-'-: 'K ?!!!;! i. ... ill vol. y. DA I.Li:, OKI CON, WErNESlA"V, MAX? CI I 1CO. no: io., ii i a ' i . buntaiucer, riBLISlIEl) EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS KXtlCPTKD,) BV E. G. COWSB & J. II4LLORA, ' IDITOHB AND PROPKIBTOIU. t , ttAtuTivmln-fictccnti per week, payable to the carrier por mouth, ly mail!; tltree months, six Mouths, ia ; oue year, $S. Advertisement inserted at low rutin. . Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe nted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part itf the country. iiimentJor Job lrinl ing nud be made m delivery oj work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAXDLEY &S13LOTT I'rop'rs. THIS P'lPUL.in HOIMK, OFNTRAU.T LOCATED, Near tha StasmbDat Landing & Bailroad Depot, II t boon recently enlarged and Improved, and will now Accomuuxlate 30 0 GUKSTS. IT WILL BH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASd IIi)UsH,jiu. the patronage or the traveling" public H respectfully solicito 1. . , Mjip Hiixvo taken tothe House free of charge. House open all liijght. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO OEPOSIT VALUABLES Dilles, 0cl.4 tf. EMPIRE HOTEL,' MAIN aTRSET, DAIXI8, 0REO0X, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. i IN Ttl nENTRI Ot BUSIifUU, 'fttar the 8taamboat nd Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families nd can Ao y eeuiwodate Uu lluudred and Fifty Uueat. - VIel......'.......60 cat. ' Lodging..........M cts. ' - Fire 1'roof Bafe for deposlteof valuable. ttTV House open all night. Baggage taken to the Hoasi free of charge. VHSIAIS SMITU, nh8-tf , . r, .- ' Proprietor. SPB1H3 AND SUMMER G0933. .FRIiliH STOCK! : DUSEi.KE..lV& II BIOS., Dalles nnd WallaWallft, piALsaa in Staple and 'Fancy Dry Goods Mines a' Outfits, " v ; Boots and Shoes,. Clothing, ' Ilatsand Caps, . Groceries, it j. . i , An fall assortment of General Merchandise. Buyin cm Goods exclnxively In the San Francisco market, ana Wilkin nuns hut cash, mirchasee. tt are enabled to se I 90 per cent, choaper than any other Honse at the Dalle ' ml-tf Dallas and Walla Wall. -r ' .,v,.... . . . ,',. MM WW.'. ,, ' Family .(pro?ery and FraU Store, . Corner of Washington and Second Streets., f TUB UNDHIlSlflNKD WISHES TO INFORM TIIK people of the Dalles, and the public geuerally, that tie has a Urge and well selected stuck of . j FAMILY GHOCEUIES, '6AXME9t'ATur8;:','.'. ' ' ; ,. Which he lll sell Wholesale and Retail at Rtiuced iVi'cu for CASH. Also, coinhmtly on hand the Choicest ' Article of KHKSII DUTTKIl anil Y.Wii. Als'i, every varletyof KKUlXi n KVmtABI,MS In. their season 1'ursons front lin rtie' country, wishing quantities of ' Km' and FPdlt; by'sendlrii' In tlrtlr orders, will roculre th strictest altautka, and hate them tilled at the Coveti JTtrM Prkt$.h i Jyll-lfJ ' 0. I MWKUL B -I I! -fY - .6au.au; ?. W. AKHI. O. W. ARMS. ARMES DALLAM,; ir n 1 1 .importers and Jobbers of '" , 1 IWOOD'ASO WILLOW ware, I . . BRU8IIB3, TWINES, CORD AQfir c ' , r i ... And yiniilactareri of .'. . t California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, &c w 217 l8aormento Street, between Front and Davis, ban Franelsen. ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ooll:Smdaw. j FvTILLMANr . f . soli aott nt'OAuroakif roa1 ' TILTON & ' MoFARLAtrp'S rrire aV Ilurfflnr Proof Safes, .... c. sxEELrllSED VAULTS,-, Combination IjOCl. AJa-Osnstvit kand a ftnptnW(rt of -8AFE8. 