Clj mitiuttccr. FRIDAY MOUSING, FEB. 10, 18C0. The mail for I'oi Hand will herouiter tloeo at 9 o'clock, p. m.,, instead of 7 o'clock, as heretofore A dancing-school ut Carson City is conducted on high-toned principles cash in advance, and do bugging the girls iillowcd. Slophens, the Foniun head center, U said to bo an excellent Fronch scholar, having translated soveral of Dickons' works into that language The mombors of the M. E. Church South und tho M. E. Church at Con Tallin, it is said, are about to unite. It will bo a good example for the church everywhere. The Springfield Republican says there will bo $200,000,000 of tho pro cious metals produced in tho United States this year. This is an exagger ation not one-half of that amount will bo realized. . V7hen the express train was robbed on tho JNew York and Xew Haven railroad, the robbers left a package of $130,000 in greenbacks lying on the flpor of tho car. They got over half a million, The two brass cannon over tho main cntranco to tho War Depart merit were taken from over tho door of tho reception room of tho royal paltvco in tho City of Mexico, whon that city was entered by Gen. Scott. 1 Drunken McDougal, United States Sanator from California, it is said, took the news of tho election of Mr. Colo aa his successor ' very philosophically.' lie was probably tight at tlo time honco his equanimity. A Washington letter-writer says tho loador of fashion this- winto- will probably bo Mrs. Senator Spraguo, the only lady in Washington who, whon she gives a ball, builds a ball. room, ox.. prossly for the. occasion and removes it tho next day. A Florida paper says vessels lying for somo timo off tho coast of tho Gulf, waiting for emigrants to Brazil were neither more- nor less than slave tra ders gathering up unsuspecting ne1 groes for transportation, to Cuba, and sale in the market there. A man who- had removed tho re mains of his brother from the battle field noar Petersburg found thai cofi fins and transportation wore expen sive lio therefore quietly put the bones in his carpot bag, and so took luom mmo. Tub old Tammany Souioty had a -magnificent banquet on iho 8th of January. John Van Buren made a speech' in which it was stated that .. forty-six- years boforo the soeiety en '..tertamed General Jackson. The cor respondence read was voluminous and i' interesting. Tho Bocioty has been in oxiacenco somo soventy six years . " The receipts of the Fenian Brother - hood, up to the timo of tho recent rup ture between tho managers, averaged (150,000 per month, and the total ro . eaipts during the pasb soven years 'are csthraatcd to have been $5,900,000. It " will bo- an interesting work for the Jni&p Corjjross nj in session to find oat. what - has beoorae' of this large v!$MfSWfrixs lite j & w The Work Outlinei). Tho' liov O. C. Wheeler, of Califounia; litis tlK reeled to this office n yellow covered pamphlet entittod, "Document No. 1; The Worked Outlined, wh:ch has for its object tho representation of the purposos of the Froedmen'e Aid Com mission. Tho intention of tho organs ization appears to bo to extend educa tional facilities to tho colored pooplo of tho south. The intent is good. Tho black people have as much right to bo oducated as tho whilpj and tho whites have as much right to bo odu cated as tho blacks. It is upon this point that wo think the llev. 0. C. Whoelor, however good bia intentions may be, is not the proper person to ho intrusted with the education of any person, black or white, at tho South. In the pamphlet directed to-this office, there is not ono word in relation to tho educational necessities of tho whitcB at tho south; not ono word of that spirit of forgiveness which is claimed as tho distinctive peculiarity of Chris, tianity, but a total silence on these points. On the other hand, the scheme whilo protending to be an accessary of tho governmental project of educa tion, breathes the very spirit of med dlesomeness. To make short work' of all such ideas, it is only necessary 10 state that the United States has guar antced educational privileges and fa cilities to the blacks, and tho officious ntorposition of tho Freed men's Aid Commission is not needed. The South ern States will also, doubtless includo tho blacks in the common schools of tho country, on tho basis of tho recog nition of tho differences in the social regulation of the race&. In view of those things, "Document No. J ' will all unheeded to tho ground. Lastly f tho- peoplo of this coast will tajfo care of the youth of the present gon oration, and by judicious training fit them for a life of usefulness, Wiey will accomplish about all that can reason ably be expected of them. Wo apply this particularly to California, from whoso con fin os there are annually dis gorged, hundreds of yonng villains, who need tho ad vantages