6UNDAY MORNING, 1TKB. 25 I860. Epitome of Telegraphic News. fconpiLis noH tni oriookiak. The Route by;.,Wiiite Biufss to , Montana. By consoliing the map, ' parties on their way to Montana will boo that the most direct available route at this season of the year is to cross' tho Golambia River at the Dalles " and take the dircbt route by White Uluftd and Pen d'Ofeille to tlio Jocko Reservation, and beyond, At present ' tbo Mullan ltoad 'is not available for ' travol, and it is not within tbo rarige of human industry or ingenuity to fit it for that purpose bolero the 20th oi Juno next. Even then it is doubtful if the fords on tho Cceur d'Alono and , St. .Regis do Borgia will bo practicable, and theft are nearly one hundred cros tnrs on tho asuregatO' on the two streams. If it shall happen that tho steamer on Ten d'Oreillo Lako is fia Ishod by the first of April, this route will not Only be the favorite, but the only one by which travelers can reach tho new El Dorado. Of courso this does not prevent parties from going by Walla Wallu to purchase horses, but thoBo'who havo brought stock from bolow, or -who' mcy purchaso it bore, can go in less dintunco and over tin excellent road by While BlufFd. Tho distanco from tho DaIIcs to White ' Bluffs is HQ miles; from thonce, 150 miles to Pen d'Oreillo Lake; thence, 65 miles across tbo L iko; thence, 180 miles to Blackfoot CUv total, 5'J5 miles. Itis 150 miles,by land and water to Walla Walla, and from thenco 450 miles by the Mullan Road to tho cross ing of Doer Lodge River, a short dis tanco this 6ido ot Blackfoot City. ' To go througlNWaila Walla and by tho Pen d'Oreillo routo is much farther, of courso, and as wb havo beforo stated the latter is tho.only practicable routo Until Jurjo next.f As to tho purchaso of stock, wo adviso inexperienced travelers to watch for chances to buy from the timo they land in Oregon, and, after passing this point without tbo necessary animals to nuiko tho journey, thoy will then havo "to go to Walla Walla where thoi'o uro largo Lords of horses and pretty fair chances to buy to advantago. The IsbUE. It is almost unneces sary to inform tho readers of tho Mountaineer .that tho position nsp sumod by the President and tho ma; jority rir his Cabinot, is cordially ens dor sod bU9, and that our best efforts can always bo commanded in support of tho conservative and eminently national policy foreshadowed in tho Veto mossago and the lalo public ad . dresses of the President and. Mr. Sew ard. Wo defer until further icforma tl6n tho formal expression of our views on tho political situation, which prornisos to bring forth a national party, devoid of sectionalism) and . frceif aliko from the influences of se cession or radical innovation. "There is no place in OHieago for Iho. poor to .bury thoir dead, and thoso , who aro unable to bay a lot in the oemetcrioB bavo been compelled, to tim tor deceased friends on the open prai 'Yie, or in tho Band heaps along the lak Bhore. 1 . - J,, ,,, ,,,,,, , h .. . Tb jnoming train, on Iho. DHes 'A 'uA AiVoiUUVwMli wiilKsay. the !bMe1i bereafteVi5- o'clock- iasW) DATES TO FEBRUARY 83. rhimnn Fh. 23 The Remblican'i Wash". lngton special dispatah (Ives a full report of tliaPresldent's speech yesterday. Tbo meet ing hi Grover'g Theatre adjourned to tbo White House to present a series m resniuuuiia endorsing the President's veto. A it arrived in frout of the White House, a nuisy gmu of -20U0 persons assembled. The President came out and said ! "It was extremely grati fying to know thi-t so large a portion of bis fellow citizens approved of the policy adopt ed, and which 1 Intend to carry out. The day is peculiarly appropriate for the endorsement of a policy wbote oliject Is the restotalion of the 'Union as designed by the father ol his. country. I stand here to-duy as I flood in 1800 when I denounced traitors trying to break up the Government. There were two parties, one of which was determined to dostroy the Government and save Blavery, and the other almost equally dangerous, and equally wiltina to break up the Uoveromeut'aud destroy slavery. Whe ther disuulonlsts Came fiom the North or South, I stand now as I did then, lor the Union and tho Constitution. 