onntawccr; Money Market. Now York Cold Quotations ...... 138 San Francisco Lgnl Tender rates i,.v.(U Epitome or Telegraphic News. COMPILED mo TH OBEOONUH. DATKS TO J1AUCH 9, Wethinile; March 2. In the Semite, Mr. Ni'riii li introduced a petition from' the ottf-vi-Tj. ol the l'uoifio cquadrun, n t-k i ti an in vrfiise of pay,. Kpfrrred to naval comtnittf e. - Mr. Lane ottered a resolution instructing tliejudiu ary committee to inquire into and rriiirt on the polity of pasting a law calling n National G. invention la consider the amend ments to the Jouslilsnion, wkielt was ordered p inteu. The bill grunting lands in aid of tba con struction of a road Irmu Sprihgfii'ld, Mo., to the 1'iiciftu, paired. It endows the Atlantic and Paciflu Railroad Company with the lunc- , lions of a body corporate and pojitic. It authorizes U to cpusirttcl a railroad and eVe- . raph line from Springfield, Mo., vi Canadian river, at a point between '95 and 98 west, 'crossing the Uio Pecos near Aut invhleo, to the town of Albuquerque, on tllo Del' Norte, . theuce via Anita Krio or other suitable place, to the headwaters of the Colorado and Ch-i- quitO) tin nte aIoiik the 35lb parallel 'of lati tude to the XJolorado river, andt'ience by the' most practicable aud eliiibre roufeTo the Pa cific branch, from its junction With the Cantt "flian river and boundary line of Arkansas, near Van liuren. The authorized capital slock of the company consist of one million 'of shares of, one hundred dollars each. The bill grants ilio right of way through the pub tic lands, w uh the right to take stone, tim ber and earth from aiijtcenl la:ds lor iis'con Ftruutiou. J.vo hundred feet on each tide of the road is granted through the public do innin, including tle grounds necessary for stations and oiber buildings. An extinction of Indian titles as rapidly ns ,1 possible, shall Oe-etlected, as to a'll lands stall - ing under such grant, but not without the consent of the President. Con I and iron lands will be regirdt-d a mineral. No money shall be taken trom the "Government Pacific Hailroad. It requires the commfneement of its 'construction within two years, and ibe completion ot mot less than fifty ipiles each year, nn I the construction and equipment of ' the whole line by tho Bib of July, 188. It authorizes the Southern Pacific Railroad of Oalilornia to connect w ho the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad near the boundary of Cali- . foru'u. and authorizes the Northern Central Uiilroad of Nevada to construct a branch 'toad to connect with the Atlantic and Pacific, i ' ' The bill providing for tbe non-ndmisfion to their fouls of the Senators and Represen tatives from i ho Southern Slates until Con .gross shall declare Mich States entitled -to representation,' was taken up. Mr. Irwin " spoke against the proportion. ' The Senale then adjourned! A'eio l'ork, March I. Senate r Doolitllo ad ', dressed a meeting of R 'publicans at New ' . Haven last night, called fertile purpose of (Hstaintug tbe Pic.iidcnt and endorsing his policy. Mr. Doolittle called on Republicans to stand, by tbe President, and contended that . Johnson had carried out every requirement ' Df the Baltimore Platlorm. lis insisted .en the immediate admission of loyal members from Tennessee. He. opposed forcing negro fiitfrHge on the South, and said that General Orant recently assured him that It would re sult in a war of extermination. He opposed j: . .1... rt .:....!-.. i -. ! . -niuuiiuiuK me vuuBiiiiiviou in nny way, main luiningtiiat changing the basis of represeola lion is unnecessary. 1 Kaltmort March 1 At a meeting to mi tain the policy of Congress, great enthusiasm whs manifested. ' Senators Cro'swell aud Trumbull of Illinois, Nve of Nevada, and rep resentatives McKi-e, of Kentucky, F. Thomas rndJ. L. Thomas, of Maryland, and others, spoke, Senator Trumbull reviewed III re sent rpeecb of Secretary Seward in New York. New Tork, March 2 Steamer news. of tbr suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in Ireland creates great excitement in Fenian Trrcle.'