gailg Poiintaraccr.l WlLhOUt 6UCCCB8. Monev Al&rltet. N.V Ywk Hold Quotations...'. ;1M P,8'!,"r Boa Fmuciaco Leglil Tunder nnos ivs PKOCEBUIN03 OB ClTV COUNCIL. At B SpO- meeting of the Common. Council of Dulles City , held nt tbe KovorJer's oflico, o.i Wednesday- Bfternoon. Mitch 7th, 1806, nt the call of the Mavor. there were present N. H. Gates, Mayor, Uui hannn, Welch, Miller nnd Bird, Councilmen. nod i . S. Holland, Kccoider The minu es of Inst meetiiiir were-read so. 1 approved, and signed by the Mayor, The coinin t'eo on streets and public prop erty reported progress and asked for further time, which was granted. The committee on finances, in tho c.nttir o co, Win bills and'claims referred, made a r-iioit. And recorumeudeu thai the claims of W. II. Farrnr, Klint & Dougherty, Dr. Hun ter and Ed. Roth, be rejected ; and, on mo tion, the leoort was adopted and said bills rcjecied. Also the report of said committee in the matter of the petition to increase ped- - dler's license, wus adopted, and, on mot. on, the uetilion reiested. Tlio following bills were reported on by finance committoe, and recommended th nine to be paid. Said bills were read, and on motion, allowed, and warrants ordered to be issued for tho several sums, tn-wit W. II. Newell, S85; Relief. Hoe Company N ). 1, $37 Jackson Engine Company No. 1, . $215 79. Tho following bills were presented nid read, and on motion allowed : To F. Liebe, $1 87i John A. Cook, $30: Waldron & Co , $5 ; Cumming & Grant, $3 j J. W. Miller & Co.. $12; N. R. Packard, $15; Tnomas Smith. S8 60: Ed. Bulver, $2; Charles Kecler, $125 ; Charles Keeler, $10 16 ; M II. dishing, $100 j N. It. Packard, $100 ; F a. Holland, S15 40. Tbe bill of Waite & K-lly, for services as attorneys for the city j and also tbe npplica- . tion or J, 11. Neyoe, tor m city taxs to oe remitted, on grounds of being over-assessed, were on motion re erred to linance com- m'tteo On motion the City Recorder was In tructcd and required to give at least ten days notice, that an election will be held on the 2d day of April, 1866, (being the firrt Monday) in Lrxloj,City, tor the purpose ot fleeting the following officers, to-wit: One Mayor, one Recorder, five Aldermen, one Marshal and one Treasurer. : On motion the Recorder was Instructed to give notice to all persons having cla ma iwain-t the city, to present them on or be- , fore the 25' b inst. On mo. ion the Recorder was directed to make out an exh bit of the receipts and ' expenditures of tbe year ending the 1st dny of April, 1666. F. S. Holland, Recorder. . WuoIIe 18. Gon. Tliou. P. S weeuey, ! Fenian Commander in-Chief, is a printer by trade, und Bhorrty before ibo Mexican war, worked us a com- the book 'office of A. S. Gould, iSiiBBuu slreot. He volunteered to po to Mexico, and was hundsomely fitted out for .ho camnniirn by ins lellow.eraftsmen. In the campaign bo was disabled, and, as a reward, lor his bravery, received from the United State Government, a commission in me regular army, a;td an oflice ol traolu- mont, we believo, in tho Uroolsiyn Navtf Ynrd. During the late war ho WALDiioN uiios., I TEANKLIN MARKET Wholesale & Retail Druggists, corner, of second and wasuinoton streets Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. . WE NOW OCCUPY OKR. NEW TWO STORY FIRE nrnnf stno uuilliinK. OlIIHMttO lllncli. Miller A On.. and offer to the nubile a full ami c plete stuck of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting tu part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS CUIMNBY3, TURPENTINE, HOPS, Ai.roilol.. SAOE. ACtUS, ... 8PONOKS. LINSEED, .LEKOHE9, LAUD, ' CORK.'", CA.