(Ha. Mayhew's Funereal. The funereal of Mr. N. C. Mnvhew took placo vestorday at 2 o'clock p. M., on4 Second street, attended by the members of Columbia 'Lodge No. 5, I. 0, O. . F.,arro) Mr. J. V. Going, Right Worthy Grand Warden of the Grand Lodgo'ot the State of Oregon, and a large number, of friends. 'At ihe timo of his' death, Mr. Maybow hold tho exalted position of R. W. Deputy Grand Master of tho State, and no doubt his labor and wise coun sel will lie sorely missed in that body. Ihe fanereal services wore held at the Congregational Church by Rev. Thomas Condon, after which his re mains were conveyed to the burial- ground, and interred with the cere monies of Odd Fellowship usual on such occasions. FRIDAY MOUSING, MARCH 9 1860. The sidewalk on Union street, near tho Columbia Hotel, is dangerous, and should bo ropaircd at once. , The Idaho Statesman favorshe es tablishment of a mail line from the Dalles to Boiso City, via Canyon City. Amaonetie bank lock, without koy or keyhole, and impossible to pick, is among trio recent inventions. The steamer Idaho arrived from below at an early hour last evening, carry in seventy passengers and about fifty head of animals.. Judge Mesick, ono of tho District Judgos of Storey coiinty, Nevada, has deoidod that greenbacks are a legal tender for taxes. A correspondent writes from Gali veston, Texasv " Cattlo aro selling within fifty miles of here at one dol lsr per head, and at this price thou sands of beeves can bo bought. The New York Herald's correspond " ent says: "Tbo number of Fenians enrolled and now drilling in Canada is stated to be nearly 82.000. of whom nearly one-half are Said to be already armed." ' 1 ' A mun has just taken out a patent for luminous hats. They would, he says, preserve Ihe wearer from being run over at fright, and would to some extent, enable a saving in tho lighting of streets. John Pinkerton, a sufferer by the What Cheer House robbery, in Sau Francisco, sued and recovered judg- - m6nt against the proprietor for 810,i - 787 20, the eamo being part of the - troasure taken by the robbers. We notieo that a sidewald has been laid on Washington street, from Main street to the alley. This is a decided imnrovoment. and should be followed up by property holders on other Btreets that are equally in need of sidewalks. Tub Supervisors of San Francisco have passed an ordinance removing Chinese prostitutes beyond the city limits, on account of sanitary. as well as moral grounds. Several convic tions have been mado under the law. The City Council of the Dalles ought to iollow this example, and tberoby rid the town of this nuisance. J3ot two soldiers of the war of In- dependence aro now living. William Ilutchinp, of Ycnobscot, Maine', and Samuol.Cook, of Clurendonj Y. Y, Wnsco Lodge, No. 15, F. A. & A. HI.- Holds lis stated Cuuimnnicntlon" on the Fipt and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, In Dajles Clly. Brethren In good standing nro Invited to attend. EhtH L. I'opk, Sec'y. By order of theW. M. Columbia Lodge, No. O, I. O. O. F.-t Moets every Friday evening fit 6 o'clock, lu tiateV Hull, corner of Second and Court Street. Urol hern in gowi standing are lnvitod toatlond. By order. N. G. th -nr n itr I , I I .1 .1 n it'nniv rw l u m a v i nn nr n i, it 1 1 iuu. vnin VI ' I mill if mi.u, " i.v ..mu just arrived from Blackfoot, informs ytho Idaho Statesman that ho does not torsmen who are aimost destitute of The Salt Lake Vedette says' that a mormon living forty miles from Suit Lake City had two " bnbjes" born to him a short time sinco, by two of his wives, with just forty minutes differ ence botween the infants ages. But what's the worst about the barbarous thing, is that ono oj those wives is the other's mother not an uncommon case in Utah! Tho "happy husband" has been in Salt Lake with tho Saints full sixteen years, working, like a hired man;" and yet has only an adobe cabin, (with only ono bed in it,) and a garden patch, as the result of their boasted Utah enterprise That's all what's left from the yearly tithings barripg the babies. The party of men that went in purs suit. of tho Indians who drovo off the band of horses a short time since from Muddy, on tho Canyon City road, has returned. They