'J he Uovorn huBiit has stretched forth the strong arm and with Its physical power put dowu the rebel lion. Tlie traitors have disbundod, n,nil they come forward now ia proper spirit saititc: We were mistaken ;we made an elfurt to carry out the doctrine of secession hind dis solve the Union, and we failed. We have traced this doctrine to logical and physical results, and find. we were mistaken. We ac knowledge the Aug ot our country, and we are willing to obey the constitution ana yieiu . . .1... I n In . In to tue supremacy ui iu vu.uiin that (Dint. I say to them: Wheu you have vielded to the luwti when you huVo acknow- edired vour a etrmiice, 1 win, ai lur as i can, nnen the door of the Union to tbuau who havo erred and strayed for a time. Tho 'spirit of revenge is not the spirit m wuicu toueai nuu ilm w in u neotilo. . I know there lias been a great deal Bid about the exeicise of the pardoning power, There is no one who has labored with more earnestness than myself, to have prmeip il, ir.- lelliucnt and conscious Iruuuis bfouuhl lo justiCf, the laws vindicated and thu ginvl lact judicially rslnDiiaiieii, turn irnnoii is u crnui. hut while contC 0118 linn tenuing iiuomikih traiiors are. to bis punished, bliouM uhulu piiiiiniiinities. Stales and tlicif people lie iniidii to subm;t to the penally o!' deaih. Not no!. I Letthose who have ened be.piinishud, but lo the great multitude, lorced into icbil.ion, I say,- give leniency and liiniiiu-ii. ve pui down the rebellion in order 'to prevent the the separation of States, but wlieu tho siruj; ple on our part proved to' bo successful, we find now an effort lo couioiitrille all the power in the hands of a lew at the leileml head, uud thereby establish n uew piinciplfl of eiiuu ly and as obiectionable us seimintlon. Tliu Government limy bo icvolutiouizud withuut war, nud this is most dangerous uccuu:e us piogress it not so easily fttched. Tlie Kreat principle which authorizes each branch of the legislative di'pili'iuii nt lo jilltfe for itselt the qiialiDcatiuns ol its own mem bers, bus bet a virtually taken away from the two branches and couterred on commune I fought, traitors and iiesou in the. South, and now turn around and find men, I care not bv what name Vou Call them, Slill opiioied lo oppost d to restoring tho Union. I am free lu bhv to vou that I am still in the fiold. I Voices "name ihi ra. who are lhey?',.l The Presi dent continued: You asK pie wno tuey aie 1 aav. Thud. Stevens, of Peniifvlvant and Charles Sumner of the Seuaiej also, Wendell Phillins. fOlher voices "aive it to l ornuy. 1 The ( resident iu reply to this, said: I will not waste my ammunition on dead duetts. I stand for my country, ! stand for the Con stitution, there I hiiVe placed my feel Jrom uiy advent lulo public lite, incy mny ru duce, they may slander, or they may vituper ate me, but lei me say to you all it has no in fluence upon me. Let me say further,, that I do not intend lo be overawed by real or pre tended friends, nor do I mean to be bullied b) my enemies. My honest conviction is my cournen. The Constitution is my guide. I know, my countrymen, It uus ueen insiiiuaieu, no not insinuated, it has trtien saio unectiy, in high circles, IbaX U such usurpation as I am charged with, had been exercised some two hundred year", ago, il would have cost Ihe individual bis bead. Ul what usurpation has Andrew Johnson been guilty? (none.) Is it.uslirpatio'n that I slaud between the peo ple and eucronchmenls of power? From lire same source an exclamation has gone lorn). that they were in the midst of an earthquake, that tbey were trembling and could not yield. Yes, fellow-citizens, there is an earthquake coming ; there is ft grand swelling of popular liirlfftnent and indignation The Aoiencan people will speaK, auil fly tneir instinct u noi otherwise they wfil know who are their ene- mler. ' I have endeavored to bn true to the people in all the positions in this Government, aud what positions hare I not at some time Oiled? I suppose it will be said that Ibis ia vanity, but I may lay fhat I have hrea fit all of them, I have been la bold branches ot the Legislator. iA vole, "yon commencod a tartar. "j A