Money Market. New York Gold Quotations... Ban Francisco Legal Tonder rates uI3S ,.h.i....1 Epitome or TclcsraphlC KtWs. fCOMFlLID FROM TBI OUiaoIIIUC. San Franciico, Mitrch Tbj annual eleo- tioQ for the officers of the Mechanic's Inti- tute yesterday ended in a drawn ballot, the i-ecwlur and opposition tickets each electing fcalf of their candidates. The regular ticket was headed by II. J. Booth, the loundryman, nd the -other by J. II. Plum, who held the last year. The success of Mr. Booth is sig " nific'ant in view of the lact that the objec tions to him were chiefly his position on the eight hour law. About 7 o'clock this morning a man was en hanging about Wells, Fargo & Co.'s, waiting for the establishment to open. His movements were so singular as to attract the attention of passers by, and he was "watched with interest by the people in the -vicinity. After the' office had opened, he stepped dp to the counter and presented a . bag containing $8,000 in gold coin and about $1,500 worth of promisory notes, which he desired to send to a woman in San Jose. His name and the general tone of his conversa tion, suggested the probability that he was insane, and officer Fuller consequently took him in charge, tie gives bis name as J ere miah Ridgeway. He says that while stop fiing at Ihe Cosmopolitan hotel a few nights ago, a large insect flew out of the closet and lodged in his throat, and that it still remains there greatly to his annoyance and discom fort. , . The charter election in Oakland look place yesterduy, and resulted in the success of the" Union ticket, with the exception of one Councilman. The content was very spirited, no less than twelve candidates being in the be d for City Marshal. Wm. A. Barnes, Wm. Evans, and W. L r arrets, the soldiers who attacked a man and stripped him of his clothing, feud an ex - amina ion in the Police Court yesterday, "and were held to answer before the County Court on charge of highway robbery, with bail fixed at $1,000 in each case. In the absence of gold quotations later than last Saturday, 133 J, there is not much activity in legal tenders. They are firm, However, at 7474. . Looking up. Trade initio Dalles is uuguiuitig vu our, uuu wis luny Bttieiy say that the spring is about to fairly "open on ub. ' For the past few days Blocb-, Miller & Co. feave boon buey in Shipping goods to VVallnla for the Mod tana trade.' while French & Gilman have been not only supplying their Montana customers, Jbut have also loaded some two or three trains for Canyon City. A large train was load from Bloch, Miller & Co.'s on Tues- there are yet several trains en camped in the neighborhood of town,. which will be supplied up in a few days. The retail business is also much better than 'it has been fot the past few months. Our busiaeas men gen .erally feel confident ttvat this spring the trade of the Dalles will far exceed that of any of the past three years. Thiee are seven daily newspapers lsBnea in jNasnviile biz JSnclish and one German. 'When the war began there were four, all English. A daily paper the German language is a new feature in the history of Nash Iville. The German nonulation of that V is rapidly increasing, and its. in ase is considered an augury of ood. Industry generally goes with he German people Tbk Sszods bav been " HoDizing lenerol McClollao. lie is spending Ibe -winter in Dresdea. On the 12th I r trv l umtr -wit v ii AJecemoer, jur. van uoost cave a arty in honor of King John's birth lay, to which the General was in?itod. few days later be was granted a rirate andienoe bj the King. ' " ' " 1 a-, kin is on her way to- Ibis conn with eoveral Alasefvpa steeds. A ubiicHANT in San Francisco htida bill of $32 to Collect, and To avoid the expense of bliyi'rttr S (wo rent revenue stamp, made out two bills Of $18 each.. The debtor refused to acknowledge the account, saying that be owed only Ottt bill of $32, and when that Was presented with a stamp on it, he would pay It. The merchant was compelled to come