1 aaeaaweMj'iir 'i aisiaasB -ftp 7 vol. r. DALLES, OREGON, SAT! iuntaineer, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS KXOKPTKD,) B? E. G COffSE & J. II. 4 Li LOR AST, i . EDITORS AND PBOIflllllTORS. IsitMS Twr.nl y-neitccntt per wook, payable to tho currier pur immili, hy until, fi; three months, 2 60; six iixmtlm, o ; one year, $8. Advertisement. Insertod ax low rules. Job Printing. Bvery description of plain and limey Job Printing oxe nted Willi neiti.:im mid despatch, and forwarded a par or.''T in uoy prt of the c mufy. l'aynunt Jar Job Print mj must tie mailt, on delivery oj mtrk. FOll BOISE MI M"E8 UlttUCT .,i THE UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAMJJV rrop'rs. Tins r-:ipvub house, otniuur locate, Noar ths Steamboat Iintling; & Railroad Dopot, Una been recently enlarged and improved, aud will now accommodate 30 0 GUESTS.' ITr7IIi'i'n':i,C.0i'DU,CT,1';D orotofore. as a FIRST lfl.fi h i'1": ,,1 ''" ' the traveling ipfifainSJS'it t''kml tU""' 1IjUSl fr ofcll"rBl' Home LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES WALLA WALLA & BOISE LI or CONCORD STAGES CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAIL AND Weill, Fargo & C'o.'a Gxnresa Jb now making Regular Trip from Walla Walla to 1 Through iu Two and a ILilf Dm Cnnnnf Hn.r urft l tr.n:.i.. r i. . r.. wt w. Al . VUUHIIiy. UHO. F. THOMAS A CO.. "I'-7"" Pil-llr noti c, irr THE PIONEER STAGE C03lPAld Will cany FAST FREIGEETf PIMM UMATILLA AFTER T1IK FIRST OF OOTOIlKlt, AT THK FOLLOW T.MI"'" per ponnl ------" j -....,...., if at for lets aimttmra tlmii nt.A l. ............ , ,.. . I -f tfi'f, " -wi B iiuiimeu JMMUUIrJ nil aUUlU'l mn an t-L m " ' I vumn jici jiunnil will u(J ClllU'gttu, J tlVIPIRE HOTEL WMBPHOMUMATILLAi .... All IffllNAI IIV It...., . " ' " xm umini !aah .3 I- Dan - " ""Jj .....4 IfilJ'M. iiais siaier, bau-sb. oheoo. THOMAS SMITH. Proii ltr. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS TUB OKNTRB OF BUSIXBSS, Kaar the Stoamboat -"""v AinuuiUKS eooo&?,;!:;'!;r,Z!,"!,ii-'' - a ..muuiou oiiU rmjr UUUHIB, Mtt"-' 60 Lollng iocta. Fire Proof Safe for dpnolio.if v,iini.i. ,,a ,, ' HWMAO DAI ITU, . ""8-tf Proprietor, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FRMSH STOCK! "ftues and WanaWalla, nRAl.Gnn im Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Clothing, s ' Ilats and Caps, i urocerlcg, An4 i fnll aMnftmHl ..f n i , . . v.. ua ucllvrul mercnanuiflo. Utiylnt ur OooH. .xclUHively In the San Franciico market, ae3 naking none hut cunli purchaaee, we are enabled to se 1 KO por cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalle I ' Dallnn Bnd Walla Wnlla. MO IV TO SAVU MOaK1'! CAU AT TH! nw Family Grocery and Fruit Store, uorner of Washington and Bocond Streeii. IIB UNnunsmvun ir,a,T,,n m a- wvmvmt BHKK Ul t... . . . piwoj.ru A-miiiiAJI. Acent.l uniaiilia, iict, 1, 1SB5. ' i,..rl OUJAUTZ M1IAM nn ninusi oi Jiachlnery Afitntirnrtitritil at ti. OREGON IRON WORKU wivnuu AlUKiuHUN and 7TUitroetet l'ORTLARID. A., o. Gliiua a on . . . oucceioiorR in fortiand,rec.6tli'04. dc6tf E. L. Jomkm A nn MOUNT HOOD SAlTOOrl AND HIT.T.T A If It T-v-ki- F. M. HUNT, Proprietor COIINEB OF Main nnd. Court StroctH, 8P4l-'f Dalle.. Orn FRED. LIEBK7 GROCERY, PROVISION! AMD FRUIT STORE. Waahlnpton Street, oppoalte French A ailmnn,, Dallel ..uu a mm wen-assorted atock of GROCERIES & PROVISION, Itecnlrml ffllv 1 I i.a ' I hand. Fit II ITS 1? ' l,s5. ' evervmorl; a,,."