gentleman. beside, me eavs I was a tailor. i:V began as a tailor, and that sup-; girlon does hot disconcert me ia ftit'toast lor when I was a tailor I had the reputation of being a gbod one, and making clut'Jes to fit, I vvaa always punctual le my customeis and did good work. Voices, ' We will patch un the Union tet."T No. we do not wnl any patch-work;! want the otigioal restcred. AUCTION AND COHISSIOfi HOUSE! Point to the man who can say that Andy ( ftO. 1UU BlAlJ i5lULtil v3r.liLn Johnson was ever indirectly recreai.t to U;e WNI,EnsiONKD TlUKKKllI. ronTAST Government or the ma8 of the people. Men . J Kavors. mieciriilly liifninn tln clli.iiiH of tlm Uiay talk about it and al out nsur'balinn, but . Pullra, aud tlie iiubllc Kenoiully, lluit L coutiuues to wucii . o in s ...... m - - r I are the witnesses, I do not want it l y inuen- j does and indirect remarks in high plaees to he suggested to me I Have assurauce ; -the knowledge Is in their bnsoma. Others? have exclaimed that the present ob stacle must he get out of Ihe way. What is that obstacle? I make use" of a strorg word, hut It was (o be removed no dmibl I say the intention was to assassinate, ll.at the obstacle which tbo people had placed here could be got out of IhO way. Are ihe opponents of Hit) Government not yet satiolied.7 A.ie those who want lo destroy our institutions aua clia'ge tho rbarabler ol the Government, not siiiislled with tlie quantity of blood which has been shed ? Ard they not mushed with one great mnnyr in Ihis place t 11 my lilo:a must be shed bcaus; 1 vinmcate me union, remember the blood ot the martyr is the seed of the church, This seed will grow una continue to in crease in strenglh and power, though if'mny be cemented and cleansed in tili iu. Uue word about the amendment to the Uoiisti u tion. Iu conversation with President Lincoln Inst February, he indicated his desire tor all amendment compelling he rebellious Sriius to Senators and Representatives to Congress because it is part of ihe doctrine of sci esinn that the Slates might withdraw their Senators and UciiiCichtatives, or refisclo elect them. Mow we find Oongre?s persistently lelusing Admission to the It' prescntativea, and daily imposing, new burdens ot law and taxation on the unrepresented South. I regard this as a fundamental error. I never insisted on encroachments ou . the Constitution, and I star.d pteiiiiied to resist them to-day. Wild to God the whole American people .could bn nascmhlt d here io-day as you are, and could witness the great struuiilj going onto pre serve ihe Constitution ol their fathers. They would soon settle Ihe quesiinn if they could oulv see the kind of. spirit manifested in the effort to break up tho principles of a fcee Government. PUBLIC AUCTION , . 'OR PRIVATE SALK, Ileal Estate. General REercnaiiaise, Giocei les, UOI'MCN, Hiiles. i iiirifltiire, Mocks, &c. &Ci ' ItEOt'LAIl SALE CAYS, . Tuesd-ays and Saturdays. Cask Advances made on Consignments, And prtOMIT HETft'N 111 !e of mien. Ont itcxir aud Special Saloa atlemlvd'to In any jmrt if tlu'ciiy. Tariff of Cliargca l:i:tll Further SctlccS For SelUnir MorelinniliKv, flruci-rkM, Fnrnilmi'. 6liwk9. to. c o fvr . Fur Selling IbaifOB xml l'l l-'-it .t j liaoeH. ttlilles. oi a i hi 1 1 u. vim! no cuAitor. von htouaok. JOHN WIH.IAJSP, Ai1loiteeri . J U K'E K, 3tain Strctt. E?a!".i'S, W H01ESA1.1! iXl BI.TAJJ. DKALES IX CIGAES. TC3ACCO, , BHUiT, PIPES , . ALWAYS IN 8TORE THE DK.8T BIAXUS Of f1SAMn ntAtini;A T ' f ' )IiAYIKO CAI1DS. L POOKKT CUTLHIIY, PORT MUNI KS. ' COMT.8 and 11IIUSHF9. o' all fclndi, PKUFUMKIIY. id every doscriptlou, CHINA OKN AM EN IS, - ' TOYS, DUhl.S. etc. FTSII IIO(iK! and FTFlllXQ TACKLE, ' MUSICAL INHTltU.MKMS, FANC GOOD. !. Aluo Powder.Sliot. Lead, Powder Flnskf. Easkcts, nnit mnnyoHior articles too nnmerons to n.entiuii. S Interior dealers miiiplleilwilli Cii-'nrs. Tobacco, etc. at Inas than Portland prices, v.illi Irciulit ad Jul. oc- I'.KOT LAU JIKKVIXG of Iho Dallen Social Club, TUTS KVKNING, at 7 o'do k. Klcction of officers- Full at-. tonilance remiosted. JOS. KI.KELT, Soc'y. wnsc LodeTNoTliT f. a. & a. M.