up to the llAv and invest two cents for a stamp. He most be a email merchant. Quite a number of men are- now at the Dalles fitt:ng out for the mines. These men hate all come from below, and are unanimous in the expression that they can do better by buying their outfits-here than in Portland. Such we find to be the prevailing. opinion of both packers and traders from above. A soldier stole a bottle of whisky in San Francisco lately, and pa,id for it by beta? sent to the County Jail for three months. Bather costly. ' The steamer Sierra Nevada left San Fran cisco for Portland on the 6th inat. She will probably arrive In Portland to-inorrow eve ning. , . ' CMOIV CONVENTION. The Totem of the several precincts within tlie CoontT of Wasco, who have been, and are in favorof maintain inpt the eunreraacy of the Constitution and lawi of the united Btaiee, ana tne integrity or rne- union, are re quested to meet In their eeveral precincts on the - lOtli Day of larcli, to chnoee delegates to attend COUNTY CONVENTION to be held in Dallei City, on the- lTtla Day of March, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to nominate candidates tor County Officers, and to elect delegates to attend the Slate Coaj Tuition, on the 29th day of March, I860. The several precincts are entitled to the following number of Delegates : John Day's 3 Fifteen Mile Creek 4 Hood Hiver 8 Des Chutes....... 4 Falls m - S Tygh a West Dalles . ; t .13 East Dalles...... .11 C. It. ME1G8, 1 . 8. McFARLAND . MAYS, Comty Committee. lsaio F. Blocb, San Francisco. 0. 8. MiLLia, Dalle Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE ' G- JEl O O E R S , AND DEALERS IN - ' - Wines & Liquors, And Importers end Jobbers of . . OLOTTHINGr Boots & Shoes, . ' Under Clothing, 'Blankets, etc., . etc., etc. A8SA.Y OFFICE. "VrE HAVE AN ASSAY OFF1CB IS CONNECTION V wilh our businem. nnder the enlace snperTislon of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars fn six hours We guarantee all one Assays and pay the UIOIIKST CASH PIUCU for Dars. Wa also pay the Highest Cash Prlo f 014 Dust. Hl,w;il, M1LLEK C)., myM Cor. Mala and Washington streets. Dalles. SELLING OFF - AT COST!" . ' v-tar A I afV I ni I al r r I J ULUOC TS rNDBRSIQNED WILL SELL TnT! REMAIN, der of their stork at SAN FRANCISCO COST, without rasene. in order to close out business In this town. Our stock consists of the following goods: .All kinds of, " . m CLOTHING! SUCH A8 ' COATS, 1ANTS, SOOTS $ SHOES, II ATS & CAPS, And a full assortment of I; . .' Gents' Furnishing tiooda.' . v.. . - -.' ""Also, a fine lot of '. . ' HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS J T0BAC0 ), PIPES, k YANKEE NOTIONS. The whole stock aiuat be closed out Id FORTY-FIVE DAYS, without fail. 4ST All nerMme Indebted to the Arm must par un , wUhin THIRTY DAYS, or leital proceeding? will be had. natr. : i abuauamso.n kohlbfho. "J. -A. FORtJES FAMILY GROCERY,, FRUIT ' AND " Provision, Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON ft 8E00ND STREETS.. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choioese articles of FHKSII BUTTKR, EUQS.aud erery variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, NVTSyCAXDIESy te , &., Wholesale and. Betall, at Bedoced Price FOR CASH. I Aiaa, iaai in GRAIN, FLAUR AD FEED, of aU kinds, and will dj a : 'j i - General Commission Business. Ko. ehargea for Btotage oa Ooods sold on Coamixdoa. Pt ocewla of sales remit 1 promptly. ' - julOtf WALDBOS 11ROS. Wholesale & Retail DrUSTSistSi I Main Street. Dalles. Oregon. IVI NOW OCCUPY OUU NRW TWO STORY FIRE IV PI roof Stone building, opposite lltoch. Miller A Co., and offer to the public a full and complete stock of I vrugs, aieaicmes ana 1 I Chemicals, coualiting iu part of KEROSENE. ' IUUPKSTIXB, LAMP WICE8 CHIMNEYS HOW, BAOE, SPONGES. ,- LBKCIIK3, ALUUHOli, ACIDS, " L1NHKED, liAKU, VOKKX, CAi-TOR AND ' INDIGO AND LANVBLACK, NEATSFOOT Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND ' V PATENT MEDICINES. , Our stock of FANCY