J- 1 latin HJflmttatiucr. inUKSD.IT MOttXIXG, FKB. 15, I860. The Pacific carried dowu $140,000 in treunuie on the 13ih. Toe birds of every kind disappeared from Cotmtttntiriuplo while tbe cholera was ruging there. The Lowision people huve organized Aoornptiny to improve the Lo Lo Forlt Truil, ho uh to render it passable fur paelcuniitiulrt. A lady in A'ew Yirk, who lost her leg, through the ciirelotmneBB of a Broadway tttuge driver, has recovered (1,000 dutmigoH. A man numed Ilill bus painted a miaeruble curiuuture of Mount St. Helena, und ia exhibiting it at San Francisco. Tub extent ot the bituminous coal fiolda surrounding Pittsburg ia fifteen thousand Bqunro miles, or eight mil lion six hundred thousand acres. A hook & ladder tiro company iai ' n '. about to be organized i Salt Lake I Citv. Fourteen hundred dollars ba'd been subacribej. L TiiBtiamoaot thirteen huadrod rich mon'a daughters, in New York, are on list of applicants lor admission to 'the Aayluut for Inebriates, at Bing- hampton in thai Stale. Tuts Salt Luke Telegraph says mis. ohievoua and hoa'.ile Indiana trade ior j . . i . . ii.,. t. . ii . . i powuor timi was hoiu iv inenuiy unev, and enjoiriH caution uon tho meruuii iit community in Hemi.tf uu urijo.u. Closing Salk. J-oIhi Williams will offer to-day tho entire Btoc't of jewelry Wtttclwn, etc. As thi U tUo ctosin sale,, pur-lion desirous of purchasing . will do well to bo on hand. The lowur udit til Enokfo's mine, (formerly tho . Jiockfullow,) hun ui length ruiielii'd ilio Union Lode two hnndred mid fifty feci under ground Tliffore looks very nroiuidHig ul tliin JptlW. " Tun WulUi VYullu Statesman' wry ient.vbly ,Biij;'5'Hi8 to thu fitriiicrt of tin vulli'y thu tiroprioiy of producing early vejrelubU'S for the markets down tlie ' Colu robin,, art tho spring is soverul " weeks curlier to the vnlerior than in tho Williimetto. Tiik leloraph lias been extended tip Fruzer river, en roulo for Kumkiii, find it) now in working order from How York, via San Francisco, lo u point near lour hundred n.iles above Now Westiiiinisier,. on Frazor mer, making in round numbers about uixl luouBuud twilert. I Tna Workingmeii'it Association ol Washington, D C., representing over twenty drBeront tn dos, have issued anaddrcBstolhe workin men thouuU. Out tho country, cullitur upon them to eend deleijateH to u national eonven- . .. tlOD. the U.UIU Olili'Ct Ot Wbiel) Wll bo . . 1; .1 .a . 1. . v XO eBlUUHHll 1110 I'UIO V eiylib UOUrri .:, .. a 1- vwiinwtuwiu a uiijso wurii. . TlIEY aro rnmintr Buceesstu c in Sierra county, Culiiorniu, for ppak 1X7 f Khnt hnVA IliiAn iinnL in nnnal of thom one being over two hundred teet, and lite oihor near that, ia depth. Sonxe duy a half-bushel is procured Innohoff Naiy- nf Ih. rnli.hnu, ID aSlialt. JN0nJ OI Ilia ratll DOW tinted V;.hWr.t h fnnU. I. - m j " v fa d tb companies havo bo fur found Ta . . the enterprise lucrative. A RAILROAD FIIOM WHITE RI.VFFS IU l-ISJI d'UBKILLE LAKE, Tho first objection to the commence! ; mnnf I, . J..iU.. T t .. it..!! I kumiuiuimii iwiuDmiirugu at White Bluffs, is