CHI 9 Skinning Gen. Butler's House. About six months ago, wbib in tho Datoh Gap canal, General Butler re reived information that his favorito horso, Almond Eyo, had been acoiden tally kiHod by fulling into a ravine UpoTi tho departure of the informant, bo ordered an irishman to iro ana skin him. 'What! is Almond Eyo dead?' asked Pal. 'What's that to yon? Do ns 1 bid you, and ask no questions.' Fat went about his busincsH, and in nn hour or two 'returned. 'Woll, Pat, whore have you boon all this time?' i 'Skinning the horse, yor honor " Does it take nearly two hours tosnch an op eration?' 'No yer honor; but then you see it tuck 'bout half on hour to catch him' 'Catch him!' Fire and fu ries! was ho alive?' 'Yes, ycr honor; nnd you know that 1 could not skin liim alive' 'Skin him nlive! Did you kill him?' 'To bo Huro I did! You know I must obey orders without asking any questions.' Gen Butlor eyed his sorvant with such a malicioaa look that Pat thought ho moditated skin ning an Irnhman in rovongo for tho doath of his horse. A London shipbuilder has invented a water-chariot, a boat or ship on rollers. It will carry both passengers and freight; is sustained abpvo tho witor icvol by tho buoyancy of rotary hollow drums or cylinders through which the axles or shafts revolvo by tho propulsion of steam orother power, and is peculiarly adaptod to tho usi of snvill cruft, entering shnllow rivers and crcoks .where ordinary vessols . cannot pass, owing to the construction of their keels. BitiTisii Honduras has been nearly drowned out by tho recent heavy rains which havo ruined tho crops and drowned most of the live stock. Tho coolie laborers introduced there have either died, committed suicide or boon bung for mi'rdor, and tho country is generally iu a bad way. . The Macon Journal and Messenger ays, " so unsatisfactory have beon oxporimonts with freo negro labor on the Central road, that tho Atlantio nn i Gulf road has boon bringing white labor from the JNorlh. Treasurer's Notice. nnilE FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will Bo paid jsl up in presentation ni niyomee: W'ifn ILrgistered. Class, No. In favor of. March 15. 1H06 4 872 L. McAnslln. .April 7, ' 4 1 874 J. II. HarlnrJ. ' ' 10 ' 4 .. 8H( L. McAnslln. " 10 8S7 L. McAnslln. " 10 " .4 8S8 L. McAitflliu. May 13 " 4 9SI It. II. Hoed. Juue'J 4 0K7 C. It. Molts. ' 0 " .4 927 JohnCntes. ' 8 " 4 OSS C. It. MpIki. 0 ' 4 90S 1). W. Mltt-lirll. 9 4 994 ll.W. Mitcholl. " 9 " 8 39 C. Whlto. " 9 A 4 ' " 9 " 6 6 " " 9 ' 6 Z-l It. W. Crnndall. ' 9 6 fl " ' II ,,..5 63 " "10 6 12 J. D. Harford: ' io i 7 " 10 . OS 0. N. Dcnnv. " 10 " i 5 8S T. AlcAusllii. . " 10 " i ft 69 . " "10 " & 47 r.T.Tutlill!. " 10 " 8 02 ' " i 10 ' 6 45 ' ' 10 6 fi7 " " 10 8 54 " " l'J " - 8 23 T.McAuslln. . 20 4 7tW Isaac Kvbih. "21 " 4 (Mil . Chas. Ilollwrn. 28 4 73 0. II. Stouor. " 2S - i. 4 74 0. W. Lawsuit. July 7 ' 6 75 0. It. M.iRi. s 1 TOddtlw II. J. ?"Af.llP.ON. Treasurer. IVotice of Final Settlement. TJ-OTICK OF FINAL fKTTLEMEND OK T1IK E9 J. tnte of T. M. 0. Moail, deceased. In (lie Onimty C.mrt ol Wasco county. 