. proclamations 'have been issued lo " ll circles to be-on tbe arert, und'O'Mabony's belief is (bat fighting has begun in Ireland. .. Fenian excitement in this city, over tbe news received by yesterday's steamer, is in creasing, and there is much activity at the headquarters of tbe brotherhood. Tbe Poit'i Washington -special dispatch says that the President has re-nominafed Oep, Asbotb as Minister to Venezuela. Applica tion for a new trial of Oonzales and Pellicer, convicted of the murder of Otero, wai to day granted In tba Supreme Court. Tbe Journl-af Commerce of New York men tions tbe arrival in that city of an interesting -family of Polish refuged from Russian bond age. They comprised the "father and mother of Colorfel Julian Allen, a merchant of New York ; also a brother and three sisters, it was slated that one ion, who was implicated 4n tbe revolution of 1861, Is -still in Siberia. A few weeks eloce Col. Allen addressed a note to President Johnson praying that although it was an unusual course and without a prece dent be would y a kind word to tbe Emperor Alexandria interfere In behalf of his exiled brother. following letter. It speaks well for the kind Le.irt of the President : Department of Stati, 'I Waihington, D. C, J-m. 10, 16J. J - To Julian Allen, Enq , New York :Sir. Your letter of the 30 U November last,. ad dressed lo the President, has been referred to this Department. I have to ii'form in reply that the United Slates Milliter at St. Peters burg has hi en requesio l to make an informal application to the Russ'iin Government with a view lo changing the exile ot Michael Mey erdnwn from Siberia lo tSis country. I am sir, your obedient servant. . V. HuNTKit, Acting Secretary. The nimher allude I to is a sister nnd Col. Allen a nephew of II. M. Eden, formerly of Sau Francisco, and nnwnwerchant of Panama, WALDUOHr UROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. 7"K NOW OCCOTY OUII NKW TWO STORY FIRE f proof Stune building;, opposite Much, Miller A Il0NTtNi Indians. Tlo citizens of Owybce held u meeting a short time since at Silver Bar und Kuby City, and passed a aeries of resolutions np pointing'threo raon to select twenty fivo ihrs lo go Indian bunting, and all thorn who could fit themselves out would receive a nominal sum for scalps that, they .may bring in." The prices offered for sculps are, $100 fori bucks; $oU lor every squaw scalp, ana $25 for everything in the shape of an Indian under ten years of ago. Each scalp Bhould have life curl of tho head, and the manolaitingtho coward was requirod to malto oalh that tlio scalp was taken by the company. Com and offer to the nnblio a full DrugB, Meuiciues and Chemioale, condoling iu part of KRIWSRNR. LAMP WICKS t CUIMNKYS XUHFKNTIXK. HOI'S. ALCOHOL, SAHR. . . aCllW. BI'ONOPS. L1NKKED, LKKCniJS, . WKO. COItKS. CATfR ANI l.NDIOO AND NKATSKOOT Oil,' 1.AM11LACK TRUSSES, SHOUIDEB BRACES. SUPPORTERS, ANO PATKNT MKDICINKS. Our atiick uV FANCY GOOIlS I of the finest and tout quality; new ittyleii oail tare ntsrtUKn4, nKh as I.UUI.VS rKarvKKiiv. iiaiii. LlHIN'STiJlLli'J.'SUAP, 1XKSII, rOMADBS. 8 II A VINO, COSMK't'ICS, I1AT, HAlKllHA CLOTH'S. COl)tiNE, TOOTH A KB FANCY SOAPS ANT M AIL HHUSTIES TUOTH roWDKIIS, ANU COMUS. v , FRANKUN-MARKET: T30KNIR Of SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS . DALLES, OR EG OK, ' . JOHN EPP1NGKR Proprietor mtlK CNDKHSIONED Ol IiatIiip- ntted up the above Market In the BK T BTYLK,wlll keep eouitaat- y ou hand all sort! of . Fi-cxti and Cured Mcns, 1 Of (be iert quality funilihed at the LOWEST ItATK. ' SlJ Hiotto U to PLKASK ALl." PARTIES HATINO 8UI'K.litOR STWIK FOR BALM will do mil to cull at tba franklin Market. JOUN ISPl'IMJKR. Dallua, February 19th, 1865. l ' MARKET' ontsmor "''' COURT AND BKCOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. ' WL WII4A. j fl.Slronatantlyi liand all the rarte. i oUAtl(ii tUat tltotuarkutcaa (oaably auoru, 01 r I Isaac F. Jfuen, ' Sao r'raucisc. iO. S. Miller, Dalles. Bloch, Miller &; Co, VHOLESALE GS- O O !E 15, S , AND DEALERS IN Wines &, Liquors, And Intportora and Jobbers of CLOTHING 1 Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing', Blankets, elc, etc., etc. . WK tUVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our bnarnAffti, under tbe entire anpervhlon of Mr. Miliar. We make retnrna In Hare In nix hourfl We gnnrnnti'e all onr Asuava anil pay the HIGH EST CASH l'lUCU for Dura. We alao pay the lllgheal uaan rrice lor uoid uust. DLOOd, MILLER 0)., myOtf Cor. Main and WaaliinKton atreeta. Dallea. AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HE CNDERS10NKD WILL SELL TnE REMAIN- der of their atnok at BAN Fit A NCI SCO COST, wllhout reserve. In 'orllnr to dloae out buslnpaa In this town. Our utoiik conalat of the following goods: All kinds of 'CLOTHING! 