V - Money Market. New York fluid Quotations. V. Ban Frauclaco Legal Tender rates. .....I... ...13 Epitome QT Telegraphic News. fCOHPILKD MOM THK OaKDONIAIf . ', DATES TO FEURUART 23. ,New Yoi k, Feb 23. The original Repub lican element throughout the Stutea appear to side with Congress on the issue between that body and the President. 1 The resolution which passed the House, forbidding the admission of Southern mem bers, was taken up. Hr. Sherman opposed the consideration of the ques'ion, saying that it could not bo fairly discussed at the present time. Mr. Fesseuden said ho called up the motion because ho considered it of the greatest importance, il? acniel tuni there was any desire to get up a quarrel be tween the President and Congress,' If Con gress is placing itself inthe way of .recon struction by keeping out ,tue memoers irom the South, it oueht to know it.- Mr. Sher man, in renlv. thoueht thut tb.8 eveuta of yes'erday were too fresh in the memory of senators noi jo nave some inuueuve upuu, them, and he thought it Well to allow that influence to pass away. Mr. Fessenden took up the resolution, arguing that it was the dete. ruination ot uongroas not tcraci upon tho credeniiuls of . the Southern members until they had passed a law for the admis sion of the Southern States. Mr. Fesrenden road from the President's speoch a paragraph stating that the States had no right to go out of the Union, and he maintained ibo theory that when the States pav evidence f loyalty and pbedience, they should bo re stored according to the tenor of former re Jations Mr. FeasenSot! argued the right of Coneress to inquire whether any ot the con- j:.:.7. ma.l h tha' Pi-raiHnnt had hpfin complied with, and said the special commit tee was nothing more than a servant of Con gress and could not set up ahyauthoiity ncrainst that body which hal made it. On the subject of the bill vetoed by the Presi dent, ho said he had never been a warm irieud of tho bill, but he yielded bis objec tions because he thought the powers comer red bv it were constitutional and their exer else noccssary. He voted to sustain the bill wheu it was returned, because he objcoied to the closina portions of the veto .message, expressing tho opinion that Congress could not make a law to tax a State unrepresented. Mr. liamsay'a bill was introduced in the Sunate to-day to secure the construction of the Northern faciho itauroan ana tcierapn line, and authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury whenever the Comm'i-sioners of the Kailroad sha'l report tho completion of two hundred and fifty or more consecutive miles, to ulediio the credit of ihe Government to the Davment of iho interest on the stock at the rate of six per cent, per annum semi' annually, at the rate of $20,000 per mile. Senator Sherman has' the floor for Monday, and will sneak in favor of tho House concur rant resolution aHirminjf tho views of Con' gross concorning the admission of tho South ppn memheis. . . 'New York, Feb. 23. Tli'e follo'wlng'are Ad ditional remarks made by Mr. Seward at the OooDer Instituto last evening : Mr. Seward said Congress agonized over the question of reconstruction, not oecanse tne war naa not come out riffht, but: because: they have not individually had a hand in bringing it to a hariDV termination. I hone no serious dif ficulty, frum the conviction, thai thore nefer was and never enn be any successful process for restoring u-iiou and harmony among the States except the one with which the Presi dent has avowed, ho himself is eatisflod". , The President is in harmony with all the States' that ' were in ihe rebellion, and the Executive and Judicial Departments are re sumiug their function'." ' Loyal representa tives, more' or less from these states; ,afe now standing at the door of Congress, and have been standiug there for three months, fiskincr to be-admitted arf Slates,' which, against their earnest desire, are left unre ......... a . . a . .:i . Say what you will, the States are already organized In harmony with our amended Constitution, ana are in. earnest co-opera tion with the Federal Government. It is impossible to reduce a State to a ter ritorial condition, uongresa nas naa a re construction committee of fifteen members, . i . .1 .1,. ... i nn ! a f f lairiolAfinn for three months to enable thorn to submit a plan dittorent from that which is now on tne eve of a happy cODBummation; and what httve'thev civen us or proDosea f An aruena men t" to .the Constitution to compel the ex eluded Stntes'to equalize suffrage on penalty of abridgement of their representation. This was no' dan bf reconstruction but an ob struction. A conflict in opinion between the President and Congress io reference to the Freodmen's Bureau is in its consequence eomnarativelv nnimoortant. It would ex cite little interest if it stood alone; . Both fullv aiiree that this Bureau wag created for u''..