on oiratahttcr. t IIuined uv i he War. Tlio Orleans Crescent lulls ilii storr: 'Now A relic of llio punt in soon in a man, bearing upon hid face and body the impress ot many j-eura. Ice man wulks the streets daily, bearing tbo marks of misfortune, amid Ihe friends ho hud known in better years, but with an appearance bo changed, one can hardly recognize in bun the Mer- eutiooftho Crescent Cily, the guy, witty and elegant gonllman who was nl ono time the vory'leader of f'usliion. bucdy habiliments, a bent body and wrinkled l'a'eo, hnvo nearly obliterated all in him that was so familiar in the past. Inheriting a groat fortune, he increased it lurgoly by marriago, and irom his profession at tho bar had an income of fortyor fifty thousand dol lars a year, and received a singlo foe of sixty thousand dollars upon a claim on real oslato in tho lower part of tno city. This wealth he scattered with princely generosity and royal prolu sion, lie was a Lucullus at homo, and his hospitalities aspired to all the iiKigniGuencoof tho ijneient Roman no bleman. In IS i7 ho gave a einglo niroo that cost $25,000, and which excooded in splondor anything ever bolWo known horo. The very floors over which tho dancers moved wero covered with sconio paintings, tho work of the most accomplished artist then in New Orleans; and in tho sa. loan, where gumingitablos wero ar ranged, stood two baskois one fillod with bunk notes and tho other with gold, for tho uso of those quests .who wero unfortunate with tho fickle god dess. The dispenser of this gorg'.ous hospitality is now dependent upon his relatives. II o takes his loss with Christian resignation, and does not fly from tho world and rail against it. like Timon of Athens, but moves through the world wwth a pleasant and urbane manner, as if he had still the -princely fortune at command. Such cases as this are common .since the war. Time for Matrimony. Among the auueient Germans, than whom a finer race nover existed, it was death for any woman to marry before she was twenty years old. In this country very few womon aro fit, either" phys ically or mentally, to become mothers beforo they reach the age of twenty. The unsound condition and constitu tion of the parent is utuallytransmitted with increased intensity to tho off spring. By the laws of Lycurgus, tho most especial attontion was paid to tho physical odimation of women; and nono delicate or sickly were, on any ac count, allowed to marry. Dr. John son, in his work on tho Economy, of Health, says thut matrimony should not bo contracted beforo tbo first yoar of tho fourth septennial on tho part of tho lady, nor beforo the last year of tho same in casoof the gentleman; in other words, tho female should be at least twenty-one years of nge and the male .twenty eight years. Tho Dr. Hays there should be a difference of sov eral yoars between tho sexes, at what ever period of lile the connoctioin is formed. Thero is a difference of seven years, not in tho actual duration of life, in the two sexos, but in the stamina of the constitution, thosymctry of tho form, and the lineaments of tho face. In respOvH to early marriages, so far. as it concorns tho softer sex, lor every year at which mar'mgo is onterod upon beforo the ago of twThty.ono, there will be, on an aventgo, three years of prematura decay, more or less appar ent, of tho corporeal fabric. Dissolution iVotlce. Til K C0-l A RTN EltSHT V horetnfof o etUtlntr betwoen A- LAUKR and K. SOIIDTZ. under the iinino ol Liutr Bchutz. In tho .Inck'on Saloon, Is this day iHs ttdved by mutual coiiftont, Mr. Lrtter hnvlng sold out his b.teied to K. Bcliut . who will continue the bnslaesa utt his own' ncennut. All debts due the lute firm will be paid to U. Sclmti, who will sottlo all llubll ties. .. . ' Ai LAtTRIt.' -Tlle..Dn.lst.. Wi. K. SCIIUTZ. Thunk-tnl Ibr -nat putronnffit, the ttndersleued'would re.nectriillr luforju hts friends that he will ever be fooneV nl the old stunil id ready to ditiieunO lib) oholco llauortui v - - " BiljjUUXi. NEW GOODS! TTl llVINII JUST AHKIYKD FROM TIIK 5AX FRAN- JTl. citco Market, we would invito thentieiition ofonr menus and tno community at I irge, to our woll-selccted tuck of Dry Goods, ' Clothing. Hoots & Shoes, &c, &., ,&c., Which we lire sulline; nt the most roftsoniiule rotes. We cutiliot sell our kihmJs AT CO.'