1- tea tor vol, tv DVrTKH, ORRGON,' S A TUUD AY, tVlCH lO, I800t NO. X. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING, ' (M0NUAV8 KXOkPTED,) BY E.cLCOH'tfE J. IIALLORAX, BDIT0U8 AND PBOPJIIBTOR3. . 1RM8 TtociUy-fiotcmtt per Week, payable to the carrier pur muiitli, by mull, $L; three month, $6 60; iix 1 1 tun t hi, to; oue your, $3. Advertiaeuieuta Inserted at . low rates. . Job Printing. Kvory description of plain and lancy Job Printing exe ii tod witli neittiu88 and despatch, and fot warded an per orifer to any part of the country. ltymtnt JorJoU iVit ing must be made on delivery ttf work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. HANDLE V &.Sl.OTTt ITop'rS. THIS POPULAR HOVSI, ORNTRALLY lOCATES, Hear tha Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Hit beeu recently enlarged aud improved, aud will now t accommodate , 30 O GUESTS. IT WILL BH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, uti.l thu patronage or tbe traveling public is reaped fully sollcite t. AW Bngira.r0 tnkeu to the House free of charge. House opeu nil night. , . URGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dallas, Oct, 4-tf. - : EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIX STRfflT, DUIO, OMOOX, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. 1H THE OSMTKI OF BUSINESS Hear the Stoamboaf ' and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate Uue uuudrou aua iriiiy uuests. . Meals SO est. Lodging..... 60cts. Fire Proof Safe for depoaltoof valuables. tS. House open all night. Baggage taken to the flouss rreo or charge. i hdjias s.dim, mh8-tf . I'ruprietor, SPR1H3 AND SUMMER GOODS, FRUSH STOCK! DUSENHEUY & IIIIOS., DtUlea and Walla ValIa, . SK1LIRS lit Staple and Fancy Dry Goods miners' Outfits, " Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a rail amortment or General Merchandise. UDjini our Goods exclusively In tho San Francisco market, and makinff none but cash nurchaees. we are enabled to se I 3V per cent, ehoaper than any other House at the Dalle IfUObn UDUIX s SKUS inl-tf . Dalles and Walla Walla. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! CALL Al TBI RIW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second Streets. fpHB UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM Till M. people or the Dalles, aud the public generally, that ne uaa a large ana well selected stock 01 FAMILY GItOCEHIES, CANDIES, NUTS, Ac, Which h, will tell Wholesale and Retail at Rtduced Prices for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FRESH BUTTBR and EGGS. Als every varloty of FRUITS and VEGETABLES In their seuon 1'ersons front up the conhtry, wishing quantities of nggs ana rruu. oy senmng in weir orders, will receive the strictest atteutfon, and have them filled at the to well Market Jhrtcti. Jyll-tf J 0, L. JEWB.LL. 0. W. ABIfxs. ARMES & DALLAM, " Importers and Jobbers of . WOOD Alt!) WILLOW WARE, ' BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ac And Manufacturers of California Falls, Tabs, Brooms, Ac. 917 k 319 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davit, &an Vranolstco. ocll:3mcUw, F TILLMAN, ; . , " boli Aotm ir oauiobhia fob- ' TILTON & MoFARLAND'S . Fire & Burglar Proof Safes. " ' STEEL-LINED,, VAULTS, , X.. 'Combination Xsbck. ' .staT-Censtanlly .. hand a fnll assortment of SAFES. 1 ' - " 31 8 BATTERY STREET, .JjMdi .- Sen Francisco.' BB.OATSS.'. ..ATT. Attorneys 'k Counsellors at Law) V--' DAfcLESj'OllEOONiJ" XiUU: FonuoisiC .ut.i;ti uutunr. tferg . t IX k feg WALLA WALLA BOISE LINE ,0F CONCORD STACKS, CAltltYINO THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Well, Fargo V Cos Express, ' Is now making lleirular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (ltoise Mines.) ( . Tlirough In Two and a Half Days Connecting' with the Wnllula Line of Stages, and tb Bouts of the 0. 8. N . Company. UtO. F. THOMAS k CO., ap27-tf . Proprietor - NOTICE. . THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry - FAST FREIGHTS FROM UMATILLA, AFTfcUlTHli FIRST 09 OCTOBMH, AT TUB FOLLOW IN(J UKUUCliDKATKS: To Bolie City 15 Gent per pound Idaho City !J0 ' " Owyltee HQ ' For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Ceuts pur pouud will be charged. TIM iS JTltOAl UMATILLAi To llolso City 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. TO Owyhee, .....4 Days. JOSKl'U PINKUAM, At ent. Umatilla, Oct. 1.1865. ocl8:tt . Aud all Kinds or iiiaclHuery Manufkctul'ed at the OREGON IRON WORKS COKNKH OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, PORTLAND. A.. C. GIBBS k CO., . Successors to Portland, Dec. 6th 'M. dcStf X. L. Jonas A Co. MOUNT, HOOD SALOON 1 AND niLLIAUO BOOM, F. 31. HUNT, Proprietor, . CORNER OF Main and Court Street, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, ANB . 