ittln ffiottittatnm 1 On the occasion ot the marriai;o of a young ludy ia one of th suburban tiitiea of Bustoo, recoiuly, Mrs. O'Blaiv ney, wbo bud been conn Jen tiul wash, woman in tbo family for muny moons, was honored with an invitation. She was on baqd in soason,' dressed in gorgoous array and was assigned to un honorable seat in tho parlor, where of slio seemed determined to maintain the dignityr' regardless of exponse While the guests were assembling, a young lady wbo was looking up her ac quuiniunccs in the parly, came face to luco, with Mrs. U blarney, whom she linow professionally, and expressing consitorable aft6nishment, inquired, " How did you oomo iierv?'' Mrs. O Blarney Blrnigfcnod up a peg and an eweved.wiih somuch emphasis that the whole company beard: "As I shalj go to mo grave oh mo two foot!" i-j Ir, shoold never be forgotton by thosa who . profess to be judges of human nature, that the religous fool ing may exist in its strongest form, unaccompanied .by either amiability of disposition or honest of character; on thee inlrary, the most ferocious mon B'.ers that. ever disgraced humanity liave fieen the most .'superstitious", fir their religious feelings, the strictest, in their pious observances. It is a lesson whioh allhistory teaches,- and one which Is every day lost sight of in our surprise at .tho exposure of some enormous villiany in tjiose who a to esteemed the pillars of the church. Paris is detormineJ to be very' ele gant. It is determined to be provide: ed with as many 'publio gardens for. rocroalion as an city in Europe.:- Gar doners, are at'present busily ;mployed, in arranging a largo plot of ground til MontBoi)ris, in the Fourteenth Arron dissemono, adjoining the south weslorn, boundry of the Thirteenth This will be tho second publio gari'qn existing in the Fourteenth ArrondiBsemont, a handsomn garden having beer) opened three years since - near the Mairie. Other gardens or . pleasure-grounds are in course of oroction. A vert well defined shock of nti earth quake was felt in Sag Francisco on February . 18th. The windows of the Flag offie rattled and the gas burners oscillated in a very .lively manner for the space of three, or four seconds. ' DENTAL NOTICE. Doing ebont to make professional tour to the towni and settlements up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are In need of Pentol Operations of anf char acter, to the fact, ao that they may bare an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, If so desired. I will leave aboht the 20th of March, and return to this place to resume luy practice, about the 18UiofJune. fi!f J. W.GURLkY. FURNISHED UOOMS "' TO LET, 1 By tha-Niglit, Week or Month,' NEXT DOOR TQ JAOKSON ENGINE HOUSE. . if . - Mas.' SPRENQRR. 4isNolntloii Notice. N1 OTICE IS 11KBK11V OIVKN the co-partnership heretofore existing between II. J. W ALDltON k JAMKSO. WALKER, under the name of II. J. Waldron A Co.. Is this day dissolved by mutual cousent. II.J.-I viamrou wiiipayaaii tndeuteduess and collect all dobta. ..... II. J. WALDRON. . i.O. WALKER. Dalles, Msreh g. 18d6. ". m6wl f Sheriff n Sale of Heal Property. BY VIltTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk -if the Circuit Court in and for Clao.amaa u..uiity. Htato of Oregon, and to me directed, in fa- or or A. F. llcdires. ulaltilin. ami nimlniii lwi.,i,t ui feiidant. for the sum of Four Uumh-od and one 43-10 (ui tj-iuo) ooimrs, prlnrlpal, wlih Interest,. accruing cunts and cost, of this exociitinn, t have lovled upon and "Hi. ni ii in iiuuiiu niininin neinreme vuurt Houdoor, In Dalles Citv.on Fill DAY. the nth mav nt iduii. 18(10, botwecn tlio hours of 9 o'clock. A. u and 4 o'clock, t. a., to the lilgliost bidder for rash in hand, all of the Interest of the defoiidimt Jn ana to tint certain l it or parcel of land fronting OiTTori strcot at the termination of Fifth Street; hounded on theorth,'ly Col. data's re sidence; on the.8outli, by W. P. Miller's lot;. extending W est, 1J0 feot, moro or loss, and known as "Muay'i" jot, in imhos city, vt asjo county. Oreiryn. . CHARLES WHITE, Sheriff. Dully City, Murch tlth, 1800. n, - . m7w4 Ilccelvlng, Storing .Forwarding . a tin. t. " Commissi on' MatoWtit? Advances made on'Oonslgnmenls.. . MAIN BTKKKT.0.noltfr thiUln7tlil lln',,..; 7 ' f " ' ' ., .. .. hd'.'I."" i " ' ' nUTICU.i ti ;a ' IT! uwiZZ. i ""iW umor. bounty. ,i i ua&ek, Atrrair piaiutlff. "rf i jvs-lvJl Vwtl''' ":""'"' T ..i,t H' 1- ' , vIll.yJt .t NEW