Money IMnrlcet. York Gold Quotations tNitrFruiicbco l.ciil Tender rate..... Tiik Judge on Style. In his letters to the Bulletin, 'I ho JuTio good -hu' moredly, Und witli thatair of superior" ity in tho Judo of the U. 5. District (Juurt wlio corxh'scunds to write for filtfty lucre, speaks ol iho stylo ol our laily uoteinpornry nt Tho Emporium, iroireally observing ibo hse of" leeon iito -wordHancl nlluaions " by that journal. Hi tho first p!ee, we may Htulo that this is the business, cf tho jnurniil in question and none of ours, iiiH when Tho Judo suiuehes a die. tioiuu'y thro'igh to find such a word -us " HUMpifie'lnliiin " "'"J then spells it " sesqiii jiiJiiliiui " (an error cinied into print by ilio"pioof reader, and , wliioli wo nro'opon to waer was writ- ton III fli'll. IVIV f lin ttoortik r i ii t - m I ii a . IVfmHcH open to tho vharo ol " piling on tho stylo " in tho uso of'.' rocorrdito words." Moreover, when TJvo Judge couples tho word " sesqnipidalian " With the abominable doctrines which ho has learned out of Blackwood's Magazine, it becomes our business; nd, first, wo protest against his idea that wo should beeomo a homogeno. oiis people. In tirno wo hopo this may tjo truo as to whites, but wo. do not wish' tho homogeneity of tho Atnerii cans to ineludo the colored raeo, which is the logical coriHtquendo of absoluto tiomogericousness under tho circum fituticos in which wo aro placed on this 'continent. In tho next place, wo ap prehend that Tho Judge's doctrine of Xhe abolition of the Stato governments docs not meet tho approbation of ono American in ten; wo believe, in com mon. with a vast majority, that it never eao and never ought to oomo to pass In tjie next placo, if it were possiblo that such a state of affairs should ever cxist, wo believe that Tho Judge would havo laws made to arrest and imprison nriy person who called in question tho nbsoluto perfection of tho sty lu, eei.ti raents and opinions of his letters to tho Bulletin. It is very fortunato that . Tho Judge has thus exposed his mon rchicai ideas, as fro has been a chmnio vuiiuiuiuu iur i ii u unueu oiaics ocn- ale over since sinco ho was eligible to vote at any election. With tho expo uro of li?a real sentiments, wo havo no feav that ho will ever succeed in nnastering even a baker's dozen to assist id his election to tho Sonato. ' Public School. The following ia tho report of Dalies Puolio School for month of January, I8GG : ybolo num Jier of scholars, 211; males, 117; fo males, daily averao, 102. AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. 