CM ) Saila itloimtanucr. siiaaeiiasa!ssimaSa Usaiam igtiagiiiijiiiitaLuiiii,ut'jaBejjj'" miiiuiuiiimuwhiiwm8him liiK vv ustiiiigtoii iMronmle myal " Tlio muiouul credit, a in joonuniy Let Congiess bIiow its appreciation of tlio importatico of llio tnatter, by do ing that wliicli llio Biiloty of tliu tun. tion do man dd totwit : by uwurding to llio crime i t h just fiiiniHlimetii doalli." Undor llio British Cotibiuu1 lion, cnunleiTuiliitir the currency of llio realm U cot down as iri'itmm, und is Utorcforo puniliatjlu with deallij but lliix in u constructive ii'uuhoq nut recognized by ur luwe. Idlknesh. Tlio idlo'lovy a very heavy lax upon l ho indu-ti ioutt when by IrivoloiiH viaitiitioim tltcy rob them o(' their lime. Such purnon Org their daily JiuppincsH from door to door an beggar llieir daily bread, arid lilso thoiu, Homeiimes meet, whh u rchulf. A mere noM oulit not to wonder if wo ovinco nigna that wo are tired of him, Hooin H'ut wo aro indebted to tliu h'xior of his virtil, riolcly to the circumstance of his being tired ot him' aelf. lie niu at home until ho has accumulated an insupportu3le load of ennui, and he million lorih to dislrib Ulu it among all liis aoquaintiiiioon. Tub M'Hing I'rm quotes from Strnbo (Book 4, Ch. Ci to show tlmt gold wus for merly found in pincers lit tlio sou hern foot of tlio Alps. The Moat Onis tunnel opens, on tlio Italian si te of the mountain, in the neighborhood of the uluue w ere these pincers existed, and from thence it is (bought to be reasonable t at th - icportcd tliscovory of gold quart in the tunnel is true. .JuiiKnuuitO with its lortiQcatiotiH and work-, erected during the Heiinon past, has been adopted ty the Secre tary of War as a permanent military post, to he known af Port Sedi;ielc Treasurer' Notice. faillE FOLLOWING COUNTY OIIDMIS will bo paid H np.m presentation at my utllco: IvVien Ur.ixtrreil March 15, 1806 .., April 7, 10 10 10 May 13 Juno 'J n g 0 0 o o . m 9 0 . 10 1 10 10 10 111 10 M 10 10 10 " 10 12 -. 2) "ill 1 at " 23 JatV T f&10;lw Vlua. 4 4 , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 6 6 b 6 6 5 . ..5 .6 6 ..: 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 II. An. In favor of. H72 I. .McAlllin. 874 J. II. HH0 1, McAIHlill. 87 L. Mr.AtHIti, 8K8 li. McAuiliu. DM It. II. Heed. m C It. Molus. 027 John Cntos. OSS C. II. Meigs. 105 II. W. .Mitelif 11. 001 11. W. l tchell. 39 C. W bite. 4 6 " 2'i It. W.Crandall. 8 " ' 63 " ' 12 J. B. Harford: J M C5 O. N. Donnv. 118 T. McAuslin. CO " 47 l'.T. Tuthlll. t)i ' ' 45 " " 6T ' " 6rt " " 23 T. McAuslin. 71'sl Isaac Kvnns. UOt Chas. Ilolborn. 73 . 0. II. ,l oner. 74 O W.J.awsnn. 7 C. It. Meigs. J. VAI.DItoN. Treasurer. Notice of Final Settlement. mjOTICK OF FINAL PBTTLKMKNT OF TUB E8 11 into t T. M. C. MikmI, deceased, in ihe County Court (it Wnaro comity, 0 igon. In Probate Notice Is hereby irlven. Unit J. N. Moad. u.iiiiinUtmtor of tlio almre. fllt-il In tlio County Court of Wuiio connt, at the February Term. INCH, liia ncconutii tor. and prayiii act . tleinpiit ol paid niitato; it Ik tlicrol'oro ordered tlnr ald application be liourd on Tut'itdiiy, the filh dav of Marcli. ISull. at the Court ll-il-o. In D illon City, in 'aid County, and that notice thereof be publUbod for four w-oeka in Uie Uaukis Mouxtukbcb. O.N. IlKNNY. t'obruary 6th, 1SU1. feB4w County Judno. IVlilW GOODS! W IIVIMI JUST AH1UVKD KKOM TIIK f AN FRAN M a ciyco .Mai'krt. vce would invite tl.eatteution ol our friuiidn and the community ut 1 ana, tu i ur ttctfelccled stock of liry Goods, (Jlollilng, Hoots Sl Shoes, AVhlcli re are ellintc at the most reaeotiabti rntea. W e cannot mill our good AT t OTl lint aHMiro tlo? eoniiut; Uily that it