Oalles, orfgon, thuiisd at,' JIAlCH, 8, JfO0. 1 3NOT IV vol.. r. Mountaineer, PUBLISHED EYERt. MORNING r (MONDAYS KXOKPTKD,) By ; . ., . : . i E. G. COWSE & J. lit L. LOR AX, IDIT0U3 AND PHOPKIBTOH; I 1 ' TaiiHs Tioe.iity-fiwctnU per weak, paynble to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; three months, $'i 50t six munths, $d; ouo your. $8. Advertiaenieuts insorted.at low rates. ' . Job Printing. '," 1 " ' Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe utcd with licatmiss and despatch, aud forwarded as per order touny part of the country. Payimtjer Job Print UMATILLA HOUSE,' . DALLES, OREGON. ' . . HANDLE & SI.VXOTT, I'rop'rs rnis popular nousi, orvnuuT looated, "- Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailioad Depot, Haa been racoutly enlarged and Improved, and-will now accommodate v ' '' , 30 0 GrtJEfSTS .k ! T WILL RH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIttST Ji. CtjASd HOUSE, mi J the patronage of the traveling nublio 1h reshuutlullv Htilicitft . , - Arf Bagao takou tulho House fret oftharge. House opeiiAll aight. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct.4-tf. , ! ' I' 1 ' EIVIPI RE HOTEL, AIN STRKBf , DALLIS, ORMOX, TMOM'AS SMITH,' Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. . . . Iff THB rilNTRI OF BUSINESS, New the Steamboat and Railroad tandihgs Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate Une uuudreu ana jrnty uuesis. " Ileal!..: .....50 est. : Lodging. .-...i-iOcts Fire Proof Safe for deposlteof valuables. House open all night. Baggage taken W the Rons tree or charge, j : - - rijoijAB suiiii. nih8-tf Proprietor. SPR1N3 AND SUMMER GOODS, FRKHH STOCK! DUSEWBlfo IT- Ar IS KffS., Dalles and Walla Walla, DIALIM IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outfits, 1 L Boots and Shoes, , . '" Clothing, pr ' - -i -Uatf and Caps; Groceries, And a fnll assortment of Generar Merchandise, Buylni our Goods exclusively in the Ban Francisco market, ant making none but'eash Durchases, we are enabled to-ee I SO per oeut. cheaper than any other House at the Dalle iM-tf , v.l . Dalles and Walla Walla, II OW TO SAM UOAUY! . " CALL AT Ifll W ; 1 )..' I Family Grocery, and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second Streets. THB UNDERSIGNED WTSHE8 TO INFORM THK people of the Dalles, aud the pnbllo generally, that y-.MIlLiY. GBOCEKIES, . candies; nuts'; ftY.,n:,.1;1,. Which he wfll sell Wholesale an'tf Retail at kedueed JViow for OAltff. Mno. constantly on hand the Choicest Article or jtiiknh uunrcii ana kuus.' aisu, every variety of FRUITS and VEUETABLKS in their season Persons from up the Bouutry, wishing' quantities of Kggs ana rruit, oy sending in tneir orders, win receive the strictest attentfou, and have them (tiled at the Lomtt Market Prioa. 0. L. JKWUU,, S. DALLAM. ,0, W. ARM IS, 4. W. ARM88 AR.MES & DALLAM,; Importers end Jobbers qf WOOD AWu WILLOff WARE, Bunsue; t!w)e3, cordaob. ac " And Manufacturers of, . ., .. . : i. ... . California rails, Tufts, Brooms, Ac. v-' 21? ft 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis, -" tan Francisco, . V ocll:8radw. -. Fs-.-IiXM-A.N;-.'.: j-, v oii aojmi ik OALrroRiiiAfoa. i N TlHpdlf MoFARL AND'S JFire & iturj? lar Proof, Sale's. y :.-STEL-LINED rJAUlHl. iZ' WITH . Combin?i,tiottiIi&cli. 49-Oonstantly land a full asanrtment of 8AFBS. . 31 a BATTKH.Y19TRKKT. 31 8: BASUUIYISTRBHT.' JyMm i , ... ttaa, Jfranchcof .. H.OATia. i " ' '" " "i. i. 4afi, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, . DALLES, OBEGGN.J- U1U12CT. :fetg ; T n IS WALLA WALLA '& BOISI; LINE i OF- CONCOliD SX-A.Grl!2S, i .. ',' OAitiiYiNa ' ' '' i THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS , , AND '.,;.... .: I , V -li- Welti, Farso' & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to Pi cerv, me, (Uoiee Minus.J s Through la Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula, Line of Stages, aud th uoaiaui ine u. o. rt. touipany. . . . . . OJ40. F. THOMAS 4 CQ., ap27-tf Proprietor NO-TICE. THE PIONEER STiCE COMPANY .1 .., ,.;.! 