? iKXABI,E O' vi'.lBO WItlHIll.tJU( Ixive Me a Call, Everybody - JL-i vv . o!8:tf t, " umuiv, u ... .v.vwkwu Bkwn, ui ftUlO'tl xTicj-ort,JAW. Alo.constantlyon iandthoni,ni.. v-. Article or FHKSII HIITTMU ..f . pd,7 tlle,f''""-J', wishing quantltle. of Kt?ltI JXS."'"1? .In ,',flr TJ. "ill rocei,. tJT-n I U. L. JKWKIX. B. DALLAM. 0. W. AEKtS. 0. W. ABIIU, ARMES & DALLAM, IniDOrtAra And .TJiiaH " WOOD ANO WILLOW WARE. ""i inintSB, UUUDAGE, Ac And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. I fern Fmr.co"""""0'"""1' IM,w"n "!' .D"". DEALERS IN s GROCERIES ! ' nrM vun eT i Main and Union strtta. nmioo " T JVUMHiy -u. BALDWIN mh21.tr fF. W. BALDWIN WM. M0ABU8. 0. B. KdlGBL f.tillman: TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH -Combination Loci. -Constantly on h&ida txM amortment of SAFES. JrMm 318 "fl" STREET, ; J'm. Ban Fanclaoo. i . . OATU. M.M.RAn . GATES Sc IIAFT, '"' Attorneys tdunseiion at Law, ' ! ' : , ';fAH?8j OREQOIf; ' ; '" " "( WM. MOARlie a. -, .. , v vw., ?Kl VISION' STORE, WrI'A81"8' In DREAD, - - aauu A-mill IT UIL1IIIKK KM l.JSrP.'S' from u,no oarefnlly filled and nromn tl ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, . Main Street, corner or (jourt. OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect- BA.I I.LS ri I PARTIES TrUhtir"! UiaTERS In iitrr .twin. im. 4" 1 i. . . , ,J AAA Sf w T - AND I1JAHO Express niid Fast Frciglit LIncw . . .n ..mil lilTWlVil THIS LINI5 IS NOW IN tujiri.r.in """ order from Dn.alllla to Idaho City. Ui Bol-e City and prepared to carry Freight and aluab Pm-kaaeJ te?wP"n thTae and all intermediate points will, ctrlamty and despatch. The Lineis Stocfeea wun tno jjobi. xoa. the country aticraa ana ouuioiy ml. la T3f atA kfaW. ' - . i ar..A l tli a frnnitmllltilnn of Which ensares Bpcea ann ,u"w " ,:nUr iiiii FroiL-ht nevet before ott red to Idaho. o oiler wipe ffincen.ern..forShlppi..t flood, from San Vruobc initioii ara such umi "n - . , i nut uo subject to the usual delays, hut pas. thiouBU a , JPast lT-roiglit. ,., . . . i i c nr.iiM.nn to our care at Pora on. . v O00D9 SHOULD BE MARKED CAKM u. m. w. -Jr "... m.ii.. wiJi.teut to our AKCBt UU., JT. l.mi!., oni'l'" " r at Portland and Umatilla. i, ,j Advance Charges for Transportation rata by the Line and Collected at DeaJInatlon. a-fl"'" b ... ' forwarded with Dispatch to oyhee aud South Uolse. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCE liieht on the Road at Wood and Conf anient Station., so that pasaonger. will not be deprived ol regular real. l iiin a u w ...San FranclKA RICHARDS A McCRAKKN nil ,. JUMlt'U imh it7.,iii. POWELL 4 0"M ,U.no""l J. D. WILKINSON nV,!... B.M. DullKLLACO ,"'ri l U. M. DuRELL A CO ............Idiiiho City MAJOR 8PKBH -Uy "r hJ,T',,,M DullELL A MOORE I'ul.y and Silver Cltlak mw w T. I . Jtr. tt . n25tf Proprletorl. A. CAUD FOIt THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade . . vi a. mTCri.rk Ul HAM IHAltusvv. BADGER &LINDENBERGER MO.. 411, 413 and 410 Unttery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Franolaoo, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIJBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK I . WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION or Country M.r chant, to our naually largo stock of Oooda. Our stock comprl.e. overy article In the Clothing and Fur. niahing line. We have constantly on hand the large.t and grenteBt variety of Caaslinere and Wool HATS ot any house In San Francisco, and our pri s lor mesa Ooodi are lea. than those of any honae, a. we receive them direct from the manufacturer', con.lgnnient Our lock of Summer and Fall Uoop. 1. particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the VOuutry merchant I. the uuuaually low price.. ' Less Than the Cost of Importation I We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, which Oood. Wo have" purchaaed in this oinrkot un der the hammer, aud are oOeriug them at Kew Voik Coat, and less. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintance., and Induce those whohave not heretofore purchased of us. to call and examine our stock. naaA a rriripe niiii i.iiiv rritva i Are the greatest rnducemont. to all who purchaie te ell again. 'Merchant, who buy of u. can make a good pront, and .ell to tneir customer, ai a low iiguis ramatn. nuii.aritfiltlv. Your uueuient aerrania, .... BADUKR A LINDESBERGER, Wholesale Clothing nud Hat Wnrohome, :ii'' .'.. No.. 411. 41 and 416 Battery street,' Son Francisco. February 0. 1800. IVSinw. IIITiH AVe-kW , .ka.i.v ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LA W Wrllnl.. ..a , '.if "' 1 "J v. M.aAaiqa t.i DeileaOga. J. A.ODKI.t ite" NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAP' . . i k- ... RtMnur. r ""' Joo.tore, 1UID .trees, "-JI j minM k CO. Ult a '( "t'ft 7 ... nt4i ctf rtrs nNDEUsiaNEpwi.."-- - -gww. Tf UNDERSIGNED WILI. - 'J. hand Furniture, Bede, f'" tuU jUi Honwhold Furniture of every "'", '"""T WtahlogtoeellwUldoweUtoeall. JirA1,gJ 0litiiert,PeUFl We HQ 1 FOR TIIE SIM.HEU 110 1 SK AM fPITU SEX BEA.OETa riHlS DKLiaOTFUL AND CELEBRATED SUMMER JL Resort, dleated oa Clatsop Plains, a .lion aiatance from the Ocean, I. now re-opened and ready to receive Thl. retort poaaeaae. attraction, nn.urpa.aed on the Pacific Coast. It has a aplendid beach for riding, walk Ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and urruuudlngs Denies oi an ainu, auouuuj a veuuti.ui iiuui mnw audabondanbe of icame. :-A-t , "..TMlt TAIUjB U eottataiitly aftitplled with .alt and Ireah water flab clams aud eraue, elk, bear and feathered gam., and the freeheet of oouutry produce. ine oumaie i ieiuwiiou a uuii Hiing iw ww w .wi. ... - , lUtli will and sick. The Proprietors reapectiuiiy asa tne iieaun ana nw re BMkina Public for partronago, that tney may i i - J tl. - u Bn.ii... Ilil mM a .amim.nt Ul . IW.IW1V Hl"W ...w WMH.H.W. a.uvw r.k. .uanti-v. IJ1WKLL A KIPPKN. 11. vJJ4VTCllE a H - Ml.lA W...LAa. tJaAa . i aW ea e itn U a,. J. -, kj- ft ACTINO A88ISTAVT SCSGKOlf, V. $. A-,,, :! l"t ii'l j. . j i ; . -,