C21 mk lltoiratainm SiXDAT MOKXIXO, FED. 18, 1SGO. Bancroft (he historian, is still nctively tn gaged on the History of the United States. Tiik Iris lias been buuled out at the mouth ef Mill Creek, and is now undergoing repairs. Tits intensely told weather of the last few days discourages the belief that navigation Hoove Olilo will, open before another week. Military oflivers, lateljr from the eaBt, sny that lien. Grant expects to visit the Pacific coast the present year. Tun Morning Star Mill, nt Owyhee, turned out one week in January two bricks; 'one valued at 20,100, and the other $1T,0u0. Ti'B Attorney General of Wisconsin has brought suits against seventy. two State banks, iu order to close them up. , Tub Washington Standard says that thero are many thieves and roughs prowling about the l'ugct Sound country this winter. Tub French Government proposes to alloy their silver currency with zinc, in place of copper, which is used fot that purpose at pre sent. Jo3it Billings says, " When a man's dog doserta him,, on account of his poverty, he can't get any lower down in this world not by land." . Thb people of DiitisbColumbia are work ing bard to build a road from Frazer River to the mines at Big Bend by the time the spring travel commonces. Chicago's valuation is $48,733,782, and the annual product of 'manufactures is $23, 710,292. Over one-fifth of the value of the manufactures is derived .from whisky and beer. An Irish- gentleman remarks that the dif ference between the Fenians and Mulligans is this, tl tvt the first send their money to the rascal O'Mahoney, and the others spend theirs with the boys Am exchange speaks of 4jl " Women ot Ameiioa," as an 11 important element in our focial system,'' which is so far true that the wo nen aro the "-better hall" of the entire pa pulation. Tun steamer Idaho went below to the Cas cades on. Thursday morning the 15th lost., nnd remained over two nights, but the boat T om Portland failing to make the connection she returned to ber berth at this place. C. DkWitt Smith, the late Acting Governor of Idaho, now deceased, it appears, bns left his financial relations with the government in about the same condition as those of Slocom are with the county of Boiso. Rrvkudy JoiiVson lately made a speech be fore the Snpreme Court at Washington, in ' the case of Garland, denying tbe.constitu tionality of the test-oath.. It is spoken of as very learned anji logical effort. Somc late arrivals from Umatilla report that it Is practicable to make the trip from the Dal Is to that point on horseback, bat the dis comfort of tbe journey tr se serious that, unless a person has urgent business, it ought not to bo undertaken for some time to tome lias, bum: it is stii able to joke in a quiet way, and sys that if there had been more bottloi '-tightly 'corked," in and about th officer's quarters of thonrmy during the war, it would bave been a good thing for tb country. Tun Paymaster General has decided that colored veterans must ptove that they were not slaves when they enlisted before they can receive any bounty, and if that be done that .they can recclvo $100 instead of tbe 30t) allowed to white troops. - Tub first brick ever made from bullion taken out of tbe Gould and Curry mine, dill preserved in tbe office of tbe company in Vircinia City It was taken out in 1860, is principally of silver, and worth about $100. 