1 ' Will enrry PASTFEEIGHTS . . , i i , I.'., FROM MATIL UJAL AVCItli THE FIltST OF OCTOUKR, XT THB FOLLOW. IJIU KJtUUCKD KATie&n To nolle Clty.v.v.M.....IS Ccnte per ponnd " iumuii iiy wif .... " Owyliee MO , ; For leu amounts than one hundred poands an' addition 01 rive uenis per yoauii win ue ouarged.. - 10 isoijic ny, ...,. ,..3 uays. To litiiho Jity ...a i-i Days. lu owjuee, ........4 nays. JOSEPH PINK11AU, Aient. . . ocl8:tf. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865, And all kinds of .Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7T1I streeta, , PORTLAND. V I , i A.. C. OIBBS ft CO., ' ' ' , . . Suoceaeore to Portland; Die. 8th '64. - 4ettf E. L. Jonas ft Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON I .. .AND , . ,-. ' I 1 ? HILOAUD ROOM. F. M; HUNT, Proprietor, ! .-t 1-5 UUriSEB OF " - Main and Court Streets, 'ipai-tf Dalles, Oregon. lRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION;, AND. i - - ' ' IT R, XT I T SXORE Waahlnttton 8 tree, opposite Frencli ft Oilman's, Dalles, lias on hand a large aud well-assorted atock of GROCERIES & PROVISION, , l rcsii liutter Sc. Jbjjjcs, Received dally. A largs lot of CHICKBNS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRKSU VJtQTABLK3 every morning. All articles warranted Give Me a Call, Everybody I jruiujurii xiuWi,i ' aul8:tk : ., ..t . F. LTEDE. mstal)llslietl 185?.'"'' BALDWIN 1 BRO., DEALERS IN ) GROCERIES ! c v.,in ' i CORiflSB' OF -'-" " laln and Union Streets, Dalies. J. 0, BALDWIN mhSttr. ' F.W.BALDWIN. WM, MOAH08. 0. B, WM. MOABUS &CO., O I T1T. (BAKERY, . it O VISION STORE,: " Cornerof Pfrsl 'aid BPtraata. ' ' WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DHALKRS In BREAD, CRACKEKSand Family WIOOEKIKS. , ervLuruen ironm uuuauce careruii v fliimiand n-omnti lspatchedw-i , ... ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSEi ' : Main Street; corner of Court. OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect folly inform the Vubllo that ha has flttad nn above Chop House, and Is prepared to aorve up MEALS -and LUNCH In the bost.ntyle and at the shortest notice, balls and I'AKTIKS furnUlisd w th suppers, in tli tiest'strle and on the mBt roasonabla terma. OXSTEHS Iff evry style. , Private Rooms for Ladle J TT ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND OIR cult Courts of Oregon; and the District Couru n Washington Territory. . Particular attantlun nald. to the enllactlnn nf M.lm. 0.UUMAS0N Dalles, Qga. ,, J. A.OUHLl v u 12 x j) ii , & .a i l n a i, ' 1 ' , , IMPORTERS AifD WQ0LI8ALI l-t 'I- ' " . Dealers;, in Wines, Liquors Miners' Goods, Boat stores, &c., ! BATJIaiHOTISIOIlim, y ,; !' I' .' ' NEW STONE .BUILDING,1 ; hvmi. ... coamaof KecondT and Washlngtntreets, 1 DALLES CITY... ,., TrOW IN STORE At A ROE aVd COMPLETE AS JJ sortmcnt of the very best brands of wiiviss .ivo LiQtroits. j Also, a tail assortment of v. ,! "i GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS. ' Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New lork and San Francisco, we ara abla and willlni. tn .all- at a very small lulvanco on Sad Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage eft lie pub- lie. . M 11 "" ' selO-tf : ' CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. ifc.iJLi.WA'll, ' ' WHITE BLUFFS. W. T-..1 nil '.. f"!. FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,' ".'- ' AKD OIltERAl BAIS IN, ,;.,7 ,.; , ! MKB O II A. N D I S E t ,:. Hi ; ' - ' ' AMD '''' iUlrtlERS; SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE HOUSES FOR, SALE. FHKIOIITfl OOXSIQKD to my pare fur Colvllle Koutonat,4r tJie-Upper-Columbia Mlnei, will re U'ltltu ItliitTa, llva t. -iBAi .'