03 -v . ... . v ' -. - A -' ' ' . In VOL. V. j LLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY r. 1SOO. NO. O. , rs iruntEtneer, PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING, (HONDAYI IXOKPTID,) BY' JE. G.WXE & J. IIALLORAX, KDIT0H8 AND PROPHISTORd t'mwra "Twtntjf-fttxcenU per week, payable to the carrier per muiiili, by mail. $1; three months, ('2 60; six month, t6; oat year, $8. Advertisements inserted at low rates. ' , Job Printing. Every description of ptalu anil fancy Job Printing exe rted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded u per order to any part of thecouutry. Payment Jor Job Print inn mint 60 emu's on delivery oj work UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. UAKDLEY &SIALOTT I'rop'rs. THIS POPULAR UOUSI, CTNTBAUT LOCATKD, Near the Steamboat landing & Eailroad Depot, It w been reoautly eularged and improved, aud will now -a .-commodate 300 GUESTS. IT WILL Bit CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HO'JiK, and the patronage of tho traveling public Is respectfully eellclte I. Jff Baggage takeu to the House free ef charge. Itoase open all flight. . ' LARGE FIRE-PROOf SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Diltes.Oot.4-tf. . EMPIRE HOTEL, XllX HTUXKT, DM.LI9, OEEOOK, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS HIS GIXTRI or BUiUXESS, Near the Steamboat and Eailroad Landings -Superior Accommodations for Fiiuilllo! and can Ac eoiumodate Oue Hundred and Fifty Guests. Heals.... 60 est. Lodging....- 60 eta. Tiro Proof Safe for deposits of valuables. House open all night. Baggage takes te the TIousi free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, tuuS-tf Proprietor. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FRESH STOCK! DUSEIYBERY & I1ROS., Dallea and Walla Walla, DSAURI IK Staple and Fancy Dry .Goods Miners' Outfits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And t full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying aiir Goods exclusively In, the San Francisco market, and makinir none bnt cash Durchases. we are enabled to se I 30 per cent, cheaper than any other Ilonae at the Dalle inl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. 119 W TO MONEY! CALL AT Till KIW . Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Wuhlngton ana1 Secead Streets. THB UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TUB people of tho Dal lea, nnd tho public generally, that tin una a targe una wu eeieciea siock oi FAMILY GROCERIES, ' CANDIES, NUTS, to., "Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced Price for VA8H. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FRESH BUTTER and KQIIS. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VEGETABLES la their season l'orsoiis from up the country, wishing quantities of figgs and fruit, uy sending in teeir oraers, win receive the strictest attention, and have them filled at the Lowest Market Prieei. JH-'' J U- L. JEWELL. . DALLAOJ. 0. W. All If IS. B. W. AMIS, ARMES & DALLAM, importers ana joouer 01 wood, and willow ware, . BRUSHES, TWINES, CORD AOS, AO. ' ' And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, die. . '217 A 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Darls. Ban Fronoisco. ocll:3tndw. TILLMAN, SOLS AOIXT IX OALirOUMIA FOB TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination Lock. J-0nUntly hand a full assortment or SAFKS. 31 S BATTUUY 8TRK.KT, jyMrn 1 . - San Francisco. t. n. OATrt. I. I. BAFT. r GATES 4c IIATTX, .Attorneys fc Counsellors a.t Iavr, A "OREGON. - roil 1IOISE MIXES DIRECT. H3. .THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, - CAllllYISM THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS . ANB Wells, Fargo & Co.'sTExpress, la now making Regular Trias front Walla Walla to PI cerville, (IJoise Mines.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, oad th Duals ui the t). B. .Oeuipany. UJi. jr. 'iuujiAa a uu.t ap27-tf Proprietor Notice . the pioneer stage company Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FttOM X7 3V. TILL , AFTKH THK FIH9T OV OCTODKIt, ATTHK tOLLOW- INti KUDUCKD ltATKb: To Rolse Cliy. .'.,....19 Cent per pound Idaho City.." 0 . Owyhee HO For lew amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of KivaCeuts per poaud will he charged. rVIMK FHOH UMATlLLAi To Boise City 3 Days. To Idaho city li Days. TO Owyliee, ...-4 Day. JOSEPH l'lMHHAil, Acent, Pllltttllla, Oct. 1.1865. r ocl8:tf. aUAUTZ MIJLLS! And all kinds of illaclilnery - - Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS COUN (ill OF UOltlllSON and ITU streets, PORTLAND. A.. 0. (HUBS k CO., Successors to Portland, Dec. 6th 'M. deOtf B. L. Jonsj A Co. mountThood saloon . AND BILLIARD ROOM, F. 51. HINT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Mala and Court Street,, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregou. FRED. LIEDK, v GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large and Well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh. Ruttor &. Efjrtfs, Received daily. A,Iarge lot of CHICKRNS always on stand. FRUITS of all kinds. FKKS1I VKQKTABLKS every atemlng. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody! Iprxcks LOW. au!8:tf " F. LTKBg. EMtabllsued It57. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF , Alain and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN nihil-tf F. W. BALDWIN. WK. MOABOII. 0.1. lOBGlV WM. MOABUS &CO., CITY BAKERY, AMD PROVISION STORE, Corner of First afnf B Streets. WnOLF.8ALK AND RETAIL DBKLEIIS Im BREAD, CK ACKERS and Family GROCERIES. f0rUers from a distaacaoarelully tilled and promptl Ispatched. 1-tfy ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, THB PIONEER COOK, wonld respect rnlly inform the nbllo that he has fitted np the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MKAJ.S and LUNCH In the host style and at the shortest notice. HALLS aid PARTIES furnished w th suppers, in the best style and on the mast reasonable terms, OYSTERS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOCdK OPKN ALU NIGHT 1IIL.EA.SON & ODi3Ll ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTIOS IN THB SUPREME AND OIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. 1 Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0.UUMAS0N . .Dalles, Ogn. 1, A.ODKLl IHPOKTIBS kVt WB0LISALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, - ' . avi autena to tana , : NEW STONE BUILDING, coRNiaor Second and Washington Streets, . DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a rati assortment -ef GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS. 4V Constantly receiving onr tap pi let direct from New Yurk and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell et very small advuuce on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting; a strictly correct anil prompt method ol doing business, they will receive th patronage cf the pub lic. selO-lf CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. It. BOOTH, , WUITB BLDfFS, W. . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AMD 0MEEAL DIALUt I!t ' MERCHANDISE AMD . MINERS' SUPPLIES. PACE AND SADDLE H0E3EI loE SA -K. PRKIQHTS CJN3I0NFD to my care for Col y lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Miues, will re ceive prompt attention. White Uluns, Oct. 1st, 1864 oc flf ILV FitUIT, UUOCEUY AND PROVISION STORE. . riMIB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIEND8 and X the public gonorally, that be has Just established ou Main street, next deer to J . Juk-or, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE1 lere lie beeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcliolce OUOCHUiaS, PKOrjSJOA'S, VEGETABLES, All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at HE DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. . seia-tf JOHN SPOSITO. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and effleatlons Remedy for the enre Ohonorrosa, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs.makea a speedy enre without the least restriction to diet, exposare or change in application business; it will radically cure any case which can be produced. Trie disease It removes as speedily as Is con eistent wltli the production or a thorough and permanent cure. Farther, the disease canuot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken when exposed, Its Ingredient are entirely vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either eonstitatloaally or locally, eaa be caused sy Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cent per bottle. Sent by jhyra. varoiiii, j pacaea. jy22-8m UOSTETTElt. SMITH k DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, San Francisco. B. H. BILL. .A. 1, KAMI. HILL fc KANE, WHOLUALI AND srail emits m . Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors 1KB AGRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS.' STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Goods consigned to us win meet with proper attentloa References rOtTtAND. DAUBS. ' H. W. Corbet, Bobbins k Co., Richards k AicCrackea, W. 0. Moody k Co, H. Law, 0. Humason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1903. D. D. STEPIIENSON TJEINTTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PPO site Bloch, Miller k Co., where he is prepared to do all kinds or DENTAL WORK. In a skillful and well flnishtd manner. TEETH Inssrtec from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubbor Plate. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from t2i to US : lot Gold Plato, from $78 to $fJ5. ' sT Persons having Work done by me not proving sat. Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for th et.13.ti BOOKS! BOOKS ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. kJCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, r umiuniu nun .ni.oenanenus WORKS. Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Offlce vuvnature, main street, nailea. But7-tf H. 3. WALDRON k CO WASTED. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHA8S 8B00ND . hnd Fiirnlture, Bods Bedding. Carpots, Stoves, and Household Furniture of every description. PartU. wUhlug to sell will do well to ooll. " I A., WII4JAMB, 1W Mala .tio tjDallia. Umatilla, Boise, ANO IDAHO ' Express and Fast Freight Line. Wilis LINE IS' NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING JL order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Bulso City, and pro pared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between these and all intermediate poluU with certainty and despatch. k ' The LlnoU Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD WAGONS, Ejj Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before TitTercd to Idaho. We offer Supe rior itiducemeuts for Slilppiug Goods from San Frnncinco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as ITast Freight. ' Goods shipped from San Francisco to our rare nt Port laud, Chargss will bo paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. " GOODS SHOULD BR MARKED : CARE D. M. D. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts seut to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to Owyhee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES. Families will be furnished with Snpeihir Ac commodations in Now aud Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over each night on the Road ut Uood and Courenient Stations, so that passengers will nut be defrtvod of regular rest. RICHARDS k BIcCRAKKN-.......an Francisco iUCIMRDS k WoCKAKliN..... ....... Portland JOSEPH TEAL ...,..,. -...Dellee POWELL k 0"E ......,Umatllla J. B. WILKINSON ,.... rv,.........Li! Grand B. M. DoRELL A CO ........B..ise City B. M. Dull ELL A CO.. ..ldlie City MAJOR SrEER.; ;.'..,. Rocky Bar (South itohe) Dt'RELL k UOOKsi. ....Iliibv and Silver Cities nMtf 11. SI. DaRBLL CO . i ' Prourietore. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. ( T1SS O'ROUR K B D ESIRE8 TO INFORM the XI M. Ladies ol lMSIee and vlciuity, tliat she has Just received a fresh supply of TTashlonnbfe Goods, rite latest Paris. New York and San Francisco style) of BONNETS, HATS, BIUBONS, LACES, FEATUERH. FLOWERS, ac, . A full aad w.ll-s.leoted assortment of Ladles'; Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of . DRESS TRIMMINGS! StAMPINO fcr Embroidery ami BraldTng. PINKING ' done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Preiied ' ( the latest style.- A large assortment of Children's ReadyMae Clothing Constantly oa hand. Having secured the services of a First Clans' Drees Maker, I am prepared to cut anil fit Ladles' aud Children's BRASSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, aner square east of the Cnthollo 0""rch. V, , oc21:m. A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & UNDENBERGER, Noe. 411, 413 and 41S Battery- Street. Cor. Merchant, San Franolsco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. EXTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK I WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to onr nenatly large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In the ClothingVnd Fnr nlshlng line. .We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest TarletT of Cassimere end Wool HATS ot any house in San Francisco, and wr prl es for thesa Gooils are less than those of any house, as wo receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Onr stock or Summer and FallGoops Is particularly attract. Ire, aad the great feature to the country merchant is the unusually low prices. , less Than the Cost of Importation; We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, whloh Uoods we have purchased In this market nn aer the hammer, and are offering them at New Voik Coat, and less. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induca those wlwhave not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Indnoements to all who purchase to sell again, Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, and soil to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully . Your Obedient servants, BADGER k LINDENBERORR, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse. ', Nos. 411, 41a and 415 Battery street, Bon Francisco, February , 1S00. A-3inw. J OSEPH ISLlISLT, ' WnOlUALI AIT MTAft DIAUUt IN ' Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, ' CL THING. BOOTS AND SHOES, I . HATS AND CAPS, AND s. - j. j Gentlemen's Furnlshlnp.GoodRP 1 Fire-proof Stia store, comer f Muin and Court