aito Blnmttahucr. Tne Souxn is Safe. Looking at tho political newspapers dispassionately, we can extract, a good deal of whole' fianie philosophy from them. , Thus the extremo Union papers charge the oxtrome domocratio papers with being in sympathy with the lata rebels, whioh the latter most vehemently deny, and declare that their only oh ject is to sccuro to the south their "rights." Then, not to bo outdono in the accusatory vein, they turn upon the Union journals, and uesort that they aro bitterly liostilo to tho south and strive to maintain bud feelings betwon the sections, to which the Union papers respond in tho most in dignant manner, and contend that ihoir only objoct is to securo 0" solid peaco and perpetual reconciliation. Between theso rcpesenative influcn. ces it sooins to be maifost that the Bouthorn peoplo will got all they have a right to expect, and a little more. Washington Chronicle. More Teruitouy Wanted. In his mossago to the Legislature of Arizona, Governor MeOoriniek says : For the accommodation of the southern portion of the Torrltory, tho acquisi tion of the port ofLibortad, upon the , Gulf of California, is a matter of the first importance, and whatever the con trolling powor in Mexico, it should be negotiated for at tho earliest practica ble moment. Its accession with that ftorlion of tho Stato of Sonora which tea betwon it and our present lino, give now lito to tho rogion below the Gila River, and bo largoly beneficial to the whole Territory. Nitro.Glycerene. The agents of this new article have issued a pamphlet containing a history of its introduction, with outs, explanatory of the manner of using ic for blasting purpose. It is claimed to bo more safe than powder (no explosion being producod by . a spark) and possosus leu timos its force. Many other advantages aro claimed, which, if sustained, must cuuso it spoodily to supercede tho use of pow der in mining. The Richmond Republic soys it is an aulhontio historical fact that no caB3 of Asiatio cholora las over oci currod in tho basin of country embra ing tho mineral springs of Virginia. Treasurer's Notice. TIIR FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will 1)6 paid u.on presentation nt myotllce: When Hrjiitcred. Clou. JVo. In favor of. Mareh 13, 1BU5 i 872 1,. MoAu-lln. April 7, " 1 1874 J. II. Harlord. , ' 10 " .4 RSI) . L. McAuslin. " 10 4 8N7 L. McAuslin, " 10 4 8X8 . L. McAuslin. May 111 " 4 051 It. II. Hood. June 'J " 0K7 C. It. Malm. " 0 " 4 927 John Catcs. - 8 "....-....J. 4 OSS C. lt:SlolKs. " 0 . 4 W5 H. W. Mitchell. 9 4 091 U. W. M.tchall. " 9 6 BO 0. W hite. 0 5 4 " it q m 5 5 i " 9 '.".""..".'.'.'.'."'.'!o 22 R. W.Crandall. ' 9 6 0 " " 9 " 6 (0 " " ' 10 5 12 . J. B. Harford: '. " 10 " r. 6 7 " ' 10 .6 05 0. N. Penny. " 10 ' 5 US T. McAuslin. " 10 " 5 (19 "10 6 47 P. T. Tntlilll. 10 " ft 02 ' " 10 " ft 45 " " 10 b 6 67 " " 10 6 60 " " " 12 " -ft at T. McAiMlln. V " " .4 700 Isaac Kvnna. ' " 21 " 4 VUl Chan. Ilolborn. ' 2 ' 4 73 tt. II. Stonor. " 28 " 4 74 ' O. W. Lawsou. July 7 ' ft 76 C. It. Miiga. I fUdOtlw It. J. TTALDRON. T reaanrar. Notice of Final Settlement. HVTOTICB OP FINAL FKTTLKMKNT OF THE F.S- l'l Into or T. M. O. Mntul, deceaseds In l he County Court ol Wasco county, 0 egon, in Probate. Notice la hereby given, that J. N. Moad. administrator of the ' ahovs, filed In the County Court of Wiuui county, at the ' February Term, 1800, hie Accounts for, And prays a set 'tlemont of Raid estate; tt Is tlicrol'oro ordered that aald Application be hoard on Tueadny, the Oth day of March, ' 1804, At tho Court lleuse, In Dillon City, in anid county, a And thnt notice thereof be published for four weeks in the dills ninoKTtmuA. u. n. iikhih i, . February ftth, 1800. fc9w County Judge. Dissolution Notice. THE CO-P A ItTNKRSIIIP heretofore existing between A. LAUKH And K. 80I1UTZ. under the nam of , JjAiier It Schutu, In the Jark'on Saloon, le thla day i-'la-j tnivedby muiual consent, Mr. Lruer liAVlng sold out his Interest to sVScbnti. who will continue the builneas oa ' lila own Account. All debt due the late Arm will be UAld to K. Schuti, who will settle All liabilities. - A. LAURR ' Dalles, Dec. latM 1864. K. SC1IUTZ, 1 TbAnkful for DASt DAtronaar. the undersigned would reanoettollv Inform his friend, that he will ever be f.nd - she aid atud read 19 dlipeaw bit ehntoe llqkorftq )Hmb. i-ii i' w ' . BOUUTt. 