-TOR ANn 1ND1HO AND NKATSK00T 0TI, LANPIILACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. .IOIIN KPP1NGEH Proprietor riHR UNDERSIGNED 1 having fitted P the e'h.e Market In the UB T ST VLB, wilt keep constant ly on Imuil all ortt, of ' . Fresh and Cured Meals, ft Of the beat quality tarnished at the LOWEST RATS My motto la to PLEASE ALU" PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SALS will do veil to call at the Franklin Market. . JOHN KPi'lNQEE. Dalles, February 19th, 1885. . . .. participated actively, and was proi mo ted to the rank; ot Uoionei, wnn the brevet of ' Brigadier General of volunteers a position oi wmcu uo was lately deprived, for being absent without leave, on business connected with the Fenian movement. . An at PATKNT MEDICINES. ' Onr stock of FANCY GOODS I of tho flues and beaW qu.ililv; new stylt-sourt large assortments, sucu ua LUBIN'BPKHFUBKHY, HAUt, l.lilllN'S TnlLUT SuAP. FLESH. POMADES. SHAVING, COSMETICS, . HAT, HAIR OILS, CLOTH'S, COLOGNE, TOOTU AND 1ANCV SOAPS AND KAII.HIIU8HES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COIIIIS. PTJRB WINES AND LIQTJ6RS, tempt has been made -by his friends to For Miicini purposea. , 1 , . f J . j Our facilities for buying goods have bis army grauo reBtoroa, but I th 8tate, Rii wo.imiut an tii A FEMALfi suffrage amendment to the constitution has been introduced into tho Indiana Legislature. VIVION COVE.TIOX. The Toters oftlie sereral nreclncts wltliln the County of Wusco, who have been, and are In lavor of ninintalu Ing the suureuiaiy of the Constitution and laws of the tJnilocI Stjitfj. and the integrity of the Union, are re quested to meet ill their several precincts on tho lOth Day of March, to choose delegates to attend a COUNTY CONVENTION to be held in Dalles City, on the Wtlx Day ofMarch, at 1 o'clock, P. SI., to nelfelnute candidates tor County Olncers, and to elect neiegntes to attenu mo siaie uou ventlon. on the 29th dny of March. 18li0. The several Precincts are entitled to the following number of Ablegates t John Day's .e , 8 Fifteen Mile Creek 4 Hood River 8 Dei Chutes .' 4 Falls S Tygh.. are second to none in men sell at a sniuU ad vance from coat. Reaily sales and small prollt. PHYSICIANS' PltKSCKIPTIOSS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night, Dulles, Sept. 9, 18H6. , salu-tf H ' ASIllNtiTOff -MARKET CORStR Ot ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHEUOACH, Ptoprletor. esaui "WILL KEEP v-nrrwc (VJSiicotuitantly on hand all the vnrleO j 74 tJftii"" thut the, market can possibly truf anoru, or . 1 1 FI1USH &; CURED MEATS, . , and always of the b. st mallty, ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. - 1 Tbe undcrslgiieq Is alvraya prepared to ray the lilRh st ciish urlce lor FAT-CA1TLB. Parties having stock In good couuiiion, are requesteu io cwu on iniu wuti going elaowl.ere. JOHN MICH 1X13 ACI1. uanea, warcn oiat, iood,- uiiidaki West Dalles .13 Kiut Dalloa..: H C. H. MKIUS. I . S. MiFAULAND ' It. MAYS, County Committee. Isaio F. Dloch, San rrauclsco. MlLLIR, Dalle VB aro able to report some pro cross in war matters . Else where tho proceedings of tho two pre vioua meeting's are published iti full, as furnished us by tho bocretary, r Kenyon. Lust night, an .adjourned UA.SSA.jl Bloch, Miller & Co., VHOLESALE Cr .jR, O C E S , AND DEALERS IN TVin?s &, Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothin?, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. 3 E 31 O V. A- - GATES c CIIAjPIN, WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Have Rcmotcd to UUDIO'S SlOiK llVILDIIVO, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. VSTBT'IIERB we will continue o sell Hrllclos usually WW ir.,n in a klr.l.OLinri l)i uir Store, nt M per ount. LESS THAN ANY ST0UB IN TUJS CITY. Our stock consists In part of Patent Bledlclnes, . Pure Win s and Drnndy, Extracts, Fancy A Commou Soap, Sponges, llnlr Drnshes Truasos, Emces, Corka, Acids, 'Paints, -loom rowucr, Varnishes, Alciliol, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, 4c, PIlISIt'UNS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy ynuf selves befure purchaaing elsewhere. U.L.CUAPIN, ul9tf JUSTIN-OATESi. VI3RY IJIPOliT AXT TO Mcrcbants, Families, Hotels and BAR-ROOMS. rrjLirjs krakmeu having bouoht TnE en- 9 tire Stock of Merchaudlte and Book Accounts of tin late Arm ot M. Seller A Co.. in this city, to which ho hue added of his own Imputation (while doing business in Portland) an Inimeuae ttocK ol me uesi umuuiaoiureu Crocker5t Glassware, ' Plated Ware,' Lnnips, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Loolilng-Glaascs aud All Hinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates, Tenons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Uon't inn to call on me. Umllf.'