jATFKIAT MOMISG, FEB. 17, 18C0. The pork-packing business ol Chi- . t-ago nas reached the enormous arrere gato of $30,000,000 a year. . An English doctor says bodf stonka from cattle having the plague, are A PaussuN traveling in Egypt fate ly, and out of money, got some twenty-five coupons cashed by a Boston man, End so was in funds. Foa tbo first timo since tbo Crimean War the Poes nro boing called upon to contribute their quota to tbo armies of .Russia by conscription A taut of the Louisiana State libra, ry, 23,000 volumes, has been saved .from the general destructwa and wreck at Baton linage. A Paris doctor cured a man almost .dead of the cholera by giving Lima sound thrashing. The fellow got mad chased the doctor and lived. ' lug first trial for treason in East Tennessee, that of the rebel enrolling officor, Gamble, has reunited in a ver dict of acquittal. Lithographic, stono has been dis. t covered near St, Louis. It is found nowhero clso in this country, and the quality of this is said to be equal to ; that which comoa from Bavaria. A hungry friend said at Eruramel's iaoie, alter the beau had fallen in fortune, that nothing was better than coldbePf. i beg your pardon" res turned Brummcl, "cold beef is bettor than nothing." Box for the grasshopper plague, Colorado would this year have pro ducod its own supply 0f breadstuff, vegetables and feed for stock; They destroyed the crop totally in many placos, and injured it in all. The U. S. Circuit Court, for Massa' chusetts, has ordered all the Mm.h oas prosecutions, under State laws, for liquor selling, to bo stopned and uu up l0 us own jurisdiction quos tion of U..S. revenue beipg involved; Official documents at Washington eliow that it costs 8500,000 to kill a mafe Indian on tho western plains and 2,000,000 to kill a squaw. Ex. termination will bo expensive at that rato. The .Richmond Tmes invites immi. gration to Vjrginia, and says, ""there is no danger of Yankees' boing torn, fthawked, scalpod or roasted . hero,'' which is certainly very encouraging, Jn viow of the terrible stories circulat ed about southern barbarity. .,. Penny trains .are now fully estab lished in London, England. They will tako a person to bis neighborhood for two cents in- ten' minutes, while if ho took a " bus," an hour woulJ bo consumed in reaching his domination, and have to pay twelvo - cents. ' - ,. i.- A . Miss Garret has graduated in " . at Apothecaries Hall, teing 'the first female medical praotiiiDBer in England. Her examination; previous 10 admission,' exhibited a wonderful KM tef iiiiofflodgc, and the bld-i f&titithiJi pWioUns ' manifest irreat i ni.. i'. . .. . : - i jwiowjr.ot jMt superior merits.1 W j V..v.v ; ; " A CARD. TO THB ClIIZEXS OF TUB D.U.LK8 Lndia and C;rtl,-m.n. Please accent the thanks of niv1fn.nH fumiu. ft. ........ kindness nnd libornlily nt tho donation party given fur my benefit, on the oveninitof tho 10th lnt. TIi rr,. were throe ($300) lmndreil dollars In coin. 1.cM. .nn,i, articles, the vnlno of which I am not uuw prepared to state. Tour obliged. Feb. 16. 1800. J, B. DRIVER. Columbia Lodse. No. n. I. n. n. Meets every Friday evening nt 6 o'clock, lu Gates Hall, coruor of Second ami Court Street. Brother. In good standing are Invited to attend. Byorder. N.O. MOTION MD 'CCHMISSION HOUSE! No. 1C0 MAIN STMET, DALLES. T D ell NOTICE. A MEETING OF THE JIOAHD OF DEI.F.OATFS of .1... VI..n ........... I 1.. i a,.... a jm ........ . .... i.t)w,nii;n. will tlU lieiir 'U J 11 in Knluclxvl UV1.'1(1. nt 1 ... .1.. I .Turknon Kngine Company. AU Dclcu'ntos aro efilluntett to be present at that time, without fall. Tl A. Ti E AND LAST CHANCE ! K WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF OUft STOCK BELOW COST, As we positively will close business on tho .First' of March. PUBLIC ATJCTIOIV Oil PRIVATE SALE, Ileal Estate, tieneral Merchandise, tiiocei ies, 111 III OS, Furniture, stock, &c. &.c. . KEGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And riiOJIl'T RKTUHN m 'de of sales. Out-dour and Special Sales attended to In any part of he city. Tariff of Charges Until Further Xoticc i For Selling Merchandise, Groceries, Funiimre. Stocks. Ac. i- For Selling Ili'llses an.) Hell Kntiite 111 fn.1..T..n.t ln ... A V.... . T . , "lun iiMivmvii i. iiiu iiiiii iiihi ui:tll-r I Al.li H 111 I PAY, otherwise their accounts will be h it with proper officers. nntll CD1IN & HOIIM. J AUCTION SAIE. fvtitt Bvll nt rutlic Austlon, nt the uto c otW'm. Iliin I'tuiin, li., THIS DAY (Thursday). Feb. I51h, nl lit ..Vl.iMr In iT.n P.,. I 1. ..... nt the Hnnie hour, ull tho rcumiuing stuck of lJiiuunntlfl, Jtvclry. Jfldtcd Wnre, Cutlery. Aim rnnry uonns, contninciT in n1I store, on MATN PTRKKT. mijoininK the k uDi uiiao. An una win u uio cioiii sine, uuriui8 may bo expected. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auct. SELLING OFF AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL THE REMAIN' der of their stock at SAN FRANCISCO COST, without reserve, in order to chmo out business in this town. Our BtoL-k consists of tho following goods: All kinds or CLOTHING! SUCU AS COATS, I? ANTS, HOOTS 4- SHOES, HATS J- CAPS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also, a fine lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SESARS! ' TOBACCO, PIM58, & YANKKE NOTIONS. The whole Btoek must bo closed out in FOKTY-FIYE uaic, wiuiuui mil. -pd .... rD iii'iriMiu iii mu jirm maci nil y tip within TIUKTY DAYS, or lenal pruecntinga will bo had. Auiiiiiiaiiju.l s KUI1L11FKU, TJKER. 3Isi In Steed. Dalles, WHOLESALE AA'I RKTilL SEALER I.V CIGAHS. TOBAjCCO, SHUPF, PIPES, Sc o . ALWAYS I ST0BC THE BEST ERANDR Or IJLAYING CAHDS, POCKET CUTLKRY, FOKT MONIES. COMDS and IlllUSnES, o' all kinds, PEHFUMEUY. ot every description, CHINA OHNAMKNTS TOYS. DOLLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTItUMliM'S, FANCY GOODS. 4c. AlBO PoWller.Shot. Leilil. Powder Vlnalr. Pa.trul. n. many ether articles too numerous to mention. jii.viiu. iit-nii.-ii, Bujipiieu wnu cigars, jooacco.eic at less than Portland prices, with freight Added, oc-8 NOTICE. GRAND CL0SIXG 01T SALE, AT IiVblio -A.iictioii, ON Thursday, Feb. 15th, at 10 a. m., And on each succeeding day nntll the enrlro stock Is dls pssed of All the splendid goods remaining In my store, Walches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, mated Ware, Lamps, Cutlery. I'listols, Field Glasses, Fancy Gods, l.olrt Sinlpu. tf I -v p...., B..UH uwn. auu siuie fixtures to Mr. Donglns and as 1 havo to give him posse d.u.i . ...u diih. ... ..it cnnjr mi.j, .III. mil UO 1116 IRSI Op portuntty thattlie public will have to purclinao tliwo . k......... . ......... ...ntin.n, .u IIIU ueilUHJIlB F-U Hh tlin. h.v. a., lll.avi.llii ..l.i.:..J 4 ..w ........... .u ....... .... ...avu uiw lieiciuiurc, 1 T6- spcctfully. iuvita tlioui-to b present at this my closlnic uil. ivvr miiviniiu sale notf VM. IIIIINIIAUM. Main Street, Dalle. Desirable Residence For Sale s' Thb conflict betwAAn tu. r,J, ' hievoliUonary nobles tttifQ8; l b ---- -'"'iiviuii 'pr TTenoA. I EaropaiBclVLondoH