- Literary andSG'.3ntmcI.ccturc3 A. SEltllOa OF Holds ltn stated Communication' on tho Firvt anil llurd Momlars of c ull mnnlli, at their hull. In Dalles City. Brethren la ea'id flandiugare Invited to attend. StTU L. Pope, tsoc y. uy oruor ui mo n . u. Columbia Lodge, Not 5, I. O. O. P. Mools every Friday evening at o'clock, lu Oatos Hull, corner of Seciind wt Court gtrcelH. Brothers In good standhiK aro invited toatlond. lty order. N.Q. AUCTION SALE WEAL OF ESTATE. I will nell '.'n Saturday, March Ul. at p. ra., TWO HOrSES AND LOTS Fltiiatrd r.n FnultTII FTIIEKT. WeH of llic Cntlnllc Clnm-li: oo coiilahiliiK TWO and tlio other '1IIUKK BOOMS. Biiiot Loti, BiixlUJ. ALSO, - ' On tlie Saln'rday rollowliig, ONE IlbUSB AND LOT, Ritnnteil on TIIIliD STltEKT. conta.'nfnir TIlltEK ltmiM.-t. Or I will tell nnv of I lie above described iiro- noi tv at M ivalo sale. Parlies V. ililns to imrchase can Lnolv to me. K. A. O. PAY B, Auct. rII!OIIlias twen III contenitilallon for some tun", r no w offered to tlie nemilo i f tl.0 Dallui. iliO Brst Lecture of tlie Series will bo ivci TUESDAY, JTISU. tZOili, and one earli Tnonlay Evenlnn tlieicafti r. Iliroiiuli Ilia Series of Vlulit l.cciui-j". tiio pn eeeun m ue uivomi lietweeu thu Cougiigatioual uud Jiolliuultt Eaubatll Sciioolfl. TlcUcts for tlio Course : : CUB B0LLAE. Einclo Ailnilsston. Kirty ci nls. This lecture will lie delivered ly BHV.. MB. DIUYK!!, In tho Conrtegaiioonl (.'liunli-lectiiio will comnuieo at 7 o'clock, filbjeut: WOMA.N UKlt POilT10, POWER AND INFLUENCE. Tlio following gentlemen arc expected to deliver each one Lecture; Bev. Br. BeuBon. rorllanJj Ju '(.'o Wilson. BulleK; ltev. llr. Atkinson, liev. vr. iiriver, P.ev. lr. Caffrev, " l'rr. Bolnud, ' Judge lllil, Canyon City; J. A. tulcil. t'fq., " AND LAST , .NOTIC. , GMtT CL0S1XG 01T SALE, AT I3nl)lic jk.rictioii, ... ' ''OX Thursaay, Feb. loth, at 10 a. m. Ami onacli succcedl'im day until tho entire stock Is dl-nsncd-if All the splendid goods remaining in my store, conaistiujr of VatcJies, lliunonus, Jewelry, Clocks, Plated Ware, I.impK, ' Cutlery, ritolN, Field filnsses, Fancy (oolti, V Uoll Scales, etc. T linvis itlmoseit of niv Iron safe, show cases and store fixtures lo Mr. Doiiitllu ftad us 1 Imvo to irlvo him noeses Ion of the storo at an early day, this will be the last p inrtmiitv that tho nubile will have to uurchase tlioto fottils at anctioH H lces. Thankful to Hie eenoriais :ub- Hn il.Bt I. inn so rilwrallv natronined mo heretofoir, I Lspectfully lavlta Wiui to m present at this my closing tlOtf Main Btreet, Dalles. E WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF OCR tTOCK BELOW COST, As we positively will close business on tho U"iist of BEnreli. All those Indebted to the Urai bail bcttorCLL mil PAY, otherwise tlmir accounts will be left with proper officers. rfl7tf , C011N A BOllM. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Alain St., Unites, Orrgrou. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFOIIM tlm i-liikniii of this nliico and vi- ciuity, that ballon retnrneu from a pro- I luaal.'mill ,e llinillffll IllB Ulil'S. lie liaS axain resumed Iho practice of iHNTlSl'HY, In the room tormorly occuplcil by biro, In ihe building occupied by Wood 4 Bnller, PlntOKraph Aitlsts, and adjoining Wat tlron Bros.' Drun Blore. He takes tills method of e teudliiK thanks, for the liberal p it roniiKe heretofore ex tended to him, end solicits a continuance f the same. , - LIST or PUICKS. Entire Dontnre on Gold Base:. $180 to (22S Upper Denture, Gold Base . CO " lio ' Denture. Vulcanite Kase . 70" 1'25 . " Upper Denrtire, Vnlcanllo Base 84 " 414 1 Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Children' Teeth extracted free af cbarge.. sel3-tT JOSEPH ELlJi:i-JL v iraoiu.yLB Aire mtau pkali)! x ' tk Fancy: & Staple Dry . Goods, CL THING, BOOTO AND SHOES, JUTS AUD CAPS; ASB " Gentlemen's Fur "!a" vi..r u..i.. junrn. eoruor of Mala and Court Street. oc4-f NEW SALOON. NEW STONE ST0BE, VTASIIINCTON 6TBEET. rniB VJMDBItaiONKD would respectfully announce jL thafhe wtll open nrst clnss Siilooa In Fieuch Oilman' New Stone Building, UUS KVEK1KU, end is prepared to serye cuttonicrs nitli tin best of Wines, '. Liauors aJiU 0gars . . . i r un A . . . . a k Every day ul tvenlng. ' oeSetC niNDLAi n, v