'It is about fire inches long, three Inches wide ' and three-fourths of an inch thick, and its r Ylu a beiug the rst briok from that noted miae, is- far more jAiau.itj Intrinsic worth as r.. nitre bullion, j .eO.I TO.'X C.IA.V Overland Trade and Tiiavel. The Daily Champion, published at Atchison, Kansas, in its issue of January 3d, publishes an accu rate statement of the amount of freight shipped from that point across the plains during ?bo year 1865. Seventy-seven firms ami individual freighters are encnered in this trade. The aggregate amount of their ship ments during the past year was twenty-one nnd a half millions of pound", assorted mer chandise, requiring twenty-five thousand wagons, seventeen thousand mules and horses, twenty eight thousand oxen, and employing npward of five thousand men. Over half of thisfre'ght went to Colorado, the remainder to different points in Utah, Montnna, Nevada, Idaho and New Mexico. The total capital invented in this business is over six millious of dollars. The coaches of the Overland route, which arrive nnd depart daily, have taken out and brought in during the year over four thousand passengers, and brought in $2,400,000 in ppocie. Freighters think the trado of 1806 will be nearly double The Sanitary Commission. The total re ceipts of the Sanitary Commission during the war amount to 14,530,000, of which Cal ifornia contributed $1,219,112, and Oregon $78,482 26. Ofcourso the reporttd contri butions from Oregon do not include the amount "unaccounted for" by a certain UKUiuuiicu uniiTiuuoi, n nu is supiiuseu to have " sunk " about $30,000, which would raise the total from Oregon to $100,- 000. The close of the war left the Commis- ion with cash on hand amounting to $282- 975 60, which will bo applied to the publi cation of a history of the Commission and the relief of the families of saldieis who fell in defense of the country. Speakino of the emigration to Montafla, the Idaho Statesman of tbe 25th of January says : " Tire toute that wilt be open earliest in the spring, and easiest traveled, if not the shortest, will bo from Boise City in almost an air lino to Helena City. Parties are now leaving here every day by this route, and have been for the last three weeks." The air-line" consists in going by Fort Hall andVirgiria City, which is about as near traight as the route by which the United States mails are brought froc. the States, by Sicrameuto, Portland, the Dalles to Walla Walla. Indications of the great conflict between republican, forms- and principles and mon archill are multiplying. In Denmark, dur ing its present Bession, tbe Folkthing, a .lower branch of the legislature, amended the constitution by abolishing, at one Bwecp, the order of nobles.. The Paris Moniteur says ; " Tbe Chamber adopted', in spite of tbe opposition of the Ministry, by forty-nine votes against eleven, an amendment of M. Jesperen, to tbe effect that nobility, titles and rank should not be conferred by the kingj or acquired by right of succession. A psason who has devoted much attention t politics in years past, mirth to lit" own fi nancial detriment, in a recent letter thus sue cintly sketched bis present simple code ; " Politics I know nothing of now. There are but two planks in my platform, and I have nothing to do with any other until these are secured :- One being to get butter lor my bread ; the othor to get bread to put it on." A numdkr of California poets bave publish ed ft. volume of poems entitled ''Outcrop- pings." A vast amount of criticism bas been expended on the volume, which appears fo have been collated from tbe Loner Silurian deposit of all tbe mediocre poems ot tbe Gol den Sia'e. An important discovery has been made in Sooth America. It is that the great river 6 Amazon bas been found to be uaVlgubW-from one end to the other i that, fn fact, a new route nas oeen openeo octween me Atlantic and Pacific. The Motona. a Peruvian ittimsr. which WOS Sent 10 explore the Amazon, has nrrivnrl n.1 MflTrn nhnut thro. knnHrerlmil.. arrived at Mayro, about three hundred miles from Lima. 1 : tin two hnman helniri wera ever alilr eiiticr iu or uiiuu, . u uiuer woru!, Nature ha. been engaged in making men and . . . . . . i , WOtaea HZ thousand yearj Without ever ' ,. .. . . l. .. '.l . making One that tbe tUought it Worth While torep at. Wasco