1TIIB T?NIF.TtSIONKDVir.LBfei;L THU HBMATV. JL dor okilieir stoik nt BAN FRANCISCO CHRP. without rosorve. hi oTiinr to climo out liiinlin-nii In thin town. Our Jtock cuuslU tit tbo fullowiiig goods: All mua oi OLOTHIN.G! SUCUAS OATS, PANTS, JWOTS J SHOES, HATS J- CAPS, And a full Awwrtinent of , Gents' Furnishing Goods. -' Also, line lot of i1 , HAVAhEft AND DOMESTIC SEEARSI T0BAC01, riPKS, A YANKEK NOTIONS. Tlie whole tnck mtut be closed out In FOIITY-FIVB w aii iierkoim indfuiea to ine nrm mint nav m within TIIlltiY DAYS, or lel proceedings win 1 hitdi I AUtC AllUAUAilSO.N kMUHWQ. C. S. Miuir. i f - Dalit. Blocli, Miller &; Co., ; v;holesale v G3- II, O ' O 13 33,' , ' ' ' . AND DEALERS IN v ' - "Wines &, Liqviois,'v And Importers nmlJoMiers of CLOTHING Hoots &, Shoes, . , . . Under Clothing, , -,!... . . . UlajBkets, etc., etc., ctc.J A8SA.Y OTFICT?. WE UJLVK AN ASSAY 0FP1CH IN CONNECTION wi'i fltir .mat hops, timler tlio entire supervision ot'Mr. Millor. Wo iniiko returns in 3iivrn in nix honr V cnamntt nil our Aawtvi nuA pnv tlie IlKHIKST PAS!-! PIUOW for-Hum. . Yt hUo pay. tho lllhosi Caali-Price fur Gold Dm.- BTjOPfT, MILLKU ft ?,, ' ii i y 6 1 f Cor. Mi in and Washington streets, PhIIon. . FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND TPr'oviwioti Store,' 1 CORNER OK WASHINGTON A SECOND STHEKT3. CnNfTNTl-V ON II A. Ml the choirast mtMm of JUlKdll liUtTHil, KUlia, nail uvoiy V'liioty of NUTS, CANDIES, .j-o , .jv., ' - V'hi1eal mil Rotull, ftt KoJucoJ 1'rlcoj 1'OH CASH. Al.u, dealer iu . GS.4IX, FLOUR A'D r"EE3:, of nil kiiidfl, nod will do a Gciicral Commission Business. . No rh-ircM fur Stanio on Quodi euld on CummNnlnn. Prucuedd uf Sales ri'nut e l prumi'tly. JtilOtf MILLINERY AND D1$ES3-MAKLQ.. maiSS O'ROUKKKIIKSIKKSTOTNVOIIM the itdltid of IMIU'g mill vu'lultv. that bhu Uaa Judt rocelvod a frubh ttfuppi' of g Tr,nslilonallo Hootl, Tho buret I'aiis. Now York and Sun FinncUro etvlea of H0NNKT8, UATS, RIHRON-l, hAUHS, FKA I llKIlM, I'lj'jnr.uo, c. a lull ami weii-st'it'ctiM assorl inout of Ladies' Kcady-SSado Gnrmtats. - Also, a Fashlutinhlu nssorliiient of . DRESS TRJMMrNGSI : STAMTINO for Kmliroi.lervanl Bmiarnir. I1XKTX0 (l.intRt short not ic o. UONN KTii ItlcHched and I'mii&d in the latest Btyle. A large ndaoitiiront uf Clilldrcn's Uea;ly-5Ialc t'lotlilns . Constantly on hand. Ilavlun pccurcil the rervlces of a Firril Clu- Dithh Mnknr. I inn iri-iari'd ti cut und lit Ladlox' and Cblblraire DKKSSKS and CLOAKS. llll.tU bTIlHET, ono square cast of the Catholic Chnrcli. ai:3m. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND ) . Brcss 3!ali!as E'.l-.ibifslanicnt, Ojipoolte Colin ii Bolim'e, SW017U) CAIjL TIIS TTHNTION of ths Ladies e the Ualloa to my lr,o and nna stock of FLOWERS, ENJ3SOI3ERY, BN!SET9, BSVffS, FEATMKS, Dross Trimmings, &c. HavlnR secured tlm services of MRS. FRARY, In the Eirens Making aprir tmout, wc will do all woik Iu that Hue ud irunruntt-e jiorfct't satislaction. . , DYIiNU douo In allcolors. Give mo an early call and I will eudoavor to suit everybody In TAeVru and at ItHASJ.N AULI3 IMICK j. Particular uttoutio paid to N t Embroidery and Braiding Stamping,' TO TEAMSTISBS AND DAI11Y31ES I FEED! FEED I ! AND OF AIX KINDS, TOM SAE BY " ' ' -r. ii. r,Xw. 25 Front