followed' the tracks of the animals as fur as, Crooked river, but were compelled to roturn for want of provisions. It is the belief ot tho party that the horses vrcro stolen by the Warm Spring Indians. The Solano Herald says that iliou sands on this coast during tho last fif toen years have had their constitutions ruined by being treated by quack doc AUCTION SALE. 1 will sell the remainder of the stock ofCQJIN A COIIM at my Auction Koom, , Tins DAY, At 10 O'clock In the Forenoon, Sufd Stock constate of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps,. Overhiil. Undershirts, Pants. Vests. Oats, Boots. Fhous, Slippers. Indin Kubber Ovel shoes, White Shirts, Fancy Shires. Boys' Shlits, Buckskin Uloves, Uniberellas, Collars, Ac, Ac. Ladies Hoop Shirts, Ladies Gaiters. Slfils, Basklaa, t Il.'iid Die-sen. Belts, Mitt, Hose, Ac k. tfl...n.4..nr.i. ul... n..... n.;u miif f. Leather Valises, Ti unks, Side Lamps, I f l mono, rienrs. VI This Sale will be absolute, and without reserve, and Is veil worthy the attention of Dealers and the public gou erally. JOHK WILLIAMS, AUCT. AUCTION SALE OP GROCERIES. I will sell on Saturday, Mar civ 104 h, A T MY AUCTION SALE ROOM, No. 100 MAIN XJu. tyiJUSiJ., an assoi tinent of Groceries. (SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON SATURDAY MORNING-) At 11 O'C lock, on (lie name Day, I will sols to the hlijhest bidder, at PUBLIC AUCTION the Handsome Cottngro Besidonce, Formerly owned by Rnsay Riven, Eel.- situate on the coruor of Union and Fourth streets. TERMS LIBKRAL JOHN WILLIAMS, And. HANDSOME COJTAGE RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT . Iuljlic -A-uction. AUCTION AKD COMMISSION - HOtJSE! No. ICO MALI STREET, DALLES. THK TJNDEltSIGNEt) THANKFUL Y$ .PAST Favors, ref pent fully Itifm ns tlie cltizftfm of th Lallen, and tbo public, generally, tbitt he continues sell at - PUBLIC AUCTION - OR PRIVATE SALK, Real Estate, General Merchandise, -diioccileH, , llorNCN, AlUlCtl, Furniture, Mochs, &c. &c: REGULAR SALE DAJfS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETTJBN made of Rales. Out door aud Euottat SalM attended to in any part ot the city. .. Tariff of Charges Until Further Notice : For Selling Merchandise, Groceries, ikirniture. ' Stocks. Ac. 4c IS per ecu. For Selling Bouses and Heal KKtnte 3 Horses, uuies, w era came, eacu 9& 0 CIIAliOE FOR STORAGE. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. . J TJK EH, Main Street. Dalles, VH0U8AU AKD RBTAIL DKALXR IX . ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES ALVATS n 8T0HI TBI DEKI BHAUBS OF o-nrs. TnnnpfiV miitr'lios. sVP. think tho richness or extent of the ' mines in Montana ure generally oer osliipatod ; but he does think they will b immonsely overpjon'e this season. . Auction Sale. Tbo attention of I t parlios dosirous of purchasing cloth' ing, dry goods, etc , is directed to the -advertisement ol' Mr. John 'Williams Auctioneer, in this morning's paper. The sale will tulto place at 10 o'clock this morning, at Mr. Williams' Auc tion Room, Main street. common sense, much less medical knowlcdgo. Tho Herald is correct Thoro are several each quacks to be found in Oregon, and there aro people here also who ft re foolish enough to patroDizothem. Personal. Mr. William Birnbaum takes bis deparlnro this morning'for ban Francisco, where he will sojourn a short time bofore starting on his homeward trip. Mr, B. is ono of the pearly settlers of -the Dulles, having been in business hero foe the past four years, and now returns to bis boyhood homo to enjoy tho profits of a success ful business. . We wish bim a pleasant trip. ';. A coMFAigr of tworfiy-fivo men was cioiv, bat aftor spending a few days in I organized at Boise City on tho 25tb the locksup, are generally turned out of February to fight tho Snake Indians. for want of proof against them. Some of them aro old Indian fightors, : The Idaho Statesman had no Dew ," tbewiU givo a good account of Indian item for its issue of February themselves should they happen to fall 27tb, except that thirty two bead of ia Wltb "Lo " , '- . , . oitile , were taken from Reynolds' The Milton Vorksr near Virginia, "crook recently. ''Lo' finding so little Nevutla, whiehi have been lying, idle diXQouIty in getting