1 NEW GOODS! IIVINO JUST ARRIVED FROM TIIH FAN FRAX- clsco Market, we would invite the attention of our friends aud the community at 1 irge, te or well-selected stock of Dry !oods, Clothing, Itoots & Shoes, &C, . &C., ' Which we nre selling at the moat reasonable Tatcs. We ennnot soil our goods AT COST, hut asnre the coinTnn Illty that it pleases us to eell goods at SMALL PROFITS. doOtf, H. HICKMAN A CO. 31. Wnnsch Sc Co., ILL CLOSBO0T TIIKIH STOCK OF MEltOHAN D18K, nt their place of business, at the Dulles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces , Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Hats AND GENERAL ME It CIIA NDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. itt All who know themselves Indebted to our Arm nt the Dalles will please call mid settle as soon as pnssiMo. Those who have been accommodated we trust will-not delay us unnecessarily, but he prompt in squaring up ac counts. Call uud see us, all and overybnil y I Hiill-tf M. WUNSCII CO FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEULA3I c WENTZ, - 0 y W 'Ttffrj. OLOBK nOTKL BUILDING, V'vrfvA Dalles City, have on hand a vnriety Household Furniture, LenilraclnB; Tables, Chairs, Ilurenus ifiravjt jjs lln, Ucisteads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc., all of which will be sold ut low rates. Furniture Kepaired,nnd Upholstering done to order. Also.ou hand Uattrnsses and Pillow s. Spring BcdB made to order. au!2 W3f. UrcOWN WAItKER. M. D. OKFICK 74 SECOND fcTKlitT, between Washington and Cuurt. OfriCB Uocbs 9 tol2 A..;2to4p M.;andOtolO, P. u WATtA WAKEK. MRS. MATTIK UOLnnOOK would respectfully In form tho Ladles of the Dalles mid vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection with MissO'ltourke, where sho is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having, just arrived from the liast, she hopes to he uble to please all us to Form aud Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIUUH DOORS West ot the Corner of THIRD and UNION BtreetB. oc2l;m3 Xvxrs I Furs ! TUB UIOHliST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOB Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, lly RICHARDS 4 McCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lfetio. oc4:3m II LACK LIST. JOHN II. M'ARD, OF CR0S3 HOLLOW, has this day pai nio Three lluudreil anil Forty-one Dollars in URKKNIIACKS AT PAR, lor a debt due In Gold Coin. Doo. 110, 1SC5. j4mlJ J. C. D1FFLE. TOYS! TOYS TOYS! TOYS I FOIt TOYS AI1 FAUCY GOODS For tli Holidnys, we rooimmend nil dealers In tltat liHe4o the 11ABKKT AND TOY KMP0K1UM of THUMAUKR A ZUIN, 320 anil 322 Buttery Street, n28:3m Sau Fruncinoo. DiNNolution iotico. THE FIRM OP J. W. MIU4KU & CO. linve this day riiripo-uMl of tlicir eiittroHtock, in thUcity to Muskts. Itumielt A Miller, who will contiiiufl tlio tmsinuHS ut Hue Binne ettinfi. Mr. Thomas Miller U autliori.ed to HutUe nil linliilitics mid collect nil debtfi due, All pemuns knowing thonmolvos indebted will plo;iso come turwur4 and Heiile ntid huvu cohIb. J. W. MILL Kit it Oo. DMes City. Nov. lbG5. uih( Suminoiiti. J. F. driflln plaintiff, vs. Isaac. Ji'iinlnRS, defendant. Action to recover tnotioy, in County Court of thu State of Oregon, for Union County. rjMO IlAAC JKNN1NUS, Defendant: Tn the name of JL the Stuto of Oregon you aro hereby sumiuouod and required to appear una answer riftlntilT complaint now on tile in the Clerk's office in said Court, after ser vice horoof upon yon by publication for six weeks In the Wkeklt Mountmnkkr. us by order of said Court, or Judgment for want thereof will be t'iken against you, umi tiniMMS vou t.t aiineur nmi answer saiii comoiuini. lite I'luiut IT will take judguiont against you for the sum of $50, together with the costs and rilttburaumeuts of this action, lly order of J. P. Argerslugor. County Judge of t.niur. County. M, u Ah. Ell, Att y lur piaiuun. U. ti. Itev. Btamp) 60ceuts. Jan5-6w Summons. Henry Tozer & John ITaloy, plajntlfTn, vs. Isaac Jen uiugs. Action to recover money. In County Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County, TO ISA AO JBNNIXOS, DEFENDANT: In thename of the Stato of Oregon, you are hereby tmminnned nud required to appear and ati.wer the complaint of ths lMiiintllV, now ou tile In the Clerk's office, In wild Court, after service hereby upon yon by publication for six weeks in the Wkeklt Mountain err, us by order of said Court, or judgment for want thereof will bo taken against you : and unless you to appear and nnswur'sald complaint, tho IMnlnttfls will take judmont against you for the sum ol $2'i0, together with the cosU and disbursements or tint action, u order ot J. r. Argoisinger, count v judge 01 union county. U. S. Kev. Stamp ) M. DAKER, Att'y for plain tiffs. 