0 eixon. In Probata. Notice U linrehy piveu, that J. N. Moad, admlniatrnror of the ahnve, died In tho County Court u(Wm conntj, at the J'ohruar.v Torrn, 18C, Ilia arcnunta for, and praya eot tlemont of said estato; it li therefore ordered that enid application be heard nn Tnoaday, the 6th day of March, 1 Klin, at the Court Ilnnso, In Dalles City, In aald county, and that notice thereof be published for four woeka lu me imllu mouxtiixisb. u. n. u&N n i, February itli, 18(h). ft-9 4w Qounty Judge. Dissolution Notice. TnECO-PAHTNERSUIP heretofore existing between A. LA1IKII and K. SCIIUTZ. under the name of Laser k 8cliuta,ln the Jarknn Saloon, in thla day dls caved by mu ual consent, Mr. Lruer haying: eold out hie , Interest to H. 8chutH. who will continue the bneinem oa hie own account. All debta due the late Arm will be pwu io . Bcuutt, who will lettle all liabilities i , .... A-""?. I Tlmnkftil for paat pa?r1lra,, flfa tmrfernlCTed would "'rmaattnllT Inform hl friend. tWI will hftiaiui ; a the old tuud rwldjr to OiapeaM kit ehnlee 1 1 aw nr. k mi ecu via.; i NEW GOODS! TTWIIVINO JUST AnniVKD FROM TIIK f AN FRAN III clico Market, we would Ineilo theatlentlon of our trienae und the uuniinuuity at l.ircu, to our well-sulccU'd Dry Goods, , Clothing, Hoots & Shoes, &C, &.C., inch we are eelllne at the moat reaHonablc rates. We cannot aim our guuda Ac COST, hut asaura the roinini; uity that it pleuaea us to noil good at Hl A I.L F1K1HTS. .oeu. -l. IIKKMAN Ul). 3.t. Wunsch &, Co., T,M' CI0SK 0UT TIIK1R STOCK OF MHItniAN- w w dish, at tliolr place ot biialnoas, at the Dalles, iu order to o the Mines. Their stock embraces Ury Goods, Clot li dig, Boots, Hats AM) GENERAL MEli CIIA KDISE, All which will he sold at CilST, for CASH only. All who know ttlt.lllllveii lmllitii to mtr firm nf the Dalliis will plnaiecall and settle as soon as possible. Thiiao who have been aceommoilated we (rust will not delay us unnecessarily, but bo prompt in squaring up ao tonnta. Call aud gee us, all und overyhody 1 FURNITURE ! FURNITURE" DIERLAM Sc WENTZ, -VJJRNITU. Ol.OTIH HOTKL BUILDING,' "TTTTvTSrl? riallHH Citv. have on InLiiil a vurmtv r? -Jy $mfr$Q Household Furniture, SjJisSie. embracing Tables, Chairs, llureaus Uedsand Uedsteiuls, Beddinir.Carpela elc, etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order, aiso.ou liauii Mattresses aud Pillows. Spring Hods made to order, an 12 ' 74. OFFICK 74 SECOND STKKET, between Washington and Court. Ophce Ilotms 0tol2 A.M.;2to4p M.jandOtolO, r.K Wi'lNTrA MA li lilt. MRSi MATTIE nOLllROOK would rospectmily In form tho Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop in connection with MissO'ltourke, where bIio la prepared to do all kind of work with neat ness ami ilispalcll. Having Just arrived from the Kast, the hopes to be able to (aoaae all us to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Cunts and Dresses Cut to Order. TllllliH DOORS West ot the Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. nc21:m8 UALLUS CITY DRUG STOUE. P. CRAIG, WUOLKBALI AND RUT AIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MED'ICIXES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT M15D1C1N15S. ic. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKUGGIST, W'ashiiiirton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALIES, OREGON. CJ l.KMON la able to anpply parties In want ofDmgs, Patent Moilii-inos. ClieininiU, Acidn, I'erfuineiy, 'and every other article enumerated wilh tho WHQLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowoat market rates. S Physicians anil Merchants Intenillnir to nnrchaso lbr the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. S. l.KMON. e.p.3:tf. Washington St., botweon Main adn Second. AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STRKKT. between Yamhill and Morrison. tean ti.ikfttnes ol l rom 4 to 40 horse. . . '-r. a.. power.tithor Portable or x'SfB' W1 'i&?