rv pacts And fancies. ; . Tub house in Kint-inglon where Sir Isuuc Now ion died, in march, 1727, -is it-bout Lu be demolished. ' Lakoiewicz, who whs Diclalor of Forilund during the lust rebellion, is now in London. n 7.., i. ... r - 1 1 11 Jl tsiltwui wao jjvm u i. annul ntmi was the most Irish-looking man in Parliament. , Mr. Colfax, in his journey to Calis forniu, gatliercd some ltileresting coul facts. Prentice. . Tub will of tho late Mr. Justico llaliburlon (Sam Slick) has been prov ed in tho London Court. Tho fxn-son-al property was sworn under 6,000. ArtMUs Ward oayR, that as a Son of Temperance ho buliovos in temper once hotels though, as a general thing, they nell poorer liquors than tho other sort1 There were eighteen deaths by vios lonoe in Now .York city, during the month of if ovombor. Sovoral respeo tablo citizens were shot while riding in their carriages). , A younp girl . goncrally fosos her freshness by ininglinc with fashiona ble society, as a bright stream does by mingling wiih tho sea. A new French republican club hr.s been organized in Montreal, with the object of favoring iho annexation of Canada to tho United Slates. ' A barrieter, who was remarkablo for coming into Court with dirty hands, observed, " that he htftl been turning over Coke." " 1 should have thought you hud been turning over coale,"re marked a wag. A man apologized for not fully obeying the injunction to " vole early and often " by saying he voted "arly, but as bis nnmo was registered in only two wards, ho couldn't voto us olleu as he would like. A woman, who was undor cxamina tiofi as witness before a Western Po lice Court, was interrogated by the magistrate as to whether she was the wife of the respondent. She replied. " I suppose I am his wife' by brevet 1" An epedomic raging amongst cats in Sweden has laterly been engaging tue attention ot veterinary surgeons in that country. It has been foiwid to prooocd from trychyno worms, miro scopio beings which are often iound in law nesu. An eye witness folates the following incident: At a revival meeting in Illinois, an impulsivo Dutchman was present. In the progress ot the meot ing. Luichy's feelings became oven powering, and, rising and swinging bis. hat, be exoluimod, with unction "Ilurray for Shosus I lie ih de feller!'1 The effect was electrical, the Beriofls countenauocs giving wuy to merry nnoa ' ' ' ; TO LET, ' By the Night, Week or Month, "EXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINK HOUSE.' mitt . . - - ,. MRS. 81'UE0l.R. , hunimoiiM. In Hie Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the """'J n i, iospu, ruiutifl, v. Jot 11 ii-nucinwii, ieieiiuan.. iimuhiwvj, mtenaant: You are jm. nereoy uinmouoii aim ri'iiulreil to nppoar and an swer the complaint lu- tho above entitled action, which ..... ., wiulo ui me irK or wasco county, within tlx wo.ik Inun th first nublicntlon 01 ihu in ins, or if you fail to do ho, the plalnliU will take Judg ment aitaiuit you fur the rum of Klitht Hnndred Dollars, -iiu iioi-iua, i.,ivifioii iiuiii me 10111 uay o eeptenilier, A. II. lKOft. an I for the costs ami tllshur. amenta of thlsiui. tion. lly order 'f Hub. J. Q. Wilson, Ji.0 of the 6lh vuuieiai uifincb UATliS 4 II AFT, ,".....,. Attoruoysfor l'laintlff. Dated at Dalles City, Feb. 10, 18015. fvS3-w .. JVoHqc of Final Settlement.' TKTO-ICB O? FIMAt, PF.TTLEM BNT OF TIIB ES- k J. late 01 i . m. w. Umii, deceased, in ilie County .mi u, ,nuo :ounij if oRon, m rmii.' otlce I hereby ilvou. thtt J. N. Moud. i-imiiuir. r 11. nhoee, Sled lu tho County Court of Va,o county, at the February Term, 18116, his arcunuts lor, and prays a set tlement of said estate; It is therefore ordered that said minnoaTtnn oe nearn on Tuesday, the BtU n ly nf Marcli -.