60 cents. j an6-0w Dissolution Notice. TIIECO-PARTNBnSHIPheretofofeexlstlngbetweon OKOROK MoLKAN DAVID D0IININU, in the F.clipse Chop House, Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, David Darning having sold out bis interest to Geo, McLean, who la alone authorised to transact any busl nees In the nutne of said house. G. MoLEAN. liallea, Jan'y. li, 18IK). D. DOKNINf. W. I. BlGELCW, : Recelrlng, Storln; Forwarding AND t j Commission . Merchant 1 AdTsncei mad! on ConslgnmenU.v MAI.f STREET, Opposite the tmatllla House.. OALLtS 111 DRVQ SXOUE. P. CRAIG, WBOLBSALH AND BKTAIh DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PAT1SNT JIKDIC1NK3, 4c. 1-tf DRUGS AND PA TEN1' ilEDIClSESH DRUGS AND PA TEXT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT' MEDICINES '.! Om WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIIDGGIST, Wushlugton Street, between Miiln and Socond Streets DALLES, OREGON. s g I'EMON la Mile to supply partios In want nfDrnrs, ic) Putent Meillelnes. Cliemiciils, AciiU, I'erfumuf r, ii ml every other article enumerated with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest mnrkot rntes, Physicians and Merchants intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE3 In great variety. S. LKMOK, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. I'OKTLAI) FOUWDEir AND . MACITIISK SHOP, FJHST STItEKT, between Vamhill and Morrison. STiteom 10nirliia offrom4 to4u horse- nnwer.FirlinrPi)rt.Rlilnnp .-teS Stationary. Also. CIll- vl' , - u. COM ses Macli pattern,) Wronirht and C ist Iron work for Ver- t leal sawnml (.Irist nulls; ltrass and Iron Costings and WIIOUGB7T IROST WORK of evory description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. TheBe Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire niochinory will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements mHiniliictuied to order nt the very LOWEST CASH I'RICK N. II, fartlcnlnr attention paid to ltKI'AIKS. foio-tf SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AMD TINWARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. TUB WII0LR embracing a line stock, ever- article of which will be sold at COST, us I desire to cluae out business. Also, one UKAND IMANO, in good order. Also, lor Bale, the IIOUSB AND LOT, on Second Stioet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is two stories, with a basement, aud is well adapted tn the hotel business. A loo a lot of UKUDINO, pomprlsing about twenty-live Beds. The whole will bo closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the promises, au9:3m ALHKUT HKVTINflBN. NOTICE IS HKUEDY GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing bntween H. O. UAltDY, 0. L. MITCII KI.Laud V. W. 'I'll )U'S:)N, doing a mercantile busi ness in this place, under the name of K. C. llarily A Co., Is this day dissolved hy inntud consent, and hereafter ine business of sat-.l nrin will bo conducted by K. C. Hardy, who alone is authorized to collect and settle tha accounts of said ilrui. . K. C. 1IAHDY, O.L. MITCIIKI.L, Susanvllle, Orant Co., Oregon, F. W. TIIOMI'SON. Nov. 13, 18(15 n'.Main Washington Wagon Road. THE UNDKItSIUNKD WOULD IvFOKM IHR Traveling 1' that the Washington Wagon Koad from l'ortlnnd and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept in goodtraveling order tor wagons and stock. K. 0. IIAKUV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1806. Jaulltf Bole Proprietor. iOTICE. I HEREBY WAIIN ALL PKItSOVS from contracting vr buying anything whatever from K. M. KUM'7., whereby I will have been thought by the nubile respon sible, as I am not, nor will I hold niys If responsible for any of said V. M. Kuntr.'s acta. W. V. MOFFAT. Hnsanvillo, Qrant Co., Nov. 28, 1805. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front StreetS PORTLAND, 0KEQ0N. IITtST-CLASS II0TKL. LAIIQEST IN TUB 8TATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Hosts and ennvov Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Uiargo, or to any other House in the Ulry fur 60 cents. S. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In the House. All the Stoamars for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincolu Uouso Wharf. eepl:ilm MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEVYLY FITTED CP THE GALLERY over Degnar'a Store, would respectfully anneunce to all those wishing Fhotographs, Carts de Tlslte, &c, that they will do well to give her a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies and Children's Pcturea. oc'ihtf. Dissolution of Co-partnership. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name and style of KOHI1LN8, UcFAilLAND A CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All Ha billtlea of aald firm to be paid by llobblne A Weaver, and all -debts due said firm to be paid to and collected by them. . i . . . d. H. BOBBINS, lO.HcFAKLANDi .,Dallae,Jaa.t,18M . , -s . -O, W. WKAVKH. All persons Indebted Is Will please call and "Ban gle" and save costs. J7ml i I'l.UTU, conatantly fjf ?&in?-?.&tiiM? hand. Also, liny I'res- JSjmmftSiil i-l. iff of allsiy.js; l'lanlns Ji..r&rie-SA lines,; Woodworth's nit&L ' DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PTIISSS BOOK k m PHSHTSM3 OFFICE. First Street, between Slalruiul B DALLES.. OUEGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with necuriwy ami dispatch I A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY N with the very best, and AT BATES A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO OKllER.: Cards aud 13 i I l-Ea fads. CHECKS, DEAFT. KECKll'TS. POSTERS AND TKOGKAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS tfc, (f-c, f-c., MINTED IN Till HOST ATTKACTJVB MAN.1i.ll. AI.SO, WAY-MLLR. ' BILLS OF FARE. LETTlilt HEADS. UhCJiirTnooKS. lilU.SLJDjyO,l Bfricfs and 5aitspiiJe(-s, riSlTlKO, WEDDIKQ AND "AT II011E" CARDS l)riiKEit. Label. In abort, everything that can bo done in a Book and J:b Printing Ofiicc, from the smallest and most delicnteCard or Circular, tn the largest size and most, phowy prating Bill and which will ho turned uut in a style that cunnvt fail to insure entiro satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES roU TIIX KXKCUTIOX OV , UECOR.ATIVE PRINTING In the most bertnttrul Colors, Slmdee ami Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Lntgeat Manmioth, ORNAMENTAL MOW VAHDS, rVliFVMEIiS LABELS. d& Are unBarpaeHed by tlionc of any other eetnblislmient in Oregon. We devote upecinl attention to thin branru ol tlie butiinoM, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. c, tfe Of the most modern nud elaborato designi. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, cC.f Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the Btnte. The principle upon which bti(fincss Is nuked for this tabliBlimeul 1b, that persons will connult their own inter eBts, by awarding their cub torn to that office in which their money can be expended to the best Advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens, and fudge for yourselves.- Orders from the Upper Country Will have ourBpeclal care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVWHE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htate of Oregon! Address: . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE- - mlg-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, .. DALLES, OREGON, THE TJNDftR8IQNF.D, HAVING REMOVED FROM T1IK "BULLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' . New Uulltling Tler to Inform tlie public that they ure prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET Al'FOUDS. ALSO) A Free H.u.ncli ! Every day and evening. decMf EM II. SCHXTZ, proprietor. Hard "Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BBO TO GALL ATTHNT10N of Carriage MortJ nfacturors and Dealers to the Lare and Com. plete assortment of GAltKlAUK and WAOON MATKKII ALB we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash l'lank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, 111ms, Bhalts, Ac Ac, which we offer at the lowest Cosh Prices. Jff Orders addressed to our house willrecelve protnp attention. N. W. lillAUU A CO., Jol6:3m. 29 A 31 Battery Street, San Frenclsce, and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. Watirbouss, II. W. IIbaqo A Co., J. W. Lts San Franclsuo. Bocramento. New York NEW HE ARSE! ffnllK UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO ISFOKM THE CIT' M. Isens of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received s NEW 11EARBH, and will Attend Funerals on short notice. This Is the first, and at prosent, satf Hearse In the city. I. M. KVAN8 tkllea, May 19, IMS. my:20-tf. O. B, BItOOK8, M. I. Offloe-A-t Dr. Craia'sj Drug StsMf .