journaliaTS o arei the Emperor Of lfaaai I Jij ' ' " " - aioao card. Idenm.itftfcfe world. - ' - Tuesday, February 20, at lta.m fKolIyv E"'. wIlh.IlM Baildlngs and Laad adjcen t thereA to. Tl property consists of the dwelling above des riked, and mn ear tl Land with tenet, meT Two lots of lana uu. tka. uubM . . rat ... , . rat... , , I ... .. ' .ruw w uum Ml' DHS1- " " '"I ...c.TOi.. properiy i jl nrine lmueson or belore tho FIRST OF M ARflrt bew.ttf.tty MMMeO o the Illuff mucking thCIiyr ibW. . All person, lidebted to nu Tvi "m Tpleaie inf i , and "l? "J.?1 '''5?'0M,",, ". .nII having clAim. agaZit me wiZl.e ore- lSiL J"9 " lrl"K We m Ike pre- tent them for payment before that time! P nil f. wl,.b tb Proprietor of the Bank Exchange Saloon fa V rail and receive hi property before the 1st of March, nuWet. 1 ftor dortWr partlcnlara Inquire of HTUit f0t2l (1IN WILLIAMS. AnetkwiMW. iw aiaia sireei. inn UNDEI1SIONF.D THANKFUL FOR PAST lea, and Uiw bublit iruiieruUv. tbat 1m cuiitiiiuvM to 5 ier ecu Horses, Mnlea, Wmk Caltie, inch Si KO CIIAIIOK FOR STORAGE. JOHN WILLIAMS) Aiictlonctr. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Alain St.. Dalles, Oregon. MI7-OULD ItHSPKCTFULLY INFORM WW tlia nitiai.i.a ..f I.la ciiiity, thut having returned from a pro- , lessional tour thromrll the mines, lie hn. aimin i-aBiinin tl.n i.mnljn. .1 liUVTimmV l .1... . ...v ui j.i... x, , iv l, III llie TOIMll l.ii nicrly occupied by him, in the building occupied by Wood A Butler, l'h dogruph Artists, unci adjoining Wnl. dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanlcs, for tho liberal pntroiuige heretofore ex tended to him, and solicits a coutiuuaace of the sume. LIST OF PRICES. Entire Denture on Gold Base $1S0 to $225 " Upper Denture, Gold Bine.. 00" 120 " Denture. Vulcanite Base '. 70 ' K6 . " Upjier Dentiirei Vulcanite Base..: U5 " tia Gold Fillings inaerted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. selS-tf M. BEOWN & BKO., n HOLES ALK AND BBTAIL DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr M . ltTtftU'V Viniorr t.aat,l,, f Q w t... . irn (innl.ln.l fa..t t.,.t..n i '-. .v v. ...... Kiviit niuvviiiriiiB iu jiurcunHerK, V rcHjiecthilly invite the public to examiueouratock befoifl " VTJ " UIJU-ll 9ir etone acuro, nurtu Bide Mnln street, DnlUa. "Itft NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. rWKE UNDERSIGNED would reapeotfiUly annonn ' X that ho will open a first class Saloon in French Gilman's Now Stone Building, THIS EVENING, and- r-r... ....... .u.iunivi. .nil uiu IIHEUI nines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EREE LUNCIX Every day and Evoning. . o2Stf. JOHN nWIDLAijB. PAYM'S AUCTION RflOlI!! ( (ONE DOOR ABOVE TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIN STKEET, DALliKS I will attend .to sales of Real-Estate. General Merchandise, Furnltnre, , And Stocks. REGULAR SALE DATS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special Saleaany day, Sundays excepted, 'ylte - F. A: 0. 1'AYNti, Auctioneer. ESTRAY NOTICE. . TAKKK UP BY THE UNDE11SIQND. IWn. oo Eight Mile Crook, ton miles South ol Dalles Cltv. Oregon on December 18th. 186 one BAY HOUSE, H liano' WTLh tKLt AT PUBLIC AUCTI0M (unlou sooner I,,5h' "l'Ip on noso, eemu saddle marks, white himbi Al A a. a i I fot Inma lilnnlr gnnli ollnwe.,1.. I r . .... . jm. uiBjfwtHtu vi nv sjiiTnio o itj.i on -i v '"tj limn, n KW wniie nninp' v.. ...UU.U ..1,.R. T VU llltf 1( even aeare old, and appraised at $4. . F. CLABK ;. . . NOTICE fff irEREBY GIVEN that I Attend to clns my bn. -