what horses he far a rong time, were started again wanted, naturally enosgK. turns his recently. The next evoning they took attention to reptenisbing his ec-ramis" fire, and both building and machinery ,-H.ry.' Indifferent beef ia better than were destroyed, involving a loss of ,';.Vmu! or "hoss" for table use., ! . from t20,0C0 to J80 "00. ;, The detectives in San Francisco have boon very busy, but this far have been unable to find any olew to tho money stolen from Colleotor Adams, in bis trip to San Francisco, Several persons bavo been arreetod on suBpi I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION . ON Saturday, March 10th, at 11 a. ra., rmMltt HANDSOME COTTAOK nF.SinKNCE (iirnierly Jt occuiiied and owned by has J lliveti, K"q. Said pruperty Is situated on tlie-tevner of Fourth and Union streets, and is una of the liuifit dtMirahle Ira-iitlnna In llm city. Slie el tot, oOxlvfl. Tho dwelling contains F VK 11UUJ19, A If inK ItELli U1T rtAlBtlUM 'illKI'KK.U- ISKS and UU.'TANTIAL FENCE surronudlng the lot. The terms will be mado known on iaj ot Sals, or on application to the undersigned. sX-Tlie Sale will be absolute and without resort. JOIIH WILLIAMS, Ang.lBii.er, m2td 100 Main Street. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LIE! HEX. IOLLIDAY, Proprietor. S COACORD STAGES jsjup e ;LEAVE BOISE CITY BVEIIT 0TI1E11DAT FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER. Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stagei JhUUUUIg W Virginia, City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. IT Alt 1C t ' Vols city to rait Lake City fioo 00 ' " " Virginia City, UooUi-a. JM W - - uuwouri iiivei, kegai XtuUtr 1300, , Uuld, 100.....,...... too 00 lor further Information apply at . , . OVERLAND. BTAQK LlNKOFFfCE, PLAYING CA1IDS, POCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COM US and OKOSIIES, o' all Vinds, PEHFUMERY, ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS. BOLLS, etc, - FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Raskets, and many other articles too numerous to meution. ' Qjr Tifteriov dealers supflledwith ClKars. Tobacc.ftc. at'iess than Portland prices, with freight added, or TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! EEE3DII SHOUTS, AND I OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY II. II. LAW, nl:tf. 26 Front Street. Portland. Opposite 0. S. t. Warehouse. Bih6d3nx ' I 'ODD,' genA. Office At Dr. VrraLs'a Drug Btora. : .. - D AXLES, OREO OX. 1 COLUMBIA RIVER MINES f A BDf4ft BlIIBVHCVMiilf rBOOTII &, NEVISON, . Forwarding and Commission Mcrcnamt AND EKLKIIS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, Wlilto Ulufls, W. T. FREIGHT FOR COLV1LLK. UPPER COLUMBIA KOOTENAI aud BLACKFOOT MINES promptly tuiwardrd. ' Mark OoodsD. k N., Wl Ite Bluffs, W. T, us kkkcm : Poituxd Richards k McOrnkeu, Allea k Lewi, and, ;ildge k Calef. DALtts Bloch, Miller k Co., French k Oilmen. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST,. . Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFOHM the- cititeiti of this placo and tI cltilty,.Uiat having returned from a pro 'leislonai tour throuah the mirts.hehas again resumed the practice of ENTISTIIY, In the roo. formerly occupied by lilni. In the building occupied b oou A uutler, Pbotograph Aitl.ts, anil adjoining Wal dron Bro.' Drug Store. U takes this method of eir tending thanks, for. the liberal patromiKeiieretol'ore ,sj tended to biui, and solicits a coutinuauo of the same. I.I8T OF PHICgtl. Entire Denture on Gold Base .$180 to 21S ' upper Denture, Gold Iicue., ....... 90 ro 11 Denture. Vulcanite Bae 70 11 12ft M Upper Denture, Vulcauite Base 86 oe Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Children,' leeth extracted free af charge. telS-tf NEW feALOON. MEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. nUK DNDEH810NED would respectfully annani, JL that he will open a test class Saloon in Preach A Oilman's New Btone-Building. THIS EVENING, and ut prepared to aorve customers lib the best of Wines Liquors aud Cigars. ' ALSOA EBKK LUNCH Erery day and Eienlngs !tf. JOII5 niNDLAVB. ' COAL OIL! (mi. niT.t . WALDHON BROS, liar, lust receleed a large In olc, of COAL OIL, which Uiey offer at .realty .duoed rates. Jt7tl