GOODS! nHVINO JUST ARJirVRD FROM THE FAN FRAN Cisco Market, we would invite the utteatlon of our iiniuiu nuu iuo cuuimuniiy at 1 irge, to vur well-selected Stock of . .. , - . . . Wry Goods, X'lotblngr, Boots 6l Shoes, w men we are soiling at Mis most reasonable rates. We ciiumnsen our guous Altusi, but aesure the commi: nity Unit it pleases us to sell good at SMALL PKOFIXS. I "" i .11, UUUMAN CO. SLIiLISti OFF .AT COST ! M. "VViinscU & Co., WIIX CL0SR OUT THEIR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their plnce of business, at the Dallos, In" order to o tiie Mines. Xuelfatock embraces Oiy Goods, Clothlngr, Boots, Hats GENERAL MEllCUA NDISE, ' All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only! - All who know emsolvas Indehtod to our firm nt tho Dalles will nlease null and settle TIlOHOWllO tmve been ttrcmnmnrintnil wa iruat urlll iia. dtilny tia unnecpusftrily, I-ut Ira prompt In squaring up oo- "''". van uiha ouu ub, uu aim cvuryuotiy i , . 31 IMSUU A CO. FURNITURE ! . FURNITURE DIETtLA-M: At' WENXZ, cUWITU OLORK HOTEL BUILDING,- K-I .-:.' i.pd vii,j, i,w,a uu iMuuiiTMieij 0Z0$i ' Household Furniture, -ji;'i.Tiveiniiriciiiir Tables, Clinlra. Dureaua aVMt&tjliadsaiidUeilsteiuls, Deildine.Cnriiela etc., etc., all ol wliicli will ho sold ut luw fules. Furniture Kepiiired, mid Upholiiiig dune to order.. Also. on liund Uattrrsus and PillowsvSurini; lleds niade to order, uul'2 Wf. BROWW WAltSER, M. 1. OFFICE 74 SECOND rTREET. between Wnshlnirtoa and Court. , Ornca Hocus 0tol2 A.H.;2to4p n.;nnd 6 tolO, p.M MA.3XU MAKER. MRS. MATTIE IIOLBUOOKTnuld respoctfully In form the Ladle ut the Dalles and vicinity, that shu lias opened a sliup in comiocjiun with MissO'Kourke,' where she is prepared to do all innds of work with noat ness and dispatch. ILiYing Just arrived fruin the East, she hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TlillHU DIIOllS West ol the Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. . '. ncSRuiS ITurs! Furs!.. &A8H Skins, TUB HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon By RICHARDS 4 McCRAKEN. Portland Sept. 27, .180$. oc4:3m TOYS ! TOYS 1T0YS ! TOYS ! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For tha Holidays, we recommend all dealer! In that line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of V THUMAUKIt A ZUIN, 820 and 322 Battery Street, n2?:3m Baa Francisco. A. S Kill ICS OF Literary andjScientific Lectures rniCH lian neon In contemplation for some time. tl Is now offered to flie people of the Dallos. The ft rut Lecture of the Series will be ftiron THIS EVENING, and one' each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the Series of Kiitht Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational and Methodist - Sabbath Schools. Tickets for the Coarse : : 0M DOLLAR. Single Admission. Fifty cents. , This lecture will bo delivered bv JUDO IS W. L. niLL. In tho Methinlist Church lecture will commence at 7 o'clock. Subject: OKN1U8 OF TUB WKSTKRN 11 K- PUBLIO- .. ' " ' t The following: centlemi'D are expected to deliver each one Lectures , W' Rev. Dr, Benson, Portland; - Ju lge Wilson, Dalles: . Rev. Mr. Driver, . " Prof. Roland, . " J. A. Otlell, Esq., - Rev. T. Condon, " Jtev. ut. Atainson, ' Kev. lr. Caffrey, " . . Judge Illll, Canyou,Clty; . Slierlfl's Stile of Real Property. BY VIUTUK OF AN BXECUT10N Issued'by the Clerk of the County Court, in aud for Urant Coun ty, State of Oregon, and to me directed, In favor of K. C, llardy, plaintiff, and against John 8. Miller, F. R. Aslitou, L. tl. Ward, J. H. Shakely. and A. 0. Hall; de fendants, for the sum of Three Hundred aud Forty-soven and 04-100 If 317 C4-10I1) dollars, principal, in OoltlColn, end SeveutT-six and 80100 ($78 88-1) dollars, cost and disbursiuents, with interest, accruing coats and costs of exectiniin, 1 nave levteu upon ana will sell at public auction before the Court House door, In Canyon City, ON SATURDAY, the 24th day of MARCH, lKW, between the hours of 12 and o'clock, F? ., tn the highest bid der ior cash in hand, gold coin, all of the interest of the defendant 111 and to the followlug described property, to wlti ... " That certain piece' of real property known as the Pioneer Hitch,, commencing at a point on Big Creek, Ihi-nce running In a southerly direction about eight miles, nnd Intersection Klk Creek at a point near Elk fl it. sulil ditch Irion and being In (I nut Cmiuty, State of Oregon. M. P. BEIillY, Sheriff. Uy U. W HiTiKX, Deputy. Canyon City. January 81., 1806. ' , f23w4 ' Siiiiiiiionii. 