Ltplge, No. 15, F. A. & A. M. Holds Iti stated Communication' on the First ami Third Mondays of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren In good standing aro iiYlted to attend. Snn L. Pons, Sec"y. By order of the VT, M. tnlntnlHa IjOfllFe. TVn. ft. T. O. ft. V.. Meets every Friday evening at 6J4 o'clock, lu Gates' Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers lu good standing are Invited to attend. By'nrdet. N.O. K A. "R E AND LAST CHANCE! -yE WILL SELL THE BALANCE Of OUR STOCK BELOW COST As we poeltiTL'.y will close buniuess on the U'ii'st of" Iiii'cli. All those Indented to HiMflim had better CALL ami Pay, utiurwise niviraccouuta will hJ't J'jy,l'j,,t't'r SELLING OFF AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. rXVIK UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL THE REMAIN- JL tier of their stoik at SAN FKANCIi-CO t.l ST, without reserve, in orilfr to close out business in this fr.iU'.l Ill,f uf,.ilr ..n.i-U nr tl.u I..II..U.1.. -..I.. All Kinus 01 CLOTHING! SUCU A3 coats, rvrvTs, BOOTS $ SHOES, HATS $ C.rS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also, a fine lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS! TOBACCO, PIPES, & YANKEE NOTIONS. The whole stock must be closed out iu FORT Y-FIYK v&9, without tall. within THIRTY DAYS, or legnl proceedings ill bo'had. r A" persons inneoten to tno nrm nint nav im "hi.. AUIIA11AMSO.N UOIiLUKRU. A. SERIES OF Literary and Scientific Lectures T VIIICH hits heen In contemplation for Bonie time. w is new offered to the people of the Dallta. The tint Lectui-oot the belies will be given TUESDAY, JTEIJ. 13tli, nnd one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, throu k the (Series or kliclit Lectures. The proceeds w ill bo divided between the Cougregationnl mid Idetliodist Snbbuth ecnoois. Tickets for the Course : : 0XE DOLLAR. Sinido Admission. Fifty bents. This lecture will be delivered br RKV. T. CONDOS, in tho Cotigroirntlounl Church lecture will comincnee at 1 o'clock, subject: TUB UUUT AND THE DAWN ur in slum. Tho following Kontlemcn are eireecte,! to dellmr m1 one i.oi'iui e; Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; llev. Dr. Atkinson, " Kev. Mr. Caffi-ey, Judge Hill, Cuuyon City; Ju tge Wilson, Dalles; Kev. Mr. Driver, ' Prof. Ilolnnd, " J. A.Odell, Ksn,, " Kev.T.Condoo, " NOTICE. GRAND CLOSIM 01T SALE, AT Ivillic -A-notion, ox Thursday, Feb. ftth, at 10 a. m.. . - - r And on each succeeding day nntll the entire stork la dla. pssod of All tho splendid goods remaiuiu la niy store,. VUllDjVlilll VI 1Tatche, - Ifiamondii, jewelry, Clocks. I'lated Ware, Cutlery, Field Rlaiigeii. Fancy Goods, Gold Scales, etc. 7 have disposed of mv Iron safe, show caaits and tnr fixtures to Mr. Dtinnliia and as 1 have to iflve him no.. ...itta fi l.h . i ,!7 n Tnnrnl the generous tub- I Ho that have so liberally patnmlied me heretofore, I re- spectfnlly Invite them tu be present nt this my closing hbtf min Su""t,Mn. : Tleeieakla TindAnn T el , uwiw mcoauvuuo jc di oaic WILLS!!!.!. AT rUBtIO ACCTION (unless sooner i disposed of at private 8 le,) on . VtihnnJ ftA . 1t laviiuu;) aiMSUUlj v, Ul 11 n, IU., Hit Elegant DWELLING HOUSE, the residence of T. B. Kelly. Esa., with the BnHdinirs and Landadlncentthere- l'"'. iiiiirf7 ui ei. iiwainii snoTit aee crlbed, and an acre of Land wrth fBct and Two Lot. of SSfufflfc rn.'.nThJteWrtn7rc,.t,: J ""7 V " lcnluted for Gentleman's Heetdence.