$hk:: t Ktationary. Also, Cltt- &i:($M& jTASi (HJI-All SAW MILLS jr$0R?A$!:?r$Z uu.iiri,r.TK, constantly .v ((,;s',-VJ! Furs ! Furs ! THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH roa Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, Bv RICHARDS & McCRAKEX. Portland Sept. 27, 186&. oc4:3ni 12 LACK L.IST. TOIIX II. WARD, OF CROSS HOI.l.OW, lifts tlda day ajl pal me Three Hundred and Forty-one Dollars iu UKKRNDACKS AT PAR, tor a debt duo in Oold Coin. J.C. U1FKI.E. a- a Dec. 30, ltiuo. IJliul'j TOYS! T0YS!T0YS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AKU FANCY GOODS For the Holldaya, we rernmmend all denier s In that line to tho UASliET AND TOY EMPORIUM of TllUMAUIill & ZUIN, 820 und 322 Buttery Street, n28:3ni San Francisco. Dissolution Aotice. THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER CO. have this day disposed of their entire stock. In this city to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will continue Uie business at the satuo ftand. Mr. Thomaa Miller Is authorized to settle all liahilitiea and collect all debts due, All persons knowing thomselvos IuiUbted will pleuse come lorwald and settle and save cints. J. SV. MILLEU & Co. Dalles City, Nov. 23d, 1808. n23lf Hay Pres ses of all sizes; LMauilitt Machines, ( Wood worth'a pattern.) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills: llrass und Iron Castings -wvtot-" and WROUGHT IRO WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furulsh Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mllla can beforwnrded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire much i 11017 will not exceed 3, OUO pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements maim lectured to order at the very I.UWU8 T UAS1I PRICE M. U. Partlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. fc2il-tr SELL I NOrOTTAT 'COS ITS My ontirc stock of - STOVJES AFi'15 TlWARH, ALSO, v TINMAN'S TOOLS. THE WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever- article of which will bo sold at COST, as I deslro to close out buaineas. Also, one UKAM) PI ANO, in good order. Also, lor sale, tne iiuusk AMI LOT, on Second tteet, next to the corner of Washington. Tho llouxe is two stories, with a basement, and Is well ndaptcd to the hotel business. Also a lot of 1IEMD1.NU. couipiis'ng about twonty-llvo lleds. The whole will be closed out cheap. ui iiuiiier ym iieuiuis nppiy 011 ine premises. au9:3m - ALllERT UECTINftKN. Summons. J. F. flrlflln plaintiff, va. Iennc Jennings, defendant. Action to recover money, in County Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County. rV) ISAAC JENMNUS, Defendant: In the name of JL the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to nppenr anu answer l'lninl iff complaint now 011 rile lu tho Clerk's ollice lu said Court, utter ser vice hereof upon you by publication for si weeks in the Wskhlt Mou.ntmmkr, as by order of said Court, or judgment for want thereof will be takcu against you, and uiilsss you ao appear and answer said con. plaint, the Plaint ff will take Judgment against you for llieaum of $:150, togotherwith the costs and disbursements of this action, lly order of J. P. Argersiuger. County Judge uf I ni.iu County. M. BARER, Att'y for pialutiir. U. S. Rov. Stamp') 60 cents. Jau6-0w Summons. Henry Toznr 4 John Haley, plaintiffs, vs. Isaao Jen nings. Action to recover money, in County Court of the State of Urogon, lor Uuiou County. riO ISAAC JENNIN03, DEFENDANT: In filename M. of the Slate or Oregon, you are hereby auinmoned and required to appear and auswor the complaint of the Plaintiffs, now ou Hie in theClerk-s ollice. in said Court, after aervlce herohy upon you by publication for six weeka in the Wkekiv Mouxtainkkii, as hy order