.;.:,: ., ... o): If"1!' I' II II I I If III ill .SlMIS! IIMISHISIIIII lll.llll in vol. r. DALLES, OK EG ON, SUNDAY, rEBRUABY If-, lliO. NO. M. v v PCBLISIIED EVERY 3I0UNING, (MONDAYS KXOKPTfiD,) BV E. G. COW E & J. HALLOKAIV, KDITOKS ANtt t K0PHIKT0H3. 1'ums 'i'we.n(i-Uf.ce.Htft pur wock, puyiible to the carrier :iiui iiiuiii.il, 11 until, iiiivu-iiiuiimo, v "i i iiiuiitltd, 4p6 ; onu '., $d. AUvottiaoineuts iiujurtttti tow rmud. - Kvry deMcrlptlftn f plain aiiI fancy Job Printing exe ntt'.l with iicaliK'tM atiit loHi;itCri, m fWrwiit'iU'tl ad por )ii''ir toaiiy part nt' tim eiMiufy. iay mtni jor Job rrint . i.. .....,.-.,............. ... UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OKECOf!. THIS MPULIU llUCoi:, 0-MUAU.V LOCATED, Nonr Oia'Stesrmljoat Ianclin; & Eidlroad Depot, lLw boon rt'cantly enlarged and luiprovud, und will now ncCOUlUIMUUtO :soo GUESTS. fTT WILL 11 B CONDUCTS!) as i.oretofuiQ. an a FIItST CLASS U'JiJrtK, mi J tlio patruijiiyu of tlio traveling public in rospoi-i tally m.licito t. ll:is:ie taken totho il.'uae free of charge. House open all iiilit. LARGE FirtE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dillra.0ut.4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, V H.U.I UTimtT, BAUKS, OJltUO.V, . THIOSIAS S3IITJI, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IM TUB 0 E.N TAB Of UUiUXti&f, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landings f tfriperiiir Aocommoii'itiinm fur Kumira) and can Ao eomiuuitute ouo Uutidrud and iuty Uiiuata. Mtutlfi.... 60 cat. Lutlgiug 60 cttv Fire ProorSafe for donosibeuf valuables. '' tjtm Houae opea all night. Baggage taken to the Ilouii nee oi cimrge, r uii a.j ima, iuhH-tr Proprietor, SPRING AMD SUMMER Gj)9D3, PllKSH 8TOCKI Dalles and Walla "Walla, DBALEHB IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outfits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a roil assortment or uonerni Merchandise. Isuylu our Goods exclusively in the Hun Francisco market, ana makiug none but earth purchases, we are enabled to se I 20 per cuut. cheaper than any other Houso at the Dalle nunr.nur.ux uuua., nl-tf Dallas anc Walla Walla. HOW TO SWK JTIOtfKlT ! CALL AT Till NEW Family Grocery and Fralt Store, Corner of Waal ii rig toa and Second Struct,. fflUB UNDRIW10XKD WISHES TO INFORM TUB M. people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that lie bos a large and well selected stock of 1 FAMILY GBOCEltlES, ' CANDIES, NUTS, &c, "" " Which lie will eell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced 1'rictt fiir CASH. Also, enmitantly on hand the Choicest Article or FRUSII UUTTKR and EGOS. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VJSUETABLES in their season Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of nm nnu mm, uy soipiiiik in tnoir- oriiors, will receive the atrictist nttoutfon, nod havothem flllodut eheiouieji Market Prices. Jvll-tt 0, L. JUWKL.L. 0. V. AllMij. 0. W. ABME8 , AR.MES Sl. DALLAM, ' Importent and Jobbers of WOOD Al WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES TWI.N'F.S, C011DAQB. 4c. . And Manufacturera of California Pails, TuDs, Brooms, &c. 217 A 210 Sacrai&outo Stroot, between Front and Davis, Ban Francisco. ocll:3iudtw. Wrr IXjJLi M N"7 , BUlI A-OBXT IX CALIFORNIA FOtt TILTON & McFARLAND'S I'ire Ac Burglar Proof Sales. , ' STEEL-LINED VAULTS, V WITH Combination Lock. SVConetantly oa Load a full aasnrtment of SAFKB. -. 318 BATTEHY BTRKET. JyMm -...,: ten Frnnolnco. h.H.oatu. . . , . ELUK GATES & HAFT, !' Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, '; , . DALLESk OREGON;' ' 1 , WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, - - CARRYING v ' - THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells, Fargo Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to 1M cervillti, (lloifte Minus.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallulu Llue of Stages, aud th Bouts of the O. d. K. Company. GiiU. F. THOMAS A 00., ap2-tf N . I'ruprletcir J- rj J ) . THE riONEEit STAGE COMPANY Wlllcurry FAST FREIGHTS FROM XT M: Jk. rJ? I JLi L -A. , AFTER T1IK FIltMT OF OCTORKIt, AT TUB F0LL0W- 1SU UEUUOKO HATKat . To noise City.. 15 Cents per pound Iiltii.o City Oii'jliet ;. HO " For Iuhs aiiiouuls than one hundred pounds an addition of Fivo Cents pir pound will bo charod. k TIM 142 Xrj.tOM XJJMJlTILLA.1 To llolso 4 Hy,x 3 Days. To Ittsiiio City 3 1-2 Uays. TOOwytice 4 Days. JOSUl'II 1'INKIIA.M, Aeent. Pmatllla, Oct. 1, 1865. oc!8:tf. CCfAliTZ MIIiliST! Aud ul& Kludis of Macliiiiery Manufactured at the OESGON IBm WORKS CUUNiilt OF MUHR130.N aud 7TII street!, PORTLAND. - A.. 0. OIBDS ft C0, Successors to Portland, Doc. eth'Ol. deOtf K. L.Jones Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND jBILLIA-IiO ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Slain und Court StrootH, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. jPIUTJO. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FBU1T STORE, Washington Street, opposite French ft Oilman's, Dalles, lias on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, JTrcsli. liutter &. Egjf m, Received riailv. A I urge lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS or all kinds. HI HSU VJiUtiTABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody ! x nicies low. Mll8:tf F. tTF.BE. jSHtablitsthod ISC?.- BALDWIN T3TIO. DEALERS IK GROCERIES ! CORNKIl OF i Alain and Union Streets, Dalles. A1. 6. BALDWIN mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. Wit. U0ABDB. O. B. KOtUBL. WM. MOABUS &.CO., O ITY , BAKERY) - AND nt 0 VISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WnOLKSAI.B AND RETAIL DKAI.KRS la BREAD, CRACKERS and Family OROCKIUJiS. tnuOrders from a distaucs carefully Ailed aud Dromtitl ispatcbed. .... 1-tly ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Slain Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform th publlo that he ha fitted ud the above Chop IIouso. and is nreuared to servauu MtCALS and LUNCH In tlio best style and at the shortest notice. UAi.L.aami i'aktiks rurnisned w tn anppors, la the best style and on the most reasonable terms t' OYSTERS In every style. Private Rooms for Ladle. HOUSKOPEN ALL 1ST I OUT lllJMA$OjV'fc; ODISL-li, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB 8UPRKMK AND OIR ait Courts of Oregon, and th District Court D Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to th collection of claim. : 0. UUMABOM . - Dalles, 0fn. Jl A. ODKU IMP0RTS AND WU0LI3A'.! Dealers in Wines, Liquors GliOCKlillil&i, Miners CiootlH, Boat Stores, &c., HAVC RUtOVCD TO Tnsl. NtW STONE BUILDING, COltKKR or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LARUK AND C0MPLETK AS sort meat of the very best brautla of AJST LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Constantly rocolvliiR our supplies direct from New lork and Sun Francisco, we are able aud willing to sell at a very suinll advance on Suu Francisco prices. They hopo by adoOtinir a atrictlv iirri;t anil lirnnmt iiiMtlin.l nl doing business, they will receive Uut putrouago cf the pub- seiu-ir WUHSiA RIVR1INES7 A.R.BOOTII, WII1TK BLUFFS, W. T FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND QKNEUAL DEiLIK IN MERCHANDISE AND MINERS' SDPFi,IES. PACK AND SADDLK H0R3E3 FOB SALE. S71RKI0UTS CONS10NFD to my eare tut Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompc attention. White Bluffs, Oct. let, 186. , oc.2tf reiiW Fit II IT, UUUCEUV A?ND PROVISION STORE. rpiIB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS II 1 3 FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has just -establlsbed oa main street, next door to J . Jukor, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! whero he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also. In store a complete stock of choke uKuvcuibs. fuutjaiuiws, ytutiAVLtx, cc. All of which will bo sold, wholesale and retail, nt KB DUCICD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yuurself. selo-tf JOUN SF0S1T0. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS, THIS prompt and efflcatlons Remedy lor the cure Uhonorruea, meet, Strictures, aud Diseases or the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business) It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as sneedllv as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure, furtiiur, tno disease canuot be contracted ir the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are' entirely vegetable, and no injurious enect, oituer constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Us use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Bxpress carefullv packed. UOSTETTEIt. SMITH ft DEAN. Agents, 4U1 ami 403 Battery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m. Sail Francisco. D. U. UIU,. , - A. J. KAMI. HILL & KANE, ( WOOLISAH AND KITAII. DIAUSS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AhD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attentloi References i PORTLAND. MUM. H. W. Corbet, rtobblns ft Co., Richards ft McCrackcn, W. C. Moody ft Co., II. Law, O. Uuinasoli. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1883. D. 1. STEl"IIESfK DENTIST, war BT?Aff.vt?n Tri q nvcmut nonfv- ---- niio jiuuii. miiiur vjii.i hiuuio ui ...tt v. is iiicpuruu o (io nil Kinua oi DENTAL WORK, in a skillful and well flnlslud manner. TEK.TII Insortoc from one to an entire sut, on Oold or ltublior Plate. Prices rango- for Kubher Plato, from Sii to is5 : Foi Gold Plate, from $75 to $125. Persons having work done by mo not proving sal. Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay fur tlii same. auli-ti BOOKS! BOOIS! ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. " OCHOOI, BOOKS, STATIONER O Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, , Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, ftc, ftc. by every Steamer. rdst-Olflce' ma7-tf i . . li. i. tyALDRON ft CO. wASTEii.:: T TIS UNDERSIGNED WILL PtRCnASB SKCrtND L hand Furniture Bods, Bedding. Carpets, Stoves, d Household Furniture of every descrlntloh. Parti. wishing to Mil will do .well to call. t , JOHN WILLIAMS, j , ! iW MWnytml)lW Umatilla, 13 o is AND IDA.1IO Express and Fast Freight Line. rjTMIIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE 1SUNN1NO jL older from Umatilla to Idaho City, via llolt.0 City, and proparod tu carry Freight and Valuable Package, botweeu these aud all lutenuvdiuto puluts with certainty and decpatch. . i The Line is Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affcrdo and entirely Now Thorough-Brace ' 3&$T CONCORD aW&O. Which ensures Speed and Safety in tiro transmission of Froilit, never before otlVred to Idaho. We olfer Supet rlor inducements for Shipping Goods from San FrnncircA and Portland to Idaho, us our arrangements with the Oceau Steamship Company and the Oregon Steum KavU gallon are such that all Goods shipped by this Line wilt not he subject to the usual delays, but poos through as East Ifrelght. , Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care tit Port land, Charges will bo paid and Uoods shipped to deslluw. lion. GOODS sVlOULD BE MARKED: CARE Ft. M. D. ft CO., F.LINK, and Shipping Kowlpts aout torur Ageuts at Portland aud Umatilla. ... , Advance Charges for Transportation raid by the Line and Collected at Destination.. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee aud South llolso. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Klutng Thorough Urace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay ovor eacu night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stutlons, so that passengeT writ 'not be deprived of regular rest. . , AOUlNTSt RICHARDS ft McCRAKEN....a....m.... San Francisco RICH Altllj ft McCllAKUN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dallei, POWJiLL ft 0"K....i Umatilla J. 11. WILKINSON LeUraud 11. M. DuRKLL ft CO llolse City II. M. DuRELL ft CO , Idaho Cliy MAJOR SPEEIt Rocky liar (South lloUe) DullELL ft MOORE Ruby uud Sllvor Cllka U. SI. DnRELL it CO., rlSo'tY Proprietors. A CARD FOR Tllti , Fall & inter Clothing Trade OF SAM FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, . No. 411, 413 autl 419 Untttry Htreet, Cor. Sleroliant, Hau Frmiciaoo, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK j WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer. Tf chants to our usually large stock of Uoods. Our stock comprises every article In the Clothing and Fur nishhig line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslmere and Wool HATS of ny house in San Francisco, and our prl es for thono Goods are leas than those of any house, as we receiv them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer and Fall Ooops is particularly attract ivo, and the great feature to the country merchant Is the unusually low price. Less than the Cost of Importation We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, which Uoods Wo have purchased in this market mf lr the hammer, and are oilering them at New Yolk CoBt, and less. ' We publish this card In order that we may malt, new scquainnuices, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Loir Prices f Are the greatest Inducements to all whd purchase to sell again. .Merchants who buy or u cau make a good profit, and soil to tlieir customers at alow Hjjnro. t romain, respectfully, ' our ouudlout servants, r 1IADIIEII ft LINDENBERGER, ' Wholoaale Clothing a nd Llat Waroliouso, Nos. 411. 413 mid 415 Bat lory street, Son Francisco, February 9, 1800. IV-3mw. 110 IFOR THE SUMMER 1I01SE ON TUB ' SEA. BEAC H rBMIIS DELIGHTFUL AND CELEBRATED SUMMER M. Resort, siltiatud on Clatsop Plains, a short distance frum the Ocean, la now ro-opeucd aud ready to receive guests. This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on th Pacific Const. It has a splendid bench for riding, walk, lug and bathing; beantlful scenery and surrouudingxt berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout strca:u amlabundauce of game. . THE T-A-TlLTn ill constantly supplied wlfli salt and fresh water flail clam, and crabs, elk, boar and feathered game, aud th irasnesi oi couutry produce. .The Climate Is salubrious This notol offors every, thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests,' both well and sick. The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Picas. are Seeking Public for partrouage, that they may enabled to make the " Summer House " a peruirnout lu stltution of the country, LOWELL ft K1PPEN siay tn, looo. . .... mysti DR. U. W. MlXOIIIiLIsi . Off'ios WALDROS'S BUILDING. l. jttsmiNcs Corner of Third and Washington Streev. 33 It. A.. II. STEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT SURQEON, C. 8. ft, WALDRON BROS. DRTJO BTORBl