found in the fact that the road would be practically of no uso for an averago of throe months in the year; on account of tho Colum bia River being frozen up for on avep ago ot two months, and tho difficulty oi acsending the Umatilla iiiipida for several weeks in tho fall of each year. Tho second objection, ia in the fact that the material would have to be sent up tho river at a heavy expenso, making two port iges and being trans, ported on.tbroodifforent river sections. It would have to bo shipped five limes twice by. railroad and three times by steamer. It would then be neces sary to go into the interior, and bring the timberto be used H the construe' lion of the road fifty or. sixty miles by land, or lo run it, down .the Colum bia or Spokane several hundred miles over dangerous rapids. The third objection to making While r I Bluffi tho initial point in. that it is not yet deefded that tho road i to pass in " 1 by that place; and if it doea.it will ? probably aeek tho connection with the bv Snnnualmio Puax. whiidi iIukm not euit( i"tereais'ol iiher Ore- Kop )r lle nvcp counties oi uslong. lun ierrilmy. ins Btsnoma or Dunning una great rouo ia me private property oi no p irti -ular man or set ol men, and the Attempt lo commit its execution to the lunula of part ea having an advtrxo ins Uwt l(, u Viiivtm following the eourfie (lf l)0 Columhia, will only work ! un ht l() ,ho n,aifl hlHj Tjlw principal eiiinuvrMi J lilltru 1 1 ich in tho llockj Alounla'm itungo have been solved, btu the ivla'livo meritN of the pas of the CaHcadert i'.;oaiid that by Ihu liciid oi lliu Siinquiiimio Ilivcr re yvl open lo df.tciis.-mti. ll will re quire much lnhor and thought lo do lei'ininu ine line of liiculion trotn Pen d'Oreillu lutke lo tide-water, 11 ml ueri tainly lliiiNO who have ho olliciously taken upii theiiiMelvcn the rcprcseiila lion of our interior 'MitchIm, know iik It Li lu about llio route an any of tho pcop.o of this couiiiry. Tho slolid iri.tirmitlii wliitih n.iiul.1 ii n v Iwut v p " "J " -V to Mippixto thai tho hliruwd moneyed men ot the enst can be induced to transport tnalcriutri tor a railroad bun urcus 01 nnu.-H 1 ti Land 10 I'oniiuciice an enterprise of hucIi magnitude, is akin lo llio olupidity which has pro jncted u road to bo commenced ul Salmon Falls to conned the nav-ius tron of Snake liver with Sail Lukr (J'iy. In, either cuse lire freight paid upon materials would pay a (ionwiderable rtion of tho count ruction ol cither routl lco,n udo water to the points desigruted u the rnitlal onenr under "uw 8tJto 01 fi""" r5'"cu-'"-' If therailroadcompnny aro Bcriouoly I tl ..I , .....1. ...... I,., ii... "r'"r?u o"u 1 i.,. ..r a. ,.r I HUH M I. UUI V l'l UIO I UUU II Will til in ... .1 .u B . ., , M . , , prutr. our I'niijuuiv twuniuvi i fimilviiii v M hnilrlimr it IVrnr I rrl a. I Wiilcr ttiroujiri the Uascaaeti ernve. ttnd tblls ft! opiortuiiity to irans I ! . I- . . v liiHteau of Bit ineonHiiiui'iihlo nurt, of it. it is demonstrable ihat a ectio.n oi Thursday, February 20, at 11 a. in., fifty mile, fltm the Lower CaHCOdeB ttreKhnantDWELLINO ItOUSB. the residence ofT. D. r.n t lift Oullna will nav rrmuX rtroiitniulu Kelly, K.q., with the BolldlnKSand Land adjneent there to llie Aaiietl Will pay cooa atviaonus , Tllll ... .,m,... f ,iw.ui..Lr whv .1.. 