8CCU A8 GOATS, - PANTS,-' BOOTS $ SHOES, I1ATS $ CJPS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also, a fine lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARSI . TOBACO S PIPES, t YANKEE NOTIONS. The whole stock must be closed out in FORTY-FIVE DAYS, without fall. ATeT All pernios Indrbteit to tho Arm mint pay up within THIRTY DAYS.or lcal proceedings will be had. (13tf. AffllAHAMjON KOIILBUO. J. A. FORBES' ' FAMILY GROCERY, PRUIT AND Provision Store, COIWBR OF WASHINGTON SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of VllESH BUTTER, KUQS, and every rnriety of FAMILY GliOCEIlICS, NUTS, CANDIES, ftc, Wholesale and Retail, at Reduoed Prices FOR CASH. Alao, dealer In GRAIV, FLOVR AXD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No charges for Storage on Goods sold on Comml-Hon. PrueeeUs of Bales remit ed promptly. JnlOir o. d. imooKs, m. r. OBioaAi, Dn. OrtUuki Dr'us Store. ALLES, BBOrL . ' , MOTICE. : MR. SIQMUND ROHWADACHRR has, by tnutaul onnenL withdrawn from our Arm. - - " - T y PTJKE WINES AND LIQTJOUS, For Medicinal purposes. . Our rarllltiua tor buying fennus are soconu 10 none in tho State, and wo shall at U times sell at a Mmall ad 'Vtinte fi'oni coat. Ready salus and sinall prints. I'BYSICIANS' PRESCUIPT10XS Camftilly enmpouuded at all hours ot the day and altlit. Dallea.Si'pt.0. 18';6. selu-tf I S, E II O V A L . GATES Sc CHAPIN, WHOLESALE i RETAIL DEIJGGIST8,; llave lteniuved to RVDIO'S STONE BVILDIG, .WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. ' 'V'STnEHB we will continue to sell articles usually T V Kept In a rrrxt-Ulaiis Pi us; store, at w per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. Our stock consists in part ot Patent Medicines, P.nro Wlni'a and Brandy, Extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, Sponge,, Hair Brushes Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, Painta. Tiwth Powder, Varnishes, Alci.hol, ' . OMh, Hope, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, 4c, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give us a call and latlsly your- aulvea bef.iro purchasing elsewhere. H. L.CHAl'IN, nlDtf JUSTIN 0ATES. PHK8H & CUIIICD MKATH, and alwaya f tlia bi st quality. FAMILIES. HOTfLSi AND STEAMBOATS . suppilrd on reasonable terms. ' -. Tbe mrdcrakncq is alvrays urimared to liar the hlira- estcash price fur t'AT CATTLE. Parties having stuck I In good condition, are requested tn rail on him benip going elsewhere. JOHN MlCHIiLIlACil. Daiius, march Bist, iboo. nihsltr REMOVAL. J.G0ETZ, Dalles. P. KOKNIOSBER0ER. Fan Piaucisca. - T. GOSXZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS. 11.. i Have rnmioved to VEBY IMP OKI" A. NX . TO . ' Merchants, Families, Hotels nnd U Ali-ltOOJtlM. JULIUS KRAKMEIl HAViWI IIUUQTrr THE EN tire Stock of MeVchmidiae ami Book Accouma of tlie late Arm ol M. Seller A Co.. iu this city, to which hehaa added of hia own importation (whllo dilng buainusa iu I'ortlanU) an iiumeu.e ctuca ol the best ninnuiacturea Crockery,'. Glassware, ' . Plated U'are, J.ainps, ' ! : CbandelierH, Table Citlcrj Booking-Glasses and All Hinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-nitmtluiied articles, will do well to give niea call oetore purcimning eisewnero. Ordure from tlio Interior promptly uttended to, and goota'pac'ked to go secure. Don't loll to call on me. iiuuiosoiuua uuiiuiug, v aaninffinn sireet, iianes. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1805. mliMtf Orcson Steam Raiigaliou Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. ,' aw , mm'" n Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French t Oilman's, ind hav opened a well-assorted stock of HAVAN Aaud DUMET1C 8EOARS, -VIBSINIA and WESTERN TOIIACCQ. ' I'HKNCil nnd SCOTCH NDFP, ; MEEItSCUAUSI nnd otlier i'lfES. PLAYINO CARDS, BPORTlNQaOODS. INDIAN and KACY GOODS. c, 4e. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. . MRS. LEESEtt'8 t FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, " -AND ,r . Dress 91akins Establlslinient, Opposite Coku db Bohm'a, I WOULD CALL TUB TTKNTI0N of Vt Ladles si the Dalles to iny iar.a and flue stock at FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, HON NETS, II VTS, FEATIIE11S, Dress -Trimmings, JtoJ Having secured the aorvlces of MRS. KRARY, Iu the Dress Making ap irtmeiit, wc will doull work iu thai Hue and .guarantee pertect sarientcsiun. J)Y1U done iu all Culurs. Uive me an early cull and T will endeavor to suit everybody in 't'ASt'o! and at RKASUN A 11 LB PltlURS. Particular atteatloi paid to lt . Embroider and Braiding Stamping, NOTICE TO FARMERS UE DALLES LUMKR AND M A NU F ACTV11I N O 1 COMPANY has recently attached a lJLOTJlilNG MILL ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl further notice, Xlie Pae8en;or Tralu to connect with steamers TOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the It. R. DEl'OT DALLES CyY, on nenasyi, wcanuaati, ana f riaaya, ml 5 A, AI. TDK'STEAMERS "0NE0NTA"-er ifiiH0," CAPT. J. McNDLTY, , in reijiojM ia M t ofiueit, beMttredbe I iihj,'Feu7 otb,ni. - dlocu, killir C0. , ...Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Bnndavs excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. M..coniiectlu. by the QA8CADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or CASCADES," ClT. J. WOLF,'. Commander, fu Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 18. 18W.. fn!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. F . DEIIM, i Watchmaker And Jewcr. MAIN STRECT, DALIES, BKAXKR IN FINR WAIOHHfl. JKWRLroY, 'OT.CCK8, Gold Pens, Silver ana l'leted-W-e. . gpectaclee, Cutlery, Ac. 49Partloular attention paid to repairing fine' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by se warraniea ror twelve month. N. B. All orders from the uuner nouatrv. v Bxnreas or otherwise, promptly attended to. AUCTION ROOM! (0NK DOOR ABOVE THE P0ST-OFFICH.) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITE. I Will attend to sales of Real Estate. General Merchandise, Farnlture, And Stock!.. I REWLAR BALI DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAY!. Stock and 8dcuU Bales any dsy, -Sundays excepted. tylt I. A-O.l'AYNJ, AucUjneer. to their Steam Snsh and1 Door Factory. In this City, anal are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltiND WHEAT anal COHN. nnd warrant t i give the best satisfaction... Oa band constantly and for sale ' , XTHA FAMILY F-LOUR, ' ' ' ' i '' BiiCONDSOItMlUBI.lNOS, , , , , 1)11 AN AND SHORTS, ' ' ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FKEB. Also, a Snperlor article of CORN MEAL, from new ' Corn. .-.. .... i . I The hlahrst market pries paid for WIIEAT. CORN ' 4JAKLK. U. A. ltOUUE. Aaoid. Dalles, Nuv.i. 1868. ,., i itf.; AUCTION AND COMMISSION. , joiin; WILLIAMS. A.TJCTTOTSjTCTnFfj N Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles Cltj. WILL ATTTNT) TOTIIB BT.LLIN0 AT AUCTIOK ol Oenerai Slorchandlse, Real Estate, Droceri s. Horses, New and Second Hand Flirnlture, Stacks, Ac, Ac. Regular Sales Day Saturdays Out-door and Special Sals attended to in any part of the City. . ' ' Liberal Advances made on ConstgBmpntt . nl:3m, JOHN WILLIAMS. Auotloneer. J.. BRADFORD, aoil'UltTEIt AND JOBBER OF TTin-es &c Xiqubr, FRONT 8TREET, Portland, - . . Orcfrots. VFli ' VwU' BALI A VERf LAROg ASSORT Brandlet, t , Whies, - ' . Elinors, jase uooas, &C, sVc.t . Vc. O-Thc Tmrlals nartlcnlarlv InvlteA la at ck before purchasing elsewhere. Ine ma au-cr Administrator Notice. NOTTCH 18 HERBY OTTO THAT I TIAVR, OK this t h day of Febamua.ISMieen duryptnlnled admlnlstratnr ot the ettcU of K. O. Cosnw, docetoeri Therefore, all persona Indebted toaald rale are- noil, flei. to make ImmHlliite Mumml ...a it i . ing ohilms against said estate arc aotifleQita Breseat mem to me, at my omce. In Dal ea CityW aaco cvoaty, Oregon, within sis months bom luodata nereot Ihr Ftbrwy 9 J-. 186. AJnUoUlOkUc.