Stroet, Portland, 0iposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. filOitt COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. . ooiB....,... ..HAimr xmjorr. BOOTH &, NKVISON, Forwarding and Cemmlithn Meseluinta AND DELKRS IN QENERAT MEROIIAaDTSE, ' Wlilt UluttH, V. X, FRETOUT JfOH C0T,YII.LM, UPPER COLCMmA, KOOTENAI and BLACIiVOOT MINKS prvniptly lunrarded. ' MarkOooHsa'i.N., Wl.Ue BloJIs, W. T, ; . Portuxd Rklrerds k MeCraten, Alle ft lwls.end , HoSgeCatef. . Dii SleA.Xdller a Ci., rrendh A 0(1 mam.' n7i ..;,;;' ;i ;,wotice.., ,i . MIL SWMTJNI DCHWABACHE a, Vj matiul consent, wlflirtrawn from orir lrm. : tlalles, Feb'y 8th, 180. JJLOCU, MILLIE COL, Isaac F. Hiwii, San Francisco. i , WALDROS' IIROS., , : x Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main ptrcet, Dalle, Oregon. - iirj now occrrY oua kkw two stoiitfirk ww priMf Stone lmilfUnifr npiivito Blorh. Mtllor h Co.. n'n! offiT to tlir v"I(He a fnll nntlcotnjilcte itork of Viugi Moillcluea auilChcnilcnU, coiiatimriK In piirt or KKROSKNK. LAMP WICKS t CHIMNEYS TUlit'HSTINK. , HOPS. AI.COIIOIi, ' SAOR. 1 Anns, sponofs.'. . L1XSKKD, ' LKWIIKS, ' ' ' 1 ' " LAUD. COKK!. CAM'OR AND N K ATSF00T Oil, l.NDIOO AND , I.ANI'llLAC'rt TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES SUPPORTERS. '' " . "," ... ANU . PATKNT MKpiCINKS. Our tork of FANCY GOODP I 9 of the finest and best qu.'ilHv; new ntvl'-n ond laro nfRortuieuts. such an . .- LUIIIN'SPKIIFUKBIIY. II A 1 It. ' I. - LUBIN'STillMiTSOAl'.,. fl.BSIt. l'O.MADKS - ' - 8IIAVIN0, 1 CoSM KTICS, . HAT. . , ., UA1H UII.S. , CLOTH'S. COI.f'ONH, X00TII AND ' r ANOV SOAPS AND KAIIBirU8ITK8 ' Tooi'ii iowD;;iis,- A?iu comus. PUHB WINES AND LIQUOHO, For Medlrimil pwinwos. Our fi.rilftk'rt for liiylng gomla Rre sewml to none In tlio State, im MOKhntlat u II timoSM'ii tit a unmll nd vttiite fruit) coMf. lieudv iUct) t;nd smnll jn'ittitn. . - PIUSICIA.NS' rilESCRlPTlOXS Cnrpfntly cnmpniindod at all hours of tho day timl nitrTit. H E M O S7: A L . ., GATES Ac" CllAPIN, i. V'HOl.KSALBiHtTAII. .. D ETJ GG I8T S, llavo Ri moved to ', , RUDSO'S EJl'B LSJETfC, ' WASHINGTON STREET?, DA1.LKS. ' ' ' WIIl'RK wo will oonllnutT to sell article usually kept i" a Fint-Clnis Dntir Store, ii t ,20 nor cent. li:m than any stork fN'iii!-: city. . our stock coiiaists ill p:irt of ralenl Mmlicincs, Tnro Vi lli's and Rrsnda, J'.mimcm, ancy ft (.'oiniiioii Soup, Epnni:e, Utiir lli'iidlum Trnnnoa. Traces, Corks. Acldt. . .. ., ruiuls. Tooth powder, Yiu iiltd'cs, ' Ale" hoi, Oil', Hops, Dolicinlnn Toilet Fcts, c'lipporters, 4c, ' niTSKIAXS' rRESCKII'TIOXS Carefully Coiiipoiinilod. Givo us n call and satisfy y u selves bol'nro iiurchaaiug elsewhere. II. UtJIIAl'I.NV IliJUtlJ JUSTIN OATKS. TO ' 3IcrcI;ants, FaiallEcs, Hotels mid 1IAR.KOOMU. i JULIUS KRAKMHU HAVING KOlfCIHT TIIK EN tlru btiK-k of '!rclinndizo und Rook Accounts of the late fl i in ol M. Feller & lo.. In lliis cily, to