1 FRUiTC1 TOKE, Washington Street, opposite French 1 Oilman's, Dalles. Has on. hand a large and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh, 1J titter St. "Eggm, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FKB3II VEGETABLES very morning. All articles warranted. Give .Me a Call, Everybody I , PRIGBgl LOW, .. nl8;tf' , F. LIEBB. " Established 1867. BAXDW1N BRO., DEALERS IN , GROCERIES! i CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN J nih21-tf! F.W.BALDWIN. WM. ttOABUS. 0. B. KCBQIL. ' WM. MOABUSfcCO., OITY BAKERY, , 3 ' m : , .: . i . i :.: rS 0 VIS I ON STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. . WR0LK8 ALB AND RETAIL DKALKRS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. M.0rders from a distance oare fully filled and prompty lapatched. ' 1-tf ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main street. corner or Court, OLD HACK, THE PIONEER COOK, wonld respect fully Inform tho publlo that he has fitted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve nn MEALS and LDNCII In the best style and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PARTIES furnished w th .uppers, In the best style and on the most reasonable terms OYSTERS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles aouaw opjiiy all night U(JiH;A.SOjV & ODEstiL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW wnrr. Dninrinti iu trim ansuuuii in M.n enltOourMof Oregon, and the District OouxU-o WshlflKtonXerrHory'.,"i' .-.U i. -. ..T Particular attatttuia naM to thallM.HAn nf Al.in. 0. HU34A80N - Dalles, Om. - - ; AvODBL i it e n u &. n i li u a n , IKPORTIItS AD WB0LX8AU ' Dealers in vVines, Liquors GltOCJKltlEH, . Miners', Goodn, Uoat stores, &c, ' BAVI RIKOVID TO THItt NtW STONE BUILDING, CORMB. or .... Second and Washington Streets, DALIES CJTT. PAT0W IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very beet brands of , WINES AND LIQUORS. Alio, a full assortment of GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS, 49s Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able aud willing, to soli at a very small advance on Sun Francisco prices. Tliey hope by adopting a strictly orrit aud prompt method 01 doing business, they will roceive tho patronage cf tbe pub Uc. . telO-tr CO TJMBIA RIVER MINES? A.R. BOOTH, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T.; FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, - AMD 0IN1RAL DIAUB 1M , ,i (MKBCHAIVDISK . AMD MINERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE H0E3E3 FOE SALE. FREIGHTS C0N3IONFD to my oare for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ccive prompt attention. White Blurts, uct. let, 1801. ' oc 2tf NEW Fill IT, GUOCEUV AND PROVISION STORE. rims UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and J. the public generally, that he has Just established on Uaiostreot, next door to J. Juker, Toboccoulst, , A NEW STORE I where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment 0 selocted FRUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofcliolce GHOCEUMS, ruOVJMOiVil, VEGETABLES, So. All of whluh will be sold, wholesale anil retail, at UK DUCKD PRICES. Come aud see and satisfy yourself, sela-tf ' JOHN SPOS1T0. a. U. HILL. A. i. KAMI. HILL & KANE, WUOLLBALI AND BITAII, II1UU IB Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AMD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWARDING, floods oonsignsd to us will meet with proper attention . , References) i roaiiARs. DAun. H. W. Corbet, - Robblne k Co, Richards k MoCracken, W. 0. Moody k Co., U. l-aw, 0. llumasou. , Umatilla Landing, Sept. th, 1863. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Cure for all diseases of the , SEXUAL ORGANS, THIS prompt and emcatlons Remedy for the care Gbonorrosa, Gleet, Strictures, and Dlseaaee of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without tbe least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application -business ; it will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as soeedllv as is con sistent with the production of thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If the BPE0IFI0 COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entirel r vegetable, aud no Injnrl'ons eneci, aimer constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its nee. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Beat by Express carefully packed. U08XJSTTKK, 8MITIT k PEAN. Agents, , . . 401 and 4.08 Battery street, cor Clay, JrM-flm. San Francisco. . D. D. STEPUEiVSON; DENTIST, VTAS REMOVED 1118 OFFICE OPPO- M.M. site uioch, Miller at Co., where he L.V is preparvu w ao an ainus oi , DENTAL WORK. , in a skillful andjrell flnlshtd manner. TEETH Inserter from one to an emire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices range Kir Rubber Plate, from Hi to S I Foi Gold Plate, from $76 lu $124. . .. 