- There is a fin. gpeing of Water on the pre- n.l.. For further nrtit.tnnnlr. of , Kt. J 1HIV 1MMIANAM I'ty 100 Main MrMtl AlCTION MD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 1C0 MAIX STREET, DALLES. TIIK TJNDKRSIONV.D THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors. reetiertltillv informs the rititrni of the Italic, and the public, generally, that l.e continues to del I ut PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate. General Merchandise, Gi ore i leu, liorMeN, JHitleri, Furniture.. Stocks, &.c. iiC. REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments," And PROMPT RETURN m de of sales. Out-door and Sueclal Sales attended to in anv fart cf the city. Tariff of Charges I'll til Ftirtlier NotlCC J For Selling Merchaiidlite, Grocrries. Furniture. Stocks. Ac. Ac 6 per reu. For Selling ltottHes him! Hell KxtHto 3 " Jlorse. 31 tiles. It ol K cattle, eat-li 2 "NO CIIAKUK FOR STORAGE. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. . JUKEE, Slain Street. Dalle. WHOIISAU: AND XETAIL PEALE11 IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AliWATS IX STOIlt THI BE8T BHAMI'S OT lisars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. IJLAYINa CARDS. PORK KT CUTLERY, POUT MONIES. - COMUS and BKUSHK8, o' all iinits, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS. DUI.LS. etc. FISH IIOiiKSand FTSII1NQ TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Sbot. Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. B- Interior dcnlers supplied with Clears. Tobacco.etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-ts J. W. GUR.L.EY, DENTIST, JIIhIii St., Dalles, Oregon. WHfOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM WW the citiEeiis of this placo nnd vi cinity, that having returned from a pro- i leBiuli:il tour throllirli the mines, he lias nKtilnresninel tlie practice of DKNTISTRY, in the room formerly occupied by mm. in the builtliug occupleit iy M ood A Butler, PlritoKmph Artiitts, nnd adjoining WaU dron IHik.' Drng Store. He tukea this method of ex tending thanks, tor the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended tu turn, anu solicits n continuance 01 the sumo. LIST OF FIIICKH. Entire Denture ou Quid Base $180 to $'225 " tipper Denture, Gold llase " rZa " Dentnre. Vulcauite Rase 70 " 1S " Upper Denture, Ynlcanlto llnse IS " Hi Oold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. ' Childrcns' Teeth extracted free af charge. el3-tr M. BROWN & BRO., WU0LCBA1I AMD XBTA1I. nXALXBS Iff FANCY -A IV 13 STAPLE DEY GOOD S! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &r. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco. are enabled to oiler great Indceineuts to purchasers. reseciiiuiy untie me public toexanilneoar stock heforr) iiurchatiiig elsewhere. nilMt T Htoue store, north side Main street, Dalles. " NEW SALOON. KKW STONK STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. TMIE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully annouu that he will open a nrst clasa Saloon in Fleuch Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVEN1NU, and prvynreu iu eerre caitooiers Klin tlie Ueflt 01 Mines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EREE LUNCH Every day and Evening, oc28tf. JOHN II IN DLA I'D. PAYKE'S AUCTION ROOM'. (ONE DOOB ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE,) MAIW STREET, DALLES CITYr I. will attond to sales of Ileal Estate. General Merchandise, Furniture, And Stocks. REGULAR SALE DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special Sales any day, Sundays execptrtk B. A.O.I'A.Nii, Auctioneer. ESTRAY NOTICE. '. . mAKKNUB BY TUB WNDKhbiokd, living on Kiphf i Mil Creek, ten miles South ol Dalles City, Oreion. on December mm. lues, mm hay iiihihu h i .ii hth' wl,""'P oanone, some saddle marks, white hlnili '' tfk spots jbove ih hoof, a tew white hair J"J?t. ! i " ", .beat even aears old, and appraised at $40. jirwwi. B. 1. CLARK KOTICE f 1ERKBY GIVEN that I Intend to close my lm.l- AtSZJK! settle, and all having claims again me will please ore. sent them for naynw.t before that time P . I -wish th. .Iroprtator t "I .Vianfc Iwhan PateaA . 1 Jtstll a.wl ! 1 1 a . . " ' ' -SlL1"1 i"1! i'1 nrnpr7 betor. the 1st of March, . 1 ' 10t4 i CllAP'.KS LAUOIEU.