Mch helms added of his own'illlpoltiitiou (while dcln hiiHitioKs iu Portland) an linineuse fctotk ol the bestniunufactiu'eU . Crockery, ; GlaMsnarc, Plated Ware, Lamps, ; I hamletiers, Table Cutlery . Luolilsig-Glaiises nutl AIIKInesof Oils. All of which ho offers at reduced Tntrs; Pereons wish ing to huy any of the nhovo-niriitioncd articles, will do well to givo me a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the lu1orkrr vroniptly attended to, and geodB packed to r.o sitrure. Don't Inll-to call on ine. r.vdiu'stouo Building, Washington Btieet, Dnllre. JULIUS KUAKMKR. Ballos. March 17th, 13C6. nihntf Oregon StcflmJaYipiion Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ttCjiasazjfa zafrmiSta tl&sseiiieum ON AND AFUM MONDAY, NOTEMDER 13th untl furtherWlce, i Tlio I'ttsscne-ei Train to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA VVlli start from the R. R. DETOT DALLES CITY, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, t 5 A. J)Ia ' JITE STEAMERS "OIEMTA" or "IDAIIO," CAPT. J. McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays a copied! at 5 o'clock, i. ., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF,.'.'. Commandor, foi Portland. IV. U. BRADFORD, Dalles, Nw J3, 18C5. nl2tf Agent 0. 8. N.Oo. ' 1?.- DEIIM, Watchmnker and Jcnelcr, MAIM STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHER, .TKWELItY, .CLOCKS. Oold Pens, Sliver and Pla'ed Ware, Biiectacles, Cutlerr. a& 49-1'artlciilar attention nald to .on.trln fin.tiu.iJi Watchos, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watr.hes repaired by me warranted for twelve nutnUia. - . ' W. R. AU erders from the upper eoontry, b Exptess v wmnnm, r,uuiyMJ .ODIIQ.a V. . mm JiTioii iiooM : (ONE BOOR ABOVE TUB fOST-OFFICB.) I MAIS STREET, DALLES CITF. ' ' I will attend te sale, ol ' Heal Rtate. . General Mercliandlae, ; :1H) .3, Fprnlture,i ,i ...,ri !.,...,.-, , . , And StocltJiy REOULAR 1AI DATS, MONDATB AW TRTTMtg. fttock saw Special Bales any day, fhraairyt aieeateC 'Jlte f . 1. a HIS J, A.sctl outer. . 1 ') rBANKLIN MARKET.' I CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STRKKT3 DATjT.ES, OREGON; JOHN KPP1NGER Proprietor TIIK UNnRHSKlNKl) - J" ' .ImTlru fltted lip tli jBk nlmve Mnrkt'tiu Hie UK T TjfHr STY'Ui.wlll keeiicunatuut- Btf a? ly ou hand all snrte of- 1 isu niiii Cure Moats, , Of the best quality fnrnlslied'nt the LOWEST UATB Wy motto Is to PLEASE AJ.I.." ! . ! PARTIK8 HAVING EUPKUlOtt STOCK FOR SALE will do well to call at tho Franklin Market. '. Dalles, February 19th, 1SC5. ' i " ' ' . i.. -coniiniof . it , COURT AND 8HC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREOON ' JOHN MICHlELBACH, Pxoprietor. ' sirry. ' ' 1 yvx.i, keep Jr' " Jr-vr constantly on hand all the varle-TS,V,.?3if t&nlXities that the market can pooslbly SiiiJ aflord, of " FBKSH & CURHi) MIQATsS,' . ,' and always of tlio bist qnallty. ' :; 11 FAMILIES, HOTELS, A.ND