ff 3 - 13 VLLES, OREGONr STJIVDA.Y, FEBIIIJABY W5( 1SOO. NO. 8. PUBLISHED EVERY M0RNLG (MONDAYS BXOBHTKD,) BY E, C. COIVXE & J. IIALLOUA3T, BDITOHS AND PftOIBIKTOR9. Tkumj 7'(f:ii'ecn( pur week, payable to the carrier per month, ly mail, $1; three months, 'i5U; six KKittthi, $ii uiiu your, $3. AdvertUemouts inserted at tow rut oa. Job Prm tiiifj. Kvery description nf plain ami laney Job Printing exe ntuil with luMtCntHii .mil iluitp itch, run I forwarded as per oit'sr tnany paitot thu cotiafy. I'aytncntjurJoOI'rint iinj mast U, mule on Utiivtry uj wvrk UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. iMXDmv iisis-vorr, rrop'rs. . THIS Ji.mi.Ul IIOU'SB, OrMFlALLt LOCATED, . ' Near the Staainboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Has boon recently euhu'tfed aud improved, aud will uuw accommodate. 30 0 G-TJENTS. 5T WILL ItU CINDUCTUD as heretofore, a a FII1ST CLASS Il jlj-Hv mi I the i ttiuutigu of the traveling public In respectfully solicits i. . OJT Baggage t.Hoa to the Houso freg of charge. House open all niht. LARGE FIRc-PHjOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dillon, Oct. 4-tr. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, DALLES, OREdON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS TUB CENTRE OF BUSINESS, ' ' ' Near the Etaamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and oau Ao commodate Ono Hundred aud Fifty Guests. Meals..., ...50 est. . Lodging....- 50 eta. Fire Proof Sato furdeposltoof valuables. th. House open all, night. Baggage taken to the Houss free of charge. TIIOUAS SMITH, ili8-tf Proprietor. SP83M3 AND SUMMER GOODS, FRESH STOCK! l(JSE!ttS.a2Rir &' 1IEIOS., Dallea and Walla Walla, DEALERS IN . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods MlnerH' Outfits, . Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively in the San Francisco market, and making ihhib but cash purchases, wo are enabled to se-l fit) per cent, cboaper than uuy other House at the Dalle I DU8ENBEKY 4 DUOS., ' inl-tf Dallas and Walla Wull. MOW TO .SAVE- MONUY ! CALL AT Till NEW Family Grocery and Fruit 'Store, Corner of Washington and Secoud Streets. TUB UYDtSKSIGNUD WISHES TO INFORM THK people of the Dill us, am) tho public generally, that l)e litut a large and well Deluded stock of FAMILY GROCEHIES, CANDrES, A7 UTS, 4c, Which he will Hull Wholesale and Rotail at Reduced i'ricet far CASH. Aim. constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FltlII BUTTER and E(IUS. Aim, evory variety of FRUITS and VHiiHTAIll.KS in their season 1'ersous from up the country, wisliinK quantities of and Fruit, by seinling in tholr orders, will receive the strictest utteutfoii.nnd have them tilled at Ihe Lowell Market Trial. (Jvll-tl'J 0. L. JKWKI.L. a. DALLAM . 0. W. AUMK9. Q. W. AUMSU. ARMES & DALLAM, Importera nnd Jobbers of WOOD ASII WILLOW WARE, . BRUSHES, TYVIX12S, COltDAGE. to. And Mannfactureri of vaitrornia raiw, iuds, brooms, &c. 217 ft 219 Sac r a me u to Street, between Front and Davis, h&n Fmnoinoo, ocll:oimUw. FTILLMANr SULI AQE.1T IN OALIFOHNIA FO . TILTOW & MoFARLAND'S Fire Ac Iturgl.ai Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, wttn . Oom.bina.tion Lock. -Cimtantly band afrrll assnrtment of SA4KS. 318 BAXTKltY 8THKKT, San Francisco. X. H. OATEl. . . . I. I. QXiy. . GATHS & IIAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors a Law, 6r.i.ira nntnnv i:i F0K11015E ni.VES I1HKCT. the WALLA WALLA .& BQISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CAllltVING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND , Wells Fargo & Co.'s Express, . Is now making ItoKulur Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Doise .Minus.) Tiyouli lu Two and a Half Days CnniH'ctlng with the Wallula Line uf Stages, and th Boats of the 0. S. J. Couipsuy. .UiiO. F. THOMAS I CO., ap27-tf ' Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry PAST FBEiaHTS FltOM XJ BJC -A. TILL AF'l'BU TUB FIRST OF OOTOBltU, AT T.'IE FOLLOM'- l.NU HDUUUliU RATES: To Doiae City 15 Cent per pound Iila.iu Ctty 10 Owyheo SO ' '. ' For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Ueuts per pound will be charged. ' , To ESoise City 3 Oays. To lUnlio City 3 l-i Days. TO Owyhee, 4 Days. JOSEPH 1'lNllUA.M, Aeent. . Umatilla, Oct. 1.1605. ocl:tf. QXTAUTSE MILl.! And all Kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS COHNUlt OF M0UR1S0.N and 7TU streets, lOKTLAN. A.. 0. GIBBS k CO.,' Successors to Portland, Dec. 6th '04. h)6tf . L. Jones Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON -AND UILTTATtl) ROOM, ' F. M. UINT, Proprietor, CORNER OF jI iv in and Court Streets, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, nppiMlte Frniich A Oilman's, Dalles. . lias on hand a large and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, JTircsli, Uiittor &, Egrgjs, . Received daily. A larpro lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kin Is. FUUSII VEUETABLES every morning. All articles warrunlud. Give Me a Call, Everybody! . iJ nicies low. nnl8:ff F. ElIiBK. UtitlliHliea ItST. BALDWIN 13 no., f DEALERS IN CORNER OF Maln.and Union Streets, Dalles. J.O.BALDWIN ni'i21-tf F.W.BALDWIN. WM. MOAnOS. 