77':' ' 4V Persons having work done by ma not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for thi a"- , , . aul8 ti BOOKS ! JB O O K'3 X WHOLESALE , yj RETAIL.'. k!HOOh nOOKS, STATIONERY, f3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-OOce oova.wre,aiauieuestiiaiies.-T ., i ' v . , mai-tt it. j. WALuROa 00. 1 TT . WAvri3a.:t ., ..,, .., I npUB UNDE(tOSB0 WILB PUttOIIAsB 8BO0ND ' hand Varnitdrai Ueds. Ruddier. Garnets. Htotas: uu noasenoia rurmiure or every ilpsfripuoa.'. iraniM nwmug w sen will ao wsil to can. JOHN WILLIAMS; ill deO:S 1.194 Main rlrect, Dalles; Umatilla, Boisej AND IDAHO , Express and Fast Freight Line. rtnHIS LINE IS N0W1N COMPLETE RUNNING A order from Umatilla to lduhoCity, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Vulunbie Packanee between these and oil Intermediate points with certainty aud despatch. , Tbe Line la Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely ' ; New Thorough-Brace t r OONCORD SkiAVAUOJNS,: Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to lduho. We oifer 8upe rior inducements for8hitpiux Oeode from can Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company aud the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Uouds shipped by this Line will But be subject to the usual delays, but paw through as - 'i fast lrelffht. -i ,! Goods shipped from fan Frnuclsco to oirr care at Port land, Chargea Will be paid Mid Uuods shipped to destina tion. GOODS 8H0ULD BE MARKED: CARS B. M. D. CO, F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts aeut to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla, a Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch toQwytnre and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT OHEATLY REDUCED RATK& Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Braca Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We ley over eacu night on the Koad at Good and Couveuteut Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AOUNTUt ; ; RICHARDS McCllAKKN ...........San Francisco UlClURDS AMcOKAHliN..... .Portland JOSEl'U I'KaT Dalle POWbLL k 0 E Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON LeUraud B. M. DsRaLL t CO ,.. Aloise City B. M. DuRKLL k CO Idaho Clly MAJOR SPEEit .Rocky Bar (South BolteJ DvRELL k MOORE .......v.v.w....Rttby aud Silver Citlea U. II. DaUKLL. V CO., n2Stf Proprietor,, A CAKD FOR THE ,, Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAM FRANCISCO. , '. BADGER &LINDENBERGEE, Bios. 411, 413 and Uttry Street, a Cor. Meroltaut, hsvn Franulsco.. Importers and Wholesale Dealers ENTIJBE NEW AND FRESH STOCEfi WX WOULD CALL ATTENTION or Country Her, chants to our usually large stock of Uuods. Our stock comprises every article In tl.e Clothlug and Fur nishing Hue. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest varioty of Caaalmere and Wool HATS of any house In Ban Francisco, and our prl es for these) Goods are less than those of any house, aa we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our eiock of Summer aud Fall Uoops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the eouutry merchant la the unusually low prloes. ,. less Than the Cost of Importation t We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, whioh Goods we have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at New Xoik Cost, and lees. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of as, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase 16 sell again. Merchante who buy of us can make a good profit, and eell to tbelr customers at low figure, WW ' remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servants, ., , , BADGER LINDBNBEROER; ' , Wholesale Clothing aud Hat Warehouse, : . No. 411, 41S and 414 Battery street, Son Francisco, February a, laoo. . , (V-lsast, MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING.- 188 O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, that she LaaUu Just received a fresh supply of ' "Fashionable Goods, "' ; The latest Paris, New York and (an Vranclscd styles of BONNKTS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATUMRSv FLOWERS, c. : A full and well-selected assortment of . Ladles' Ready-Made Garments Also, A Fashionable assortmsnt of . DRESS TRIMMIN d sY ' '' ; STAMPING tor Embroidery and Braldfng. FlNKIrTS done At shdrt notice. BONNETS Bleached add Pressed la tbe latest style. A large assortment of ,l.I.")I( ' . Children's Beady-Msde Closing Constantly on hand. Having seen red ihe services of First Glass Press Maker, I am prepared to TUfand flt Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS, i ... THIRD STREET, one sqaarei east df the Cathollo to"""- to1"- t JOSEPH "BIEiTej ' (' VBOUSAU ABB BBTAlB DkAUB Qt .;. i ' t&hcy & Staple Dry ; Gbodsi'; Oli. THlNO, BOOts' AND, 8HQE$i i0 '"hATS" AVD CAPS'; 'lNL"Jiii A Gentiemeas Fnrnishinr Go'oif? Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of ktalo 4V Oourt Btreet. oe4-tt S