!', hut ilfHiirn the coiniin: nlt.v Unit it pleu.es ul tu noil goods nt SMALL I'HURTS. de9tf. II. llliiOIAN & CO. M. "Wunscli fc Co., WILL CLOSE OUT TIIKI It STOCK OF JIUIIC1IAN I18K, lit tliolr place nl business, ut the Dulles, in order to go the Milieu. Their stock cnihriicos Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Slats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold nt COST, for CASH only. U Ail who know themselves iudehtod to our tirm nt the Dalle will pleusecnll mid settle ns sooimis piilie. Those who have been accommodated wo trust will not delay na unnecessarily, hut he prompt in squaring up a.' counts. Cull mid soe us, all aud everyhodv 1 iiuii-tr m. wunsch co. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIERLAM &c WE1NTZ, 0I.011K IIOTKL BUILDING. jttlCT. JPMIIi nAti.ni.. t .... i -:..t.. teyi-WSa llnim'T.nl.'l Fiipiilturo. f.-iiL emliriicln Tablo, Chairs, Htiretuia Jlednaud lieitriteads.Ileddihtr. Carpets etc.vtc, All ot which will bo rtulilat luw rate. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering dime to order. Also.nii luiiirt UattressuBaudrilluws. Spi'MiDeds made to order. uul2 ' 74. W)l. RROWJV WARKEE. OT. D. PFKICH 74 SECOND fcTUULT, between WnsliiiiKton and Court. Office lloi-RBtl to 12 A.N.;2to4p M.;mul 0 lolO, f.m MRS. MATTIK IlOLnilOOK would renpectfiilly In form tho Ladies of I Ik- Dulles nud vicinity, that Bite 1ms opened irshup in connection witli Miss O'lluiirlie, wliero shots prepared tu u nil klmls ot work wltli neat ness und dispatch, llaviuir Just arrived irolu the Unxt, ftlie hopes tu he able to plciuo all us to Form uud I'anliiuii Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TllltKK UUOUS Wuat ol tho Coiner ofTHIIlD and UNION Streets. oe'il:in lxi r ss I IP ti r s ! THE IIIQII EST MAIIKKT l'KIOH PAID IN CASH roa Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, fly RICHARDS McCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lbOr.. oc4:Um 11 LACK LIST. JOHN It. WARD, OFCUDS3 HOLLOW, has this day p-il mu Three Hundred anil Forty-one Dollurd In UKKKMIACKS AT 1'Alt, Tor a debt due in Gold Coin. Deo. 30, 1805. lJ4ml J. C. RIFFLE. TOYS! T0YS!T0YS! TOYS! FOU TOYS AMD FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend nil denlers in that line to the UAtfliKT AND TOV It.MI'OltlUM of TI1UMA0KK & .UIN, . S'20 mid Rattery Street, n28:3m San Frauet-rn. Dissolution iVotitc. HB FIRM OF J. W. Mil, LK.lt CO. hnvo this day disposed of their entire stock, in this city to Mestn-. lluiineli Jt Miller, who will continue the business at the same ttand. Mr. Thomas Miller is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons knowing themselves iiuUhted wilt please come forward and settle and save coits. J. W. MILLHR Co. Dulles City, Nov. 23d, 1605. n2:!t r summons. J. F. Orlffln plaintiff, vs. Inane Jeniiinc", defendant. Action to recover money. In County Court ul the State of Oregon for Union Coihtty. raid ISAAIJKNMKUS. Ilerendant In (lie naiiin ot JL the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to npiieiir una answer Plaint iir complaint now on tile In the Clerk's office In said Court, alter ser vice hereof upon you by publication for si weeks In the i keklx MousTAixtr.R, us Dy order or said Court. Judgment for wunt thoruof will be taken against you, and urns you so appear and answer said complaint, the Plaint ff will tako judgment auainst you for the sumNil' &I50, togethor with the costs anil disbursements of this action. Ry order of J. P. Argersiuger. County .lude of Cnlot. County. M, RAKER. Att'y for plaiiitill'. U. 8. Rev. Stamp) 60 coins. ) jan5-0v r. Summons. Henry Tozer 4 John llaloy, plnintlffi, T. Isaac Jen nings. Action to recover money, in County Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County. nr0 ISAAC JENNINGS, DEFENDANT: In tho tinmo JL of t he Slato of Oregon, you are hereby summoned nud required to appear and auswor the complaint of the Plaintiffs, now ou file in tho Clerk's olllce. in said Court, after service hereby upon you by publication for six weeks in the Wkiki.y MouNT.vitfKMt. as by order of said Court, or Judgment for want thereof will be taken against yon: and unless you so appear and answer said complaint, tho Plaintiffs will tako JudKment against you for the sum of $2a, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. II order of J, P. Argorslucr, Couutv ..ludgesnf Union Couutsu. .i V. S. Rev. Stump I M. 1IAKKR, Att'y for plaintiffs. 