1 J. f. Oriffln plaintiff, vs. Isaao Jennings, defendant.- Action to recover monoy, In County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Union County... ' - . riO lA AO JKNMNOS. Defendant :' In the, name of JL the State of Oregon 'yen are hereby summoned and requited to appear alio Answer Plaintiff complaint now on file In the Clerk's office injiald Court, nftef ser vice hereof upon you by. iwbllcutlon for sU wcekin tiie ANeytif Mountainkhr, as by order of said Court, or Judgiuent, lor .want thereof will betoken againttOroii, and uUIhsi yotl so appear and answer said comiilaintT.the Plaint ff' will tako Judgmont sbsftlust yon tor the snm' oT $360; together with the cdsts and dlnvursetnenta. of this action. By order of J. P. Argerslnger, County Judge of untor. bounty, i i --.ll.UA&H, DALLES CITY URVO STORE. P. CRAIG, ' WHOLISALI AND KltAlL DEALER IN DRUGS. i MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soapti? . PATENT MEDICINES, Ac, l-tf D11UQS AND PATENT MEDICINES!' DRUGS AND PATEN f MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES !J , WDOLESAH ADD RITAIL ' ' DRUGGIST, Waeblugton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLAS, OREGON. , Qi LKM0N Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Modiclnes.- Chemlrnls. Aeliln. Purfuinerv. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. .:'.-' Qt?- Physicians add Merchants Intending to purchase for the Minos, will do well to give him a cull. ' ' TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. i. LEJION, . , between Mnin adn Second. ap.3:tf. Washington St. Portland rouivDny i .' AND . ' . . -'II.' - MACIII1N13 SHOP, '" FIRST STREET, hetweon Yamhill and Morrison. Stesm Engines m-&. ; ' offnim4to4tl liorse Jf Qfr-m ' ' power.elther Portableor XtP,''!! " Stationary. Also, CI It- rS-$ - .SLtit W'ia 1 JOl. ' C.V.1.AU SAW MII.1.4 f -3Ti.v.---iW:.-S3 i .jK'Sa COM I'LTli, constantly onnanti. aiho, liny tres ses ol Macli pattern. Cast Iron work fur Ver. Y Ci- ticnISiiwand 11 list mills; -"l"'Jf)iJB'- ' Brass and Iron Castings ; and 1VROVGIIT IUQS WORK of very description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & . most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. . Horn Powers & Agricultural Implemsnti manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASU PRICE N. IT Particular attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf SELLING OFF AT COST! - Mf entire stock of - -' ' STOVIiS AiV'D TIi AVARE, albo,;.. F ... . : TTNtAN'S TOOJL8, TUB WHOLE embracing aline stock, ever article of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close ouj business. Also, one UltAND Pi ANO, hi good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, noxt to the corner of Washington. The Houo Is two tories, with a basement, and Is Well adapted to tho hotel business. Also a lot. of HE DOING', comprising about twenty-live Beds. The whole -will be closed out cheup. For further particulars apply on the premises. SrtJirt ALUEltT HElTINfJEN, Washington Wagon Road.. rpHE UNDERSIONKD WOUf.D IvF0RM THR J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portluud and Vancouvof to the Upper Cascades ia well being kept in good traveling order for wagons and stock. K.O.UAKDY, Dalles Jan. 11th 18(15. Janlltf Sole Proprietor. ' IIVOTICE. ". InRREIlT WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting or buying anytiiing whatever from F. M. KUNTK, whereby 1 will have been thought by the public respon sible, as I am not, nor will I hold mys-lf responsible fur any of said F. M. Kuntt's acts.- , W.F. MOFFAT. ensanvuie, urani i;o., nov. 's, leoo. MRS: L. WHITE'S" uew photograph: ROOMS, Washington Street.; ': n AVISO NEW1.Y FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Degnar's 8toie would respectfully announcejo all tbosa wishing . , ) , ,,. .' . ' rhotograph8V Carts de Vlsltc, dc . that they will do well to give her A call. 1 Particular at tention paid to hiking Ladies aud Clil'dren's Pcturest ocilttf. . LINCOLN HOUSE, , Cnrntr VVashlnglon and Front Straetip ' 'i . PORTLAND, OREGON. , IlRST-CtA83 iiOTKL. LAUQE8T IN TnE STATE. ' Charges Reasonable. . , AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and onniov Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Uuarge, or to any otber Uouae In the oiry lor 00 cents. . 