plearca US to tell gOMlnat SMALL PltOFIIS. di-9tf. Ui HhUMAN 4 CU? se;m.i of r at,! M. AViintscli fc Co., WILL CLOSHUCTTIIEIll STOCK OF JIKIKMIAN DISK, at llieir pi leiiof liUHineHH, At tliu Dalles, in urilcr to uo die Minus. Their utock embraces Oi y i;oods, C'lodtliig, Uoots, Olats AND OKSKRAL MEUOUAS'DISE, All which will he Hold at C-ISP, for CASH only. All who kilo iheuiieive Indebted to our firm at the Ualli.a will pleasocall a d nettle as noon 119 p Mi-ilde. who h.ivo h,eu ai-roiiimoilnteil v.o rust will nt delay us unnecessarily, l ot be pi-otnpt in win itlnir up ur. (.omits. Call and see us, all and evervhodv I Hiill-tf M. t U ASCII A CO. fUHNITTJRE! FUILIU'lUKS c)ttWITt 0 1.011 K 1I0T1L fcUILDINO, 'rs-iS DiillfNCity.liHVoon IikihI u vuriuiy llouhehold KurnHure, Jr4iV',,,,,',r,u,,,s Tftl'IcH. Olutiin, H melius 4 tic. nil til Hindi will bo H'Aii ntlow mtvts. t'liiiiitiiiu ltI.(tii i'tl, iiihI I iliulHtrint; dune tu uriltT, AUo.oii IihimI fturt Hritujiiiiii iilioH8, Ditriiiiivubiuaaetuuraer. amy f'FFlCK- nnd Court, On ice IIourh 0tol2 A.H.;'2to4r u.;and8tnl0, ftl AM1 U XXL A IC 10 li. Mr.S. MATT IK llOMtltOOK would respectfully In lot 111 tliu Ladiua of Ihe Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop In coiuieeiion witli MissO'KourUe, wlu-re she is 1 parul to do all kinds ot' work with neat ness autt dispatch. Having just arrived from the i-.ast, site hopes to be able to plcae all as to Form and Fushh.u tloitlts, Coats and Dresses tut to Order. TIIIIKK D IOItS Westot tlio Corner of TI11HD and UNION Streets. or21;ioa WARKER HI. 1 -74 MiCOND mtKbT. between Mimlilngton lvii's I Furs I N THIS IIIGIIKST MAIIKKT I' HICK PAID IN CASH MR Beaver, Otter x Mink and Coon Skins, II v KICIIAKDS H McCHAKK.V. Purtlniid Sept. 27. lMr. oe4:Uin Kll.Ai K I.I s r. TTOIIN II. WAItl). OKCK i8 IIOLLOM-, ha this day tjt pil me Tlnee Itiliidred and Fortv-otie Dollars tu Ui.KhMlAi KS AT UAII, lor a uobt due iu Uold 1 oln. Deo au, lsu6. Jliol'J JO. UIFFLK. SIierllT's Sale Of Milling Ground. J Y VlidUB OF AN KXliCUTlON Isied by the Clerk CL2I of the Circuit Court, and to me directed, iu lavor 01 Charloa Cnstle and D. MiltoiiBtall, plaintiffs, and against Michael Donahue, deletidaul, for the siini of sity Hvu 5,1-100 t05 60) dolters, principal. In nool coin of the United Stat,, and eight ill-loo (&S ;4j il.ilars, coit and disuutnlticiits. 1 haiu levied upon and will Hell at public auction to tne b dder for rash In liaud, of K(ld coin of tlio United States, on WKD.N'KSUAY, the Hh day of Fiilll. UAI.Y, ISI.U, between the If.ura of 12 and 2 o'clock, p M., belui'c t o Ctuirt house door inCiiuion City.Orant Ciainty. the following described propeity, to wit: A one nan interest In souiu niinui groiiml known aa the Mlilrr laiuis. botiuded on the Ninth by McKctin ft Co. 'a ('latins, and runui'ig tip Canyon Creek to tliu Old Ueller claimfl, it doing 4o0 leet uiore or less. 31. i'. uuiiai, euorin. lly Wit. W Whipple, Deputy. Canyon City, January Is, loot'. jiin20v5 Administrator's IVotice N0TICK IS 1IKUHY GIVEN T1IAT I HAVE, ON thin Oih day nf Fohritary. 180tl,lioon duly appointed ' administrator ut the estnto of K. O. Cowne. decoased. llierefor, all persons Indehted to said estate are nott tioi. to make Imiuodiate navmont : and all persons hay ing claims against said estate are notlfled to present them to me. ut my oRlce. ill Dal 0 City. Wasco county, Oregon, within six Dioutln liom tnoilate ueret. ror pay. Bieut. II. A. IIOUUE, February 0 h, 1800. Administrator. TP.. DEUM, 3VatchiiKiker .tin! Jcirelcr MAIN STREET, DALLES, TVHALEIl IH FINK WAT0IIB9. JKWEMtT, ' V CLOCKS, Gold Pens, 3ller and Fla'ed Ware, Spectacles. Cntlery. Ao. aYPiLrtlenlar attention tiald to renalrlnc fine Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired by ana warranted for twelve months. - . M.B. All orden from the upper eonntry, by Bxip-i . r othsrwise. promptly attennea to. rikki. a-aii.t rati ou t ririLnRON BROSr tiara Inst received a lame In f. tolca of COAL OIL, which they offer at greatly aucouraies.ij . 