00 fur UlilllOIIB Of dollars from tho . - . ,; -Ill r ...I I 0f ,U "?PltOn. It Will afford ! mat means Ot Winter-travel Which ; ... aia k .1.. - uu iiicflviiii uvuivu u, uv biiu.aiipuuv menu for interior communication. H'aico Lodge, No. 13, P. A. tfe A. IW llnl.4.. I.. . -.I n I.....I k . I... L'l . 1 irl.i..! Mnn,,av, r n.rl lnoll,. 8t th-ir i.mi. in iiie. city. Urethral! ill KOOli lltlllldillU III IllVl tl t'l lit t lli. 61 L. Pone, Sec'y. . lljr order of tho."'. M. AUCTION-8ALH. twill sell at Public Auttiuu, at tbe tJto of Win. lilrn Imuiii, btn.t THIS lAY(TliurNi!aj-). I b. 15(H, lit 10 o'clock In the forenoon, nud on imcIi micceedlug day at the (am hour, all the leiuaiuiiig Block of m W a Ulna, ' liumow1t block, Jewelry, l'l ul o, Muted Warn. Cutlery, Jtutt Fancy Onnrl, contitncd In Mtid utore, on MATN Wh KfclT. ucljoiriin tli Pout Uflico. An thin will be the cilti; wile, buipitiuti may be expected. JOHN iLLlA.w8: Auct. ' L M I LD STATES 31AU . Oregon. To t Omen Dkpaiitmf.m, H'axiington, l c. 6, 1SC6.J PUOPOSAL3 WILL 1th KLLhiVbD nt thu luutrnrt cllliro'l thin Dm ui'imeiit until 3 p. in., ot 1-eliiU' Hiy 28, IHtitl, for e.itivey.iiy the until of Hie fulled Muled from July 1, IHtitl, to J.,itu ill), J&70, on thu loilouing route in urt-u(Mi. I nir in nuditiuu to the routes t-nuinf i- Htotl in thu nilveriim inent of July iil, tv which bn.der me le -erred : 1012 From The Dude, by J-lin Uuv'n City, to Cuii- yon Lity. lbO miles iinti b.n k, once a week. hinders to piupuHtiu Bclutlule tit nr. nurtured and orri vnla. W. i;ii.M.-u.( rustum-ler Utneral. NO'I'K. Tt f now too lulu lo forward bid, by limit, ?" tut route. i iuct, u.e odumUt liiveri.tviu bi'fn Honed with he- when ilieniiot mherliHi i.eut ui- I" - '1'1 llwn M-wr- tenmiiiii.K cioi ihun iireveniintr iiiii1 luminiinUuliiH. hetui en furiliuid J'"'-: MU 11 WHI tH l1110 " t; lviicli V hi. ilhuttiii w It 111 ii Ilia timu ni)UL'iuel. tl.u l-i I- wn - uitiiUriur mi imriur inu nut imn h tiur i.ppr- lumtv to bill mi eim! ruiitf. 'Jin-imiir k-nwi .i-niini n inipi.itiintiotiiointiMe-t ol the IN mi Ottk-tt bth'tiuito t.nntl but JiHt to the liti- KtMiit o i Inn tte.-tioii, thtit lin y (thou d tutvu uu ojiin ri unity to bid on 8 -hi roil it), propone to rmeive wriilen iiiiio b It-ln be iiri'Ht-riheii form, for e.unhin the innils un der B til u.iveili-tliitt ih thu UMATILLA ILaJ.K. irn ihiricity. until 1U u'cloik. n. in., ot I'l.lluUAhY l.'.tli. 1HV. Tli biiln no rei-elveil will bu niieu d ami e-'tiH.'dt r- ed by it e undi-rined. m, hU return to I'oitlaud; tin ric HHit ctiiHnniiHCJih 'l hy telerniili. iilinul uelav, unit the bhifl l yvanid by mud. to thu INt ttlle li'(iaruwiit. 1'iirtit-a lUiioiH ol miking in-"im iit mo inviu-tl to ikvttii theniri Ivea of tlii-t opportunity. JiidH urp in no nli citiM lor lucreiiM'd nervii e on .uhl roulu, and fut'HervKe uu the whole line Iruin ltlleH to llnl-io Oity. liUI.NCV A. HitTiOKH, Siwrl il ikt'iii V, O. Ucitartineiit. Pnllen, Oregon, Febnury H, 18111. - fliiJL.LirVO OFF at t: o st ! : TO CLOSE BUSINESS. 