8. COFFIN, Proprietor, ,, P. B nOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Orogon City, Vancouver, Montt. collo and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wkjarll epl:3m ,. M. BROWN BROs, WHOLlstu iHO RXTAIL DlURs IN ; ., I ; FANCY Attb'; Str-A.i)L,BJ , ., DRYG-OOD8! GROCERIES PROVISIONS, r ; Mr. M. BltOWN, beinR a resident of Bad Fmnclico, we pro eiiftbin to oflr grcrtt I mlcenienti to purcbatera.! W renpect fully Invite tiie publio to examine our itock befor pnroliafllrtg.ellerhere. mlb-tr , aaratoe 8toi-8, north riiU Mln trt PUat. TTt. A. II. STEELEi ACTtNO : HA.; ASSISTANT 8URO0(J!D,!ir !A'.!,!nt ernoiAt . fi r BROS.-' DRTJO. 6T0RB DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PRESS E001C&JC3 PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between 'Main and B ', : -DALLES.!.... ... .....J. OREGON, ' JOB PRINT, NC OF EVERY VARIETY Kyecuted with accuracy aod dispatch. . J A STl'LK THAT WILL COIPAIIB FAVORABLY . with 'tho. very best, and . AT RATES AS CHAF AS THE CHEAPEST to okdeb: C a rid s a n tl l i 1 1-S3 eadt ; 1 - " CHECKS, DRAFTS, BECEU'TS, . . POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS if c, c, fL-C, PBIKTKD III TBI HOST ATTK4CTIV1 UANNUt. AUO, WAX-BILLS, . JilLLSOF FA EE, . ' 1 HEADS, .' ... KLCEll-T BOOKS,' , , HILLS LAD1SO, flriefs and Pamphlets, . nSlTlKO, WEVDINQ AND "AT HOME" CARDS " " Druecists' Labels. ' In short, evcrythlng'hat can be done in a Hook and Job Printing Otllce, from the smallest and niost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Din Hino which win oe turneu out in a style mat cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. oua facilities roa nil uicctior or . DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Pancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mumtuoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAKD8, ' fUJifVMERS' LJWEL8.4& . Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment lu Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the . business, and are continually adding to our already exten- ' ive aud well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. . Of the molt modern and elaborate designa. Our stock o . FANCY INKS. TINT8. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. , The principle upon which business la asked for this es tablishment Is, that persona will consult their own inter- , ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the beat advantage. To mis enu we solicit all In want ol good muting, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens. nt fudge for yourselves. Order 8 from the Upper Country Will have our special care; and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their.qnlers filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS - In tbe tytate of Oregon I . Address: A-' , ..- MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ' ml8-tf : . Dalles, Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND, SECOND STREETS, ... TBTB UNDERSIONKD, IIAVINO REMOVED FROM ' TUB "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTOi . .Gates'. NeW Building ,j Beg to inform tbe publio that' they are propared to serve theiir customers with the best Wiiics, Liquors and Cigars, -, TUB MARKET AFFORDS.' '' ALSOv A , , , , . , Free Liincli ! . ' V ' Every day and evening. I .. .': I1 decS-if Froprietor.' Hard. ."Wood. Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS , WE BBQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com ' plete assortment of CAltlUAGE and WAO0N MATKKI ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, ' Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Kimi, Shatts, Ao. Ac, , which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. . i . ' - - Orders addressed to our hunse will receive promp attention. 'ii N. W. BltAOO CO., - Jol6:3m. ' 39 A 31 Battery Street, San Franolsco) 1 nnd 17 & 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. O.Wsmnousa, . . U. W. Ubaou A Co, . J. W.Lesna Ban Franciaoo. Sacramento. New York N.-E- W II ES . It S IS 1 1 ' J'" tMMlH UNDKRSI3NED BKQ8T9 INFORM THE OIT- . .. I ,- JL lens of the Dallea and vlcluity that be has received v , NEW HEARSE, and will . , . : .;. ol Atiena f unerais , , .. on short notice. Th(s Is the flrt, and at present, ohly ' U.lnth.cUy,- -J-- T au,n oJM ' .. V.Via iunk e," n,..qo.r . . - .lt, JLJ. W.vMITCHELIii" J,:. J wS UrF!8-iALiUKUM 'S ' HUUUII ' ' R iiBsirti Corner of Third and Washington Ington Streets 4 . .-ii. , 'A ,il T .f K, hi '' .1. '. . I'T)'. '.'I : I" ' '.I 'I' -cN.V.- ' Will ; - ' . uy-ZA . ft .'"- X