latin Sl0uutaihm SATURDAY MOUSING, MARCH 10, f800.t The Colombia is rupioMy' rising at lliia point. It has risen Ihroo feet within tho post twentjfour hours. i The 0. S. N. Co.'s steamer Idaho reached her landing at i o'clock yes. terday afternoon. '' A Pack train of soventeen animals arrived in town- yesterday to toad up for tho John Iay mining district. Auction Sale. Tho attention of parties desirous of laying in a stock of. Groceries or buying a handsome Cottago Ecsehco, is directed to tho ndvertisoment of Mr. John Williams,. Auctioneer, in this mooning's issuo. A good crossing has been luid at tho corner of.iThird and Union slreots, but as yet that man-trup is not ro iaired. Will eomo city official attend lo this, and make Union street pas sible without being dangerous? The Circuit Court at Portland has givon a decision, that Bookman, who was robbed" at Umatilla last fall, at ibo time tho Orleans Hotel safe was opened, is entitled to tho money do-, fositod with Wells, Fargo & Co., at 'orlland, by the thieves. The Orcgonian says that a parly of men who loft Portland about a week since for the Dulles, by tho trail with animals, rcturnod, unahleJ.o proceed farther than the Watorlalls. They report tho trail impaasablo on. account ot snow and other obstacfes. A gentleman who arrived from Canyon City yesterday reports that Ibo minors havo got to work, and 'aro 'doing very well. Business at Canyon City, is lively, the merchants being steadily engaged in oxehenging mer chandise for the era. Thero has been no Indian depredations committed on the road smco lust report. V We aro requested by citizens living on Second street, between Union and the Crcok, to urgo that ft sidewa-llt be laid along that street. It is not npo '.ossary. for prosent purposes that rcgu lar sidowalks bo placed the wholo dia tanco. Two pieces of plank laid down wxuld give ll)e families living in that quarter of the city an opportunity to come into town oven in tho worst of weather. ...... Clickitax Vallev. At a season of the year when largo numbers of pen sons are coming from below, in search :f homes, wo think it well to call at tention to the peculiar advantages of Olickitat. - Situated within a few miles of the Dalles, of ready access at all Reasons of. the year, and possesses' a conial climate and productive boM. tuero aro few localities that present greater inducements lo those who do (ilre to turn their attention to agricul tural purBftits.- A number of claims have' already been taken up, but there yet, remain large body of excellent Ucd that is open for settlement. The firoduoo of the Valley will at all limes And' a ready market ftt'ihe Dalles, and Whon , out otherwise engaged, the flitller can be profitably employed io irolting oat wood, which can be de- liWrod at Colilo at a trifling expense-. and there eomraand good prices. -So long us vniicTo. iBiB . remain an aeltled, there is not tbe ibadow of an wuso for even the poorest being withj Ut'ft. homestead..' , ,. .;,'.. ; : V ' THE KOR.TI1ER91 MINES.. Tbo California preBS with scurco an exception, pursues a dignified silence in reference tothq rnjne&ir. Eastern Oregon j or if any mention-is made, it is accompanied with something about gulling honest miners. Why this aU to raj t to ignore a fact attested by a Bteady stream of golden treasure th,at is constantly flowing intd Sun Fran cisco, is a thing wo foil to understand. The California papers publish cojumn after column abont Washoe, but never a word in relation to the gold fields of Oregon. 1 This total exclusion of all that rotates to tho northern country, is without excuse. Any enlightened person can understand that mines dis1 covered on the Boise- just as directly tend1 lo: the advantage of California capitalists, as would a similar diecc-vi ory on any stream emptying into the Sacramento. The traders of the upper country draw their supplies from Sun Francisco with the same regularity that tho people of Washoe obtain their stocks from "that great commercial mart. And we fail to see wherein it matters to the , California capitalist whether ho soils to Washoo or Oregon, so long as ho gets his returns in due season. , To us it appeals that tho press of California