11115 TKLiHUPiaXKI) VULI, SEM, THK KKMAIV irnr ol' ll.cr tu k nt AN FUANC1.-CO C 81'. without roniMvu in ot-ilur to cIum, out liimiui'Mi, in litis t'ltvii. Ohi' ato.k Ciill-Ulfl of lliu loLiowitii; unodii: All kiu";of CLOTHING! BUCIl A3 COATS, PANTS, HOOTS $ SHOES, HATS j- C ll'S, And a full aflftort ment r Cents' FuriilNlilug Goods ; Also, 11 lino lot of HAVANA AMD DOMESTIC SEGA RSI Toiuccu, vivks, & Yankkk notions. TIik wliolo "tuck must bo cloned out In FOU'IY-FIYE DAVH, without lull. All I'eiotiB imli'lilfd to tlio nrin inut my up wmrii iiiiuix ua 1 . or U'pu iroci-i'Uiiig m 111 uu Iniu. lion. AIII(AI1..U.'UN riUULUrltU. NOTICE.. mm) closi on sale. AT Tu.llie -Auction, ON Thursday, Feb. 13th, at 10 a. m., And on each aucrorillnK day until the put re atw k Ih il mid i.f. All the vpluudid guod, leuiuiiiiu hi ui alore, cou-iauiiic oi nH hcs, UlainoiidM J'Trelr, Clocks. I'lntrd Ware, Cuticiy, 1'IMols, Field niaxKeK, Funcv Uoofls, Gold Scales, etc T hare dlvpnred of 1117 Iron Hale, ehow canon ami more Ilxtiiriw loMc. UoukIos ihhI a 1 have lomve him uof ,,lrtlie.ioratnearlYday,thi.w1luether.-toi !... ...1. it., .in 1..... 1.. .1 I I"" 'r "" " pnivn idu itiePD A kihmH t m tlon prlt en. Tluuikful to Hie tfetieioiii 1 c tlmt Imvo so lUietftlly iiatntiiaed nio M-retnfoio. tluiiy invito tliem u be prMmt nt thin my okwinir 1 tiotP Mnistr.et. utiles, Desirable Residence For Sale. I WILL SKLL AT I Ulll. 10 AUCTION (uulew aoouer dlMuosed of at private 8 le,; on crlbeJ, and an acre of Lund with ftince. and Two Lota of jl"1 ',h buildlnga thereon. Thl iiroporty Ii beautifully .l.u..ed o the Bluff aM ST. City, IS "nu, '" "7 w"f calculated ror . uenllemane Lt"'!,,nc.? ir,r.re .8i,t,.,,0fw,w "'' - wH, xor luriuer pariicuiari itinuireor Jun wiixum . Anctloneor, - m- TmionKDnwiTssii HOUSE! So. ICO HAH. STKEET, DALLES. rgIIW UNDKKSIGNKD THANKFUL FOH VAh'V M ISivortf, rft-pictluWj lufortnrt thu cltir.eiiH of tbv liiilles, and tlw public geiiwritlly, that Le continue! t sell ul PUBLIC AUCTION OK PRIVATE SALK, Rcsil Ewfale, Cicnei-al Rlorchaiidlse, (jilOCeilCH, ' lAOI'HCN, Furniture. Mocks, &c. SiCr RKOULAR SALK DAYS, . Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, Ami PUOMl'T UKTUHN m de or mien. lint iluur und Spvclnl Sulej ntlrmltd to In any pnrt f tliecity. Tariff cf Charges Until Further Notice t i'ktr rlliiifc Mun lintiiliiiif, Oroceriea, TurniturA. dtuckn. Ac. Ac 6 per eeaA- Kur Sulling Il.u-CH hiiiI :n Klle 3 " 11UICH. Milieu. Will R( Ullit. flll'll fi NO ClI.MtUK FOB ST0UAUB. JOHN WILLIAMS, AucOoneer, J . J TJ Iv IC , laln Siireel. Italics. WHOLtBAH AND BITAIL DEALER IN ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF. PIPES, &. ALWAYS IN 8T0HI TH DIBI BHANPB Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. tl.AYIN() CAKUS. i'UCKKT CUTLKKV, I'OKT JMMKS. COM Its Mini llliUSnES, o' all kinds, Pb.HH.MKUV. ol evury deacriiiliua, CHINA OUNAMBST8 TOV8. 