1 . . : 1111 iille: city ikh; mo tit:. if. UHAI(j, V WIIOhKSALU AND KKTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. UKU1C1NE8, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps. I'ATKNT MEDICINES. Ac. fl-tf MilUS AND 1'A TEXT MEDIVIMCS!! PIWUS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES!! WHOLRHALI AND RETAIL DKUGGIST, Waahiiigtun Street, between Main and 8ccond Streets t , LEMON Is ublo to supply parties In want of Drugs, r Patent Medicines. Cliemicals, Acids, trfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Gi Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, w ill do well to give liim a call. , TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. 8 LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main a,ln Second. IP fl il 'V JA , i 8'' O (! i D) Y AND MACHINE SHOP, FII!ST STHEHT. between Yamhill and Morrison. ol t'roui4to4 horse ' A.S&V? power.titlier Portable or siniionary. Also, cut- ryy- irTt-I -is CCLAIt SAW MILL jrfigy.Sifty? COMI'LHTM. conaic.ntly rY?T 011 hand. Also. Hay I'ros- M piitfcp&t if sesof all antes t IManiiii T - "&$&Y 3f Machincs.lWoodworth's 'JSJpfKM-i ,V iiiittern.l '.Vrotuht ami t',;Vr.-ii'J?f: !'u:iVa ihoiNuie 1 i:.-tut .lilj. Mr UrtiHH ami Castings HUtl r R05JEET IROS WORK of every description. I nm also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can boforwarded to nny nartof the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, nun pounds. Hone Powers ft .grioultnral Imjiloments mainiiactureil toorderat the very LoWESi CASH I'KICK N. il. Pnrticnlor attention pahljo HUI'AIIIB. fi-ao-tf SEL LING 0 r ACCOST! lly entire stock of S'S'OVES Aili Ti.UWAElti. ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS, fnl'Il WHOLE einbrnrlng a One stock, ever" article jf of which will be suid at C0.VT. its I desire to close out business. Also, one Olt AN D PI a.nO, iu good order. Also, for sale, tlio HOUSE AND LOT. on second St out. noxt to the corner tif Washington. The House is :wo stories, with a basement, and Is well adapted to ihe hotel business. Also n lot of IIKDDINO. cnmprisini; about twenty-five Ueds 'the wnoie will bo clooed out chuup. Fur further particulars apply on the promises. au9:ltiil ALttEM' llElTINflEN. - sum moil!. J. F. Orihln plaintiff, vs. Isaac Jennings, defendnnt. Action to recover 11101 uy, Iu County Court ut the State of Oregon for Union County. U l.-A AO J i.N 1NUS, Detemlunt i in the name ol the State of Oregon you Are hereby summoned and requited to optictir ano answer 1'hiiiiiifT complaint now un U.e iu the Clerk's ollico in said Court, nltor ser vice hereof upon you by publication lor st weeks in the KiiKLT .Mou.ntaim.kii. as by order of said Court, or Judgment for want tliereul will be tsken against you, ami uiils-s ,iou so upbear and auswer said complaint, the 'laint tfwill tako luiliriueiit usaiust von for the sum of $3ii0. togoiherwitli tlie costs ami disbursements of this action, ay oniur ut i. f. Ai'gersiuger. county Jiuige 01 Unioi. County. . .M, UAKiilt. Atfylur inaiutilf. U. 8. Kev. Stamp 1 oucents. J Jati&-uw , Stiiiipuoais. Henry Tozer A John l( iley, plaintiffs, vs. -Isano Jen nlugs. Action to recover money in County Court of the State of uregoi in. Union County. fHlO ISAAC .'KNNINtlS, DEFRNPANT: In tlio name JL of the Slato of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and, required to appear and answer the complaint of the Plalntilfs, now on file in the Clerk's olllce. in said Court, nltor service hereby upon yon by publication for six weeks In the Wkeklt Mouxtai.necr. as by order of said Court, or Judgment fur want thereuf w:ll be taken Against yotf : and unless yon soappo-ir and answer said complaint, the Plalntilfs will take judrment nguiuat yon tor 'lie sum uf$2i0, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. 