50 cents. J 'au5-Bw Dissolution tfotlce. THECO-PARTNERSlIIPhereloforeexlstliighetween OEORUK Mci.KAN ft DAVID UOR.MNG, In the Eclipse Chop House, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, David Darning having silld out his interest to Geo. McLean, who Is alone authorlr.cd to transact any busi ness In the nuine of said llduse. G. McLEAN. laities, Jau'y. 12. 1800. D. DORNING. W. D. BIGELCWT Receiving, Storing Forwarding l---'. AND 'I Commission Merchant! AdYbnecs made on Consignments. ,i MAIN lSTKIiET,:pposlte tU Cmatilla Hrasei : DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WUOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. Vtt DltUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! & S. LEMON, WllOLESAl.t AND RETA11, DBUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streots DAM-ES, OUEGOX. I.KMON Is ablo to supply parties In want ofDrugs, i1" Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, nud every other articlo enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. - Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give liiui a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main mln Second. & Ei t L a xn vovnuitY AND MACHINK SIIOI', FIRST STREET, between VamhiU and .Morrison. Lustrum Knglnus ol tro es.lWoodworths "J,-iil;.-;Vli'v---v pattern.) Wrought and VTrxiyjJs d:!'i-:;fo-i?3 Cast lion work for Ver- XXfo'e-&?3 Ileal Sawand Orlst mills; (XjT)'S lliass and Iron Castings 6efr nud WROUGHT EUOX WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. Those Mills can heforwnrded to nnv Dart of the mines as the weight of tho entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse rowors St Agricultural Implements luillllllactuieil to order at the very LOW ESI' CASH PRICK N. II. Pnrticnlor attention paid to RKPAIIIS. fc2o-tf S ELL I NO 0 F FA T ClTsf ! My entire stock of STOVES Ami TINWARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S T06LS, rgillE WHOLE embraelng a fine stock, ever" article Ji of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. Also, one ORAND PI ANO. iu good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT. on Second St.eet, next to tho corner of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and is well adnptod to the hotel business. Also a lot of REDDING, comprising ahuut twenty-five Reds. Tho whoio will be closed out cheup. For further particulars apply on the promises. nulKim ALllERT UEVTIN0EN. NOTICE SS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ce-partnerslilp hereto fore existing between K. U. 1IARDV, C. L. MITCH ELL and F. W. THJMI'SON, doing a mercantile busi ness in this place, nniler the name of K. C. Hardy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, nml hereafter the Lusinct's of said ftrm will ho conducted by E. C. Hardy, who alone is uuthorizod to collect nud sett'e tbo accounts of Mtld firm. K. C. HA IIDY, C. L. MITCH ELI,, Snsnivllle. Grant Co., Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON Nov. 13, 1805 n2U:lm Washington Wagon Road. rpiIK UNDERSIGNED WOULD I'FORM TUB J Traveling Public that tho Washington Wagon Road Rom Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept In good traveling order lor wagons ami stock. " U. C. HARDY, Dalles Jan. 11th 1866. janlltf Bole Proprietor- Ixotice! 7 If HEREBY WARN ALT, PERSONS from contracting JtL or buying luiytntng wnatevor irom r. M. hUMZ, whereby 1 will have been thought by tho public respon sible, as I am not, nor will 1 hold mys if responsible for any of sail! F. M. Kuntn's acts. W. F. MOFFAT. Snsaiivillo, Grant Co., Nov. 28, 1865. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. f21IRST-CI,ASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats nod convey Pnssengers ami their baggago to the House Freo of Charge, or tu any other House In the Ciry for 50 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. T. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All tlio. Stoa-iiors for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria laud nt tho Lincoln House Wharf. sepl:3m " MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Mrect. TTTAVING NEWLY FITTED CP TIIK GALLERY over JUL Degnar s Store, would rospectlullyanuouuco tuall those wishing riiotogrnphs, Carts do Vlsitc, tc.,x that they will do well to give her a call. Particular nt- tentiou paid to taking Ladiosand Chi dren's Pctures. ocilttf. , . Dissolution of Co-I'artuersuip. rnUE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing uoder JL the name and .stylo of IIOUUINS, McFARLAND &C0., Is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent.. All lia bilities of said firm to be pal.l by Rdbbln A Wearer, and all debts due said firm tu bo paid to and collected by them. J. It. RODIIINS, .