.Htnna Buildiuff. Wajdilnuton street Dalles. JUlilUH tVftABiJlJIill. Dalles. Mfrch 17th, 1805. mliUtf i -i a r-i,n r l v i ' ii iviii, i , ineoling wus held, at which time it was wrx have an assay offjcb in connection (Wo-nii Stoaill KflYfiTutlOIl CO. fenrwl h.a; nn.noa .M An. " with our nosing unnor in. entire supervis.on O'- - . - - rolled, and about eighteen hundred dollars worth of money, horses, and subsiBtenco subscribed., ihere will bo a considerable increase to the above amount subscribed to day. It is also loarncd that quite a number of the farmers in the valley below, aro ready and anxious to go. aritflurnish borses and subsistence. Ibis is something practical. If followed up now with tbe energy that is at present displayed, tho boys will, in a tew days, bo in a condition to entertain a hundred or two Indians in a lively manner. The necessity ot arresting the Indians in their wild career, 16 apparent. .Nearly all the troops in this eubidislrict were ordered away last Jail, and only a very limited number, sent to take their places. It will bo midsummer before moro troops can or will be got in the field, so they will be loo late for the purpose of protecting the spring tni migration trotn Ualitornia. 1 he .case requires immediate remedy. It will pay in a pecuniary way, to spend a liberal sum to drive out these savages Within tbe next sixty days. The in creasod security and amount of btisi cess alone will amply repay in one season. This-is tbe I ght in which oar citizens look at it, and they are there tore subscribing itoeraiiy. we nave not, loarned Avhat is being dooe in Owybee, but if we must fight Indians in order to koep our stock, and keep open communication with, tbe rest ot tho world, let s have H done at once and well done. Idaho Statesmav, Feb, J1EMOVAL. J.OOETZ, , i Dallt. . KOENIOBBRRQER, Buu Viaucluov ' J. GOETZ fe CO., - TOBACCONISTS, . r Iluva removed (o Rudio's New Stone Building Washington 8troet, near Fronch A Oilman's, end has opeucd a well-aaeorted stock of m.iMutniiABvninB nil T AilA miiriw:'ir.f"i m cir.u.i,o. VlRCllNIAaiidWESTEllNTOUACCO, . :) with our bmlnensv i nf Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars in six hours- We.guarantee altwir Aseavs and pay the HIGIIKST CASH I'KIUM tor liars. Vie also pay me uignesi Cash Price for Oold Dust. BIAIDII, Mllil.KU ot t) vtjM Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. SELLINGS OFF AT COST! TO CLOSri BUSINESS. TUB UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL TUB REMAIN der of their stork at SAN FRANCISCO COST, without reserve, in order to close out Business in tins towu. Our stock oottolats of the following goods t All kinds of OLOTHING! . SUCU AS COAT, PAlVXSy, BOOTS SHOES, OA TS $ CAPS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. . Also, a line lot of" ' HAVANA DOMESTIC SEGARSI TOBACfJ I, PIPES, at YANKEE NOTIONS. The whole stock must Ira closed out In EORTY-FLVE DAYS, without fall. ag- All persons indebted to the Arm must pay up wlthla TUIRTY DAYS, or legal proceedings will be had. fl3tr. AullAll AMSO.N KOtlLlirllU. JT. A.. F'OttI3JES FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT .... i ... , .: ;. AND'.- .. '. . Provision FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUKF. . MBERSCIIAUM and other PIPES, PLAY1NO CARDS. . " BPORT1NU UOODS. ' : - INDIAN and FACY 0ty)S. 4c, kt. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICKS'.' TRENCH KILLINERYSTOBE, , AND :" Dress Klaklnx Establlslimenl, Opyoslte Cohiirdi Bohru's, j . 