lailg lilouutarirccr. TUESDAY MORNING, FKB. 27, 1800. kbws ovTHit iNBnion.)jy DETAIL YV? havo-Monlana dates to the 27l1 of January; tbo papers from Virginia City having ' como through by Salt Lako City in thirty daf a. ' The Sun Hivor excitement turns out to-'bo-a1 "'steamboat." Tho weather camb oh very cold, while hundreds of prospebtors were "out with insufficient supplies, and it is feared that many lives have been lost. . A man named James Talbot was Fork of tho Missouri by thrco high ' way men. lie lost two hundred ounces of gold dust and $650 in greenbacks, but escaped without personal injry. This happoned on tho main road from Virginia City to Ilolona. Tho Idaho Statesman thinks the .Branch Mint will yot be located at I3oiso City. Tho Washington States man appears to think that Tho Empo rium will bo tho place. When States men differ who is to docido ? Tbo .Now- York & Owyheo Corns pany'a Mill, at Owyhoo, commenooil crushing rock on the 7th of February. Tho Walla "Walla Statesman of Feb. ruary XOih contains the following: Mr.. Henry LaFlour, a resident of Col villo, and just down from tho mines, has exhibitod sonti very fine speci mens of coarBo gold, taken out of his claim on French Creek, about twenty miles from the Columbia River, above Death Rapids. Mr. L. worked five men. with one sluice, and here is tho yield per day, as noted down: Oct. 5, 1865, $55 7, $295 ; 10, 83C3 j 11, $170; 13, $140 ; 14, $127 J 15, $388 ; 16, $513; 17, $714; 18, SG80;. 19, $109i ; 21, $1,. 105; 22.S930; 23,22.8; 25, $4171; 26, $182; 28, $2671; 29, $255; 31, $215. This gold ho estimated at $17 per oz.; but ho informs us that the gold in 'this market is worth $18. , . -Tho Idaho Statesman says that a new trail will bo laid out in tho spring from. Boise City to Helena, by Fort Lemhi, on Salmon River.' r-Tb..Q.. ia tanco is said to be two hundred and filly miles. This must bo tho " air line" heretofore spoken of, as the par lies who may try togoover.thoground " early in tho spring ".will find that thesnow will., rango-from. throe rto twenty feet from tho head of the East Fork of the Pa'yotte to near Lemhi. . Tho hostile demonstrations of tho Snake Indians in Southern Idubsj is tho most important piece of informa tion wo hava from tho interior. They havo, for several weeks past been ac tively engrged in depredating on way-farors and wagon. trains. Capt. White, First Oregon Cavalry, station od at Camp Lyon, went qut after the Indians who had bcon in the neigh borhood of Ruby City, and bad a ekir. Taish with them, in which ho lost one man killed. Somo fears are enter tained' for the safety of Camp Lyon Forty mounted mon from Fort Boise bavo gono,to tho assistance of Capt. White, and the troops in the - Harney Lako country will move in that diroction as soon as it is pracli cablo to march. A company of citi zen, voluntoors is forming at Owyhoo, tp, number one bundrod. On Snake ' River, the Indians havo driven off the cattle of Henry G. Miller, who resides outBurnt. River, i The robbers were pursued without being ovorh The present season will probably y wit- doss the total repression of savage warfare in the vicinity of the mines on the waters of Snake River, and the late outbreak' Will only hasten that event, by rouBing citizens and military to onorgotic action. ' ' , 1 .; Tho road from the mouth of Muscle Sholl River, the head of navigation on the Missouri River, to Helena, funs through a fine farming country for the greater part of its length, which is about two hundred and ' ts'enty-fivo rniles. ' " "". '.'