7 31 sT iATTKIlir BTRHKT, i" .a.t.t Wl FVanclsoo. jyt-tm 'jt..A' Viiner it CounsellOrg at Xt Law, v,.n-i-. DAtsijKSi ORBQ0N. ) FUllUUlSiE .UliUS IlitlECT. feg . ' x he . fe&ar WALLA WALLA &, BdlSE LINE OF . . , CONCOItD STAGKS,' CAKRVINU THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS Well , Fargo & Jo.'s Express, ") now making lingular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cervlllo, (lioise Mines.) ' Througli in Two and a Half Days Cunnectluii with the Wnlluhi Line of Stages, and th Duals ul' the 0. S. N. Company. (lliO. F. THOMAS k tiO., .ap27-tf I'roprietor NOTICE. T1IE PiONEEU STAGE COMPANY Will carry' ; t - ' FAST FREIGHTS FROM TJ MATIllLA, AFTUll TIIK FIRST OF OCTJIIKR. AT TUB FOLLOW IXU UliDUUKD KATEs: To Holie City 19 Cents per pound "IilalioCUy 80 " " Owyliee ...ao. For le,s nmonnts thin one hundred pounds an addition of Five Ccuts per poaud will bo charged. . . TIMM FUOM UMATlLLAi To Kolset'lty, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Hays. TO Uwyiiee, 4 Days. JOSEPH PI.NKIIAM, Acent. Pmatllla, Oct. 1, 1866. o18:tf. And all fclndti of Machinery Manufactured at tha OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and fTU streets, . PORTLAND. A.. 0. QIBB8 CO .-. Successors to" , Portland, Dec. sth '64. do6tf X. U. Jam ft Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON , . . . AND '. 1 ' 1JILLIAUD ROOM,' F4 M. HUNT, Proprietor, ' CORNER OF Main and Court Street, ' ap2Hf ' . " 1 ''' " 1 ' ' Dalles, Oregon. FllEI. LIEBE, , GROCERY,'. PROVISION, ,,.','., AND -:. . - 1 FRUIT STORE; j Washington Street, opposite FtVnch 'oilman's. Dalles. Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIfiS & PROVISIONS, ' ITriosh Uiitter At Ejfiffs, , , Received daily A large lot of OHICKKNS always on hand.. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES very morning. All articles warruuted. ' .. Give Me . a Call, Everybody! PR1CKSI LOW. , anl8:tf ,' , . V. LIEBE. EMta.?llsned 1857. . J3R,0., . ...... I. , ' ... DEALERS IN ' . '- i ; 1 M ' CORNER or Alain and Union Street!, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN hih21-tf 'F.W.BALDWIN. WM, M0A8D8 WM MQABUS &CO. O ITY BAKERY, , morisioit store, ? Corner of First and B Streets. arVTIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD V w Vfiuu;ivi.na anu samuy uttuusililHO.. jr - v t MJOde(afrdlAadletanaisarefally illedandpromptl Idpatched. ' 1-tfy ECLPSE CHOP HOUSE, ' Main Street, corner of CoiirjU, I OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOH. would respect fillly Innirm the pdblio that he baa fitted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH In the bet style and at the shortest nolle. ' BALLS and PAKTIK9 furnished with suppers, In tha best stvle and on tlitf most reasonable terms. . OYSTERS In every style. Private Rooms for Ladles HOUH K OElCN" ALL NIGHT .lIUMYSOJV tfc ODELfj? ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW riLL PRACTICE IN THE. SUPREME AND CIR w w. ' callOoustsus" Oregon, aad th District Oonrta a r( asuingion AsrTiwrj. ) Particular attention tt .t I r it i i i paid to th oollecUoi of claims, i 0. UUMASOr'.Ow.. Mla,0n.AuN A.ODKU 1' At E i' C 11 & U I L .11 A ft , IMPOHTXHS AND WBOLKSALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, ' Miners' Goods,' Boat Stores, &C., rati amnvm Ti Tuna- ' ' .. aSMUYSB TO TUEIR N t W 9 I v n L BUILDING,'1""1 despatch coBNin or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. ' NOW IN 8T0RK A" LA ROE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcut of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQTJORSJ . fiBo, a lull assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. Coi.ntnntly rRcplving; our luppHes direct IVnm New York and Sun Frandsco, we nre able aud wilMnK to tell at a very amall advance on San Fnuiciuco prictM. Xliey hope by adopting a Htrictly orrct and prompt method ol doing bttaiuuBB, thoy will roceivd the patronage cf the pub He aelO-tf CO UMBI4 RIVER MINES. A.'