11(11,1.8. tc. VI Ml IIOuKSaml FISIIINO TACKLE, MUSICAL INfcTllUMfc.MS, FANCY O1M.1US. 4c. Ainu Piiuilvr.Sliol. Luiiil. Powder Flunkii. HiiFkctt, ft4 many c'licr articles ton iiu'iiiui'ouh to mi'iilinn. 4r Inturioriiriuere nuiiiliil witli CiL-iiif. Jnl'acrn.pia, at Iuhb tluui Portlund prictH. witli ti-fibtit mldid. oc-S 8 E L I j I N Gr O 1 1 A T V O H 1 FOR TUIItTY DAYS LONGER!! LAST OIIAICIS! mTTKPSltS. C0IIV & 1KHIM vnM licirby Inform XV lln'lr ni-'tumers nnil tlit iiitbliunt Intiv tlint thtf will ctititinue to null AT t'oyr, ti-r lliiity iIuvh lonm-r lit onli-r In fcivu title ft cliniice to iiml-o iiimiiIh lor th llulkktyH. We wHl tit 11 tlio Uhiiut ul oi.r ott ck, 8IHtttlKtif 1U h Ultick Silks, QetitH7 n.-iikA. Itifh lNiliii, ileHVt-r ContH, Clo-'kri, JJifi-n (oat it, tsllttwlll. I lllltH, l)ty ( or si it. .uilini'ilfrici, Ac, Ac, 4c , Ac, AT SAN 1 KAXilM O COST, Without tVI't and Exp' nn.it. Ihin will lie the liut uh.-iuce to ct-t bruitiiin. prior fr cloning tlm coucbhi. L'Oll.N A 1-OllM. N.U. All II II lr must be tin id bv tit lirst of Jummry 1800. If tint HfMlfd wilhiu tlitit luiifl, Mic Mime will U pluct'd in legul litiiidti. iltltC J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St. Unllcsy Oregon. W0ULD ,l,3'HlTFUI.LY INVilKM V tlio citizens of thin id:ico iintl vl clnllyt that biiviiiK retnrnrd trotn ti pro ehStoiml tnnr tbruiiKli tin mi mm. be linn uiilu iTHUined tho pint; t ice ol liKNTIXi lY. intiie roym- mi nieny nccupien uy 111111. 111 iuh nni'iutiti tx-i itpico u Wooil ft 1J it tier. I'll itoirapli A 1 ritn. min HiiJoiniiiK WnN dmii llio.' Druft StHie. Ut tykes thir iiii-iIiihI of tending tlmnks, for tb lilieml iMiroiuiKe lMn tnio e- teuuea iu mui, ana mmcMii h flimtimiaiice omiio mime. I I.-1 OK Pull E Bntirtf Peivtirre ort-3bliI Duite $180 to $211 " Upper Demure, llulil linse.; 1W V29 Denture. Vuli-nnll Hum 70" 1'if Upper I't'iiture, Vulcanite llnce 1)6 ' Oolil Killings Inserted ivmii m dollar ward. Clilldrens Teeth extracted trio ttl chutue el3-ff WUOtmAU AID RITAIL DIAIKBII III FANCY NIJ KTAPI.E' DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISjlONS. &o:' lr. M. ItltOWN, belHKa realdint M Bin Hrnnclsco, ' ire etmhitd toofler urentludceiiii'iiie to ptiichiisi-ra'. Wtj eKIiectfuHy Intite the iul.lic toexauilueouriUxk befbM liurchiutinic elHewhere. iiilfiHt J-Stone Store, north lidrMain atreet, DulUi. -g NEW SALOON. KBW 8T0NK 8T0HK, WABHIKUTON 8TIIEBT. riMIK UXDKI1910NKD would reapoctfully annoon R -that he will open a Ami chum tinloon Ju Vienck unmaira mew stone uuliuiiiit, THIS KVKMNU, aait iiiiuvu iu hub uu.iouiera niiu iiie ueeiol Wines. Liquors and Cigars. ALfO, A ebi!e lunch Erery day and Evening. , oc28tf- JOI1W KriVDLAI'B. ESTRA Y KOTI1 E. n 1AKKK BP BY THK HNDKItSIOND. living on &KU M. Illle Creek, teu mile South ot Dulles Chy.Oreiroa. ou December 18th, 1866, one BAY 1IOH8IS, H Iid; high, white ealp on Doke, aome iaddle mark,, whit kladl foot, aome black apota above the hoof, a tew while bain on lorehrad, brinded thin: O on I lie left iheulder, . ran mn U, tmi appraid at $10. A B.P.CLABK