-.t. ..rind hdwMs war and ihh the transition oeriod between war and peace and should cease at the end of that period, The President thinks that period nearly nassed. and-th original provision is sum cient, while Congress thinks; the original provision needs enlarging.,. 1 .r.., T'n'jrree with the President in the hope that the extraordinary provision is not nec essary. Ought the President be denounced in the house of his' enemies? Much more ought he bo denounced in ttre house of bis friend lor refusing in the absence or any necessity to occupy or retain the exercise of powers g-eater than ihoso which are exer cised by any imperial magistrate in tus world. Judge ye, I trast, this fault of de clining imperial power too rashly, tendered bya too confiding Congress, may oe torgiveo bya generous people. . ", . . , It will be a sad hour for the republic when the refusal of unnecessary powers and ' pat ronage by the Pre-ident shall be' held its trime. when it shall be so considered, tne time will have arrived for setting np at the White House an Imperial throne, surround ing the Executive with Imperial legions, i Isaac F. Blocii, Ban Francisco. C.B. MlU.tR, . . Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE - r- gro c m it;, s:, AND DEALERS IN ' ' V "Wines &i Liquors,; ej i ' " 1 ' . . I ; . .' And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING- ISoots & Shoes, Under Clothing, ' - . : Blankets etc.. etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. 1L-TV. HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION. wiih onr brislness. under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. Wo uinke returns i liars In six hours We iraarantea nil our Assays and pay the IUOIIKST CASH priok for Burs, we also pay me uigneai Cash Trice for Gold Dust. RLOCII. MILLER CJ., myetf Cor. Main and Washiugt'in streets, Dalles. FAMILY GROCERY. FRUIT AND Provision Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON A SECOND STREETS. ONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FKESU BUTTER, EUQS, and BTery variety of 1SAMILY GKOOEBIES, NUTS, CANDIES, $e , $e.,.. , Wholesale and Retail, at ReducoJ Prices FOR CASH. Also, dealer in GIIALV, FLOUR AXD FEEl, of all kinds, ond will do a . ... General Commission Business.- No charges for Storage on Coods sold on Commlwlon. Proceeds of Sales remit ed promptly. jnlOtf MRS. L1SK8 Kit's. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, '- : ' AND ' '. ,; Dress Ulaklns Kstabllsliment, Opposite Colin A Ilolim's, I WOULD CALL THE TTENTION of the Ladles o tho-Dallos to my lao and flno stock of FLOWERS, ENlC!?OID,RY, nOXNETS, IIVTS, FEATHERS, Dress 'Trimmings, ,&.o Havlnor secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In the Dress Making apartmeut, wc will do all work in that line and fcunrantoe perfect satisiaciion. l Yl.u done in all colors. - 'i . t ' ' (live me an earlr oall and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASCK and at K BASDN AJiiaJS PUICKa. rariiciuar auenuun paiu w . i Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTEUS AND DAIK1MEN ' shores, GRAIN, , ; . AND ' . FEED',! U' i OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY It. II. LAW, 25 Front Street, Portland, nI9:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. COLUMBIA. RIVER MINES I A. R. BOOTH.. BABBT itTISO!r. BOOTH Sc NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlulon Merchant AND DELERS IN GENBRAT MERCHANDISE, Wlilto IJ1mV; --W. T, SB-nBTniIT OR ROT.TILLM. UPPER COLUMBIA KOOTENAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly turwarded. ' . ' ' .. a , . Mark Uoodso. s k., wuiie uiuus, n. i, , ruhunoh: Potlsd Richards MoCraken, Allea Lewis, and ' Hodge A Calef. ' ; , , Dau.18 Bloch. Miller A Ca., French A Qllmaa. Ju7tf , ., ..r v. . -KOTICE. M ... .. Mt, BTOMUND BCHWABACnER hj, by mutual 11 U. consent, wimnrnwu iroui i.r . i illlM, Fb' 8tU, JSOtJ. JLOOUMItUff 00,A WAL&ROfli' BA6fJ . ? .. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles. Oregon. XTE NOW OCCUPY OCR NEW TWO 8TORYFIRE w proof Stone building, opposite Bloch, Miller Co.. and offer to the public full and eomplste stool of Drugs, Medicines and Chointrals, consisting iu part of KEROSENE.' ' '" ' LAST! WICKS A CUTMNEYS SUHPRNTINE, ,nurs, ' .,, ALCOHOL, r . . ... SAGE, ... ,,;.. ACIDS. , . , BPONORS.- LINSEED,'. ' . 1EKCIIE3,. , XAIID. . COHKH. CAS-TOR AND INDIOO AND N KATSFOOT Oil,." LAN PD LACK trusses, 'shoulder: braces; supporters. , . i . ' ";' I AND ; I . "(' -' - l PATENT MEDICINES. , v Our stock of FANCY GOODS is of the-flnest and best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as 1 ' JAJIUiN'8 I'KIIKUKKKY. 1IA1K, . ' .. LUBIN'8 TOILET SUAP,' FLESH, v POMADES '.. SHAVING, COSMETICS, ' IIAT.v., UAIll OILS, ' CLOTHES, .,, . COLOGNE, ' TOOTH ARB FANCY SOAPS AND ' NAIIMUWSItES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMU8. PURE WINES AND LIQUQHS, For Medicinal puriwses. . ' Our tarmtiuH Tor buying goods are seronn 10 nose in the Stnto, and ve shall ar all times sell at a small ao vume from cost . Ready sales and small protlts. - - rUISICIA!i8' rUKSCKIPTI0N8 , i Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlgM. Dulles, Kept, u, id, . solO-tt I t 12 31 O V j. Jst m GATES Ac CIIA3?IN, WHOLESALE A RETAli. , D E U.GGISTS, Ilav Removed to RVDIO'S STOKE IJIILOIXG, -i WABniNOTON STREET, DALLES.' ' ' WHERE ve will cnntlnnn to sell articles nsnally kept In a Firt-Chiss Drn 8tore. at 20 per cent. LKSS THAN ANY BTORK IN TUB CITY. Our stuck ounslsts In part of , Patent Medicines, fme Wlns and Brandy, ' x-xirncis, xii'.cy a voiiiiiiuu ovuy, Epniifies, Uulr Hruslies . Trusses, Braces, ' Corks, Acids, paints. Tooth fowuer, , Varnlsl'es, Alcohol, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, 4c, . PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call nd itvtlsfy y nr seWufl before purclxuring elsewhere. ' . , VERY ISIPOBTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and , 11AK-HOOMH. .... tlLlCS KRAEMER IIAVINO BOUGHT THE EN-. Lire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the Into firmol M. Seller A Co., In this city, to w hich he line added of his own importation (while doing liusmossia 'ortlanu) an Immense tluca 01 cue nosi manuiaciureu CrocUery," Glassware, "J rialedWare, Lamps, ' ' ' Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs aijd AllEifnds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to bay any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to giro me-a oall before purchasing elsewhere. - Orders from the intorior promptly attended to, and goods packed to no secure. Don't Inil to call on me. HUiUuS&lono liuuuiug, nasuinginn sirevt. unurs. . , . . . r, , , r JULIUS KUAEMER." ,DalleMaiMhJttlitl80. mhmf ' ' Oreson Steam Kavlgation Co. ' WINXER ARRANCEMENT. ON AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl Curthor uotke, ' - - - ' ' Xlke Passorigor Train to Connect with steamcs FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondavi, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 5 Ai M. AS i , ' ' i- ' '''" "OSEONTA" or, "ID All 0," CAPT. J. MoNDI.TY,, .....Commander, Will leavo DALLES, DAILY, (Sundnys-Weptedl at 1 o'clock, t. si., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer " . "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF ....Commander, foi Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles, Not. 13, 1866. nl2tf . Agent 0. S. N. Co. ' P . D E II 1M . Watchiiiakor and Jcu clcr. MAIN STREET, DALLES, TTVEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, J CLOC1TS, Oold Pens, Sliver aud Plated Ware, BDectacles. Cutlery, Ac. . -Particular attention paid to repairing line' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. ' N. II. All orders from the upper aountry, by Express or otherwise, promptly attended to. -' PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOM I ' (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE,) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITI ii . ,. I will attend to sales of Real Estate ' u. General Merchandise, tr. ; Furniture, . ,. And Stocks. REGULAR SALS DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special Bales any day, Sundays excepted. ' -ylta I. A- 0. l'AYNi, AucUeer. ' 'FRAinCLINi 1 ABKET. I ' P corner of second and Washington' streets? DALLES,. OREGON; - JOHN IDI? P1NG1IU Proprietor Jft -itaTlntr. fttted np the ( bore MnrRot