of schools and moral training as much or moro than eithor blacks or whites at tho South It is this section of tho Pacifio coast which feels in the greatest degree tho depredations of a class sprung from that California civilization which as pires to mourdUhe public-sentiment and privato morals (f the south. The Hov. O. C, Wheeler has a field at home largo enough for all his philanthropy The Statesman wants tho aspirants for the Congressional nomination on the Union ticket, on Ibe east side of tho Cascades, to. com-e out and show themselves. On the mrt ef "-a nura bor of aspirants" we are requested to ask Vestern Oregon to trot out its Congressional stock, as that is the oldest section of the State,.and conse e.uenily tho least modest The incidonlal ex-ponSes of tho United States Government in carry ing into ofiCoot National loans, during t-hfrpast ye'ar,'woro JG,588,641 81. Tho greater part oi this sam wont to Jay Cooko & Co., 08t.of which they must have realized a handsome profit. ' 'A BiLt has passed Congress to pro vent the introduction 'of neat-stock from Europo during the prevalence of tho cattleiplaguo on the other side of I the Atlantici;' :t rv t Columbia Lodge, No. a, I. O. O. F.-- Meets every Friday evening nt f.JJ o'clock, lit Oaten' llall, corner of Second ami Court Htrcots. Brutliern In good standing iiro invited tnuttoud. Py order. K.O. Wico Lodge, No, ,n'oF;,h Worn on the Firttniitl Tb nl . Holds Its stated Coniinnnlcntlun on the Pint nad Third Mondays of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren In pood standing are invited to attend. Sum L. Pops, Sec'y. lly order ut the W. tt. MARRIED. At the rosFdenco of Samuel Price, January 4th. hy Hut. I,, h. Rowland, Jtcst .1. lsnn.nR to Slim tsinm MASiitsn, all of Wuseo County, At the residence of (tie bride's fathen. .Tnnuarv 6tlr. by Itev. I,. I,. Jtnwland. Jmu ISiEX.-r ro Jliaa tv't.KH K. iJini.Eii, all of Waco Comity. KOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKX' that I Intend to close- my hnl nei4t tneptilloson or before the FIRST OF MARCH IBM. All persons Indented to mo will please call mill settle, and nil having claims against me will pleuse pre sent tliein for payment before that timo. I wish tl e proprietor of the Bunk Exchange Moon to call and receive his proporly before the M of March, 1SGIJ. 10MJ CHAKLKS LAUC1IEK. AUCTION.SALfi. Twill sell nt Public Auriou, at the Bto o of Wdi, Jlirn-biiu-iu, ij.m THIS O iY(Tlnn stlaj ). Feb. 15th, at TO o'oloek In the forenoon, and on each snrceeHlug day at tlie same hour, nil tho remaining stock of Watches, iihiiiionds, li'loeki, Jewelry, l'lutc. Flitted TTare, Cutlery, A ml Fivncv O'nnds, contained" In said store, on MAIN STU MKT. adjolnm the Post UIHre. As this will be the closing snl, unrimiim may ho expected. JOHN WILLIAMS. Am-t. AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. THE L'NI)KU8IOxfl).VJLL SELL TUB BEMATX der of tlielr stink nt SAN I'ltAXCIcCO C(iH', without reserve. In order to close out business In this town. Our stock, consists of the foUuwiug goods: All KinUH'Of- CLOTHING! SUCU AS COATS, PANTS, BOOTS J- SHOES, HATS CATS, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing dioods. Also, a fine Kit of r HAVANA AD DOMESTIC SEGARSI TOBACCO, lMI'ICS, & YANKEE NOTIONS. tflie whole stock must be closed out lit FOUTY-FIVK DAYS, without fail. AII perums indehtciUto tho Arm must pay up iiiiio xiiiiixi yAio.or legal proceedings wtll lie luia, flStr. ABUAlIAMiON k KOIILBKKO. NOTICE. GRAND CLOSHO OUT SiiLE, AT Xiibiio Auction, ox Thursday, Feb. loth, at 10 a. m., And on oacli succcedtncr day until the entire stock is dis pBgcd ef All the splendid guuda reuuiiuiug in.uiy storo, contisiing 01 Watches, DiitmoitdN, Jewclrjv Clocks. Plated Ware,. Lamps, Cutler)', lMNttJlrty Field fiTas tc!. Fancy Ooods. Cold Scales, etc. I have dlsnoecd or my Iron safe, show cases, and store fixtures to h DoiiiiIimi and us 1 have rotrire-hlm nnssesv sion ol'the store at an enrly day, this will bo the last op poriniuiy iiiat too puonc win nave to purchase those kooiis ut auction prices. 'tnaiiKtui to Die generous t.uh lie that have so liborully patronized me heretofbia. 1 re. a)icctlully Invite tliolu to be prevent nt this my closing hub. it.n. iiisnusu.v llutf Main Street, Dal Desirable Residence For Sale I WILL PELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION (unless soonci disposed of at private S lo,) on Tuesday, February 20, at 11 a. m., the Elegant DWELLING HOUSK. the residence of T Kelly. Esq., with the Buildings and Hand adjacent there to. Tills iironerty consists of the ilwuUimr sliov cribod, anil an ucr.o of Land with fence, and Two Lou of Land witlu tho- ouildlngs tliereoiu This properly is beautifully situatetLon the Whiff overlookint; the City, and Is in every way well calculated for a Uentlemaii s Residence. Thero Is n flue Spring of Water on the pre mises, f on farthar partictilare inquire of JOllX WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, - fUt21i . , 100 Main Street. POTTMWOKROOIII (ONE DOOa ABOVH T1IK POST-OFFIGB,) - . MAIIV STREET, DALLES CITY; . . , i ' . 