!!,.- BOOTH,: WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OXXIRAL DSALSR IN MERCHANDISE ' AND ' f MINERS' S LP PLIES. FACE AND SADDLE A0S3E3 FOB SALI. FRBIQHTS CONSIONFD my oare for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceire prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. , ' : cc 2tf iEW FltUlT, GKOCERy AND ' ''' " , PROVISION STORE. '1UIB UNDERSIONED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and J. til public generally, that he ha Just established on Main streot, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist?1 ; , A NEW STORE!1 ' ; where he keeptonstantly on hand a large assortment o selected KRUiT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholce OKOVEKWa, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, afc All qf which will be old, wholesale and retail, at KK DUCKD PRICES. Come and se and satisfy yourself. ol3-tf . , JOHN 8P0S1T0. , B. R. HLb. A. J. KAN!. WUOLISALI AND 1CTAII DIAUU M Groceries, Dry Goods,' Liquors AORICTJLTUR Alt IMPLEMENTS. ,' ' .. 8 TOR AO E AND FORWARDING. : Goods consigned to ns will meet with proper attention leferencesfi j ,; ; roatiANB. . ; ,,,.., wia ' ,'(.'! , ' IT. W.Corbet, Robblns A Co., ;i, Richards A MoCracken, , n ' W.C. Moodji k Oou, ' II. I .aw, 0. Humason. i , Dmatllla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1883. i , -. i i : i ! i: V DRi DAVY'S iS'PECIFl'C , . COMPOUND , j '..! An Ixpeditious Cure for all disease of th j ' S.E XCAL OR 3- A. N S . THIS prompt and efllcatlons Remedy for the care' Ohonorroen, Oleet, Strictures, and Disease' of th Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cura without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business ; it will radically - cur any cas which oan ft produced. The disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted, if th 8PECIPI0 COMPOUND la taken when exposed, Its Ingredient srsentlrel f vegetable, aud no Injurlna enoct, either constitutionally or locally, can be taused bk itSUS, J-ljl ,(U, n- X-J I" ( Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed.lv ,.4i i, j ,; , HOST Krr Kit, S-MITII k DEAN. Agents, . I ' 'jy2t6m. . ...'Jul . i .... n-... . . ...ni. I I I ij v. hb v jtwr isnij nor vuj. . . . San Francisco.) , , ,D. D. STEPUEIVSOftI, , I I ' Uao i.ci.iiijv tii mo urriuB uri'ti sit Bloch, Miller k Co., whor h Is prepared to do all kinds of I' i ' flfNTAP WftUk41 In a skillful and weVi flnliliid manner. TgKTn Inserter from on to an entire, set, on Oold or Rubber Plata, . Price range for Rubber Plato,' from iK6 totMt toi Gold Plata, from $74 to $124. , , , , , ' : . -Persons having srorll does by m not proving sal-. Islactory will not bs reqnlfod to receive or par for till tarn. -.' J ' I. a , .t "''' r aulS-ti i . BOO ! BuO tC '3- ! sj buwiwiu ana miscemooa wuit&n, Lai NOVELS. MAOAZINRH. paphuT Ac, Ac. by evsry- Steamer. jPostino Bookstor, Main street. Dalles. r i; n i' I );U.l't WALDROX k 00. TIVS UNDHRSICkNKD.WILI. PUR0HA88 SECOND hand Furniture. Beds. rua.H.i i"-.,... o.. ' I Boise. AND IDAHO Exprcss'and Fast Freight Line. T ma i.tnk is now im rovprt-TK ntlNNTNa I JL order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, ami prepared to carry freight and aluaui PacRagea . . ,. , .. I.,...,,,,.... , j , I. -Bt.m,- The Line la Stocked with the Best Teamr the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace .Cn CONCORD .Which ensures Speed ami Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offennl to Idaho. W oiler -Bnpe-rlor inducements for Shipping Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Jdaha. as our arrangeinonts witli th Ocean Steamship Ctmpany and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Uoods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the utmal delays, but pass through , . East ' EreigHt. Goods shipped from Snn Francisco to our cur at' Port land, Charge will be paid u'ud Uoods sliippod to deatiua tlon. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. k CO., F. LINE, nnd Shipping Receipts sent to our Agent at Portland and Umatilla. , , Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collocred at Destination. M)ood( will bo forwarded with Dispatch to ow) hee and South Boise. PASSEN0EU8 CARRIED AT QRHATLY DEDUCED . RATKS. Famlllos will bo furnished with Superior Ac cnmuiodatione in New and Easy Riding Thorough Urac Wagons on th Must Ubernl Terms, We lay over acn night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rait. 'AGKJSTSl RICHARDS k McCltAKKN.. San Francisco KICIURDS k McCRAKKN Portland JOSUPH TBAL....... Dalle POWKLL CB v .. .Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON.... Le Grand B. M. DuRELL k CO.... Buis City B. M. DuRELL A CO.u............ Idaho City MAJOR SPKER...... Rocky Bar (South Boise) DvREbL k il00ilM KoA and oil vet ClthM , . B. BI. DuRELL Y CO., n25tf i - Propriatort. A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF Sis Fit AIV CISCO. ' ' BADGER &LINDENEERGER, Ao. 41 1, 413 and 419 Battery tttroct, 'i i .Cor. MaretisiBt, 8 an tTrauolsoo Importers and Wholesale Dealers. WE WOULtJ CALL ATTENTION if ounrry'Aof. chants to our usually large stuck of Oood. Our stock comprise every article In l -Clothing and Fur nishing Una. We have constantly on hand the largest and areattst varletv of Coasluiani ami w.j huiij any house In Ban Francisco, and our pri e for these ' Goods are less than thos of any hulse,. a sreacslr them direct from th manufacturer's AttnsiirnniMnt nn stock ofSnmmerandFallGoop is particularly attract- ' Ive, and the great feature to the oouutry merchaut la th .less Than tbt) Cost of JmperUtlottt We also'keep th STAPLE ARTICLES In th.Dry flood line, which Uoods w have purchased In this market uu. dr th hammer,. and ar oflorlug then at Navaloik Cost, and less. .... - tj ; , Wa publish this card la order that w way mAketisw . acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ns, fo call and rxaaiino, our stock, i jo -i Good Articles and Low Prices! Ar th greatest Inducements to all who purchase to II MUrni n Uiwhinl. I r ,.i . . " " m-t ..u V-J'UI I., wa UMKJI W, profit, and sell to their customer at a low BgurT. W (main, respectfully, . - in ' .. i - (J All; Your Obedient servant, , ' ' -' '' ' BADGER k irNDEVBRRdER?1' K, Wholesale Clothing and Isat WanAeitseAr ' No. All. 41 .1 and 11 A ..SZ.. Sam VmhmIim u n ,oa ' "t "' I' " 1 1 . Ill ll I '. MILLINERY ANP pRES3 MAIiIIStJI. MIBBO'UOUIIKB DESIRES TO INFORM ttis. Ladles of Dalle and vicinity, that she1 JSVW' fTfflTf W -n1. ! i ill! The latest Paris, New York and San Tranclsco stvle FLOWERS, o. A fuO and woll-elected assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. i:i"ii TAlso.a Fashionable assortment of '4 " .,..D R E 8 SvT aiMMIN GSit) . . 8TAMPINQ for Embroidery and BraJdfng. PINKINO done at shorl nntln.. nrt-JN rv ni-kTi V . In the latest style,.. A large asaortnient,or iX Children's Jteady-Marle Clothing , Constantly nn lianrf1 'lr.Hn.''.iA'.v. '!:, Ilrat GU Pre Makr. I am nrred I c.'ai Ladled and Children'. DRES8B8 and CLOAKS. W Clmh,!'1:,l,tli,,0,1 nu th,fMt!roU-, C."nrf V .4 oc'il:3nff ' Farioy Staple DrV 'Gbt&k, rii t!in4ra aJt Atfz.i bin Gentiem en?i"F tiVii t niii A V f Fire-proof Btone Btore, corner of MaTaV ud Ovirt mU oc4-tU Umatilla, ; AND IDj