lu the ItE-1 BTY.LE, will keep oonstant- ly on hunil all sorts ef , Fresh and Cored Meats, ; ; Of the best qnallty furnished at the COWEST BATH '' My motto Is to." PLEASE ALU" . ., , t PARTIES IIAVINO SVJPRltlOR STOCK FOR BALI Mill do well to call at the Franklin Market. , JOHN KVPlNOKRii Dalles, Fehmory 19th, 1865. ' ., ; UAS II I Mi TO IV MAIS. li T , OOKNn o . , , . . , COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MTCHELBACH, Proprietor. ' . WILL KEEP ' constantly on hand all the Tarle- i 4 - M.tles Uiut the market can possibly atford, of i i. , :,. . PKEB.II & CUHED MEATS, , and always of the bt st quality. , . ,f) ... FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ; supplied ou reasonable "ternw, ' Tbe nrtdorafuneq li alwftyti ttTfpared to pay the lilith" stouNh price for 'AT OATT1.K. Pnrtiea having ituck -I In ifcood condition, are reiiuuated to mil on lilni be tor ' AEMOVALV J.OOETZ. Dailes. V. KOKNIOSBERGER.1 ' , iai Fiuicisco. 1 1 . ' J. GOETZ Sc CO., I - TOBACCONISTS, j Have removed to . , Eudio's New Stone Buyding, Washlngion Stiwot, near French ft Oilman's, and liar opened a well-assorted etock of - , - . HAVXNAandCoMKsTICSEOARS. , ... VIBGINIAat.dWKSTEKNTOllACCO,.'' !' ' yUENCII and SCOTCH SNUFF, - : MKE11SCH AUM and other I'lrKS ' PLAY1NO CARDS, , , . . . v Bl'ORTINQ UOODS. i INDIAN and FA.0Y GOODS. Ac, Ae. ' ' ' ' t The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HOOT AAD SHOE STOitJLV . F". AV YCTCMA.JN. :'f,illV HAS REMOVED Hit BOOT AND SnOM STOKE to the bnllilfTig on Main street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where be baa jest rooetvoii, uirect from Ban rranciHco, anun. usually One and well selected stock of BOOTS AND silOES, of theery boat quality and latett tyl . EVER BROUCHTTOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGI.I9H HUNTING SHOH , munuueturen by uenKert, Also, a large assortment of Ladles'. and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, Just received from the host I'bll- n adelubia uiakera. AIbo, a very largo assortmeiu of . ' ' FINE DRESS BOOTS. '' l t!, !" sX9"Gciitlemen who prefur to have their Bixits or Shiier miulo to order, cau rely upon obtaining a neat alid tusy vv iu.- --'-' - g, n xivman , Aiain street. teie-u ; -1 . Opposite Moody's Hall.'' l' ' NOTICE TO FARMERSi' rxl aik DALLES LUMDKR AND MAjiuFACTL'iuNU , COMPANY has recently attached a .ij',- FLOUHIN GMILL to Ibelr Steam Sash and Door Factory. In this CIty.iaad!! : are now prepared to CHOP FKKD, UH1ND WHEAT and . CORN, and warrant ti give the beat mtisfaetioa., Oa j( hand constantly and for sala. .. . . - - ' . : i VXTKA FAMILY FLOUR, ' ' ' -" " ' '''.'ifj'ij ! i . BECONDSOIl SlIDDLINOg,.1 ' '," '.' ' :?, , i i ; BRAN AND SHOUTS, " J ' '" ,'.',', ,; '1 i CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FljED. j J .' , Also,, Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new . Corn. '' .' - Tim hlehest market trice paid for WHEAT, CORN a .. -t , BARl.KY. ; II. A. UOOUE, Agent.-, Dalles, Nor. 8. 18D8.'" ;' ,. n3tf,' t. ... AUCTION AND COMMISSION.?.'' .. -john Williams;,, ; ATJOTiON ETCR, Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles Cltj " . ? .t MTATILL ATTEND TO THE BELLI NO AT AUCTION: , a T ot Genoral Mercliamllso, Keal Estato. Grocer! s,. . . Horses, Now and Second Uand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac.r Regular Sales Day Saturdajr.'1 Out-duor and Special Balet attended to In any part ol T ttw City. " ' ,, . ... , Liberal Advances made on Consignments! V. ,in.m . I JftltM WTt.T.T AMR A .,.!..,,.." ' IMPORTER AND JOBBER OV Wines Ac Liquors, FRONT STREET,- Portland, ' '"' Oregan.-. OFF KRS FOR SALB A VERY LARGE ASSORT meat ol - . . '. - ' ' Brandies, ,;'- " " ',, , ,' V'"'r , Wines, :;' - ' ' , JLfqnors, ' , ' . Case Goods' &c, &c, &c. . ' nr Tha Trad Is particularly Invited to eiamlne my, stock before purchasing elsewhere. ;.t &u2-tf Administrator's Notice." ' ;' , OTICH IS HER BY GIVEN THAT I HAVBJ)N this oth day of February, I868,bisn duly aiitxiiiibeil administrator ot-the estate of E. G. Cowna, decease.).. .i Therefore, all persons Indebted to said estate are notn , fleu to make Immediate payment ; snd all persons hav. , log claims against said estate are notified to present,. them to mo. at tny office. In Dales City, Wasco county, ;, Oregon, within six mouths ftom the data hareof, for uay- t ment. . . H. A. HOGTJB, lebrnary 9 h, 1808. Administrator, ,