G00D8 I s of the finest and best quMlty; new stylvsond largesortments, sack as LUBIN'S I'EHFUKKRY, 1IA1II, LUBIN'B TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES, . . SUA VINO, COSMETICS, 11 AT, 1IAIR 011.8, CLOTIUS; i. COLOONK, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBKUSIIKB TUOTII POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal pnrposes. ' Our facilities for baying goods are second to none In the State, aud we shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Heady sales and smnll profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefnlly compounded at all hdirs of the day and night. Dalles. Sept. 9, 1W6, selO-tf Tt K IVI VAL GATES JSC OHAPIItf, WHOLESALE 1 KETAlff . DEtTGGITS, RUDIO'S STONE BUILdIIVC, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to sell articles usually "kept in a FlrxtOlnss Drnir Store, at Mper cent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. Our stock ooiislsts In part of Patent Medicines, Pure Wln-s and Brandy, jLxiracis, vancy c uommon Doap, Sponges, Ualr Brushes Trusses, Braces, - Corks, Acids, Paints. J-ooth Powder, Varnishes, VAIcnhol, Oils, Hops, ' ' Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, , PETS1CI1NS' PBESCRIPTI0JT8 ' Carefully Compounded . Give ns a call and satisfy you'r seWes before purchasing elsewhere. -U. L. CHAPIN, nl9tf JUSTIN OATES. yEUY IMPORTANT j -TO : Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.ROOHS. JULIUS RRAEMER IIAVINO BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock ofMerdhandiaeand Book Account of the late firm ot M. Seller A Co., in, this city, to which he has added of his own Importation. (while doing tmsinesslu Portland) an lutaiense dtocjt of the best manufactured Crockery Glassware, .. Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandelier, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and . All Kinds of Oils, ' AH of which be offers at reduced rates. Persons wlsli. lugtoJiuy any of the aboTe-mentluned articles, will do I wen toive me a call before purchasing elsewhere. - 1 I Orders from ,111 Interior promptly attended to, and guoue pacaeu w go secure. . mm i inn to can on me. Kudio's Btone Bulldiug, Washington street, Dalles. Dalles, UarchlTth,18e&.-mhl7tf -. . . A rv. i m- e ii Orctron Steam b avlirallon Co. " . WINTER ARR ANCEMENT. iWilWSsaa Sl is ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl further notice, .." The Passentrer Train to connect with steamers FOR TTMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. Hi DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wadacsdays, and Fridays at 5 A. A1B THE STEAMERS "0N.Fi ON T A" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. UoNDLTY .......Commandsr, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at t o'ciock, a. ..oonnectin, uy tlie uasuaub naiijitUAU, with the steamer "NEW WORID" or ".CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, fn- Portland. . W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Not. 13 1805. nl2tf Agsnt 0. B. N, On. F . 13 E II $1 , v Watchmaker and Jc.vclcr. MAIN STREET, DALLE8, rALER IN MNK WATCIIKS, JEWELRY. Lf CLOCKS, GoM Pens, Saver and. Waled Ware, Snectacles. Cntlerv. . Particular attention pald-toVenalrlng flue' Catches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by Die warranted ror twelve mouths. N. B. All orders from tlie upper nonntry, by Express or otherwiee, promptly attended to. FAV.Mrs Airno.N rooiui (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE,) MAIM STREET, DALLES CITT. I will attend to sales of " Beta Estate. General Merchandise, . Furniture, Ana Stock. REGULAR SALE DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock aad Special Bales any day, Sundays excepted. ",IX 1. A.0. 