-. uun n.ue, in iiaues wuy, In said count Jnj tkat notice thereof be nubliaUed for four woclu i ihe Oii.l.ss MooTtr mxibe. O.K.DENNY... February oth, 18o. ' feO 4tr " ' County Judjo,, IVEW: .GOODS! HIIVINO JCST ARRIVED FHOM THE PAN FRAN clcco Market, we would invito the attention or-our frieuiU null the couuuuuity tit 1 u-ge, to bur wvlrelecied tuck uf '; Dry Goods, " Clollilng-, Boots & Shoes, &c, Inc.. Which ve are selling at tho most reasonable rate. Vie Hnnut mil imr kudos AT I'Om, but assure tlic comuin Ity that It iilea.es us to tail goods at teMALL I'KOt'lTS. (trUtl. 11. UKKUAJt a Ul). SELIiDG OVV AT COST! 31. Wnnscli, & Co., WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their nlueo nf business, at the Dalles, lu orilor to go the Minos. Their stuck embraces Ory boodN, Clothing, Boots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will bp sold at COST, for CASH only. rk"AII wh knuw themselves ludebtuil to our Arm nt tho Dalles will pleusu call ii'id settle us souu as piwuihlo. Those who have been U'Tomiiiixiated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ait. counts. Call autl sue us, all and everybody I unll-tf M. WUNSCII Si CO. URNITUEE ! , FURNITURE DIEKLAM Sc WENTZ. yj N I T (fl oi.ODK HOTIiL BUILDING, S2.tiis&ii iiousenoia urniture. 'V-:J!t embracing Tables, Chairs, Riirenus 'hfciSi Hods and lleilstenils. Heddinir, Carpets c, etc.. all ol' which will he sold at low rates, uritituie Itepaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand HattresKesaudrilluws. Spring Ueda made to urder. uul2 win. nnotviv warkesi m. i. OFFlCU-r-74 BECOND ETKKliT, between Wnslilngtou and Cuurt. ' Ofuce lloup.8 0tol2 .M.;2to4p 11; nnd 0 tolO, P. M MANTUA MA1CX3K. MUS. MATTIE HOr.nr.OOK would respectrnlly In form the l.ndies ol the Dalles nml vicinity, that he has opened a shop in connoctiuu with MImsU KourKe, 'here she is prepared to do all kinds of work with no.lt. ness and disimtch. llnvinit just arrived from tho Kast, she hopes to be auje to please all as to Form and Fashion Clonks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TllltHK DOORS West ot the Corner of Til I 111) and UNION Streets. nc21;m3 t TUB 1IIQUKST MARKET PRICK PAID IN CASH Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Sklna, ' rtv RICHAR-3 b McCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lst. oc4:llin TOYS! TOYS TOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Ilolldnvs, we recommend all dealers In that line to (lie DA.KET AND TOY KMPOII1UM of TIIUMAUMt ZUIN, 320 and S22 Battery Htreot, n28:3m Ban Francisco. A. SISKIICS OF Literary and Scientific Lectures IMIICU has been In contemplation for some time, I Is now olfored to the neoplo of the Dalles. The first Lecture of the Series will be given this iuvkiviivg- and one each Tuonday Evening thereafter, through the Berics or r.tght Lectures. Tlio pnweeits will be divided between the Couareieatlonal und Methodist Subbatb Schools. . Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission. Fifty cents. This lecture will be delivered by JUDGE W.'L. TIILL, In the MethiMlist Clinrch lecture will commence at 7 o'clock. Subject: UKNJUS OF THE WESTERN UK- 1'UIILIO Tho fullowlns ffontlemen are expected to deliver each one Lecturet Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Ju Ige Wilson, Dalles; Kov. nr. Atkinson, Jtev. Mr. Driver, " Hev.flr. Caffrey, " l'rof. Koland, " . Judge 11111, Cauyon City; J. A. Udell, Ksq, Jjev, l. uonujli, Sherlfl's Rule of Ileal I'ropei tj-. "3T VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued 6y the JJV Clerk ol tho County Court, In anil for uraut onn ty, State of Oregon, and to me directed, lu favor of E C. Uurdr, plaintiff, and against John S. Miller. F Ashton, L. IT. Ward,'.!. K. Sliakely. and A. C. Hall, de fendants, for thosuni of Three Hundred and Forty-iuvou and 04-100 ( 4-llMI) dollnrs. principal. In Uold Coin and Sevoutr-Bix and 80 100 (HO 8iVI0i dollars, costsuiul drsbursments w it Is Interest, accruing conts anj cosis oi execution, I hare levied upon and will sell at publlo auction before tlie Court lloU4e door, In Cinyoti City, ON SATURDAY, tho 24th day ofM AltCH, 18011. between the nountor 1 nun i ocioca, f.'U.. t tne niguesi m i der lor cash In hand, gold coin, all of the interest of Hi k-fendant lu and to the following described property, to wit: That certain rdect of real property known as tb Pioneer Hitch, commencing nt a point on Rip; Creek tlience running In southerly direction niiout eign miles, and intersoctlnir Klk Creek at a point near El flit, mid ditch lying and being in (hunt County, State of Uregon. n. r. ucillll, suerin. , lly 11. WniiTKH, Deputy. 1 ' Canyon City, January 81, 18(10. f23wl Mini ill our. . 3. F. Orlffln plaintiff, vs. Isaac JennlnR", defendant Action to recover money! In County Oourt of the State of Ori'iron, for Union Olmnty.( ' f im0 ISAAC JMNMNUS, Defendant: - In the namo of Jl the State of Oregon you are hereby uminuned and required tr omirnr nun answer l'lalutift" ooinplalnt now on nie'ln the Clerk. nltliHi In said Ouirt. after cr- vice hereof npon you by publication for si t weeks In the Wikklt MouiiTAixr.as. ns bv nnler nf said Courtv or Judgment for want thereof will be tnkon against yon, anil uuissi you- so apnotr una Aiiiwec sain ooniunin(, me Plaint ITwIll take Ja rnrnt aiialusT you for tlie sum or $360, together villi the rosti nml illnbursementa of this actio. ' Of order of J. P. Argerstngor. County Jndge of Uplo. County.. ... M. BAKE1V Atl'y lor . lalntlff.i tT. B. Rev. Stamp 1 . . , UALLLS (J ITY DKldi S'l OKI. iX' P. ORAIG, WHOLBSALI AND K1TAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, r . PATKKX MEDICINES, -c DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND rATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND. PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLE-ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, WiiahJugton Street, between Main and Second Stroets B)AL5J;S, OREGOiV. LKMON in able to supply parties In wnnt of Prncrt, nnd evi-ry otlior article eniiniurateii with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest niarkot rates. " stf IMysk'iain ami Merchants ftitenitinff to purcbaue fur the .Minos, will do well to give him a call. , TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great varloty, ' ' j ' ap.3:tf. M'aslilhKton St., between Main adn lrrond. AND iACinisia siioi?, FIHST STREET. bcten Yamhill and Morrison: ltesm Knelnei of from 4 to ) horso. .. . 'Vb A" m.,.1 w...i,......i.'. w.- KatVL.t.