1 will attend. to.oalesiofi I f- 1 1 1 f j Real Estate. -, u H ill ' Cienerat Mercliandlse, 7 , , !. tiiw--ffurii-lture,-1-'"' I--. ! ' " v-!ri'- " ' And Socks.T i REGULAR BALK DAYS, MONDAYS, AND FH1DAY8.' Stock and Special Sale n d -?r!sv,i .1 '.U l' .A i. .. !. .J . ri'-it.e-JU .() I AUCTION 1KD COMMISSION HOUSE! So. 1C0 MAO STREET, DAILIS. ' MniH UNBKKSIONtD T HANKVUL FOH VAST H. ritvura. rebptcttHlly iiti'ii 1 he vWWvu it tlitr hi lion, and the iiublit generally, Unit be continue to rellut PUBLICAUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Restl nutate. Geiteial Merchandise, Caiocei ler JyluleH, Fiirnlf lire, stctkx, &c. &e. EESCLAR BALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And l'ltOMI'1 Ul:'I5IBN meile of sales. Out door und Sucuiul Sales attrnded to In any part of the city. Tariff of Charges I'ntll Frirtlrer KOtice : or Selling Merchandise, Gn-ccries, Furtiituie. rtiKiks. fle. Ac......... 6 per ceu. Kor SeMing and boat Kstntc... il ' llnmH, Males, ttorK (.at tie. eavli NO COAItUH FOR P'l'OItAHK. JOHN VlLV.lAMSS.Aetloiieer. J . JUKEE, Main Sirecl. OalleK, WUOLESALE AND RP.TAIL DEALE1! IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, r ip es, .&o.. At. WATS 15 SJOItl rnt BIST Cr.ANCS OF Jgars, Tobacco, Matches, &e fiLAYl0 CA1IDS. . I'OCKET CUTUiKY, POIiT 5IONIES. COM US and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHIN A ORSAMENTS, TLTi S. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FTSHTNG TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. 4c. Also I'owdcr.Shot, Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, und amnyctter articles too numerous to meution. it Interior dealers supplied with Clears, Tobacco, etc. at less ttiau Portland prices, with freight added. oc8 SELLING O I? 1 AT COST, FOR THIRTY BAYS LONGER ! I LAST CHANCE! ESSHS. COIIK ft BOI1M wonld hereby lnfornv their customers anil the puUlic at large, that tiiey will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer hi urder to givo ono a clinnco to ninhe presents fox tho- Holidays, ve wilt seU Uie'bulauce ot our stoclt. cou sistingof ltieh Black Silks, Uents' Cloaks. Blch Poplins, Beaver Coatis. Cloeks, Drees Cnato, ghnwls, I'ants, Dry Goods, lnhroiderfcR. Uttts t CapSf Boots Si Shoes, &C, Ac, ic , ic, AT SAST FKAIVXISCO COST, Witlmut Fxelgbt and Kx paused. cloHing the concorn. CO UN & JH)I1K 'j ins win be ate laat chance to iror hrtmrnfl. urtor to N.B-Alt Hillfl must bo pniil by th First of .Taiumry 1800. If not nettled within that time, Uie tame will be pi need iu legul hanJu. tU-ltr J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, MalH St., lnlle, Oregon. WOULD BliSI'ECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this ploco and vi cinity, tliat having returned from a pro fessional tour through the mines. helms again resumed the practice of IlKNTlsrUY, In the room formerty occupied, by hiiik in Mie building occtrpied y Wood k Butler, PlrJtograph Artists, and udjidning Wiil dron Bros.' Drug Storo. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal jMrtronnge heretofore ex. tended to hini, and solicits a continuance of the same LIST OK PRIC83. Entire Denture on Gold Base $180 to 5225 " I'ppctr Denture, Sold Base 60" 120. " Denture. Vulcanite Baso. 70" 125. " Cpper Denture, Tnlcanlto Bose US " tie Cold Villihgs Inserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3tf ' M. BROWN & BEOa, 1tH0U8AU AIID RXTAtL IIAII8S llf FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &o. . ' r Mr. M-. SHOWN, being a resident of San Francisco, t sre ennUled to ofter great Ituleements to purobnsers. W respectfully Invite the public to exaiuineour stock befoin purchasing elsewhere. . mlfi.ti 4aT Stone Store, nortli side Main street. Dalles, tit NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. nnllK UNDERSIDE ED would raspeotrnlly jtnnnun M that he will open a first class Saloon In Vreucli. Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS KVEN1NU, and prepared to sane onitonien with the best of ..... Wines,; Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A. EBEE LUNCH Etmj day and-Evening. ; . . . - , ' - ooMtf, ' ' JOHN RINDIiAl'B. ' ; ESTIIAY NOTICE. TAKEN CP BY THE UNDKRSIQND, living on Ehtbt Mile Creek, ten miles South 04 Dalles City, Oregon. An December lKtli. )8o6, one BAY ilOHSK, 14 hanrin hlgh,.whlie snip on nore, some saddle marks, white hind feet, soius black spots above the hoof, a tow while, hsira sn forehead, branded thn: O on the loft shoulder, atafl - - old. and appraised at tlOv I V F.CLABK