..:' ' ' 11 1 ' A. .... W ill i ia ... J -J FItUlT. XiltOtLEXV ! ' ' ' AND I 1 PROVISION, STORE. T MIR UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and. . ine pudiic generally, that ha has lnt aatiihllah.il nn ainiu iirtrnv, next ooor to j . juaer, Tobacconist, , , i A NEW STORE I where he keens eonstantlv 6n hand a larva u'anrtmantn selected FHU1T. Also, In store a completastnck ofcholce WfiyLflJIJfi J-KVrjZlUJVX, VKUHTABLE8, do.. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED PRICES. Come and sea and satisfy yporrelf. n 18-tf., , 1rri a JOHN BPOS1TO. rr U. UILb, ?, i. mm. H I II, TJ v& it xisrEi 1 WUULiOAU AUD K ST AIL PKUaIRi IW ( Grocerieif, Dry Goods) Liquora AORICULTURAIa IMPLEMENTS, STORAQH AND F0RWARD1NO. . -! Goods consigned to as will meet with proper attention ' .i' Ref oponoea i ; " wt ', , ' rORTLAHD. . tfALLRt. ! ' '" ' .BT. W. Corbet, i" '''r' Bobbins ft Co., Richards ft UoCrackeg ; ; W. 0. Moody ft Co., ' H. Ijiw, o. Uumwoau Umatilla Landing, Sept. th, 1803. - ; , , , I DR. 1AVY' , SPECIFIC ' COIPOUNDi' An Expeditions Core forU diseases of the. M- SEXTJALORGANS, TRTlS prompt and elBcations Remedvror the core ' Ulwnurrosa, Sleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or obange in application business r it will radically eure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as sneedllv aa la con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entlrelr vegetable, and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. i . i , ' ( Price One Dollar and Flftr cents oar boltfe; ' Sent bv Express carefully packed. . . .. , . - , UUSl'JCTTKIl, SMITH DBAN. Agents, tui ana ua yatrery street, cor Clay. " .1 Ban Francisco. Jy22-6m. 0. H. STCPIIEIS03i , DENTIST, .,i.i. WW AS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PPO- , mm site Hloch, Millar, ft Co.. where he is prepared to do all kinds of , DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlshtd manner, TKKTH Inserter irom one to an enure set, on ttoia or Rubber Plnte. . Prices ranire for Rubber Plate, from iJA tn iis , ,,' Gold Plate, from $75 to $125. ,: aT Persons having work done by me not proving sal. Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for th same. V ,;l . aul3 tl 'I BOOKS! B OlO I tTllstlsTaT. nAAITI ODITIAVVDV 1 Standard and MlicellanaouB WORKfl. Lata AOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPKIU. ftcn fte.. "br everr fltoamar. ' Pnt.nnip. puaoaswrf,auiaitreet,DalIei." i , miTf-u fcH 'M- J- "ALDROSf CO.' r ' :- VA.vrfitt.:,: TIIB UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE 8B"0ND liand Furniture, lieds. Ue.l,Hna- nMin,,i. u,.... aad Household Furniture of every description. Parties wlilung to sell will do wo te call. . .nn JOHN WILLIAMS, eftr.., L100 Main Hiut,Dalle U m a t i 1 1 a, Bo is p-t ' T. i " ANIJIUAUO1" '' - - Express and Fast Freight Itn THIS-'liNK 13 NOW "IN COMPLETE RljN.lN(J , order from Umatilla to ldoho City, via Uolre Cll v, and nreonred to carrv Freluht and Valuable Packaufa i h',tUf.,fc,t tllMa .rl all l, I. n tu ,,..!. tu u III, and despatch. r . , . , ., xae ijineis atocnea wna tne uesc xearas " ' the country affords and entirely f I in-..' 'New TUorough-Braoo , dONCORD Wnich ensures Speed aiit Snfcly la the tr.anmliilnn ,lf Freight, never buforo-ollored to I dttho. ' U i offer Hnu ilnr Inilucemonls for Shipping Woods Irom fan Fmnoirn.,.tf . and Portland to Idalio, as our arrangements Willi the r. Ocean Bteamsliln Cimiiianv unil lltn Oniim Htaam Nini. '.1' gatiop are such Ulat all Uoads shipped b.v ".l i.ixr a lii I not be subject to the usual delays, br . tb.'oucli its .' 1 jj 5 :'ast'irr';.'iitJ A; ',. 