uf said Court, or Judgmout for wnut thereof will be taken against you: and unless you an appear niffl answer aald complaint, the Plaintllls will take judgment against you for the annt of ti'iO. together with the costs aud dlsburaemonta or this action. II order of J. P. Argorslnger, County Judge or Union County. U. 8. Rov. Stamp I M. BAUER, Att'y for plaintiffs, : 60 cents. J 'auS-Ow Dissolution Notice. TItKOO-PARTNRIlPinp heretofore existing between OEOROH McLRAN A DAVID IWKNINll, In tlio Eclipse Chop Home, ts thla day dlaaolved by mutual cou aent, David Doming having Bold nut his Interest to Oeo. McLean, who la alone authorized to transact any busi ness In the nume nf said home, o. Mclean. l allea, Jan'y. 12. 1866. D. DORNINO. , W. D. BlGELCW,: Receiving, Storing Forwarding ;.. ' a.i --it ajjD' " '.! ' ' Commission' 1 ; Merchant ! AdTftncci made oa Consignments. s i " MAM BTHH1T, Opposite ths Umatilla Hotua. I KOTICK 53 HK.RE1IY GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing between E. 0. II VKDV, C. L. MITCH ELL and F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi ness in this place, under the name of E- C. Hardy & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, nnd hereafter the business of said firm will be conducted by E. C. Hardy, who alone la authorized to collect and aett'e the accounts of taid linn. E. C. HA ItDY, C. L. MITCHELL, Suaanvlllo. Grant Co., Oregon, F. V. THOM I'SON Nov. 13, 1805 n21):lin Washington Wagon Road. rrillB UNDERSIGNED M'OULD INFORM TUB J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland nnd Vancouver to tho Upper Cascades ia well being kept in goodtravollug order for wngona and stock. E. C. 1IARDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 18G5. Janlltf tolo Proprietor. (NOTICE. SHEREDY WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting or buying anything whatever from F. M. KUNTZ, whereby I will have been thought by the public respon sible, ns I am not, nor will I hold mya If responsible for any of aald F. M. KunU'airc:. W. F. MOFFAT. Snaanvllle, Grant Co., Nov. 28, 1805. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Chargea Reasonable AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats nnd convey Passengers nnd their baggntre to tho House Freo of Charge, or (o any other lluuse in the Ciry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In tho House. All the Btoamora for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. -aepl:3m - MRS. L. WHITE'S BlEW PHOTOGRAPH E00MS, Washington Street. HAVING NEVTLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY ovor Degnar's Store, would respectfully anuouuee to all thoae wiBhing Photographs, Carts le Tisitc, fcc, that they will do well to give hor a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Cbl'dreu'a Pctures. oc21:tf. -: t DlMHOlutlon of Co-Partnershlp. TUB CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore eilatlng Under the name and style of KOUHINS, McFARLAND C0, la thla day dlaaolved by mutual consent. All lia bllltlea of aald Arm to be paid by Kobblua A Weavdr, and all debts due said firm to be paid to and collected by asm. J. K. R01II11N8, f'iL V'V'Jn,'"' K 'O-McrAllLAND. Dalles, Jan. 0.18M O. W. WEAVER. All persona Indebted to B will please call and Pen gle" and save cosMj jaTial DAILY MOUNTAINEER & m - POWER, rXTTSS . E00X&J03 PRINTIHQ OFFICE. First Street, between Main umi 11 DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVEfJY VARIETY Executed with accuracy mid dispatch II i STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with, the very best, and AT BATES A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to oum:n: C a r ! s a ia l B i S c a d m . CHECKS, DRAFTS, Ul.CKlVTS, FOSTERS AND PROG It A M 51 E S ' FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITION'S fC, t 0:C. tic., PRtNTKIl 1.1 TIIS MOST ATTHACT1VS K.N.NtR. ALSO, WAY-BILLS. HILLS OF FA1IK. LKTIKH HEADS.