5 WOULD 0ALL TUB TTBNTION of the Ladles ' the Dalles to my lar, e-und flue stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, " ' nOIVWETS, HiTS, FEATHERS, Dross Tri mill in Ac o. Havlnit secured tho services ot MRS. FRARY, lu t lie- Dress Milking upai tineut, wo will doull wolk In that tin aud gterriinire perfect saiisluction. . . - : uiitKi uiiue in an colore. Oive mo an parlrcall and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASTE aud at I1KA80NAUUC P.tlCEji. rrticutar uttentiol' pnia to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping;, NOTICE TO FARMERS. FLOUKIN Gr 31 ILL . to their Sti-nm Sasli and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltIND WHEAT and . CORN, aud warrant t give the best satisfaction.' 0n liand constantly aud roc sole MIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING UOJIPANV has receutiy attached a Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON A SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FHESU BUTTER, EOOS.and (very variety of FAMILY GBOOEBIGS, XUTS, CANNES; &e.t J., Wholesale and Retail, si Reduced Prices FOR CA811. Also, dealer la :': ;,:.,. v -. GRAI1V, FLOUR ASD FEED, fall kinds, and will don , - , General Commission Business. No chsnee for Btorat on Oooils sold on Comml.aian tteeeeds of Sales remit . ej promptly, ;i rj t jnlMf. WINTER ARRJkNCEMENTk . ON AND AF1ER MONDAY, N0VE51DER 13th nntl further notice, The 3?a.ssencr2v Train 1 t connect with steamers ' EOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Wlli start from. the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondavi, Wednesdays, and. Fridays, at ii. U, . TUB BlJSAmiSUB "OMEONTA" or "ID AIIO," CAPT. J. MoXCI.TY,. Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at A o'clock. A. H.,coniiectlii. by the-CASCADE RAILROAD, witn tne steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, oi Portland. W. II. BRADFORD, Dalles, Nov. 13, 18C5. nl2tfl Agent 0. S. N. Co. . F . DEIIM, Watchmaker and Jeuclcr, MAIN -STREET, DALLES, pvEALER IN FINK WATC1IE8, JEWELRY, 1 ULUUKivuoid fens, stiver ana riatea ware, Bpectaclea, Cntlesy, ae, AParticuUr attention paid to semiring fine' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. B. All orders from the upper nountry, by Express or otnerwise, promptly aitenaea to. PMNB'WWION KflOM! (ONE DOOR ABOVE HIE POST-OFFICE.) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITF. . " I will attend to sales of Real Estate. , General Merchandise. Furulture, And Stocks. REOULAR SALS AYS. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special SMea any day, Sundays excepted. fylta ;,, . t. A.0.PAYNii, AucUjneer. EXTRA FAMILY FLOTJR, - 81.COND8 Oil MIUDI.1N0S, BRAN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, C1II0KEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn.. , . . The Wu'lmt nrarlut price paid for WiTkAT. CORN a BARLEY. U. A. MOeUK, Agent. Dalles, Nov. 3.1 EH5. iritf. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLI A-ltX S . AUCTION ETCR, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City WILL ATTEND TO T1IB 8ELLINO AT AUCTIOM ot General Morchandise, Real Estnta, OMceri' sr Hoi'ses.Nsn and second Uaud Furniture, Btacts, Ac, cc a . c-- m . Out-door and Special Baloa-atteaded to in any tait of the City. , Liberal Advmrccs made on Consignments. nlfcOm. . JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A.m d.JBRADPORI). IMPORTEIl AND JOBBER 0 ' Wines aSc Liqu&ris, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - ' Oregsa. OFFKI1S FOR SALE A VERY LARQS ASSORT meut of . Brandies, Wines, Liquors,, . ..Case COo'dSy Mf The Trade Is particularly Invited to examine m stock before purchasing elsewhere aaMtf Adnilnlstrntor, Notice. ' TSJTOTICB 18 IIERRT OITKN" THAT I TIAYR, ON Therefore, all pecsona Indebted to said aetata are notl- thls Olh day of Kebmani. 1806. been delv eoixlnt admlnlstrstor ol I he estW oi K. O. Cowna, dacaasrd. flvu to make immediate payment c an all Doraoas hav ing claims against said aetata ar notified to present them to me. at mr oflice. In Dal ea Citr. Wasco rowntev Oregon, within sjs neuUi luom the nute hereof. .r uair- Ftbruaryg h,18o8, . fi Administrator,.