..'.''" Boise Valley is clear of snow and farmors wore about to commenco breaking ground on the 15lh of Feb ruary. v A Mrs. Reed, living at Jefferson Gulch, Blackfoot mines, was frozen to duath in January. She wandered away from homo in a condition of drunkenness, and was found five days afterwards. Her husband, in the meantime, had been arrested on sus picion of murdoring her. Tho diggings found last fall between Big and Littlo Blackfoot, fifty miles from Hellgate Rondo, are turning out to bo rich nnd extensive. On Elk Creek, some twenty gulches (small creeks) bavo proven to bo rich, and claims aro already soiling weil up in tho thousands. A Proclamation 1ms been issued by Acting Governor T. F. Meughor, ol Montana, calling an olection for mem bers of a convention to meet at Ban ijack City on the 26th of March. Tho election was to be held on tbo 24lh of February. The purpose ap pears to be to mako a Slato out of Montana on short notico. TUB MONTANA T1IADE. We have files ot Montana papers to tho 27th of January, At liluckfoot City, wo learn by letter, flour was re tailing at $35 for States, Walla Wall and Oregon brands. There were sov eral partios buying in quantities at $32 on speculation. . , ' ' . , ' At Ilelona prices are about tho same as those of Virginia City. , Tobacco bad declined in all the principal mining camps. A slight de cline in provisions, and supplies in pen eral, is noted, as in our reprint of Vir ginia prices current, which is attrib utable to the fact that Bales are-gens orally limited to lmmodialo demand for consumption. The ruling rates, however, are higher than last year at the sanve time. Tho fo'lovriug are the Virginia City qnota- tntions (retail prices, twenty percent added): J) i.ocn. St. Liouis, $1 sacic, j state j, S24(A27 i Salt Lake, $2425. Bacon. Heavy sides, ID, 55c; Medium 50c. ..---. Hams Prime canvassedT9 lb,G5o. : Country, 65e.G0c. ,' ' Laud small cans, tiuo.j Large cans sac (u) 60c. ! Camdlrs. W trie's Cincinnati M lb. 62c; utntr Diantia, ooc. Sugar. New Orleans fi lb, 65c; Clarified 55c; Powdered, 67Jc; Crushed, 67Jc; Re Sued, 67io. . , Uofkkk. 'Java, none; Kio -cnolce ') ID 95 : Drdinarr. 00. TEAS Imperial j) ID, 3(a$3 !S5 ; loung Ilvsnu, 'i 60(n),3 75; Japanese in papers, $3. Sybops. Beeclior's O. S., St. Louis, 10 (tal. keg, $57 j S. II. M., y 10 gal. keg. $50 $55 ; Sorghum, $1 f0 gal. Todaooo. Lewis' JUd. t'. IDi i0 1 ur dinary, $33 60, Bkass. Navy lb, 40o Soap Palm. B()c.(nl65c: Castile. $1 75 Oil. Hoalgal.,$5 000j Linseed, 4 50 (t)85 00. . , Nails: HI 1001b keir. $40. Boda. Babbit's In 1 lb papers, 60c; In bulk. 50c. Pbppir, Grain lb, $2 50; Ground 20 lb box, $20. Liquors. Champagne j) basket, Heidslcb, fnts. $60: Bparklinff Catawba, $40(m$42 60 Claret case, $2426; Whisky, Bourbon,). gal., $10 80(n)ia; Kye, iu(a)?na ; uranay Imported, X18M20; Domestic, i2Mio : uio uouestlc, $ii. . r-. - NOTHEa steamboat is to be built for the navigation of Clark's Fork, above 'the Cabinet Dalles. Messrs. Ilogue and Abrams, of this city, ate interested : in the enterprise, jj The boat will bo a duplicate of the one now building at Pen d'Oreille Lako. ; Dan SHowALTER.formprlj a member of the California Legislature and a noted duelist was lately killed at Maz atlun, Mexico. " " " ' . .WM-a, Fargo & Co.'s Express from above,' on Sunday, , brought down about $100,000 in treasure, - -Gen. Howaud claims that tho Freed men's Bureau, on tho basis of ila ori ginal establishment, is entitled to run a j'ear longer.1 ' ' Secretary Seward refuses to ro coive tho late rebel cru'iBer Shenando ah, from tho British. , Henry Winter Davis is dead. DENTAL NOTICE. Drlng about to make n professional tour to tho towns and settlements lip the Columbla, f respectfully cnll tlie nttoutlon or those of my patrons who are in need of Dental Operations of any cluir actor, to the fact, so that they nny have an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, if so desired. I will leave about the 20th or March, and return to this place to rosuroe my practice, about the 18th of June. f27tf J, W. GUKLLY. Wiiloo Lodge, No. 19, F. A. it, A. 91. Holds its stated Communications on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their hull, in Dalles City, llrotliron in good standing are invited to attend. Setb L. Popi, Sec'y. .' By order of the W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. O, I. O. O. V.-- Moets every Friday evening at 6 o'clock, 111 Gates Hall, comer of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invltad.toattond. By order., N.O. AUCTION SALE. 1 will sell THIS DAY, At 10 O'clock In llio Forenoon, T MY STOKE, No. 100 MAIN FTHELT. nt PDr) . I.IO AUCTION', at lEirue nuauitinout of 1IUUSK- UULD KUMMTUltl!, consiKtl uk of Two elegant Bnusols Carpots, One Sot of HobowooJ Parlor Furniture, Two Elegant Lounges, . ; . Bu'roaus, Bcduteads, Tables, Stands', Puln, Straw and Spring Matlrcaeoa, ; Crockery, Qlaaa, Plated Warn, Cutlery, Chain, Sofas, Vasei, 4o., Ac, ' "" 'a Also, an Invoice of Clotlilnfj, Tobacco, !&b. f27t2 JOHN WILLIAMS, AUCT. AUCTION SALE , I V i . w s I OP ; - ' XI E A. L . E S X A. T E . . ' ' ' ' ' 1 will soil vn ' - ' ' ' Saturday, March 3d, at 3 p. ill., TWO HOUSES AND LOTS. ; Sltnateit on F0OKTII STItEKT, Wort of tho Calhillo Clinicli; one enntiiinitiir TWO and the other H1KEK UOOMS. B.e of Lots, MxlOU. . ' " ALSO, On the Saturday Following, ONE HQUSE AND LOT,' Sltunted on TIIIKD STRKKT, conta'HlnK THREE HOOMS. Or 1 will sell nny of the above dfverllii'd pro perty at privato sale. Parties wishing to ptirclmeo can apply to inn. t. A. u. 1'Alisls, Aurt. NOTICE. GRAjND CL0SOG 01T SALE, AT I'liblic A-iiction, on' ;. ' '' Thursilaj', Feb. 15th, at 10 a. m., And on each snccoedlnjr Any until the entire stock Is dls- pssed of All tho splendid goods rcinuluiuf In uiy storo, con.isiingoi Watches, ... . Diamonds, . . Jewelry, , Clocks. Tinted Ware, Lamps, Cutlery, lMKto.1V- ' - Field Glasses,' Fancy Goods. Gold Scales, etc I hnvo disposed of my iron safe, show cases and store fixtures to Mr. Douglas and as 1 have to Rive him posses sion of the store at an early day, this will be the last op Dortiraity that the public will hare to nurchnse theso goods at anctlon prices. Thankful to the generons pub- llo that have so liberally patronized me heretofore, I re spectfully invito them to bo present at this my closing; ale. tv.M.iiiitniJAU.M. HOtC I - . . ; - . Main Street, Dalles. i - 1 ' .... c. zi. imooKs, i. x. OiUce At Dr. Crala' Xrua Btaure, , " ,,.7 DALLES, OREGON ,.t.. y.i'.l AUCTION - rAND CMIMISSICN HOUSE! '. No. 100 Mil's STREET, DALLES. TIIK UNDRIISIONED "tllAKKFUI. KOK PAST Ftivurff, reepretfully liifotma tlip of tli IHllf. D(1 tbe iiublit generally, tlmt be continue to sell at . : 3 . . ' , 1 V i ' PUBLIC AUCTION OR puivate salk, Real FNtato, , ; Uencral Mcrchaudlse, Uioccrlcei, - r HorNeN, . MuleN. Furnltur?, ,'):. , , j, v- MOCliN, &.C. Si.t4 ... REOCLAR BALK DAV3, Tuesdays and Saturdays. 