0. B. KdQKL. WM. MO A BUS & CO CITY. BAKEBY, AND J" 110 VISION STORE, Comer of First and B Street. WnOLKSAI.H AND RETAIL D8ALKR8 In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family UR0UER1ES. ) VOrders from a dlstauce caref ully tilled and promp tl imbt:iiuu. , ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE. itauiii sireei, corner 01 uourt. OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respoct fnlly Inform tho pabllo that he has Atted up the above Chop Honse, and Is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH tn the best style ami at the shortest' uotlco. BALLS and PARTIES furnished w th sappers, In that best style and on the unst reasonable terms. OYSTERS In every style. Private Rooms for Lailles. HO U fK( t IC NT AL, Tj JS"I I IT ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACT1CH IN THK 8UPKKMH AND CIR cult Courts of Oreaon. aud the District Courts Washington Territory. Particular atteatiou paid to the collection of elslms. ' .0. UW4AS0M ' halloa, t)ga. .. ,:. J, X. MiKLl l KLi CBi & U I L M A IV, IMPOBTEM AND WUOLESAU Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, .Miners' Goods, float Stores, &c., BAVl BEHOVED TO TIIEIE NW STONE BUILDING, CORNER OT Second and Wasttilugton Streets, DALLES CITY. . OW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS, aorcmeni or the very besi oranus oi - VVINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 4V Constantly receiving our supplies direct from Mew, York aud Sun Francisco, u ar able aud willing to sell ataverf; small advance oil Ban Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method of doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.R. BOOT II , WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,' AND GENERAL DEALER IN ME BOIIANDISE AND MINERS' SGPPMES. PACK AND SADDLE H0RSE3 FOS SALE. rREIOHTS OONSIGNFD to my care'for Colvllle M Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cuive prompt attention. Whito Kiulfs, Out. 1st, 1801. oc 2tf ' iI5W FltUIT, CiUOCUUV AND . PROVISION " STORE. . ''HE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that ho has just established on Main street, noil door to J, Juker, Tobaccouist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment e selected FRUIT. Also, In storo a complete stock ofchoice 0H0VEK1KS, PROVISIONS, VKUETABLkS, etc. All of which will be' sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED PRICES. Come aud see aud satisfy yourself. se!3-tf JOHN 8P0M1T0. DR. -DAVY'S SPECIFIC . COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure fur ull diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS, f Mollis prompt and efflcatious Remedy for the cure JL Uhouorrw i, Oluet, Strictures, und Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a, speedy euro without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business; It will nulicukjy cure any cane which oau be produced. The dUoase It removes speedily as Is con slstout with the production of a thorough aud permanent cure, further, the disease cannot be oemtsacted If the til'UCIPlU COMPOUND is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entirely vegotaMe,und no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express care hilly packod. lWSrKlTKK. SMITH ft DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Buttery street, cr Clay. Jyflm. 8au Fraucinco.' B. H. II ILL. A. J. KANH, HILL'& KANE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors 1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ' STORAQH AND FORWARDING. Goods eousigued to us will meet with proper attention Ilef erences i PORTLAND, DALLES. II. W. Corbet, Robblns 4 Co., Richards A McCracken, W. 0. Moody k Co., II. Law,. O. Ilumason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1803. D. I). STKI'HEXSOx I DENTIST, MAS REMOVED II1S FFICE OPl'O site Illoch, Mlllor A Co., whore he Is prepared to do all kinds of . DENTAL WORK, t2 S'Kl In a skillful and well flul.ilud manner. THHTII bisertec irom one co an entire sec, on (fold or Rubber Plate. Py Prices rangu for Rnbher Plate, from Hi tu$jS: Fot t'MOold Plate, from i76 to i!25. AUr Persons having work done bv me not nrovlnir aat. Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for tin same. aill3-tl DOOKSBOOK-3 ! . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHOOIi BOOKS, STATIONERY, tj oi.Hoaru anu Miscellaneous WORKS, Late NOVELS. MAOAZINKS. PAPKitA & W c, Ac. by every. Steamer. Post-Olllce Bookstore, Main street. Dalles. . U. J. WALDRO V t CO. WAvrED.;; JOHN WILLIAMS, ' . 100 iUiu slMtt t, DaUet. ' . de9;2w THE CNDKRSIONED WILL PURCHASE SECOND hand Furniture, Beds, lleddlnir. CarpeU, Stoves, and Household Furniture olevery descrlutlon. Parties wlslilni to sell will well to call. U m a t i 1 Va, B o i s , AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. ffWHS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNINO M. order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Froight aud Valuable Packages between these aud all Intermediate points with certainly and despatch. , - - The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely - . New Thorough-Brace -3tcs CONCORD gg& WAGONS, . Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. . We offer Supe rior inducements for Shipptns; Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, us our arrangements with tho Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as Fast , Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to onr care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Goods shipped to destina tion. ' GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. k CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Kecoipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Disputch to owyhee aud South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior. Ac commodations in New aud Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We ley over eacu night on tho Head at Uood and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGKNTHt IUCHARDS k McCRAKEN ..........San Francisco RICHARDS McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles PUWr.l.l, 4 C "E , Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON Le Grand 11. M. DuRKLL A CO Jloise City B. M. DuRKLL k CO Idaho City MAJOR SPKER Rocky Bar (South Boise) DultELL k MOORE Ruby and Silver CftU;s II. SI. DnUELL A CO., nlotf Proprietors. 110 ! FOR THE SUMMER 110 1 SE . ON THE sea. beaoh: r MIIS DELIGHTFUL AND CELEBRATED SUMMER JL Kesort, situated on Clatsop Plains, short distance from the Ocean, Is now re-opened and ready to receive guests. This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on th Pacidc Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and surroundings; berries uf all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream and abundance of game. THK TABLE Is constantly supplied with salt and Iresh water fish clanu and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, aud the) iresnosi 01 couutry proouce. The climate Is selubrious This Hotel offers every-. thing that could be desired for the ootufoat of guests, both well aud sick. The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Pleas ure Seekimr Publio for partrouaa-e. that thev msv enabled to make tho " Summur House " a permrnent In iiitution 01 me country. jAm jsliLi hU'rEn May Oth, 18liS. ' jnyUti . A CAUD FOll THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Hon. 41 1, 413 and 415 Unitary Ntret, Cor. MeroUaut, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIDENEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to onr usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Cassimero and Wool HATS of any house in San Francisco, and our prl es for thes Good are less than those of any house, as we rocelve them dlruct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer and Fall Goops Is particularly uttract. Ivo, and the great feature to the couutry merchaut Is the uuusnally low prices) less Than tho Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLE3 In the Dry Goods line, which UikkIs we have purchased In this market nn dor the ham in jr, aud ure altering them at few Vuik Cost, and lots. We publish this card In order that' we may make new ac'iu'iincauces, nnd induce thoso who have not lssrotofor purchased of us, to call and example our stock. ' Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest lnducomunts to all who purchase tu sell agabji. .Utirchant who buy of us can make a good proflt, and sell to thoir customers at a low figure. Ws remain, rospeotrttlly, 1 VoUDObedlent servants, DAD, llilt a LINDRNBERGER, ' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, ' Nos. 411. 41:1 and 416 Battery stroot, Son tVanclsco, February 0, 1800, IMmt, JDR. IS. W. MIXCHEIsL, Offiob WALDRON'S BUILDING rttstnsxcs Corner of Third and Washington Strop's. rXt. -A.. H. STEELE", , ACTING ASSIBTAKT SORSItON, V. 8. . . ' At .' .. . j WAX.DROH BROa UUO STOajB .. Vlvl'J.''.nVs..w; t .. to '1.5