11 uruer 01 J. 1. Argcrsiuger, uouuiv Judge ut uutoii comity. U. S. II 0 v. Stamp I At. DAKF.H, Att'y for plaintiffs. 60 cents. J an6-0w Dissolution Notice. . rWIIECO-PARTNEUSIUI'heretoforeoxIstliigbetween fJL UKuaiiK ,mu1jKA a uaviu uuu.ii,ii, in me Eclipse Chop House. Is this day dissolved by mutual con. sent, David Drrning lin.viii; sol. I out Ills Interest tu Geo. McLean, who is alono authorized to transact any bust tiess in the nutne of said house. U. McLEAN. 1-alles, Jau'y. 12. 1808. D. DOItNJNO. mvrtvwi TT3 ni'.HEIIY OIVEN that the Co-partnership heroto Jl foreevisling between E. C. III(DY,C. L. MITCH f.Ll.a. d F. W. 'I'll OI.'.DN, doinga mereanlil- busl'. ness in this place, under the name of rl. C. Ilaidy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutu il consent. And hereaiter til- husineKS of Hitid firm will be comlucti'd bv E. C. Hardy, who alone is authorized to collect and sett'e the accounts of mid firm. K. C. 11 A KDY. C. L. MITCHELL, SusaMvllle, Grant Co, Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON Nov. 13. lttiili n2U:lin nitiilngton Wagon Read. 'l'llE UNDKIISIUNI'.D WOULD I FOHM THE J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Itoad from Portland nud Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well beiug kept in goud traveliug order for wagons uud stork. " K.C. 11AIIDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1866. Janlltf Bole l'ruprietur I 11 Ell ED Y WAHN ALL PEH80NS from contracting or buying anything whatever from F. M. KUNTZ, whereby 1 will have beon thought bv the niiblic resnou- sible. ns I am uot, nor will I hold mys If responsible for Any of said F. M. Kllnt.'s Ac's. W. F. MUFF AT. Hnsnuville,oraiit Co., Nov. us, 18o. LINCOLN HOUSfE, Corner Washington and Front Street, l'OHTLAND, OllEQON. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LAltQEST IN TUB STATE Charges ttcasunable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Doats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other Uuusoin tlie Clry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. - P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Orogon City. Vancouver, Monti cello and A storia laud at the Lincoln House Wharf. ecpl:3tii W. . BIGELgW, Receiving, Storing Forwarding AND . Commission , . Merchant Advances made on Consignments. 1 MAIN BTUKET, Opposite the Umatilla lionet. MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington (street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully announce to all those wtshiug Photographs, Carts tie Ylslte, &c, , that they will do well to give her a call.' Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies ami Ckl'dren't t'cturos. oc21itt DAILY MOKIITAIHBER i It A c.I Dissolution or Co-l'tirtuersiUu. nIIKCO-PARTNERBIIIP heretofore existing under M- the name and style of U0DD1NS, McFAKLAND A CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All lia bilities of said firm to be paid by Hobbiua A Weaver, and cl debts dua aald firm to be paid to .and collected by them. . , J.H. HOillllNS, , ' ' O. McFAKLAND. 