'ash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RKTUItN mude of sales. Out door and SdccIuI Sales attended to In anv Dart ot tho city. Tariff cf Charges Until Further Notice ; For Selling Merchandise, Groceries, Furniture. . biocks. sc. 4t ; o per teur. or Selling Htiies and lie) Kxtute 8 Horses, Mules, vtoik Lame, encn $2 . KO C1IAROK FOR STOUAOE. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. 33 a in sireei, uanes, WUOLESALI AX9 BITAIL SCAUR IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, . r 1 1 e s , &.o. ALWAYS ITI BTOEI TBI BUT BRANDS Of igars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. ILAYINO CARD9, JL POCKKT CUTLERY, . !. PORT MON1KS, COM RS and II RUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, . CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOY8. DOLLS, etc. ' . KI8II HOOKS and FTSniNG TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, r . FANCY GOODS. 4c. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many ether articles too numerous to mention. ,. Interior dealers supplied with Ciftflrs, Tobacco. etc at less than Portland prices, with freiitht added. oo-8 A. SEUI1CS OF Literary and Scientific Lectures 'VVriUCII linn boon in contemplation for some time, if is new (tiTered to tlie vviut of the Dulles. The flrut Lecture of the tiurlce will be Riven TUESDAY.FEU. aotli, and one each Tucsdnjr Evening thereafter, throoirh tlia Series of Kilit Lootures. .The proceeds will be dlvhied between the Congregational and Uelhodibt Sabbath Schools. 1 - . - Tickets for the Course : : ONE E0LLAE. SInitle Admivslon. Fifty cents. This lecture will be delivered by TtKV. MR. DR1VKR, In tho Congregational Church lecture will commence t 7 o'clock. Mil! eft: WU.UAiMi-UKli. rOBUION. OWKll AND INFLUENCE. The following geutlemen aro expected to deliver each ono Lecture: j. ) Ttev. Dr. Benson, Portland Ju'pe Wilson, Dalles; ltev. Mr. Driver, ' Prof. Kolmid,' " J'. A. Udell, Ksq., ller.T.L'ond "' itev. nr. amnion, Rev. MrA'ailiey, Judge llill, Cunj Cunyon City; H A. "R E v AND ' LAST CIIAIVCE! jB WILL SELL TUB BALANCB OJ OUR STOCK BELOW COST, As we positively will close business on the First of lar.cli. All those Indebted to the firm had better CALL sad' PAY, otherwise their accounts will be left with rroiier officers. rimn coiin iiohm. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIS1, Malu St., Uallea, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFOflM the citizens of this rlaco and vi cinity, tliat having rotnrned from a pro- 1 lessional Tour llirouicli the niii"w. he has ' again resumed the practice of JKNTISTP.Y, In the room formerly occupied by nim. In tlie uulidlng occupied by Wood 4 Duller, Plrttoirraph Artists, nnd adjoining Wal ' Hron Uroe.' Drug Store, lie takes this method of ex tending thanks, lor the liberal patronage nerctotore ex, tended to biui, and solicits a continuance of tho same. LIST Or PRIL'KB. Entire Denture oj Quid Base $180 to t-2i Upper DeiTtnre, Gold Base. ., 90 " 120 " "Denture. Vulcanite Base 70 " VJA " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 36 u Oold Fillings ineortcd from one dollar upward, Childrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. s13-tf . . NEW SALOON. NEW STONB STOTtE, WASHINGTON STRKKT., THE UNDEHSIONED would respectfully announce that he will open a ftretcla Saloon In J'reoch A, Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, and w prepared to serve cuitomers 1th tlie best of Wines, liauors and Clears.- ALSO A ' ' ' ' EBtQE LUNCH ' Every day aud Evenlnf. .riivt ' -xt'HS 1 1 9. ocZStf. ., JOBS RINOI.AVB.