1 . . Goods shipped from i r. io ir orj at Pm t- f land, Charges will h, j. ...I ;, J ;. i.is sli nped to desunaV ,' I tlon. .... ... ' OOODa Mi' l ' v. fir. ;AM'SD:CARN D. M: D. k ' DO f l.i . .1 "Ul .IVWljiUf unit U VIIT JtVtH , i. . .... r. '.. . ..; ..t.: .lUlufi' c i'H.svgps lor Transiiortation Paid '' hy thei.',..inMr , jetwiat DestlniUon. (IwhI, will bo !" r...ur.luX i .... ... ,. ia ... PAPSKNG'-ISS CARKIKD AT (IPJt t '"J ' EDltPK 0' ' "" i KA'f KH. F4inllioa will be lumiiilnl villi Superior Ac- ' R ciniiiixlatimu Srwaii.l r -si XlMng Thoruauli Orwe 1 I tiro ,,i',j..t l,;ljvu leiw, Illy over until .. Jtl.-W'il THAI ...lmllea PCV..LL0"K I HlmMUlK ... .. Le Urn n1 ....,..lUiio Cttv. . A Idaho Cltr Kucliy bar (Uniith lMei-l J. II. tt ll.KINSON..., B..M. DtiltKI,L ft CO B. M.DullKLL ft CO..;.. MA.IiIK Sl'KKH DukKI.L ft MiKJKH J':JnS5tf ' i.uuy un.i ?ii,cr i hi . DnUttLli A-1'( 1'roprl' A CARD fou Tiny - 1 Ml & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FnA.tItto- BADGER & LINDENBERGER. ' ' Sea, 411,413 aud 415 llatlery lilroct, ;. , Cor.Merchaiit, Dan Francisco. , . Importers and Wliofcsale pealcrs. ' .ENTIBE NEW ANlo' FRESH STOCK I WJITE WOULD CALLsATTENTIOM of Cwntry Wcr we civiuts to our tiaunllv larLra stuak nfil.HKl. . i.v stock rompcises every article In li e Clothing and Fur. nishlnliue. W have onuatantly on Iwnd um iargx and sjmatest nrlety of (?assimere and Wool UATiot any h inne In turn r'niiicl.cii. and our prl e for tlii 1 Good, I. than iho of any houne. as we receive them dUiM! from the mauufiicturer'. cniKiL'iiiiK,tit our stock ti Vuuiuii'r and lull (loops la particularly attract. , Ive, aw) ilu gra I. Mure to the country muroliaut is tlie unusually low pr'es. e '. , less Thau the Cost of Importation! ' We also keep the STAPLE ARTIOLKS In tli Drv G Ie ' line, which Unods we have puwbaaod iu thin niarkol nn. der the hammer, and aie ollering thorn at New Xuik Cost, and lees. , We publish this card li, ordor that we m.i n. J.-. V acquaintajicaa, and liilow lUnm who have not horotoluio ' ipunmwcu i us, ,j r,n na axamine our stock. Good It I-leu and Low Prlc1" ' Are the g.li.t itiuoecuents to ail wto purch"1 ,0 ell again A llrMliauu who buy nt fw umkr,a g'wl pront, andl:: so ie r eutontri at a Ivw fig""- we' remain, res) viu liy, , . . Tourl 'bjli,iii tervantv . '" ' - '' " ;!ri BAl)HKlt ft LINDKNBEnOBR, .-, t ., .,l"holnale Clothing and Hat Wmchi.nja. 1 . '1' '" V N(. ill. 4H and 411) Battery slro,!, , . Bon Franc ".iw.Vtt raHrj . 1806, IB-aiuw. HILLINKUY AND imESS-tfAKINfl. MISS O'nOfl'.K K DKSrilKS TO IN FORM th, Ladiel. .if Hi, 'lei ami rluh.lt . that aha has Just rece visd a trash supply of "Fawlilonjihlo Goods, ' TIlA latmt t'.rl. V,. V..r1f Q.n X'rH,,,!. .... of BONNETr, HATS, KlliBtiSS, LACKS, FEATHKKit, ruuvK9,tui. . A run ami wull-eileotod asaortnient of 1 Ladles' Keaily-Made Garments. Also, a Faihlonable assortment of DRESS TRIM MINGS! ', STAMPINd for Kiub'oldei vand B al.lfng.'. PINKllvG done at ehoVt oitlce,. lioN.Vkl'S llleachad aud l'law! in the latest style. y A large a,s)rtineut of .s ' ' . ' ' Child ,cn'n Keady-Maflle Clothing It Constantly on lt:ind."l Huving snrured the servioos o FlratClaw Iri-s Muk'4i I ai prepared to cut and (It Ladlea end Children's D'lKSSKrt and CLOAKS. , THIRD irilKBT, ouu samre east of the Cilh,l!e Church. ., , ? evtllDm,. i 'josisrrt eli .ill mvti 'vnwutua ctail malm, t Fancy &' Staple- Drr Goodii, CL THtNG. BOOTS AND SHOES, . 7 CAr$, AND. J Gentlemen's ! "-nl shine; Good ' Flre-proof Stone Store, cu.. S!iu an Court ' '"' ' ', I'Ki-U liiit on tne Koii't at iioouanu v.uvuinout fclHliults, su . I that Husengt-rii will not be ilcprlviU of tegular roat. . l l - ; AGKNTH, . ' RICH AllDS ft'McCHAK KN -'.i...i...lon Franclc v ' RICH Mtls ft McClUKliN l'ortliin.t . . , S ' "V i f.l I !,I ,1,