1 Dallsi, Jan. 6, 18M " 0; W. WEAVER. ' t All persons indebted te tu will please callsnd " Pun lie" and save costs. ' .Ut Jaffuil IJOWEH PRESS BOCK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch IT A STYLE THAT WILL COM PAKE FAVOItAJlLT with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAITST . to oanrR: a r (9 n l El i I I-SS citiii, CHECKS. DRAFTS, ItKCEU-TS. POSTICUS AND PKCGRAM9IE8' F01I THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ff-C. d:c, dc, PRINTFIl IN THE MOST ATTRACTIVE KANNtX. 1U0, WAT-HI J. I.S. HILLS OF FAKE. LKTTKH HEAPS. HhVLJJ'THOOFS. HILLS LADINO, Frifitls nud. r.'ciopli nsiTJXG. WEVDIXO AKI "AT HONK" CARPi 1 iruacista' Lftbfln. In short, everything that can hp done in a Hook and J e Printing thllce. from the smallest anil most dellinteCaid or Circular, to the largest S'se and most tdo.wy Pi etii.s; Hill and which will he turned out in a style thin caiinit fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR KACIUTIF.S FOK THE EXIXUTltlN HP JECORATIVE PRINTING In tlie memt tiHitiTtlhil Color. 1 union ami Tints, Such as Pancy Postinf? Bills! From a kIiiIo Pliant to the liiugut Maiuuuith. ORHA iWAA TA h XtiQ W CA A Ols. l llit LMk h'ti' J Ai 1 S, iff" Ate nnHurpanNiMl by ttione ot nny other ehtahlinliii.ent in (trcifOD. uiluvote nitfclttl Httt nttoii lo tliibbn iit li of t). t)UHincfn. mimI aro continually tuluitig to out alj;i uu exten live uud well ajiioiuttid aat-oriiiieut ol niattriiii. HEW TYPES, BJRQERS, ORNAMENTS. tc tic ' etc.. Of the muMt iitoilern and elaborate dcMitm. Our stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC. Are of th II ni'Bi (limlity, and for richi.en of color hi tluriiMlity, cannot in-etjtinlnil in ihe State. 1 he principle upon which imcintHti iti attKea icr this er ttildii)hi:ieiit it), (hut pcrst hK ill conmll their own inter esta, by awarding their ciiitom to that otlice iu which their money can he exprihlud to the In t adviunHvf. T lliln end w-e flutli-lt all in want ot good l'lintin, at very reaaimahlo charpn. to call and examine Hpeciineiis, and Judge for yourttelvea. Ordern from I be l'gpr Country Will have our oiieclal care, and friendit from the interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, us we HAVE THE ONLY IiVIPROYED i0RD0N POWtH PRESS Jin the (State ol Oregon ! AddrGM: nOUNTAIF4EEn OFFICE mlS-t.f iJalluit. ouKon. JACKON ISAJ.OONI COUNEIl CUURT AND SKCOND TKKETSI DALLES. OliltiOsOJS. THE UNDKIISIGNKD, HAVING HUMOVKD FROM T1IK "Dhl.LA UNION" CELL All. INTO . GntOH New Ititiltlin . Peg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers witli the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free I-.xincli ! Every day and evening. IX MIL. SCIIt'TZ. dec?-if Proprietor Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE K0 WAGON MATER'ALS WK IIK(1 TO CALL ATTKNTION or Carrliiro Man ufacturor and DealeiH to the Large nud Com plete rMflortmeiitorCAKKlAUKftud WAUUN MATE HI , AL8 we are constantly receiving from the Kant, kpevially nelected for. the California market, comprliriug. Oak. Hickory, and Second (.rowth Anil riauk, Hickory Axlea, W agon Voles, lljihn, Kpokes, Kulloes, UlniK, Bhuitu, to. A. , which we offer at the lowent Catdi I'ricea. v MM itrdore addresiied to our houie will receive promjp . attention. N. W. 11 It AGO k CO., . Jyl&:Um, 29 A 31 Buttery Street, San Krancleoa, , aua xi iu seTeuin rirout Dacrauieuro. 0. WATCttnouss, 11. W. biuao A Co., J. W. Ltsrw Ban Francieco. Bacrameuto. New York N E W II E ARS 13! fMI14 UNDERSIGNED BF.OS TO INFOItM THE CIT JL Izens of tlie Dalles and vicinity that be has recelvW a NEW HEAltSE, and will attend Funerals on short notice. This la th. first, and at present,.! Hearse iu the city. ' . I. M. EVANS Ii-lles, May 19,1868. " ' myfiu-tf. O. li, imOOKS, M. t. OCiCj At Ur. Craig's Drug MUOMV i DALLES, OREGON, ; ' , A