- JiLCLU-T ROOKS, LJI.LSLADIXO, Elriefs ass (I I'aDEsliIets, riSIlWO, WEDDING AJSD "AT HO-VX" CAULS lusIaltK, Ltvbcls. In short, everything that can bo dono In a Doric and.h b Printing l.ilnco, Ironi the sunniest nnd inoht delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sir.o and most fhowy Pi sting juil anu wlilcll will lie turned out m a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACII.1TIKS 10 a TUB EXECUTION CF "JECORATIVE PFtllMT In the moBt bcumtlfu Colors, Sltadva tint! Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! rrom a ninle Shoot to tlio Liu gent Mammoth, OJiNA jWAiV TA L SHOW VARUS. riltl'VMEHS1 LAftElS. tf e Aie uniurpantted by thone of any othtr I'stnliliehuient iu Ort'fioii. Wodovote siiccinl attention to thib branch ol the Imsinees. and are cotitmually nddlnif to our already exiuu- livo anil well appointed uuoortuii'iit of utatirial, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ifc, c iSc, Of the moat modern and elaborate designa. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS. &C. Are of the finest quality, nncl for richnoBS of color and durability, ca'Juot be equaled hi the Btate. The principle upon which bun In ens in nuked for this en tabliHhnieiit is. that pornuufl will consult tlxir own inter estn, by awarding their custom to that ollice iu which their iiionoy can be expended to tho iJcdt advantage, 'lo this end we solicit all iu want uf gid Piintinn, at very roasonable chariiea, to call and exumiue sineciiueoH. ai.d judgo for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, nnd friendti from the interior may rely upon haying tliolr orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htnle of Oruson I Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE- IlllR-tf ilalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, UALL1C8, OltliiOCKN. TIIEUNDBU9I0NKD, HAVINO REMOVED FROU T11K "11KLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' INcw IJniltliiig', Hep; to Inform tho public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET 'AFFOHDS. ALSO, A Freo Lunch. ! Evory day aud evening. dccMf EMIL. SCHITZ, Proprietor. Ilavcl Wood Lximber. CARRIAGE AND VAG0?, MATERIALS WK 11KQ TO CALL ATTENTION of C.urinpo Man) ufacturers and DcitliM-H to the Lhiko nnd Com plcte luooitment of CAUU1AUK nud WAOO.V MATKHI j A 1-8 we are conntnntly rccelviiiR from the Kat,pecially Helurtcd tor .the Californin market, coiupiislng, Oak, Hickory, and Second tlrmvth Ash Plunk, Hickory Axle, Wagon I'oleti. Uiilm.HpoUen, Fed Iocs, KiiiH, bhaits.t&c. Ac., which we offer at the lowest Ciifth 1'iIcph. Orders addressed lo ourhoiiRe will receive pro nip attention. N. W. llltAOU A CO., jol6:8m. 29 k 81 Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 ft IU Seventh Street Sacramento. C. WATRRnOVSB, U. W. ltaAGQ ft Co., J. W. hzvtt. Ban Francitwo. Sacramento. New York NEW HEARSE! flUIM UNDEK8IQNED HKU8TO INFORM TUK OIT M. Item of the Dalles aud vicinity that tie has received s NEW IIKAHSK, and will ' , , lA.ttend Funerals ;? on short notice. This Is the first, nnd at present,' only U ears In the olty. - 1. ; . ,' vi .-. . I. M. BVAN8 tfcllea, May 19, 1808. , my:20-tf. ' ! O. B. UROOKS, M. I. , Office-At Dr. Crala's) Drus BUtfdl L DALLES, ORBGONi