1'AYMd, AucUjneer. FRANKLIN MARKET. COKNKB OK second AND WASHINGTON STREETS . DALLES, OREGON, JOHN EPPiyGKIl Proprietor Tm UNDERSIGNED having fitted lip the akove Market In the BE? T ST YAH, will keef coaalant. ly on hand all sects ot t ' ., rresu ana cured jneais. Of the bees italHy furnished at tKe LOWEST BATB My motto is to "l'l.KASK ALU" . PAltTlKS IIAVINO SUPKlllOTt STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN . JtmNUKB.' Dalles, February 10th, 1866... WASHINGTON MARKET coast COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORKOOlt JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. esaM WILL KEEP rfchSjrVonstanUy on hand all the varle-1 M ii'l-al-t' that tlie market oaapessikly mora, oi FRESH Ac CUItKO MEATS, ' and always, ef the- but quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS aiippileilon reasonable terms.. ' Tse nnderslgneq Is always prepared- to pay the hlghr 1st cash price, for FAT CATTI.K. Parties having stock a good condition, ue requested lo call on him before going eisewnene. uu A11UUK1.MV11. Dalles, March 81st, 1866. mh81tr REMOVAL. J. GOKTZ, Dallei. . K0XNIG8BER0EB, San Francisco. J GOETZ & co.;- TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to - Eudio's New Stone Dailding, Washington Street, near French 4 Guinea's, aad hare opened a well-assorted stock of HAVANA and DOMESTIC SKGAR8, V1U0INIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, . FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUrF, MEER8CHAUU and other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS. , SPORTING GOODS, -. INDIAN and FACT GOODS. e, o. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICKS. . MltS. LEESEIl'S FRENCH MILLINERY SlOHE AND. Dress making; Establishment, Oppfalte Coho ek Boliaa'a, I WOULD CALL TUB STBNTIOH of the Ladles the Dalles to my lars and fine stock of ', FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, II ITS, FEATHERS, Dret XrInfiminj-, Sco. Harlng secured the services of MRS. FRABY, In th Dress as I taing ig apartment, wc will do all work In that liue and gnarani id gnaranre perfect eatisractlon. DYING done in all oolors. Give uie an early call, aad I will endeaTor to luls everybody inTAS'CE aad at REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention paid to f ' Embroidery aud Braiding Stamping NOTICE TO FARMERS riHK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING. J. COMPANY has recently attached a . . - ITLOlJltllNG MILL ; ' to their 8tram Sash and Door Factory, In this CKy, audi are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT ana 1 wan,simsnruai v give -n. LORN, and warutiat t give the neat aatMDwuon. On I iXTRA FAMILY" FLOUR, SKOONDS OR MIDDLTNGSa? - . .. . BRAN AND BIIORTS, ' CHOP IEKB, CUICKWf FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN sIEAL, from new Corn,. . j i " - The lilnlisst macket price paM for WnRAT, CORN a BARLEY. U. A. UOaUX, Agent, Dalles, Nov. 2,1808. . ' , nStf. - AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOH3V,' WILLIAMS, A.TJOTION TiTSR, Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. . WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AtrCTIoV ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, Groceri V Horees,Nsw and Seeond Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac Regular Sales Day Saturday Out-door and Special Bales attended to In any part of theClty. , ... -. . . liberal Adiances made o;n Ceosignmeots. nie.-Sw. i - JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. G.RADFORD, IMl'OHTEtt AND JOBBER OP , Wines vSe J-siqiiors, FRONT STREET, PortlaxaaV - - OaSigaB. OFBKI'.S. FOR; SALE A TER.Y LAKGB ASSOHf" meat ol Drandles, . Wines, . ; . . ; x . Liquors, . Case Goods, ' 4?- The. Tnule Is parthnkMy Invited to examine my stiok L.fore aurcbasluK elsewhere. - auM-tf lng Atminlstrator's Notice. TiTOTICS T8 1IERBT OIYRN THAT I 1IAYK, OIT .III thlehdaynfIeoawai7,M,beedalyappold jmhJiMk. mi the asuta of M. O. Oowna. deceased. Therefor, at Hrrna indebted to said estate arc Bote. net. to male imnaooiaae- SHnmr hm wnw. ln elelma aeminst said setae are aoiiSei sea eu vrw t onVav la TJaMea 01 IT. Waeoo eaantv. Oregon, within all Boutba n eea,tln srti. fcr pay. February h, lwa. . aasssaww,, ' e ... r..,.-1 i