-vK'W i ...... f.. .fi.A'1; s t-i imtteru.) Wrought and Q$iA: Cast lion work for Ver- g(Q7lm'JS!S th-alSawand Grist milts; 'ta3 J"" Hiixss uud Iron Castings -jst. and WROUGHT IJIOIV UORK of oTery description. I anj also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills completo, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of.the mines as the weight of the entire machinery wl!l nut excoed 3, (100 pounds. Horse Fowora & il encultnrnl Imliloments manulaetured tnordor at ilie rory I.OW'ESl' CASH I'KICK N. II. l'articulor attention paid to HKFAIltS. fe2u-tf SELLING OFF AT COST! , My eutlrc stock of STOVES ANi TIM WARE,' ALSO, . TINMAN'S TOOLS. FDIIE WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever" article JL of which will bo sold at CO.ST, us I desire to close out business. Also, mm GRAND 1 ANO, in good order. Also, lor sale, the IIOUSK AND LOT, on fecoud St. cot. next to the corner uf Washington. The House Is iwo stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to ihe hotel business. Also a lot of HEDDINO, comprlsint about twenty-five Beds. The whole will bo closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on tne premises. auv:.m Aiiiir.ui E.iiiAije.n. Washington Wagon Road. rpilB UNDEHH1QNED WOULD TF0KM THE Traveling l'uldlc that the Washington Wagon Koad from Portland ami Vancouver to the upper uasrailea is well being kept In good traveling order tor wagons aud stork. E. C. HARDY, Dalles Jan. lltn loo. janllll Bole rropneior. Tf HEREBY WABN ALL PE1I80NS from contracllno; Jl or buying anything whatever Ironi F. M. rkUNTA, wherebv l will have been thought bv the uuldic resnon- Bible, as I am not, nor will hold mys If responsible for any or sunt Jr. m. tvumx s acts. h.jt. ilurt Ai. Biisanviiie, urunt uo., nov. e, leoo. MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. fTAVINQ NEWLY FITTED UP THE OALI.EHY over Jl wi Dennar toret would respectlully announce to all tbuse wislitug . t l'hotogrophs, Carts do Visltc, &c, that they will do well tonlve lior a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Lad.es and Clil'dron Pctures. ou21:tf. LINCOLN OUSE, . I Coy ner Washington and Front btreeta ruuiLAie, vssuvsi TlinST-nLASS UOTEL. LARGEST IN TI1E STATE B ' Oharires Hea.onable. ' AN OMN1UU. will attend all the Boats and cnnTev Pasonirers and tlielr liaa;ae to the House Vroe uf Charge, or to an. otlior Uouyie in the Ciry for 60 cenis. 8. COt'l'Ifl, 1'roiuietor, P. 8 II.TP AND COLD BATHS in the n.mse. " All the Stoa-ners for Oroiin City. Vancouver, Monti cello ana Astoria lana at tuo jjtneoiu House rv iiarL sep1:3iu , M. BROWN & BRO, , , . WH0LUAUI D BTAIl DEA1IB8 111 , ,, , ; . .' FANCY AND HTAPIjK , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0. - Mr. SL SHOWN, being a resident of San Francisco, w are enabled to oiler great indceiueuts to purchasers. respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock liefor purchasing elsowhore. . - ! ml6-tt $w- Stouo Store, north side Main street. Dallas, 'fc XXl. V. II. STEELE, ACTINQ ASSISTANT BUTtOEON, U. 8. A. . ii:ii'i vd ,i. ! ii'.t i! 1 ornoiat ' ii'.i' M t; r WAIp R , yTjj' BROS.'. ,DRTJO STORI? ri-tf power.tltlier l'ortablcor f7?a'.t" f-iryiSt: f-Xr- Stationary. Also. (JUL. i'fs COM l'l,ETU, constantly I faf lMfr onlmnd. Also, liny I'ros- rV ?,,? I DAILY MOUNTAINEER PCHVKR PBKS8 BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B " DALLES , OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Execnted with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMI'ARK FAVORABLY with the very best, and ' AT ETES A3 CHEAP AS IKE CHEAPEST to orper: r a v il a ft is I ff? I 1.175 r-iile a o mm m - - - CHECKS, VKAFTS, RECEIPTS, 0STEI1S AKD PK00UAMMES ' FOR 1 KEATRES 'CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS at'C. c, ttc, PttlTKD I.VIIE MOST AlTttACTIVS kIkklH. ALSO, WJLY-lllLLS, BILLS OF FAKE, . LEIli.R HEAPS. fihVEWTmOKS. BILLS LA DIH O, Rvicfs nnd FaE-ipl-lcts, riSlTlKQ, WEDDJKQ AKB "AT HOME" CAED3 Druggists' LabelM. n short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job 'rioting Office, from tho smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sie and most showy 1'ostiiig Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. . . OUR FACILITIES roH TIIB KXECVTIOK OF ' JECORATIVE PRINTING lu the moot beautiful Colors, Bhftilua aud Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From n rtnele Shi'et lo the Largest olamniotli. ORNAMENTAL M1QW VAHUS, l'llit LMEK.S iMlihlS. cTc Aic unsurpnBHed by those ot any other eHtahliBhuient in' Oregon. Wu dovote ppaclul attention to thin branch of th buBiiiCHS, und lire continually adding to our alrcatly exteu ve uud well uppoiuted iishortuieut or miacrliil, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tttC.t EC.( ICO., 4 16 most modem nnd elaborato designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, &.C.. Are of the Quest quality, and for richness of color And durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The uriucipls upun uhich busiuesri is asked for this es tablishment is, that purtions will cifult their own inter eBts, by awarding their custom to that othce in which their numey can be expended to the best adTautsgr. To this end we solicit all in waut of good Printing, at very reasonable charirvs. to call and examine snecinieus. aud fudge for yourselves. Orders from tho Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from thelnterh I may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS ' . In the State of Oregon ! Address: , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles. Orenon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLEBOUKOON. - THE TJNDEUSiaNTD, IIAVINO REMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gatom INow Hull til iitj, II ejf to Inform tlie pnhltc that they are prepared to aerr iheir custumera with the beat Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET A WfOllDS. ' ALSO, A . FreeLunch! Every day and evening. EMIL SCIICTZ, Proprietor, dccMf ... j IIa.xl "Vrootl Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS VE imi TO CALL ATTENTION of Carrlitfca MnJ. ufitcturor nml Dcalura to the LHrice und Com plute ft-rWitinciit of OAKhlAUK nuU WAUON MATKHIj ALS we are eunetn.it. y lecelvii.R from the Knst, ipediHly wilwted fur the Cjiiilomi inuiket. cuniprisln, Ouk, Ilickur hiiu Soconil (Jrowth Auhlank, Hickory Axle. ivngoti Pok'N, Hubs, Hpiiken, Felloes, lllun.BliaiU, Ac. Ac whiclMrP olTor'Ht the lowest CiibIi I'riccs, &jr t rilera udilretwed to our house will receive promp attention. . N. W, liltAUli ft CO., J el 5: Jui. 1 29 A 31 Hut t ory Street, bun Knuiciftco, and 17 ft 10 Hevunth Ft roe t Bucruniehto.' C. WATERnOUBR. ; IX. W. UHAQO ft Co., -. J. W. LtTKR Smi Franc irKO. , Sacramento. , New York V E W E AR SE! fg-UIfi OSDEIISIONKD 11K0STO IN.0IUMTHEC1T. JL laens of the Dulles snit vicinity that-lie hat received NKW UKAltS-, aiidwUlvK'. . i . " ' Atlend Funerals l" '". on short notice. Tills li the first, and at present, only Uearse in tliftcltjt. : ; . -j I i- m ;'. t. i '.. . . , .. it If.M. EVANS, tkMet, May 19,1865. ' ' ," . ' uiy:20.tf. ' i i , ' ; i i i !- ' ' 13 11. liJ W. MITCHELI I i ; jl i t . . f I i .! .. 'li i;s- l :h'l . -iA OrFici WALDRON'S BUILDINGh..ri J jtpmOaH-Oarnft of Tniril i4 'Washington VtreeU .Mil. lin.'.t