would find it to their inler est to act justly in regard to the dif ferent mining sections, giving'reliablo information, without regard lo the ef fect) it may have upon the tide ot im migration. This, it seems to us, would not only bo good policy, but would bo an act of justice la tho honest, miner, who is on the search for a new field of operations. Let tho press fuirty give all-the facts in relation to tho differ ent mining localities, and then the miner will be able to arrive at a cor rect conclusion; as it is now, ho is con Bluntly being biased by partial and one-sided reports. A course- ot this kind may, and has temporarily retard ed our prosperity, but alt llio papers in' California cannot long keep the great world in' ignorance as to the richnoss of our mines, and wheji once the light penetrates through the dark ness that now enshrouds us, the reac tion wM more than compensate for the present depression. It was tho fraying of tho great Corsican conqueror in the noonday of his splendor, that Franco., like the sun in tho hoaven, ro quired, no recognition from foreign powers,- So too, we may say of our Northern mines, that surrounded wkh u halo of golden gkry, they need not tho recognition of tbe l'ret-s of Culi forma. ' The Fbeedmam's BunEAtf Bill. We gvve ii another phtee what pur ports lo bo a 'synopsis of tho bill re cently vetoed by the President. Tie bill hch bceivxmcnded in tho Senate and sent. back to tho House, but what tho nature of tho amendments were wo do not know. The reading objoo tions to tbo bill 'is that it establishes military tribunals for fne trial of causes in which freed men are a parly and places thorn above and entirely independent of, Iho civil courts. Such tribunal havov boretofore been 'un known in our Government, and can justified on tbe ground of im pejriouej necesity. Tbo , reports of parties who have visited the lately rebollious States, with a view of as certaining their condition, differ so materially that it is not surorisine there should be differences of opinion jin the commnn?!- - Pkecnct Meetings Tho Union voters Of tire Dalles w'ill recollect that to day at 1 o'clock, p. m , is the time fixed for the holding of precinct mi-ct-rngs, to. elect delegates to-' alt end .the County Convention on the 17th inst. We trust that nil those 'who feel inter ested in having good men placed in nominptlon for tho various offices in the county will be promply in at tendance. 'J ho meeting in East Dalles wiTl bo t held a the School Ilouso, corner of Fourth and Wash ington streets, and in West Dalles, ul the Court House. . W. EJ. DOUCSLASS, Practical Watchmnkor, And Dealer In FIXE WATCHES &. JEW ELK Y, DALLES. OREGON. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (SuccoBBor to William BiruLmain.) PEACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ARB eau is IJ'ino Watches AND JEWEL Li Y, INVITH8 THE ATTKNTION OF HIS EIUEN'DS AND Clio PubUc to liia choico selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Itespoctrnlly aMldtlng their pntronnge. AVa dies PUOMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired. and WAIlltANTED. uiVlf Next Door to the Post Ofllce. AUCTION SALE of GROCERIES. , ' I will bcU oh- THIS DAY, A T MY AUCTION 8ALB UOOa, No. 100 MAIN STREET, nn' nsaoi Inieut of Groceries. (SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON SATURDAY MOUNLNO) At XI O'C'lock. on (tie same Day, 1 will ell lo I he hlghcijt bidder, at l'UULIC AUCTION the Handsome Cottnffo Iicsidcnco, Formerly "owned by llnsey niven, Esn,. sllnito on the corner ol Uuioo end Fourth tie. ln. TERMS LIUKRAL JOHN WILLIAMS, Auct. HANDSOME COTTAGE RESIDENCE ' roii SALE AT 3?wllic- -Ajuotioii. 1 sell at PUBO AUCTION OK Saturday, March 10th, at 11 a. in., flIIE HANDSOME COTTAGE RF.S1DKNCE Kirmerl M occupied amt owned hy ItaS' y Blvi-n, . c'aid property is sitnatod on the corner of Fourth and Ilnion btreetf, and is one of Ine most dcstrnoie lorntions In the city. Hie or lot, 60x100. The dwelling contains F Vr. ROOMS. A FINK WELL OF WAlEltUN '141K PREM ISES and a SUBSTANTIAL FENCEsurrounding the lot. Ths terms will he made knnwu on day of Cole, or on Indication to the vindersfgned. , , 497110 Sale will be absolute and wlthont roacrTe. JOHN AV1LLIAM8, Anilnerf n2td . . v v , , 100 alain (Street. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot ! OVERLAND STAGE LINE! ; t . , ::.f r ir.y BE1V. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COXCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY KTERY OTIIIlt DAY FOR . . BLACKFOOT, 1 Salt lake City Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKH CITY with. Cunoord Stages Vtrffliiln .City, ,Ne-vnda, AND SACRAUKNTO, CALIFORNIA. iV FAUKr ' Boise City to Fait Lake City .....,....,.100 M " " " Vlrgliria City, Montana. . 125.00 " ". Missouri Hirer, Legal Tender 1300, Oold,H00 400 00 ' For further tnbfmatfcn apply at ' ' ' ' r ' ' ' ' OVERLAND ST A (IE LINK OFFIC8, r '. Riuwta. r -, 1 -. ' 4.lIODl1Ati OClce-At Xr. Crfa' Xma HtorOw AUCTION AKD CCHISSIOKf I-I.OTJSE! No. fCO H'AIS STREET, DALLES. TI1S TJNDERSIONKD IHANKFUL FOR PAT Favors, reiiectlull.v IninimB Ahe clticens of the Dulles, and the publh, generally, Hint lie continue. le sell at PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE BALK, Real Estate, General merchandise, -,.'. Cii occi les," IlOI'HCN, .'';' . Mules.. i ; ' : " Furniture, ' ' - - Mocks, &.c. SiC, REGULAR BALK DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT IlKTUHN mude or sulci. , -Out door and Eucclul Sales attended to In am nart ot tho city. Tariff cf Charges Until Further Notices For Selling Merchnndine, Groceries, Fnrnituro. Btockr. Ac. &c 6 per rtut- For Solllug Iluunea Hint llt-il KntnU- a " " Iloi-HeH, Mules, AVurk Cattle, each $2 no ciiAitaB fqii stoiiace: JOHN AVH.L.IAMS, Auctioneer. J . J TJ K:E R, 3Ialn Street. Dalles, VH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL DEAUSH Ut '' : CIGAKS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, vV o . ALWiTS IS STORE IH1 BEST CltAKDB Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. iLAYlNQ CARDS. k. POCKKT CUTLERY. POUT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, n' all Xlnda, PEUKUMERV.ol evory descriiitloii, - - CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS, DUL1.8, etc. ' FrsH HOOKS and FISHINO TACKLE, A1U1V;A1j lRS'fUUMMS, FANCY GOODS. c. . Also Powder.Shot, Leml, Powder Flanks, Basket!, and many other articles too numerous to mention. 4V IiUeriorilealerRnipMilwitliCIiiirs.,J'iibacco.ete. at lesa than Portland jiricca, with fruitht added. oc- TO TEAMSTERS AXD I)WyMEN1 FEED1 FEEDIt AND . ' OF ALL KINBS, FOR 8AE EY It. II. LAW,. 25 Front Street. Portland, ' Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse.- nl9:tf. COLUMBIA. RIVER MINES t A. B. loorn nABRI mftisok. BOOTJI & N1CVJSOIV, Forvrarrltng ana Commlsktoii Merchamta. ' AND DELKltS IN OKNEHAT UEUCHANDISB, ;-white: iuitiny, av. , x.. 1 f FREIGHT FOR COHILI.K. CI'PFR CnHJMRIA -1 KOuTKNAI and. BLACKFOOT MINES prompt li-rwaidrd. ' , Murk Oooda B. c N., Wl tte Bluffs, W. T, fit"-- f . i i ;; j . FonTUSD Richards A McCrnken, AUea k Lewis, an4-t - lllodge k Cslet ' Diilis Bfoch, Miller k Co., French k Oilman. ' J. W. OURLEY, DENTIST, Main St. Dalles, Oregon, . WOULD RESPKCTFULLY INFORM the cltiteua of thianluco and . cluity, that having returned from a pro- i 'eseiuunl tour throned the mlt-s.he has attain resumed the Practice of ENTJSJRY, Id the room nirnieriy oocupiea uy mm. in. Hie kuiltllng occupied ky nuuu m miuei, i n mirMpii ArilAIS, nnu anjotninK Wal- dron Bro.' Dnit Store. He takes this uwihod of ex, tending; thanks, forthe llboral patronaKa heretofore sa- teuuea w oiui, anu aoiictta a continuance oHlia tame. Mar na pnti-Bu Entire Denture On-Qold Base ...'.....$180 to (23 Upper Denture, Uold Vasat.b- 90 M lt. Denture, Vulcanite rta.s 70 " 12 " upper I'eniure, 1 uicamie uasa U ' .. Gold Flllincs inserted from one dollar upward. Childress' Teeth extracted fe af charge. solS-lf - NEW SALOON. kbw avreNa btors, Washington steem :T THR UNBER8IONKD would respectfully annoBM that he a tret elaoa Saloon In French ft Oilman's Newt Stone.Bnildinic, THIS EVEN IN Q, and at prepared te terTe euitomers a hit the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigar. ..;. . axso;!. 1 " ;EREE JUtJNCMI ,k Ererjr da and benhMu , oc2Stt. . JOITJI Iirru.A.ttR HTAU,l0K' DRUB- )t reoelved- a- lie.' Lt dated rates. JuTtt