- . . -.f O. McFARLAND. - tnllp's, Jan. 6, 186t ' 0. V. WE VER. ' ." All iiorsous Indebted to n will pleosti call and "Pun gle" nud save coats. juViul' m 4 to4o liorso- WY.,? . power.tlther Portable or (fViM'-iWrtH!v 13'- -Stationary. Also. CIR- ( -iifs MX, t'L'LA R SAW MILLS Yt-i&Wxii i COMPLETE, eonstantly tWVfMf on hand. Also, Hay Pros- WSmpilf.S' es of all si.es ; Planing ffWM M ae e.(Wooa..rth'i ll DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWKK PRESS BGGK&J03 FRiNTSNO OFFICE. First Street, betweun Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dipii!t-h. IT A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to oKnr.it: C a r S s n bj d Hi I J-S3 v :i d x . CJIECKS. DRAFTS, JtliCEIl'TS. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS U'C, rfc, t:C, rniNTK.o ix the bost attractits kannui, also, WAy-jii.is. U1L1.SOF FA UK. LKTTJCK HEADS. kKCEU'T HOOKS. HILLS LADIXO.I (Pricf and F"ni5ipllcx, rismxa, yvKDDixa akduat home" cards l)riiB:aili!' Ijtvbt-ls, In short, everything that can bo done In a Rook and J, b I'riliting Ollire. from the smallest nml most delicmeCaid or Circular, to the largest si'.o ami niost yhowy Posting Kill nud wntcii will ue iiiuieu out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. our hciutif.h roa hie kxixution- of JECORATIVE PRINTING In tho must beautiful Colors, Shades-uud Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! J-rom a siriL'le JMieut tbo LmiretU Alum moth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW riJCFUMEItS LABELF.ife Aie unsurptuwed by tlione ot any otlir estulillBlitnfiit in Oregon. W uduvuto Bpecitil iittei.tiun tu thisbrmit'li ul tlie bu sine ss, nml uro continually ailditip to our alrcntly exieii si vo anil well appointed aBbortmtiit of iimteriHl, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. 'C, (ft., tfL'., Of tbe must modern and elabornto decigna. Onr stock 01 FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of tbo finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the Slate. The nnucims upon whuii businens is nsited for this es- tahlitihnieut is, that person h will conMilt their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that cilice iu which their money cun be expi-mled to tho bent advantage. To this end we solicit all In want of good I'lliifiiiK, ftt very ' reasouahle charges, to cull and examine speciuieus, and utlge fur you ntel vcs. Orders from the Tppcr Country Will have our special care, nnd friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as w - HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the frStntt) ol'Oreeon! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE- mlS-tf . Dalles. Oieuon. JACKSON SALOON"! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORKGON. TIIEUNDRUSIONKI), HAVING IlKMOVED FK05I TIIK "BULLA UNION" CULLAll, INTO Gates Now 15uillingf Her to Inform the public thut they lire prepared to serve their customers with tho hest Wines, "Liquors and Cigars, THE MAItKUT AK1UUD3. ALSO, A Free Lnndi ! Every day end evening. EMIL SCHt'TZ, . doc2-lf - Proprietor. Hard "Wood. iAimber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS' WE HBO TO CALL ATTKNTION of Carilnpe Man ufiiuturers and Deal o in to the Lttrpe and Com plete Assortment of CAHH1AUK and WAUON MATKKl ALS we aro constantly receiving from tbo Kant, upocially selected for tbe California market, comprising, Oakf Hickory. nmlHecoud (Irowth Aali I' I auk. Hickory Axles, Wagon L'ult-s, 11 tibi, Spokes, felloes, Uiun, bhaits, &c. Ac which we oiler nt tbe lowest Cash Prices. .. . Orders nddretised to uur bouse will receive promp utteutloii. N. VV. lilt AGO Sk CO., Julo&ni. 20 A 31 IVittory Street, Ban Francisco, nud 17 & VJ Seventh Street Sacrainouto. 0. Watrhiiousk, 11. W. Hkaou & Co., . J. W. Lester 8an Franc isoo. Sacrauiunto. New York IVli3V HEARSE! rO'MIU UNDEItSIQNKU 11 HO S TO INFORM TIIK CIT JL I'ens of the Dulles nud vicinity t lint he has received t HEW IIKAHBE, and will Attend Funerals ' on short notice. This Is the first, nud at present, only Ileurso lu the city. ..4 , I. 31. EVANS tulles, Mny 19,1605. ! my:2U-tf. , ' CT J3 liltOOI8, M. I, ,:?r Office At Dr. Cralji'a Drua StA ' , v. ' DALLES, OREGON. 1 ,jn