STEAMBOATS..1"' ! eiipiulvd on rvrwMiuble terms. , ' V The nmU'rsipiefi ii h1'vh.vh (rtciartd to pny the hinh cstcaiJi jirlce rr t'AT CA'i'l l.K. l'rUC8 having toik rill Ru(. '(Mi'lilhmriu'e rtijuvstwid tn rnll on him hrtnte goiiiff eUmvii.r. JOUN MlCllLIACIl. DnlltiH, March a)lt,105. , . , mhSltt ,,, itExMOVAL.' ' 1. OOETZ, . Dalles. F. KOKNIOPRKItaUR, ' .' ban Fiauclticd, .T. & CO., TOBACCONISTS, - Ilnve removed to . Eudia's IJcvY Stcno Building, J Washington Street, near French Gtlmuu's, rad hurej opened u well-H8urtrd stock of ' ; iiav ax A ana UU.YiiifTil! SKOARS, . VllHHNIAiiod Wl.sTKltN TllllACUO, ' 'KHKNt'll itnd SCOTCH bNUKF,' ' - I ' MEl-.KSCIUUM iiiul otlKJi-1'11'JJS, i ' 1'LAYINO CAilliS, ., ni' o.Miua. .-.. INDIAN and 1 A.vCV 000DS. .c, ftc. 'The trade supplfeil nt LOWEST MARKET PRICES. . 1.".'.: 7.. VyClOlAA. MA l!K..I0VtD 1118 liOOT AND HI0I5 ! lo Uio huililin in Mufn cxrt, 1 j(U r-ooelvutl, (itieut ('rum Sn K nine I wo. nuun- U8U1.II3 cue and well tec ted tuc"k of UbOTS A3l SHOES, 1 of tliavury Lost quality end latost styles 'i' EVER DROUGHT TOTHI3 MARKET, Inclndlnir the KNGI.I8IL IIUNTINO sunn mimiilac tiiruil by iionkei t. Mm, a lm se awnrtuiei)t of Lntticb' ana hlkJicti's CaitcrM, Of the latest Stiles. In ft rcockt trnm tl, l.n.i ni.n. adelj.hia makers. Aleo, n very kr(;o adsortidwi. of ' FINE DUESS BOOTS. " ' Geiitlemen who irefer to hnvo their Bcots or Shoes nmdu to oiilei, can roly .upon obtaining a neat and euy - , Jf. ttVUKAIA.V, MiiiuBtreet. , J';I" ' Olipusite Miaaly's Hull. NOTICE TO FAnMER&r rjjMIE DALLES LUMBER AND' MANUFACTURING JC. C0.MPASY has reccnjjy attached a FLOUUING MILL to their Ptcain fash nnd Door Factory, In this Cltv! nr.4 are now propiied to CHOI' FEED, UH1ND WHEAT an COIiN.4ind warr.uil 1 1. jrii-e tho best suilBruotliai. Oa hand constantly and for call FXTIIA FAMILY IL01TR. ' ' !' , UlCCINllSOU MlDDI.INOS. . , ' 11UAN AMI SHORT.'. CHOI' FEED, CHICKEN FEED: . Also, a Superior nrtlclo of COJl.N WEAL, from new The hluhest market price paldfur WHEAT. CORN a Dalles. Nov. 2. IPOS. ,,.,. . . AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS', .A.TJOTIOIS1 ETCR,V UTo. ZOO, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLINO AT AUCTIC i ! General Merchandise, Real Estite. Hi-ooerl Hore,New and Second Uand Fumitui, Stocks, to., Ac'. Regular Sales HaySaturday. OuMoor au4 Special Sales attended to iu any part of Liberal Advances made on Consignments. P'frS"'- JOHN WILLIAMS. Anctloneor. , IMI'ORIEll AND JOBBEIt OF , Wines,& I-iquor, FRONT STREET, ' P6rfna,- - - - - Orrgai.. OFFERS FOB SALS A TERt LAROU isSQRI ineut of Ilrantlles, ' IVineK, ' 4- 1 Llxuors, ' -'.:;'.'..'"' . Caai Goods, &eM &c," '&;. stock Uofore purcba.n.i; olaewhexe. i .. , . juif AdmlnLitrator's Kotlce.; 1; j NOTICE IS 1IERRT GIVEN THAT I nAV OH this th day of February, l,liew ulrarrolnteil admlnlrtr.t.jr of fl estato it K. jffr.,tt11 vnM hotted. aia esUMareTouT