL At CO ...Idaho City MAJOR SPEER .Rocky Bar (South Boiso) DuRELL MOORE Ruby and Silver Cities B. HI. DnBELL & CO., n24tf Proprietor. A CARD FOR THE " Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAJ FRANCISCO. V BADGER &UNDENBERGER, Noi. 411, 413 and 419 Battery Street, vi. ia.reuaui, sau r raaciiso, , , Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH ST0CK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article in the Clothing aud Fur-' Dishing line. We have constantly on hand the lurgest and greatest variety or Casstmere and Wool HATS oi aiiy house In San Francisco, and our prim for these Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Onr stock of Summer and Fall Goops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant is the unusually low prloes. Less Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are offerlnor thftm at N. Vmir Cost, and less. . , : We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine onr stock. Good Articles and Low Prices t Are the greatest Inducements to all who Till rVi n. tn sell again. Morchanta who buy of us oan make a good profit,. uud sell to their customers at a low figure, we remain, rospectfully, tour Obedient servants, BADGER A LINDENBERGER, , .Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouve, " No- 13 and 416 Battery street, Bon Francisco, February 9, 1860. f9-3inw. DR, DAVYfS. SPECIFIC c o ii r oTjjxp ;M , An Exneditioua Cure ir all tliMlULMltal isl I Ikaa .... Sexual obgan.s, FTIins prompt and efncatlons Remedy for the core j. uuuuvnw wiw DwicHirH) snq uiseasea un tne Urinary Organs, makes a speedy oure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application, business ; It will radically cure any case which can be nmi IllfCW Tim A laama le eamnb.. ...--.111.. 1 . r. ..w.. ..v ae acmuvge mm Lratyuiina IB SUn9 slsteat with the production of a thorough and permanent v...v, m. usuu( who uisimev vMiuut wo uuuiraciQa ir ilia SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken when exposed, , , . - - p.....v-.vn...u., .nm., Ml. llJlirHTI, euect, either constitutionally or locally.can be caused bv its use. !t, M..J . ,. ji . nT' Price One Dollar and Fifty oents per bottle.. Bent by Express carefully packed-. ' . ..4 auonusii. d.uitu DEAN. Agerfta, 1 - , Jy22-m ux kiu ww nailery street, cor Clayyv San FranclacoY ALLAK . ( , ., 0. W. AEHE8. ' ,,,,'. ARMtS t &, DALLAMi,-: " ' Imoorten and JnhhAra nf J WOOD AND WILLOW itAR)&t it , , , , UttilBUKS, 1 WINKS, CORD AGS. cv lilt 1 ui Vtiiu.MtpwCad. cij tg California UajsLJ?'wtuJ!-.